AutoCAD Inventor :: Extrude Or Emboss DWG - Attempted Operation Did Not Produce Meaningful Result
Sep 26, 2012
Whenever I try and extrude or emboss my buisness Logo I get the error "The attempted operation did not produce a meaningful result"
I have attached file.
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Dec 27, 2013
I'm trying to extrude a logo through a shape I have already created, however, "the attempted operation did not produce meaningful intersection edges from the face-face intersection. Try with different outputs."
I'm using Autodesk Inventor 2014.
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Oct 2, 2012
I'm experiencing many problems when modifying parts measures, adding extruxions or doing holes/threads.
Always same error: Operation doesn't produce a significant result. Redefine inputs
If Inventor is totally closed and reopened, I can modify and update parts without problems for 10-30 minutes, until first error, then it gives errors until closing again. Usually, but not always, operation preview begins to fail before first error. So it's quite difficult to reproduce.
I've tried uninstalling everything after Autodesk installation, windows updates and Firefox plugins (well, even Firefox itself) included. I've tried all hotfixes and updates that Inventor 2013 gives (NO SP1), even I've fully reinstalled Inventor. I've been using Inventor from Inventor 7 and never seen such errors.
I've attached a part from the pictures. Anyway, as errors are not always happening, maybe you won't have any problem with it.
PD: Also, a little problem is that with this Inventor version I can use the CTR+c CTRL+v to copy parts into an assembly. I can use the context menu but no shortkeys.
Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013 (Installed yesterday, so with all official updates)
Windows 7 64bits Proffesional SP1
Intel(R) Xeon CPU W3565 @3.20GHz
NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800
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Jul 31, 2013
I am having trouble shelling a part I have designed. Every time I try, with no matter what thickness, I get the following message:
"The attempted shell operation had non-manifold inputs. Try with manifold inputs."
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Aug 16, 2013
I have 2 separate sketches which will be used to EMBOSS on the curved surface.I can get them to work except i want 1 sketch to be Green when Embossed on the surface in color and the other sketch to be red in color when Embossed with the back ground Black.I can only get it to work as 1 color.I tried with Split command but still no luck.After both sketches EMBOSSED to the surface i can only get 1 color for both EMBOSS
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Sep 20, 2012
Is there a way I can use the emboss feature in an assembly? We typically laser mark during final assembly and would like to show that as a step in the assembly instructions.
I typically create a sketch with the text and extrude(cut) in the assembly. It works fine for flat surfaces, but cannot do it for other surfaces.
The one way I can think of doing it would be creating ipart with text and using it in the assembly. I would rather not do it this way. Is there any other way to accomplish this with out altering the components (.ipt)?
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Jan 11, 2012
In a part, I create a sketch, add annotation Type in the file name. Then create an Emboss feature using this sketch.
How can I add the file name property to the text. I want the the emboss to update to new file name if I rename the file.
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Sep 18, 2011
How to emboss scale on the cylinder? Please see the file attached. The arrow is the portion I want to created in my part file.
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Mar 13, 2013
I edited a sketch for an emboss to move the number over. But the resulting emboss still acts like I din not make the edit.
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate
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Oct 2, 2012
The subject basically says it all. I am trying to emboss two words onto a solid model. Unfortunately it keeps failing. I am copying this model off of U-Tube models "LED LAMP"
Try and use the emboss feature and engrave the words "LED LAMP" On the centre of the top of my solid model part. Top View reads vertically going up the way.
Please edit part 8. Then start the Emboss process. 1/64 = Depth. Flat White colour. Following the video on youtube they use engrave from face then reverse the direction the arrow points towards the model. Then OK. That's the way I am showed it and I can't get it to engrave.
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Aug 19, 2013
I'm trying to emboss a sketch to a lofted body. The same sketch is embossed perfectly on a flat/round/extruded/chambered body, but on this particular lofted body I get an error ("Thicken operation would result in a large topology change. Try with a smaller thickness"). I already tried with 0.01mm thickness and still not work. What could be the cause. (I'm using IV 2013)
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Sep 3, 2012
I need to wrap some curve on a cylinder, after which i need to emboss the feature onto the cylinder.
I had sketches the curve and wrap it but was unable to emboss it to the cylinder.
Edited: I tried the boundary patch command. I was only managed to thicken/offset and then substract one patch with another one failed.
