AutoCAD Inventor :: The Attempted Shell Operation Had Non-manifold Inputs

Jul 31, 2013

I am having trouble shelling a part I have designed. Every time I try, with no matter what thickness, I get the following message:

"The attempted shell operation had non-manifold inputs. Try with manifold inputs."

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extrude Or Emboss DWG - Attempted Operation Did Not Produce Meaningful Result

Sep 26, 2012

Whenever I try and extrude or emboss my buisness Logo I get the error  "The attempted operation did not produce a meaningful result" 

I have attached file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Errors On Modifying Parts - Operation Doesn't Produce Significant Result / Redefine Inputs

Oct 2, 2012

I'm experiencing many problems when modifying parts measures, adding extruxions or doing holes/threads.

Always same error: Operation doesn't produce a significant result. Redefine inputs

If Inventor is totally closed and reopened, I can modify and update parts without problems for 10-30 minutes, until first error, then it gives errors until closing again. Usually, but not always, operation preview begins to fail before first error. So it's quite difficult to reproduce.

I've tried uninstalling everything after Autodesk installation, windows updates and Firefox plugins (well, even Firefox itself) included. I've tried all hotfixes and updates that Inventor 2013 gives (NO SP1), even I've fully reinstalled Inventor. I've been using Inventor from Inventor 7 and never seen such errors.

I've attached a part from the pictures. Anyway, as errors are not always happening, maybe you won't have any problem with it.

PD: Also, a little problem is that with this Inventor version I can use the CTR+c CTRL+v to copy parts into an assembly. I can use the context menu but no shortkeys.

Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013 (Installed yesterday, so with all official updates)
Windows 7 64bits Proffesional SP1
Intel(R) Xeon CPU W3565 @3.20GHz
NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Making Object Hollow Using Shell Operation

Apr 18, 2012

I'm trying to create a model of a Golf club head. I need it to be hollow but I am unable to do this using the shell operation or by creating a surface and thickening the faces. I created the geometry by lofting a series of sketches. I think the nature of the geometry may be causing the problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Non-manifold Topology

Dec 6, 2013

Lets say, I have an Extrude feature built on a Rectangle as Sketch Profile. Is it possible to programmatically edit that Sketch, add one line in the middle dividing the Rectangle and replay the Extrude, so that I get Rectangular solid and a Partition surface in between?

This was not possible as a user, but programmatically if its allowed to turn ON some Non-Manifold flag and allow this. If allowed, this probably may not be a single Extrude feature doing both Solid and Surface, but could split into 2 Extrudes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Calculate Total Surface Area Of Manifold

Sep 23, 2011

I want to calculate the total external surface area of the attached manifold.  When I use the iProperties tool,  it give me the surface area including internal surfaces of tubulars etc. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Running Commands Using API / How To Provide 2 Inputs Through API

Feb 6, 2013

how to Run Commands Using the API. And he also shows API can provide one sets of input to the command.

In my case, the Inventor command "analyze interference" need two sets of inputs. I tried to feed the commands with two selectset input throght API (see attached code). But the command looks like only take one set of them.So the behavior is not what I want.

So if it is possible,  how to provide 2 set of pre-defined input to inventor commands throught API?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Out A Loft

Feb 27, 2012

I need to shell out a Loft in the attached IV 2012 part file.The Loft i tried also as a new solid but the shell also cuts into the cylinder ( revolution 1 ) . I only want the 2 sides and bottom of the Loft to be Shelled, not the cylinder. What do i need to change to get the shell to work?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Possible To Fill A Shell With Sand?

Jan 24, 2012

Is it possible to fill a shell with sand?  The end use of my design will have sand - like in a childs plasitc basketball hoop/stand assembly and I would like to try to approximate the center of gravity and other useful info.

ACAD 2010
ACADE 2008
AIS 2009

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Connector Tolerance

Jan 10, 2014

Whats the importance of "Shell Connector Tolerance"in the create new simulation dialog box. Any example or some kind of illustration to explain this.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error When Trying To Shell A Part?

