AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Model Under Drain System Of Synthetic Turf Field In Hydraflow?
Dec 22, 2011I'm trying to model the under drain system of a synthetic turf field in Hydraflow.
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to model the under drain system of a synthetic turf field in Hydraflow.
View 1 RepliesI'm having an issue with my Hydraflow model where the HGL and EGL drops suddenly to 0 in the upstream pipes. What might be causing this? Picture attached.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to rough in a drainage pipe network that connects several structures around a site. The pipe inverts need to be 6.5' below the finished floor of each unit and must maintain a minimum 2% slope. The network needs an outfall at some undetermined point on the site. The pipes must follow some existing roads, so they are not interconnected directly to each structure.
How can I go about determining the potential outfall locations?
I've attached an image of a storm drain invert label for a storm drain profile. As you can see, the middle manhole has all three inflow pipes labeled. Is there a way to only label the inverts of the two pipes shown in the profile view?
C3D 2014
Windows 7 64-bit
how can i change the value for Q (cms) in hydraflow i want to give the value for first pipe and for the others it should automatically calculate.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNew user for civil 3d and the hydraflow extension for civil 3d. I have my pipe network created, all the correct catchments are attached to the correct basin/inlet. i have opened my network in hydraflow and am ready to run it. when I click run it says no flow. Now I know there is another step i need to set my flow wth TOC, I've inputted that, i am using the standard idf curve hydraflow, i have the areas with their coefficients, however it is not calculating my flow rather it is telling me no flow is inputted for certain lines i.e. the ones with MH connections and no inlets.
I have attached my .stm file to this thread, i changed the extension so it would post, just delete the .doc from the extension and it should work in your hydraflow.
I opened Hydraflow Sewer Extensions and created a project. I was able to save it and open repeatedly without problems. I opened open project dialogue window here I copied and renamed a copy of the project file. When I tried to open either the original file or the renamed version - Hydraglow shuts down. The project file has attached dxf file as abackground. (see attached). I hate to lose a day of data entering given my tight deadlines.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to confirm the discharge table that hydraflow produces in hydraflow hydragraphs. I think I understand the equation itself (it's been a while since I took hydraulics), but can't understand where I'm making my error (if I am). Normally I trust the stage/discharge curve that hydraflow produces, but the City Engineer is asking me to confirm the values by hand and show them on the plans. Is there a link to an detention pond example that shows how a curve (the outflow values) was generated (confirms the discharge table at various elevations)? The equation is on page 85 of the users manual.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am running Civil 3D 2012 and my Hydraflow crashes everytime I run an analysis. I am using a known Q and have input pipe inverts/slopes and pipe sizes. Everytime I try running an analysis I get the following message: Line 1, 2, 3 has no flow. Check pipe size(s) and slope(s). Then the program closes up.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway that a tidal flap valve fitted to a culvert outlet can be modeled in Hydraflow Express Culverts.
View 1 Replies View Relatedone would think that you could just export the .stm file into hydraflow, make some changes, and import, and all would be fine. when i export, all of the structures in hydraflow come up as drop curb. how can they come in as what they actually are.. aka, when the part i use is a 2x4 box, it should come into hydraflow as a "grate inlet", or a st-mh will come in as a "manhole".
and then likewise, when the changes are made, and its brought back into autocad, they all come in as a "standard" style. except the outfalls, which show as a "standard" style, but come in with a different block, and get a whole new label (outfal - x)
When I try to run my hydrographs through a pond I get an error stating something to the effect of: Outflow greater than Inflow on Hydrograph 6 for the 50-yr storm.
How can the outflow be greater than what is flowing into it? How the program can calculate this.
We are seeming ot have problems with a few of our engineers having the Microsoft Office product go to "Not Responding" and then closing while working in Hydraflow & Hydrographs. This has been with Outlook, Word and Excel. All workstations are 64 bit systems with 16 gig of Ram Windows 7 and Civil 3D 2012 SP2.1.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to calculate Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension by way of Importing DXF Plan Layouts?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am having issues with importing / updating existing storm network.
The problem is when I update the storm network, All the outlets are added as new structures. It does not update the existing headwall / end sections.
I then have to go thru and delete the added (null) outlet structure. Then, reattach the existing outlets to the pipe network to show up in the structure data table correctly.
I would like to be able to use iLogic to get the value of the Comment field of a model's parameters. I have some text there that I would like to display in a sketched symbol. The attached image illustrates what I am seeking.
View 2 Replies View RelatedInventor offers us several options to design a coil of constant pitch with a tapering diameter. However, I am unable to create a coil with a taper and a changing pitch at the same time.
We are using Inventor 2013. I would like to produce similar parts as the attached 2D drawings in 3D, only with a changing pitch (distance between revolutions) per revolution. Can it be done? There is software for the CNC spring manufacturing machines to produce such parts. Therefore the proper inputs to produce these effectively and efficiently, are available somewhere.
The part I've been describing uses .09 diameter wire and has about 54 coils in about 8 inches. The starting inside diameter is about .53" and the pitch is about .27" the ending inside diameter is .109" +/- .01 with a pitch of about .091".