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Oct 2, 2012
The subject basically says it all. I am trying to emboss two words onto a solid model. Unfortunately it keeps failing. I am copying this model off of U-Tube models "LED LAMP"
How to use emboss feature and engrave the words "LED LAMP" On the centre of the top of my solid model part. Top View reads vertically going up the way.
save it and send it back or explain why it keeps failing.
edit part 8. Then start the Emboss process. 1/64 = Depth. Flat White colour. Following the video on youtube they use engrave from face then reverse the direction the arrow points towards the model. Then OK. That's the way I am showed it and I can't get it to engrave.
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May 3, 2011
I created an iPart which includes 10 or more different part. I need put the part number (text) on the surface (could use emboss or extrude). When I change the part, I need the embossed or extruded part number can be changed automatically.
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Nov 20, 2013
I've attached the file (Inventor 2013). The sketch shown is a raised lip I'd like to have around a future opening. I actually want that sketch to wrap all the way around the body, but taper down to 0 in the rear as there are to be hinge plates. This is going to be a grill/smoker and there needs to be a 3/8" raised lip at the future seam of the top and bottom. Shown in the model is just the top portion.
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Sep 24, 2013
I'm stuck on a few different emboss cases. The following examples are just dumbed-down models to learn from. If it matters - I'm actually embossing patterns on more complicated parts - not text on primitive shapes.
Case 1: Emboss across several surfaces. Please see attached file "Wrap Emboss 1". I can wrap to a face - but not all three faces on the solid that I want my "TEST TEST TEST" message to span across. My embossed text goes off into space - it doesn't wrap around the edge of the solid as desired.
Case 2: Emboss text (or some other arbitrary shape) onto a single (but compound) surface. Please see file "Compound Emboss 2". If the curvature of the part isn't significant - there are a few ways to fake/trick out the model to get a passable result. BUT - when the curvature of the surface is significant relative to size of the text/pattern to be embossed - I haven't yet found a solution that doesn't wildly distort the embossed feature. As the surface of the part is compound - I can't use the "Wrap to Face" option without an error. The resulting embossed feature is unacceptable.
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Jul 21, 2013
I amrying to create embedding of a text entered through dialog box. The sketch regenerates fine but the Emboss doesn't. Cannot figure it out, tried a lot of different approaches...the text has to be configured this way - need to control it's height.
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May 3, 2013
How to make a marking emboss on the green area?Because before make a emboss i can't make sketch in area that.
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Apr 21, 2010
I would really like to put some text in the part that links to the iproperties so I can emboss the stock number on the parts. It never fails that you create a new part, then forget to change the text. This would save a ton of time and re-plots.
Inventor 2010
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May 9, 2013
Is it possible to emboss multiple elements at once, without selecting each of them separately? I got over 2k elements on sketch which are needed to be embossed, it would be really pain to do it manually.
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Dec 5, 2012
I am getting some unknow error in autccad and error details are as below
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.set_Source(Object value)
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Jun 8, 2011
I get this error "sometimes". It really doesn't seem to have any pattern, i run the calculation several times, it always stops at different point or it finishes successfully.
only connection is the method. It's always at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity.IntersectWith(Entity entityPointer, Intersect intersectType, Point3dCollection points, IntPtr thisGraphicSystemMarker, IntPtr otherGraphicSystemMarker)
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Sep 6, 2013
I am engraving a company logo on to the outside of a round tube with a custom font. There are two boxes of text that I am engraving. The first box works just fine with the "Emboss" tool. The second line works fine when the "% Stretch" parameter in the text edit window is left at 100%. When I change the "% Stretch" to 85%, I get the "Self-intersecting loop found in this profile" error message. I get this error message when I try stretching it to 115% as well. I changed the font to a standard font and I was able to emboss the text no matter the "% Stretch" value.
The bottom line is Inventor will not emboss text that has a custom font and a modified stretch percentage. This line of text must be stretched to match the company logo.
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May 9, 2012
produce a developed elevation of an assembly in inventor?
It is not sheet metal - I can't ask for a flat pattern.
Would it make any difference if I had an arc, or divided it up into numerous straight segments?
I need developed elevations for both arc and pentagon/hexagonal assemblies.
Refer to arc assembly attached.
"Developed Elevation" is missing from the "Place Views" toolbar.
