AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Calculate Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension By Way Of Importing DXF Plan Layouts
Jun 24, 2013How to calculate Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension by way of Importing DXF Plan Layouts?
View 5 RepliesHow to calculate Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension by way of Importing DXF Plan Layouts?
View 5 RepliesI am having issues with importing / updating existing storm network.
The problem is when I update the storm network, All the outlets are added as new structures. It does not update the existing headwall / end sections.
I then have to go thru and delete the added (null) outlet structure. Then, reattach the existing outlets to the pipe network to show up in the structure data table correctly.
I am trying to figure out how big my pipes need to be for a storm sewer that I already have set elevations for. Every time I input the pipe and rim elevations for the network in the data tab it changes the inputs back to saying design. How do I set my own elevations for the pipe network?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have set the migration defaults to my part list and the pipes come in as expected but all the structures come in as null? I even went as far as setting every option to my rect junction NF and they still come in as null? What did I miss?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
64 Bit Win7 OS
New user for civil 3d and the hydraflow extension for civil 3d. I have my pipe network created, all the correct catchments are attached to the correct basin/inlet. i have opened my network in hydraflow and am ready to run it. when I click run it says no flow. Now I know there is another step i need to set my flow wth TOC, I've inputted that, i am using the standard idf curve hydraflow, i have the areas with their coefficients, however it is not calculating my flow rather it is telling me no flow is inputted for certain lines i.e. the ones with MH connections and no inlets.
I have attached my .stm file to this thread, i changed the extension so it would post, just delete the .doc from the extension and it should work in your hydraflow.
is there a way to get the drop down highlighted below to give me storm and sanitary instead of just "standard".
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem when calculating the volume of a design plan, the slope of the land, the design had to be made so as not to slide trap. How it makes grading a trap,
View 2 Replies View RelatedPipe network storm pipes: Fairly new to Civil3D and trying to set up parts list for the storm sewer pipe and would like the plan view to appear as it does currently. We use a polyline for centerline of pipe, similar to dashed linetype but line and space are the same, width set to pipe width.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working on modeling a pond riser. I had one model with a series of small round perforations in the riser and I needed to look at a version that used larger, square cut-outs in the riser. So, I performed a "save-as" and adjusted my orifices to match my new model requirements. When I attempted to run the model, I received the following error: "ERROR 537 : Unable to perform multiple storm analysis, no storm was selected.".
I have encountered this one time before and was able to go back to the first model and start over. However, now, even when I run the first model (small round perfs), I receive the same error.
I have a storm event assigned for both models but the program does not seem to recognize this any longer.
I'm trying to work out a way to calculate the fill volume difference for a proposed landscaping plan (images attached) and how to model and calculate the amount of fill required to do the job.
how can i change the value for Q (cms) in hydraflow i want to give the value for first pipe and for the others it should automatically calculate.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI opened Hydraflow Sewer Extensions and created a project. I was able to save it and open repeatedly without problems. I opened open project dialogue window here I copied and renamed a copy of the project file. When I tried to open either the original file or the renamed version - Hydraglow shuts down. The project file has attached dxf file as abackground. (see attached). I hate to lose a day of data entering given my tight deadlines.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to confirm the discharge table that hydraflow produces in hydraflow hydragraphs. I think I understand the equation itself (it's been a while since I took hydraulics), but can't understand where I'm making my error (if I am). Normally I trust the stage/discharge curve that hydraflow produces, but the City Engineer is asking me to confirm the values by hand and show them on the plans. Is there a link to an detention pond example that shows how a curve (the outflow values) was generated (confirms the discharge table at various elevations)? The equation is on page 85 of the users manual.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having an issue with my Hydraflow model where the HGL and EGL drops suddenly to 0 in the upstream pipes. What might be causing this? Picture attached.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am running Civil 3D 2012 and my Hydraflow crashes everytime I run an analysis. I am using a known Q and have input pipe inverts/slopes and pipe sizes. Everytime I try running an analysis I get the following message: Line 1, 2, 3 has no flow. Check pipe size(s) and slope(s). Then the program closes up.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway that a tidal flap valve fitted to a culvert outlet can be modeled in Hydraflow Express Culverts.