Apr 22, 2012

When trying to shell a part i get the error: the attempted shell operation was unable to solve for a vertex....etc. i have attached the problem part file, of which the drawing is a fairly complicated frame (a chassis concept for a 3 wheeled race car i am designing)

How the part was made:It was created in an assembly using the frame generator tool and then converted to part file using the shrinkwrap feature. When using the shrinkwrap command, i selected: single solid body merging out seams between planar faces, All hole patching, break link, and remove all internal voids. and then when trying to shell i get the error message when selecting a wall thickness of 2mm.

i cant understand why the shell feature does not work as i have successfully shelled a very similar part file (with only slight differences in geometry from the file attached in the same way as what i am trying to do with this part). i can provide this part file upon request or the assembly file from which either was created. i need to shell the component in this way so that i can run accurate FEA (stress analysis) for crash simulations on it

I am using inventor 2013 (64bit OS)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Making A Shell Of A Mesh?

Dec 22, 2012

I am trying to make a shell of a mesh feature after I have upscaled it.

I do not think the regular shell technique will work as my mesh feature has hundreds of surfaces. So, I decided to open the file with my part in it and then derive the same part but a little bigger using the derive button. I would then subtract out the smaller, original, one to make a shell of the bigger, derived one.

Unfortunately, when I use this method to upscale, the 2 objects are not concentric so I cannot make the uniform shell that I want to.

I have attached the file of my mesh feature in case you want to see it. not that you will have to convert the object you see on my file into a base feature before doing anything with it. I did not because it would have made the file to big to attach.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Command On Sphere

Aug 22, 2013

I have a funnel with a curved top.  I'm trying to project an inset of the border onto the curved surface and use the shell command to create a hollow funnel with an overhanging lip.  I have projected the inset successfully, but cannot select the resulting smaller face, just the whole original face.  

A similar problem that I tried while attempting to figure this out was shelling a sphere.  2d sketch -> 3d sketch project onto surface, and try applying shell to the resulting "face".  However I can only select the whole face when trying to shell.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shape Will Not Shell Out With 3mm Thickness

Dec 12, 2013

This shape will not shell out with  a 3mm thickness.....i suspect i may have not modelled would you model this shape part so as it can be shelled out?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Out The Part With 2mm Thickness Walls?

Nov 16, 2012

How can i shell out the part with 2mm thickness walls?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Splitting Sections Of A Tank Shell

Jun 1, 2012

Is there a way to use the Split Solid tool to partially split a circle and have multiple solids after.

Ex) I would like to cut the tank at the 180 and 270 deg marks. Using the split tool still cuts through 0 and 90. I tried drawing a line from a top view that started from center going through 180, but it still goes through 0 as well.

I've attached an example shell of where I would like to have 6 solids after.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Feature / Removing Any Outside Walls

Sep 17, 2013

Using the shell feature. I have used a bit in the past and its always done what I want. This go around what I want is to shell without removing any outside walls, which it does no matter I seem to try. I can easily add a new outter wall back in, but if I can shell without removing an outter wall it would be just that much cleaner in my tree.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Turning Assembly Model Into Shell?

Oct 5, 2012

I would like to be able to the share external geometry of a fully assembled mechanical model without surrendering any part or assembly data. Is there a way to turn this assembly into an external surface "shell"…?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Oval Shape And Shell Out 2mm

Nov 10, 2011

How to create a oval shape.The attached file shows the shape i need.How do i make the shape and then shell out 2mm.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Out Underside Handle Of Feature

Feb 21, 2012

I am trying to shell out the underside handle of the feature.  I have attached my part file along with the assignment  briefing file.  It is the second part on the page, i.e. the Garlic Press Handle.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell To Curved Face On Revolution

Apr 5, 2013

See Shell 2 .. it shells out but how do i have the Shell to the curved face on Revolution 1.I want the Shell to cut through Extrusion 1 and to the Revolution 1 curved face.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: No Continuous Wall Thickness With Shell Command

Mar 26, 2012

I have a blade housing that requires a continuos radius around the profile. It is not a full radius. When I shell the blade, it looks like the raidius wants to continue. I was told I had to use two fillets and the particial radius will not work. However, the continuous radious in the customers requirement. Is there a way to shell this part correctly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Offset Surface For Parts Too Complex To Shell

Jul 24, 2012

The problem: a complex curvy part will shell 0.5 mm but not 3mm - some of the surfaces fall inside the others.

