AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewport Frame Missing / Disappeared
Sep 10, 2012
I have a plan and profile sheet set up with two viewports in it. Somehow one of the viewport's frame disapeared and I don't know how to get it back. Since it is not showing I can't click on the viewport to unlock it and adjust the view. I also can't delete it.
All of a sudden I can't get up my frame generator. I click into my frame > hit "insert frame", which is normally where the dialog box comes up, but I get nothing.
i'm experiencing some problems with the vieport in max 2012.sometimes when i restart max all my geometries in viewport are missing, while all are still there.
I am having issues with creating viewports in the attached file. When I open the layout, say layout 3, it shows the viewport frame but I cannot highlight it in order to delete it. This is a setting in this file I have inadvertently turned on or off. I have created a new file, done a scribble, opened a layout and deleted the viewport.
I have a drawing with a viewport that fits to the page. And I created another smaller viewport over top that just shows the legend. Now when I try to double click inside the smaller viewport it always goes into the larger one. I have tried bringing the smaller one to the front but that didn't work. I know that I can clip the larger viewport around the smaller one or bring the legend right into paperspace or slid the smaller one off to the side work in it and slide it back. This is more out of curiosity of how to get into the smaller viewport.
Dimensions show when viewport style is set to 2d wire frame, but only show when they are draged outside the viewport frame when it is set to 3D hidden. Policy is no diemensions in modle space. So how do I show dimensions in paper space with the viewport style set to 3D hidden?
I opened a multi-tab CAD document, and my crosshairs disappear when I go into a viewport from paperspace. I can still select things, but I can't see what I'm selecting because the crosshairs are gone! The viewports in the other tabs are fine, I can see my crosshairs in those. I've looked for some setting that accidentally got changed, but can't figure it out. I'm running AutoCAD 2010.
We have a multi-member frame generator assembly. Some of the frame members are demoted to make sub-assemblies. One of these sub-assemblies is giving us problems. The FG options are missing. Ex. "Edit with Frame Generator" and "Delete with Frame Generator"....
Yesterday, we changed the size of the member using "Edit with Frame Generator" but decided against the change and just simply closed the file wihout saving. Upon opening the drawing back up, the change was present and the FG options were missing.
We have tried restoring previous versions. We have tried replacing the member with the original member file that we wanted using Component Replace. Nothing has restored the FG functionality. (Other sub-assemblies and the overall assembly are unaffected and have the FG options). However, we cannot even just delete this subassembly and try again. Delete is not an option.
How to get rid of it or restore the link to the frame generator?
I use the Frame Number option quite a bit when I make a Preview and the Viewport details found in the upper left of the Camera viewport (eg: Camera04, Hidden Line) overlap the frame number.
Any way to either exclude the viewport details from Preview or move the Frame Number down so these two pieces of info don't overlap?
I have a surface in Civil 3D which when I opened today is not displaying. All it shows is to border of the surface. I know the surface is there because it is still listed under prospector view and the points are still there. I have tried all the usual things; checked contour layers is on, checked contour interval etc.
I've been using 3DS max for a few days now, but I recently must have pressed a shortcut key which makes some of the near-side-faces disappear so that you can see the the opposite side.
The picture that I've attached (successfully hopefully) shows that I've not simply deleted the sides as the missing faces are rendered. But something I couldn't show in the picture was that when you change the viewing angle, the faces reappear and disappear based on the view.
The only solutions I could think of was to delete the objects (failed), and starting a new file (no success with that)
I created some about 20 cross sections for a creek we topo'd and then went to work making the topo itself look presentable. After I was all done with that I noticed my cross sections had lost the surface data and were now just an empty grid.
When I go to edit a cross section's properties in the elevation tab the "Automatic" choice has a minimum and maximum elevation of 0. When I use one of those existing sample lines to create a single cross section the same thing happens, it's not picking up data from the surface. However, when I made a new sample line along the existing alignment it picked up the elevations and created a cross section just fine.
Is there anything I can do besides recreating all the sample lines and cross sections? I'm looking for any other way because I have already labled and put in some extra work on the cross sections and I'm hoping to be able to just recreate what I already did and drop them so it will match the linework I already did.
I'm using MaxDesign 2013 and 2014. Both have the same problem. When I work on something that is scaled for an architectural sized project with units set to Feet and the extents about 1000 Feet the display is difficult to work with. The objects, mostly simple boxes, are torn and missing faces. Intersections are sawtooth.
