AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Check Type Of Browsernode
Oct 11, 2011
Is it possible to find the type of a browsernode?
In my code I can only see that the type is a browsernode.
Should I use Browsernodedefinition to get the type?
Maybe it's not possible, so I can stop trying.
Dim oPane As BrowserPane = oDoc.BrowserPanes.ActivePane Dim tNode As BrowserNode = oPane.TopNode Dim oNode As BrowserNode Dim oNodes As BrowserNodesEnumerator = tNode.BrowserNodes For Each oNode In oNodes MessageBox.Show(oNode.Type) Next
is there any way to check the entity selected by NonInteractivePickPoint? iwant to get the ownerid if the item selected is a 3d or 2d vertex. How is it written in
The spell check works, almost. when I type a word that spell check does not recognize, I get the red underline, but when I choose to add it to dictionary, no dice. if I ignore, close the editor and reopen, the red underline is there.
How can I iterate through and check the object type of all objects in model space? And... then delete them if they are certain types... like lines, circles, polylines, text, mtext, etc?
Im thinking of adding some kind of info that tells me if the active ipt or iam have an idw, by the same name. It should be available/visible when opening, or editing parts and assys.
I am having issues getting my .dwg files to check back in to Vault Basic. I can get all different types of files (.iam .ipt .idw) to check in without issues, but .dwg files hang and Inventor will eventually lock up.
I've tried disabling Visualization and I still cannot make it past this point. I can even tell it to check in everything at once, and it will breeze through the other files but any .dwgs will hang.
My PC Config:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 16 GB RAM Dual AMD Radeon HD 6450 Running Product Design Suite 2014
We use iproperties to describe our parts and have a 40 character limit. Is there any way ilogic could be used to check and possibly warn if an iprop field exceeds 40 characters?
Inventor 2010 Pro SP4, Vault Collaboration 2010 HP Z820 Xeon E5-2643 0 @ 3.3Ghz 16.0GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 5000
I need to create a form with several options, corresponding to parts to load/unload. Only 1 checkbox can be activated at a time, so when I check a check box, the others have to be unchecked. In VB this should be radio buttons, is it possible to have the same issue in iLogic with checkboxes ?
The following code adds three user parameters to an .ipt:
Public Sub AddUserParams() Dim oDoc As PartDocument Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
If I run this on a part that already contains any of these user parameter names I get an error. Is there a way to first check for each name and skip to the next if it already exists?
Also, how the heck do I set ExposedAsProperty for each of the parameters added?
I am running Inventor 2013 with vault 2013 on a brand new system. Everything was working great for a week or so, then inventor started to lock up during checkin. It would lock up with even a small simple part. I had the IT department try to remote in and change settings, with not luck. Then they "rebuilt" the system over again, this got things working for about another week and after that the problem started up again.
I am working with a fellow Inventor user who faces determining if a set of assemblies, on the file system, are complete and not missing any parts, references, etc. Aside from opening each one in Inventor direclty and manually verifying if the design is at least able to resolve al parts, is there any way to automate or semi-automate this check?
We are currently using Inventor 2010 Professional Suite. Most of the users here are working with AutoCAD Mechanical. For the most part, it does the job. The person that previously used Inventor has moved on to bigger and better opportunities. Recently a new person was hired to utilize the Inventor software for initial designs. The original software was loaded on a new machine and everything seemed to work fine. Inventor was able to checkout files from the vault and were able to be manipulated accordingly. The issues began when the individual started to check the files back into the vault. It would appear everything works fine but the files never appear in the vault. Even if we create a new directory and attempt to check them in, the new directory is created in the vault but the files will not check-in.
If we use AutoCAD Mechanical, the files will check-out and check-in fine using the addin tools. It would appear all the rights are setup correctly. We even changed the new user to administrator and it still did not work. No one else has Inventor installed, but I am about to install it on another machine this Thursday when IT is in.
We have attempted to even drag the files into the vault just to see if that would work, even though we know this method is usually not the best. Still no success.
how the check in/check out process works, and how that's related to the information in the project files (if it is)? I'm thiking of basic questions, such as how does Inventor know when a file is checked out, and where is that information recorded.
For reference, I'm using Inventor 2010 in a non-vault environment, with single-user projects, on a small corporate network. I've been using 3D CAD since late in the last millenium, but I've only been using Inventor for one year. My previous CAD experience was with Solid Designer, Solid Edge, and SolidWorks.
I'm trying to setup a custom form that matches my company's title block information. My desired end result is to eliminate the need to open the iproperties (some users find it confusing/inconvient). I have a seperate tab for the check/status information listed in the "status" tab of the iproperties. In the iproperties, these are activated and deactivated with a check box. When I add these properties to my form, I have the ability to open a calendar but I have no way of knowing if the date is activate or not.
I saw in another post, that a ticket was opened to added the material selection to the options in forms. Could this functionality be added as well?