A work around : Offset each surace (individually - not quilt) then stich & sculpt.

A program: To offset an enclosed surface, individual face by face, internally. Then manually stich to identify any errors & patch accordingly.

Note these parts have 100's of faces so the code would be useful - not sure how to always offset the surface to the inside of the volume.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Feature While Maintaining A Center Wall

Oct 10, 2012

I'm not exactly sure how to verbalize this task, but I'd like to shell a solid by selecting 2 opposing faces amd maintain a center wall. Can this be done using only the shell feature?

Notice the solid below is hollow.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shell Feature Causing System To Freeze?

Jun 1, 2012

Having problem with a particular file crash/freeze/not respond whenever using the shell feature on Inventor LT 2013?  I am operating with Windows 7.  I have the AutoCAD Inventor LT 2013 Suite.  Just bought the computer two weeks ago and just installed Inventor about two weeks ago also.

In any case, it seems the file of this model is corrupted, as I have never had a problem using the Shell feature before this and shelling other objects even while the corrupted part is open works fine.  However, if the "visibilty" of the part in question is checked and i click on the shell button, the program immediately freezes.  I am not sure how to work around this and I really do not want to start the entire part modeling over from scratch.

Working with... Autodesk: AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite 2013 | OS: Windows 7 | GC: ATI 6670 | Mem: 8 gigs RAM | Proc: Intel core i5 | Monitor: Acer V213HL

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AutoCad 3D :: Non-manifold Edge Detected?

Jan 21, 2014

I am trying to shell a multi-layered part that has been union boleaned to form a 3D solid. Once I hit shell, eliminate one face for 3D printing, set the thickness desired, command line reads "Non-manifold edge detected" and restarts the shell command. 1.) What is a non-manifold edge and 2.) How do I fix it?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Dec 5, 2012

I am getting some unknow error in autccad and error details are as below

System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.set_Source(Object value)


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AutoCAD .NET :: Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Jun 8, 2011

I get this error "sometimes". It really doesn't seem to have any pattern, i run the calculation several times, it always stops at different point or it finishes successfully.

only connection is the method. It's always at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity.IntersectWith(Entity entityPointer, Intersect intersectType, Point3dCollection points, IntPtr thisGraphicSystemMarker, IntPtr otherGraphicSystemMarker)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Solid Using Inside Geometry Of Shell In 2011?

Jan 17, 2012

I'm trying to create a solid using the inside geometry of a shell in Inventor 2011. is there a simple way of doing this? i have attached the part i'm working on and need a solid that represents the free space inside the shell.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Operation Drawings - How To Do

Feb 22, 2012

I want to draw operation drawings, I think, ı must do this like that; I must draw one ipt, and later I must draw drawings from this ipt, and idw's

1.drawing (operation); rectangular prism,

2.drawing (operation); rectangular prism and rectangular cutting,

3.drawing (operation); rectangular prism, rectangular cutting and hole,

4.drawing (operation); rectangular prism, rectangular cutting, hole and hexagon cutting,

when I change dimensions of rectangular prism, all four operation drawings must change, so I can't change location of end of part in idw's browser, but I can change location of end of part in ipt's browser, I want to change location of end of part in idw's browser, can I do this? or alternative solution...

I don't want to make, four ipt for each operations... I added a picture...

Autodesk inventor Design Suite Premium 2012
Windows 7 x64, 750 GB harddisk
Intel core i5 Cpu @3.2 GHz, 8 GB Ram,
nVidia Quadro 2000 D Graphics Card

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Line Up Small Hole In Large Shell To Projecting Pipe

Oct 4, 2013

I have drawn an assembly of parts and now wish to line up the small hole in the large shell to the projecting pipe,i thought it would be a simple task of using mates (insert aligned) but this does not let me pick on the boundary of the small hole.

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