AutoCAD 2013 :: Class Not Registered
Jun 8, 2012I'm getting a "Class Not Registered" message when I try to use the section tool.
(AutoCAD Archtecture 2013)
I'm getting a "Class Not Registered" message when I try to use the section tool.
(AutoCAD Archtecture 2013)
Error Message: "Class Not Registered." appears when opening an assembly.
Generally, the errors appears to stop the model from opening.
When i attempt to open a dxf file in autocad it comes up with error messages;
Class not registered
So i have managed to get my VBA apps working up to version 2010 (with the AcFocusCtrl). I just upgraded to AutoCAD 2012. For some reason I cannot get the ACFocusCtrl on my VBA userform. When I try to drag it onto the userform, I get an error "Class Not Registered". how I can load that control?Â
View 4 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to run a tool from the tool palette like dragging an AEC block into my drawing I get a pop out window saying: "Unable to execute the tool - Class not registered" why this is happening on Autocad Architecture 2010?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've been using X3 for about 5 years.Today, I can't open the program.... a message appears
"Unable to create a DOM document.Class not registered Verify that MSXML4 is installed."
I have no idea what this message means. I uninstalled the program and reinstalled, rebooted and still the same message comes up. I use this program almost everyday, so, of course, now I'm unable to produce art for clients.
My PC is Dell Studio XPS 8100, 64 bit and Windows 7.
I am just beginning with the 2014 AutoCAD. Â It continues to tell me to open sample drawings from the "Class file folder" Â in the text book. Â I have not been able to locate this folder with the samples in it. Â Where would this be located?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working on custom subassembly and I would need different scenarios for different radiuses along the alignment. Is there a way how to find out this current value?
View 2 Replies View RelatedProgram, AutoCAD 2010 VBA..I normally use the following code to get attributes from a drawing.
Public Sub array1Initialize()
For Each elem In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
If elem.EntityName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
If elem.Name = "SPREAD SHEET INFO" Then
The attributes are in an array called array1. This works in my form module but when I move it to a class module I get array1 is not readable. is there any sample code that gets attribute in a class module?
I have a sheet set that i have been adding sheets to for a couple weeks and inserting fields to reference page numbers and titles. I installed service pak2 today and now all of a sudden I am not able to insert fields. I get an AutoCAD warning that says " there are no registered modules to edit fields or demand loading is currently disabled. I have not changed a single setting other then loading service pak. This sheet set is over a 150pgs right now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used it to clear out the old vertex information, and then add new vertex points.All works on the screen until you use the undo command then all the vertex points are lost. Just created new polylines and deleted the old to fix it. Not ideal as I was storing the ObjectId’s in Xrecords, which now have to be updated with the new id’s
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe use several different classes of steel such as A572-65 or A572-50 etc. Any way to add those values in Inventor 2014 without having to reinvent the wheel?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created a new version of DaylightBench subassembly with a different class library application on .net for c3d 2009.
I added the tool data to C3D Metric Transportation Subassembly Catalog.atc. Tool is listed on Subassembly catalog and i can copy-paste the tool to Tool palette.
But on tool palette when i try to drag it to drawing it gives the error "tool is not registered". error msg is attached.
can it be about the resource fileds on ATC file eg: resource="1302" or the new GUID values?
I have created one class library project using .NET API. So now I want to convert that project into the Setup project means I want to make installer for it. After that it installed, I want my plug in in the ribbon menu.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI brought in an .SDF file containing survey points into a new drawing.
When I use "style" to format the labels I get the symbol displayed but the text doesn't show up till I hover over the point with my cursor, and they dont stay visible when I move the cursor away from the point.
When I use "Feature Label" I can get a symbol but no text, even if I hover the cursor over the point.
I have set mapsrtyle to "Enhanced"
I would prefer to use "Feature Label" because of the additional features it offers.
I'm trying to create a property in a class "extractTitleBlock" which searches through the "ExtractBlockRef (AttRef List)".