We have a lot of drawing that has some extra sheet for ref. and Inventor let me exclude count and print from those extra sheet. This work fine but when we check-in the drawing to vault it update or publish all sheet to dwf. This is very compass for us because we full the dwf file from vault to release and the sheet count is different than the print out.
Is there a way to EXCLUDE those sheet when check-in or update dwf?
Following a recent Inventor crash (another topic entirely), I re-started Inventor and logged in to Vault Workgroups, all with no problems. From the Ribbon Vault Tab I chose Open, browsed to and selected one of my I-Assemblies. I clicked the down arrow next to the Open button at the bottom right corner of the dialog box, and was surprised that the Open (Check Out All) option was grayed out. This has never been the case before now. I have checked with quite a few other Assembliles and I-Parts, all of which are currently in sync with the Vault, and none of them allow me the option of Open (Check Out All).
This has persisted for 2 days now, meaning I have shut my workstation down completely and re-started each morning. Is there some system setting or variable that needs adjustment? Is there some disconnect between the Inventor Vault add-in and Vault Workgroups itself that results in this option being disabled?
Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013 Inventor 2013 64-bit Edition Win7-64, 8-core Intel® Xeon® CPU W3550 @ 3.07GHz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 454 GB HD, Intel® ICH10R SATA AHCI Controller SpaceNavigator, 3.14.2 / 6.14.0 / 3.18
I'm wondering if it is possible to check-in drawing into vault using i-logic?
If you check-in a drawing into our vault, it automaticly exports a .dwf to a storage server. We also have a simple button for making .pdf of the drawing to sent to the customer.
What i want to ensure is that the .dwf file and the .pdf file are the same. So when i press "make a .pdf" the rule will save my document, make a .pdf and (if possible) check it into vault. So from that point the .pdf for the client and the .dwf on the server are the same.
I have a Visual Basic.NET add-in that displays a dialog in Inventor. The code in this dialog opens some parts in the background. This has always worked fine, but now I'm working with Vault and when the files are not checked out Inventor displays a small window and asks the question if you want to check out the file. The problem is that this small windows stays behind my add-in dialog. Is it possible to show the check out windows on top of my add-in dialog? I tried and form.showdialog, but this doesn't seem to make any difference.
When I run an interference check on an assembly, any of the threaded holes that have fasteners in them shows interference. I guess that the problem arises from the document setting "Tapped Hole Diameter" is set to minor.
To solve the problem with the interference, I could either change the modeled size of the hole or change the modeled bolt diameter. Either one causes problems in other places.
A drawing that is in Vault, it asks if you want to check it out, and if you say no (like if you just need to print it), it opens it then asks you again if you want to check it out? Did it not get the hint the first time?
I am simply trying to traverse an assembly, check each component for existance (or value of) an iProperty, and if so add that components name to a list. Here is what I have, but it doesnt work.
'Define the open document Dim oDoc As Document = ThisDoc.Document Dim oRefDoc As Document
I am getting the attached error when trying to check in an assembly and idw. The Vault is pointed to the C drive, so I'm not sure why it isn't finding the files within the C.
I use something like the code shown below as part of an Inventor add-in that automatically checks in modified parts and drawings. Everything works perfectly except for one problem. After a file is checked in using this process, the Vault Preview is unavailable. The message in the Preview window says "Unable to view the file selected. Click the 'Open' button to view with an external viewer."
Dim byteArray() As Byte = IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fullFileName)Dim fileBom As Autodesk.Connectivity.WebServices.BOM = serviceManager.DocumentService.GetBOMByFileId(vaultFile.Id)serviceManager.DocumentService.CheckinFile(vaultFile.MasterId, Environment.UserName, False, IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(fullFileName), associations, fileBom, False, vaultFile.Name, vaultFile.FileClass, false, byteArray)
What needs to change so that the Vault Previews will be maintained? This is with Inventor/Vault 2012, but a solution using a more recent version would also be great.
how to create a check box for parameters in forms in inventor 2013, i have modelling a door which contains to many types of locks and where they are placed so i need to create check boxes to pick multiple items so i need to know how to insert them.
I'm trying to run a for loop to check a part's thickness parameter within an assembly but I do not know how to access that parameter from the assembly. Once I check that the thickness does not equal 1/4" I want to assign the sheet metal rule to be user defined. Here is what I got so far:
Dim SheetMetalRule As String = BODY_GAUGE & " " & SHEET_METAL_RULEDim assyDoc As AssemblyDocumentassyDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim partDoc As DocumentFor Each partDoc In assyDoc.AllReferencedDocumentsIf partDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters.UserParameters("THICK").Value = .25 ThenElse If partDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters.UserParams.Value <> .25 ThenThisApplication.Documents.Open(partDoc.FullFileName, False)SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle(SheetMetalRule)partDoc.SavepartDoc.CloseEnd IfNext