Here are 2D drawings of similar parts, the last (NF3) is closest to what we need.
I have a modell that is made with the system scale set to mm, and try to merge the modell in to a scene with the system scale set to m. The merged modell appear 100 times bigger than it should.
Is there a little trick for this?
I'm trying to model a ceiling mounted arm system with the possibility to change arm lengths and angles.
My problem: I have a box with a cylinder attached to it. No problems there. Then I have another box which is the first arm of the system. I want the arm to move when I change the length of the cylinder so that the arm is always connected to the cylinder and the cylinder always connected to the other box.
I am currently using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 for surveying work and have been trying to figure out how to use part of an existing survey of land model. I have it in a layout (paper space) and used a viewport to get the section I am after but there are some changes in labeling and minor model modifications needed to make it a stand alone model and I do not want to modify the original model to make these changes. How can I take a section like I have in view port and make it into its own model with a different scale so the changes can be made and the original model is left in tact?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWe are trying to begin importing data directly from Tremble field book files into CAD so that we can process survey linework. What we are seeing is a shift of about 2 feet from the imported survey network and what the CSV values are when exported from the data controller.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an alignment which is complete in all respects. Profile also has been finalized. now the the survey (joint cross section) has been carried out and the output is in the form of field books. we hav the data in formate like we hav km and than offset left and right and than elevation.
my question is that how to use this data in civil 3d for creating cross sections and computing earth fill quantities.
I've been experiencing very rapid battery drain in my Nikon D90 when shooting tethered into a laptop running LR3.x under Windows7 32-bit. Is this to be expected because of the constant transfer of images across the USB connection?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFound a link to some code (URL...) to automatically place an Mtext field to label assemblies. It was written for C3D 2009/2010 but I can't get it to work for 2011 - any VBA gurus care to take a look to see if it will run (or not) on 2011.
View 7 Replies View Relatedi am doing a part builder totorial and when i right click autolayout data nothing happens. there is supposed to be a plus sign and you can assign the 'insertion point" of the structure.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new in civil 3d 2012 software and i have a major problem. i am a survey engineer and i have a topcon 3005 LN total station for using in field. i want to convert measurements from field into xyz coordinates via methods of civil 3d. i find that civil 3d uses fbk format (i don't know what is it), but my total station uses TOP format (ascii)
i ll give you two examples
NE 1 5000.000 5000.000 263.650 "STA1"
NE 6 5088.000 6104.000 249.635 "STA6"
AZ 6 6000 135.000000
AZ 1 1000 315.000000
STN 1 0.000000 "STA1"
PRISM 0.000000
FC1 VA 1000 0.000000 00.000 90.000000 "AZMK"
FC1 VA 2 117.563300 300.023 90.421692 "STA2"
FC1 VA 101 29.082602 91.481 89.454093 "SDWK1 B"
S S1 1.443
D S2 1.564 328.7150 93.7675 4.412
D 3 1.564 225.6570 92.1310 9.926
D 4 1.564 241.7630 93.1510 9.680
D 5 1.564 256.0790 91.9080 4.420
D 6 1.564 344.5500 89.1070 1.714
D 7 1.564 189.6990 90.3460 1.703
D 8 1.564 203.8600 88.6180 2.567
Need converting TOP format to fbk format?
Why is that if I import some points that have a "/" (field code escape) the symbol does not come in. For Example: TP/ 1' N.S
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
I have a 1 mile road topo coming up for design purposes. The curb is standard, but there is full curb & depressed curb. If you had your way from the CAD seat, what shots do you prefer?
Most accurate I've seen iis Centerline, Edge Pavement/Edge Concrete Gutter, Flowline Gutter, Face Curb, Back Curb. More fieldwork, but made a good product.
What I have seen is CL, EP, BC, then "let them just use a template" and several variations thereof.
I have never seen a good way to automatically offset from say BC only and handle depressed curb by field coding.
I am having trouble importing a field book file.......I click the option to import survey data, verify the survey database then select the field book option but at that point Civil 3D does not alow me to browse to select a field book file.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a field in a block and all the FIELDEVAL variables are set as shown in the screenshot but the field doesn't update on REGEN - I have to issue the UPDATEFIELD command to update the field.
There was a previous thread started in March 2011 with the same problem - is this another unresolved bug? (No connection with Autodesk other than using the products in the real world)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
We use Trimble data collection software. We typically import a "rw5" file converted from the "job" file. We then convert the "rw5" file to a "fbk" file. The conversion process has some bugs in it..
We have found two problems (thus far!):
1) The backsite data, for a station set-up, gives back an error when we reduce the data into the survey network. It also tweaks the coordinates for the set-up point. We have fixed the error by noting this line of data in the "fbk" file.
2) When the field doubles angles (wrapping, turning, etc.) C3D use only the first angle turned and not the mean or averaged angle.
We have found that if Trimble Geomatics Office (TGO) is used in post-processing, the "fbk" file generated works on both counts. FYI, the Trimble ribbon does exactly the same thing as C3D when a "job" file is imported, i.e. does not work properly.