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Feb 22, 2012
I want to draw operation drawings, I think, ı must do this like that; I must draw one ipt, and later I must draw drawings from this ipt, and idw's
1.drawing (operation); rectangular prism,
2.drawing (operation); rectangular prism and rectangular cutting,
3.drawing (operation); rectangular prism, rectangular cutting and hole,
4.drawing (operation); rectangular prism, rectangular cutting, hole and hexagon cutting,
when I change dimensions of rectangular prism, all four operation drawings must change, so I can't change location of end of part in idw's browser, but I can change location of end of part in ipt's browser, I want to change location of end of part in idw's browser, can I do this? or alternative solution...
I don't want to make, four ipt for each operations... I added a picture...
Autodesk inventor Design Suite Premium 2012
Windows 7 x64, 750 GB harddisk
Intel core i5 Cpu @3.2 GHz, 8 GB Ram,
nVidia Quadro 2000 D Graphics Card
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Jul 18, 2013
I have a function programmed in that controls the opacity of parts in the active view. If the user is selecting objects and then starting the program the "non-Selected" Parts are disapearing step by step.
That's looking very interesting, but doesn't supports the user . Is it possible to freeze the active view of inventor and refresh it, when the job is done? So the user will only see the result of the process and not the working process.
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May 10, 2012
As you could already read in the headline of this topic, I'm getting two diffrent results from Inventor.File.ReferencedFileDescriptor with the Inventor 2010 API and Inventor 2012 API when I'm trying to get some information from the same Inventor file!
In my case the FullFileName and therefore the ReferenceMissing property get's me different values, although it's exactly the same Inventor file and exactly the same source code.
How could this happen? Any changes for the ReferenceFileDescriptors object from API 2010 to 2012?
I don't get it....
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Nov 29, 2012
I have 3 iLogic Rules that I use with my idw's,
1-SCALE - is to update scale in the title block
2- WEIGHT - is to update weight of model in title block
3- PDF - is to create a pdf version of drawing in same location as idw
all are triggered by saving the drawing.
These work fine, but sometimes when I create specific types of drawings there is errors, which is no big deal, just a prompt appears and I press ok and everything is fine.
With very little to no iLogic programming knowledge, is there a way to edit to rules so that if there is an issue, the rule knows it is ok and saves without the little prompt appearing?
Example of when errors occur for:
SCALE - sometimes I create drawings on my template just using create sketch, I don't place a base view so therefore there is no model information. which makes it hard to produce a scale. (see image, error -1)
WEIGHT - occurs during the same instance as above, only a sketch is saved on the idw. (see image error -2)
but I also have an error occur when creating a drawing from a presentation file. I create a presentation file from a specific level of detail from an assembly. and I get an error when saving . (see image error-3)
I understand the first 2 errors because there is no physical data to get this information from, so I am hoping an edit to the rules can bypass this issue. But the 3rd error doesn't make sense. It is from an actual model, but I guess the physical properties get lost from an .iam to .ipn?? or is there a setting that can be toggled to carry over model properties?
Inventor Pro 2013
Rules are below:
Public Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Get the drawing document
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Sep 17, 2011
Why my result from stress analysis isn't symmetry?I am modeling a telescope support system. The result I got from the analysis always not symmetry, the difference is very small therefore I think the test setting shouldn't have any major problem.
The difference could be cause by the round off during the simulation, if I am right about it, is there anyway to improve the result?
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May 17, 2012
I modeled a sheetmetal part, saved it and then did a save as to make a similar part. I changed a couple dimensions and when it updated it chnaged it's orientation. Playing with the EOP marker reveals the refold feature, the last feature in the model, to be the culprit. I tried reentering the stationary reference, and I tried deleting and recreating the feature.
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Aug 2, 2013
I'm playing around with a part that I'd like to "decorate" with embossed features or perhaps even cut-outs. The actual part, before adornments, looks like a funnel. As sketched now, I'm revolving a spline and then creating a thickened solid feature. I suppose that the variable diameter and varying cross sectional radius of my part increases the level of complexity of this task over a part that looks more like a regular cylinder. I'm hoping to learn a tecnique that will work for revolved parts with highly irregular profiles - not just plain ole cylinders.
So, what I'd like to do is emboss (negative or positive) and/or thru-cut decorative geometric or vine/flower inspired patterns into the outside face of a funnel-like part. (Pic attached.) I'm picturing some sort of pattern that might repeat around the part. (The variable diameter probably really complicates matters here.) I haven't put much effort/experimentation into this yet - pretty much because I'm a loss about where to even start.
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