I have set up a table style to display the type of structure, top of casting, and invert in and out elevations. I have also added a column to display the depth (rim to sump height). When the structure is a headwall, no depth is needed; however, the table displays this data as "???". Is there a way to only show depths greater than zero within the table editor for rim to sump height?
I have an issue with headwalls rotating. When I rotate the headwall structure to 90 degrees from the pipe, the structure rotates back automatically. Is there a way to lock the position of the structure?
Typically when we have station offset for a storm structure shown to center of structure. How do you handle station offset with a storm structure label for say back of curb.
I am having issues with importing / updating existing storm network.
The problem is when I update the storm network, All the outlets are added as new structures. It does not update the existing headwall / end sections.
I then have to go thru and delete the added (null) outlet structure. Then, reattach the existing outlets to the pipe network to show up in the structure data table correctly.
I am working on modeling a pond riser. I had one model with a series of small round perforations in the riser and I needed to look at a version that used larger, square cut-outs in the riser. So, I performed a "save-as" and adjusted my orifices to match my new model requirements. When I attempted to run the model, I received the following error: "ERROR 537 : Unable to perform multiple storm analysis, no storm was selected.".
I have encountered this one time before and was able to go back to the first model and start over. However, now, even when I run the first model (small round perfs), I receive the same error.
I have a storm event assigned for both models but the program does not seem to recognize this any longer.
Is there a way to show the MES Top Elevation as blank or a dash? It would be great if I could make an expression but without the use of text strings in the expression editor, I don't know how to accomplish this without using wipe out boxes over the elevations.
I have a drainage structure table for a leaching system. I used some expressions to calculate some of the leaching pool values for the Top Of Rings etc. When the expression is false I get a zero. The expression work as expected, and I anticipated manually wiping out the false value, but when I wipeout or solid mask the values in MS they don't line up in the view port. How to effectively wipeout structure table cells?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
Apply the transformed utm coordinates to grid coordinates to a structure table. the point tables have a grid coordinate selection but the pipe structure table does not.
Civil3D 2011 - How do I get pipe lengths to show up in a Structure Table? Can't find it in structures. I want to show the length of the pipes that is between two structures. The pipe slope is there but I can't find the length.
Also, comments. How do I get the Comments column in my table to actually display some sort of comments? Can I add a COMMENTS field to my structures?
The PLS I work under inquired if the pipe and structure tables provided in our construction plans are able to be exported to excel. The only way I know how is to use the reports manage. The problem is, the provided Pipes reports don't contain all the data we are looking for. How do I modify, or create a new, Pipe report? It seems like it should be really easy to export the data to excel..
So we have to adjust the elevation of hundreds of drainage structures from their existing elevation to the new finished ground elevation.I know we can give this information within the structure label by adding a reference surface but we would like to produce a table with three columns:
Structure No. Existing Rim Elev. Proposed Rim Elev.
I have a pipe network that I am showing in a drainage plan. I want to show the Structure table in paper space. It seems I can only creaate the table in model spcae. I'm ok with that. I made a viewport in my paper space tab to see the table but it keps scaling to full size regardless of what the viewport scale is set to. The table is too big to fit in my drawing. I tried making a smaller viewport but the table keeps scaling to be actuall paper size. How can i get it to stop scaling so I can shrink it to fit on my sheet?
If Civil3D can't do it can I export the tbale to a data linked Spread Sheet then import that (and link it) to my paper space tab so that I can control the size of the table?
I have created Table styles for Structures in Autocad 2009 Civil 3D, but now I have Autocad Civil 3D 2011 and the Table Style Fill appears black in paper space.
I am looking for a way to change the text style used by a table style with Visual LISP. So far I have been able to get the IAcadTableStyle object from the acad_tablestyle dictionary, but there is no property for text style. Is this even possible? Code and results are below.
We use C3D 2012 (metric only) - We are attempting to customize our list of structures for Sanitary Sewers. The structure list shows sizes we do not use and we would like to modify them. However, when we try to select the "Inner Diameter" it displays a list of sizes that we can not seem to modify or add to.