How would I search through a list of the class object above it?Â
Public Class extractTitleBlockInherits extractBlockRefPublic ReadOnly Property Description_Concantenated() As StringGet'Function to Get 4 Attributes and Return Concantenated StringEnd GetEnd Propertyend ClassPublic Class extractBlockRefInherits extractEntityPublic Name As StringPublic Space As String
[Code] .........
I am trying to import my MDT 2009 (SP3) files into Inventor 2012 (SP1) but I get the error in the subject line.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI create a sdf file and add a squema for non feature class, for association with an existing feature class squema property.
But the table is empty andlocked with no chance of adding values. Since it has no geometry, how can I put some rows on it.
I try to import using bulk copy, but then I cant remove or add rows.
How can I insert values in a sdf table?
How to use the Surface Contour Label Group class in the .NET API.
My first guess was that I had to create an instance object of the class and name it, and then use a "Create" method (e.g., CreateMultipleAtInterval) from there, like this:
Dim labelgroup As SurfaceContourLabelGroup
However, this doesn't work, as Visual Studio told me "Warning: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated."Â
I tried just saying:Â
But that didn't seem to work either. How this class works and get it to add some contour labels to a drawing?
In "SettingsSampleLine.SettingsStyles" there are the default properties:
 SampleLineSampleLineLabelSampleLineLabelStyleIdSampleLineStyleIdSettingsSampleLine estiloLM = CivilApplication. ActiveDocument. Settings. Get Settings<SettingsSampleLine>();string NombreEstilo=estiloLM.Styles.SampleLine.Value;string NombreEstiloEtiqueta = estiloLM. Styles. SampleLineLabel. Value;
but I don´t find SampleLineLabel property in Sample Line Class¿?Is that property in sample line group?
I had to re-insatll Adobe Production Studio Premium CS3 on the same computer. When I now start up any Adobe application such as Photoshop I notice on the logo/loading screen that my name who it is registered to is no longer their.What file/folder do I need to update? or can I re apply my name so I can see it once again on the logo/loading screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't tell if this is a bug or a "feature."
I have created a custom thread.xls table so that thread callouts are in decimal format per ASME B1.1.
When I use the Hole / Thread feature note in an .idw, the thread class will not show on an external thread. If I change the format to not use Custom Thread Designation, the thread class appears. If I use the Custom Thread Designation on a threaded hole, everything works fine.
Almost a month ago I purchased Photoshop CS6 for Windows from (in thr UK) and received an Adobe Licence Reference and a Product Serial Number. I downloaded the trial from the Adobe site and chose to immediately activate it with the Product Serial Number. All seemed to go through fine but when I now check the Adobe 'Myaccount' it does not show that the product is registered to me. What do I need to do to reactivate the product and ensure that Adobe acknowledge it as registerd to me?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded Photoshop CS6 Extended and had registered, but I wanted to check if I have done it properly and if my PS is already registered. The question is how do I check? It is the extended version when I start PS, and I can see the 3D tab between View and Filter, but when I click on it, everything else is grey and I can't click it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to add a field to my pipe parts to store the pipe pressure and stiffness class separately to give me the most flexiblility with my labels is this possible thru the partbuilder interface I got to here but can not see a way to add custum field. There are some extra build in fields like material are they hard coded or can you hack the xml file directly to add additional fields.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to insert a registered trademark, but how? I am basically using the text tool and then I want to click that magic button put in my registered trademark and then continue to use the text tool (keep typing text). Can someone help direct me how I can get the registered trademark. I am using Photoshop CS (the best).
View 5 Replies View Relatedi am working on a project right now, that involves working with someones trademark.... well their logo with a design. this person , and i dont know how to go about it, he doesnt want someone to steal his logo...
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to change the registered owner "names" of photoshop cs2 & illustrator CS2 that were defined in the installation process... my partner installed the programs and registered them under his name "Mark" and "home" for organisation, but for my design course we need to submit the original authored ps files with our own name (as the author) to prove we have a "legit software copy".. something like that...
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere can I get the registered trademark symbol to add to my logo? You know, the circle with thr R in the middle?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to build a class enclosure to go from building to building like the petros towers. I don't know how to make it enclosed.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do i reinstall a registered photoshop cs6 on a newly replaced hard drive?
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