A few years ago I had the issue but I had mistakenly created a model that was miles wide instead of inches and Max had a hard time with it. Once I recreated it in the correct scale at about 10 inches all was well. But, Max is used a lot for architecture so a scale in feet that spans a few thousand feet should look good. The way it looks now there is no way to evaluate intersections, shadows and simple geometry relationships.
I can't seem to correct it. I went back to Direct3D from Nitrous and that didn't work. I've attached a view.
3ds Max Design (3D Studio thru Max 2014), ASUS P9X79 Motherboard, Intel i7-3960x, Hydro H80 CPU Chiller, 32GB DDR3 Ram, Quadro 4000 Display Adapter
My colleague added parallel pipe networks and crossings to multiple SD profile views yesterday. Today, he came in, turned on AutoCAD, opened the drawing, and the parallel pipes and crossings were gone. The working folder had reset itself to nowhere so we reset the working folder and Data Shortcuts Folder, but that didn't bring them back. We can go into the profile view properties<pipe networks tab and turn the pipes and structures back on and override the styles, but that is basically redoing everything we did yesterday. Is there a way to avoid having to redo everything? Is there a way to avoid this from happening in the first place?
I am sure this is a widely know thing but I personally have never run into this before. - And don't know how to change it. In paper space I can not see the viewport outline box. When I double click inside the vp the outline box shows up and I can move or rescale. What I want to do is move the vp - and I obviously can't do that unless I can grab the outline box. What is the setting that makes the vp boxes visible or invisable?
On the layout page I have several viewports. 2 of my viewport borders are not visible. I can not pick them, property them, delete them, or manipulate them in any way. When I activate them as "model space" view, I can work in the model space but the border still does not become visible. I only know where the border is by the truncated drawing. Is there any way to correct this problem?
Before I get the usual "turn on your layer" responses: ALL of my layers are thawed, ALL of my layers are on. I am running Civil 3D LDD Companion but have had this "glitch" on previous versions. I seem to remember the only answer is delete layout and start a new layout from scratch. Tell me this is not so!!
In c3d 2013 in the layout tabs when I hover over the annotation scale for the viewport it automatically changes the viewport like a "preview" of that scale. Is there a way to shut that off?
I ask because I believe it is altering my annotative point descriptions so I have to regen everytime my scale changes to see if the scale will work or not. A co-workers computer doesn't seem to preview and it works fine on their computer my preview appears to mess the annotation up on mine.
I double click in the viewport; under misc the annotated scale is in the list but not the standard scale. I want to set the scale for the viewport. Why doesn't the standard scale show as on option? Or, how to I set the scale in my viewport?
I am curious what would cause my viewport to print as if it is filled with solid hatch? I haven't changed any settings for the viewport and even recreated it from scratch. In my print preview it shows it will print as it looks on the screen, however when it actually prints, it's filled in solid.
I want to have my profile and alignment to be in the same orientation on paper space. I have VPROTATEASSOC set to 1. I am not sure if I am using UCS and MVSETUP correctly. All information will work.
If you have more than one PDF overlay, you might put them on separate layers. Generally speaking in this case, the PDF extents overlap so when i plot different sheets, I would want only a single PDF to be visible.
So, my first thought was to freeze the layers of unwanted PDFs in the viewport. Except, once i did that, nothing happened. So, i guess i have to manually freeze the layer when plotting each sheet? I then can't publish the layouts as the appropriate PDF's won't be visible.
Using the DAta Connections tool under Planning and Analysis, also known as Map 3D, I have attached a series of shapefiles and I want to be able to toggle the view of some of them on or off depending on the viewport. Is this possible to do?
While using AutoCAD 2008 LDD, I was able to set my point label size so that it looked the same in Model Space and Paper Space. I have my Model Space at 1:1, and my Paper Space Viewport set at the Scale Factor as needed, 1" = 50' i.e.. I now am using Civil 3D 2012 and have a decent grasp of Point Label Styles, the problem I am having is that when using the same parameters as mentioned before, my Point Label is at the right size in Model Space, setting the height at a size comparable to the Drawing Scale, such that if the Drawing Scale within the Viewport was 1" = 60', I would set the text size 4.8, but when doing this, it makes my Point Label text size huge.