View 1 Replies View Relatedone would think that you could just export the .stm file into hydraflow, make some changes, and import, and all would be fine. when i export, all of the structures in hydraflow come up as drop curb. how can they come in as what they actually are.. aka, when the part i use is a 2x4 box, it should come into hydraflow as a "grate inlet", or a st-mh will come in as a "manhole".
and then likewise, when the changes are made, and its brought back into autocad, they all come in as a "standard" style. except the outfalls, which show as a "standard" style, but come in with a different block, and get a whole new label (outfal - x)
When I try to run my hydrographs through a pond I get an error stating something to the effect of: Outflow greater than Inflow on Hydrograph 6 for the 50-yr storm.
How can the outflow be greater than what is flowing into it? How the program can calculate this.
We are seeming ot have problems with a few of our engineers having the Microsoft Office product go to "Not Responding" and then closing while working in Hydraflow & Hydrographs. This has been with Outlook, Word and Excel. All workstations are 64 bit systems with 16 gig of Ram Windows 7 and Civil 3D 2012 SP2.1.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing with 72 layouts in it. I also have two drawings with one layout each, that I want to appear in the first drawing. How do I import the layouts from one drawing to the next? I found, "to import layouts as sheets", but it does not seem to be what I need.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need creating a view up a storm pipe. We had the inside of a large diameter pipe scanned. Now I need to be able to create a view looking directly up the pipe. Is there a way to set the view so that the what I am seeing is the view from the center of the downstream end of the pipe looking to the center of the upstream end of the pipe?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an issue with headwalls rotating. When I rotate the headwall structure to 90 degrees from the pipe, the structure rotates back automatically. Is there a way to lock the position of the structure?
See jpeg below.
I have set up a table style to display the type of structure, top of casting, and invert in and out elevations. I have also added a column to display the depth (rim to sump height). When the structure is a headwall, no depth is needed; however, the table displays this data as "???". Is there a way to only show depths greater than zero within the table editor for rim to sump height?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to model the under drain system of a synthetic turf field in Hydraflow.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any other way to import MDT 2005 models to Inventor 2013 with having MDT 2005 platform loaded.
If not, where might I find MDT 2005. I have looked everywhere and it seems to be non existant. It would be alot faster than rebuilding anew in inventor and engineers hate to redo something alredy done correctly.
I have a storm crossing shown on a road profile, and the ellipse that represents the storm pipe is only showing part of the inner wall (I've attached an image). This pipe is skewed slightly, but the entire pipe crosses the road alignment, and this should not make any difference.
Also, is there any way, yet, (I'm using C3D 2011) to have the label show not only the pipe name, but also the invert where the pipe crosses the road alignment, and remain dynamic,? In other words, without having to edit the label text, and lose the dynamic capability. Land Desktop would do this, but it was not dynamic, of course.
Win 7 64BIT
C3D 2013
I need to model a diversion manhole in a storm sewer system. The diversion will take X cfs from the system and send it to a water quality treatment facility. After leaving the WQ facility, it will be returned to the storm sewer system at the next manhole downstream.
I tried in Hydraflow but it doesn't look like diversions are possible. Thought about modeling up to the diversion manhole and taking that data into some other program, and then coming back into a second Hydraflow model that handles the downstream bit.
Typically when we have station offset for a storm structure shown to center of structure. How do you handle station offset with a storm structure label for say back of curb.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've attached an image of a storm drain invert label for a storm drain profile. As you can see, the middle manhole has all three inflow pipes labeled. Is there a way to only label the inverts of the two pipes shown in the profile view?
C3D 2014
Windows 7 64-bit
I have recieved a survey and I am now ready to begin my design. BUT, when I try and create a "pipe network", I am unable to connect the plan view with the profile. I have everything on both the plan and profile (water, sanny, gas, cuvlerts, etc etc) which was provided by the surveyor.
How to modify pipe network into an existing survey to transpose/connect in profile and plan views.
As I know we can import and export storm and sewer pipe lines between C3d and SSA. But how about open channels? I am workin on a project which is contain sewer pipes (close sections like circle pipes) and open channels(maybe as corridor in C3d) and some ditches with irregular sectios. it is pretty easy to define assemlies for open channels and ditches in C3d but if we can not pull the in SSA in order to analyze then we need to do the job twise in both software. I've tried to pull my network into SSA. but it just import pipe networks not open channels. is there any way to import them or any other software that can import from C3d and analyse the network?
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