I have looked at some of the XML files to try and modify or add new sizes (example: AeccStructConcentricCylinder_Metric.xml) , but they do not seem to be recognized even after I restart the program.
One good thing about null structures is the way they display in 3D. They cover that gap in the pipe segments. Can I steal that shape? I am currently using a simple cylinder for water pipe "joints" and turning it off like most people do I think.
I have drawn a pipe network with multiple concentric sturctures. I need to make them all eccentric now. Is there an easy quick way to do this, or do I have to redraw all of them. When I go to the properties, I cannot find an option that allows me to change this.
I need creating a view up a storm pipe. We had the inside of a large diameter pipe scanned. Now I need to be able to create a view looking directly up the pipe. Is there a way to set the view so that the what I am seeing is the view from the center of the downstream end of the pipe looking to the center of the upstream end of the pipe?
I am trying to figure out how big my pipes need to be for a storm sewer that I already have set elevations for. Every time I input the pipe and rim elevations for the network in the data tab it changes the inputs back to saying design. How do I set my own elevations for the pipe network?
I have set the migration defaults to my part list and the pipes come in as expected but all the structures come in as null? I even went as far as setting every option to my rect junction NF and they still come in as null? What did I miss?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
I have a storm crossing shown on a road profile, and the ellipse that represents the storm pipe is only showing part of the inner wall (I've attached an image). This pipe is skewed slightly, but the entire pipe crosses the road alignment, and this should not make any difference.
Also, is there any way, yet, (I'm using C3D 2011) to have the label show not only the pipe name, but also the invert where the pipe crosses the road alignment, and remain dynamic,? In other words, without having to edit the label text, and lose the dynamic capability. Land Desktop would do this, but it was not dynamic, of course.
I need to model a diversion manhole in a storm sewer system. The diversion will take X cfs from the system and send it to a water quality treatment facility. After leaving the WQ facility, it will be returned to the storm sewer system at the next manhole downstream.
I tried in Hydraflow but it doesn't look like diversions are possible. Thought about modeling up to the diversion manhole and taking that data into some other program, and then coming back into a second Hydraflow model that handles the downstream bit.
I've attached an image of a storm drain invert label for a storm drain profile. As you can see, the middle manhole has all three inflow pipes labeled. Is there a way to only label the inverts of the two pipes shown in the profile view?
I have recieved a survey and I am now ready to begin my design. BUT, when I try and create a "pipe network", I am unable to connect the plan view with the profile. I have everything on both the plan and profile (water, sanny, gas, cuvlerts, etc etc) which was provided by the surveyor.
How to modify pipe network into an existing survey to transpose/connect in profile and plan views.
As I know we can import and export storm and sewer pipe lines between C3d and SSA. But how about open channels? I am workin on a project which is contain sewer pipes (close sections like circle pipes) and open channels(maybe as corridor in C3d) and some ditches with irregular sectios. it is pretty easy to define assemlies for open channels and ditches in C3d but if we can not pull the in SSA in order to analyze then we need to do the job twise in both software. I've tried to pull my network into SSA. but it just import pipe networks not open channels. is there any way to import them or any other software that can import from C3d and analyse the network?
I tried to open the Storm and Sanitary Sewer analysis program and got an error message. The error message asked me to send a report but the report was rejected.
In Civil3d 2012 when the Edit in Storm and Sanitary Analysis command is used to send a Civil3d pipe network and Catchment areas to SSA the program appears to open as expected with the "Create New Project" dialogue box displayed.
When the Create New Project prompt is accepted nothing is displayed in the SSA plan view.
But.... If I go to the SSA File pulldown menu the .spf project file is available and when it is selected a dialogue box is displayed indicating that the Background file(the dwg) file cannot be found and do we want to search for it "Yes/No".If No is selected the pipe network is displayed as expected.
If Yes is selected and the dwg file located and selected then the pipe network is displayed as expected but the background file looks like proxy objects.