AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structure Table That Lists Both Existing Surface Elevation And Proposed
Mar 5, 2012
So we have to adjust the elevation of hundreds of drainage structures from their existing elevation to the new finished ground elevation.I know we can give this information within the structure label by adding a reference surface but we would like to produce a table with three columns:
Structure No. Existing Rim Elev. Proposed Rim Elev.
How to produce such a table?
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Dec 16, 2010
Is there a way to show the MES Top Elevation as blank or a dash? It would be great if I could make an expression but without the use of text strings in the expression editor, I don't know how to accomplish this without using wipe out boxes over the elevations.
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Jun 17, 2013
I have a profile showing proposed storm sewer, existing sanitary, rock surface, existing surface, and proposed profile. Today for some reason the proposed profile and labels, and the existing surface are not showing on the profile and I'm not sure what has changed or how to get them back.
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Nov 4, 2011
We use C3D 2012 (metric only) - We are attempting to customize our list of structures for Sanitary Sewers. The structure list shows sizes we do not use and we would like to modify them. However, when we try to select the "Inner Diameter" it displays a list of sizes that we can not seem to modify or add to.
I have looked at some of the XML files to try and modify or add new sizes (example: AeccStructConcentricCylinder_Metric.xml) , but they do not seem to be recognized even after I restart the program.
Here is what the file looks like:
<ColumnConstList desc="Inner Structure Diameter" dataType="float" unit="mm" name="SID" id="CCL1" visible="1" context="StructInnerDiameter" index="0">
<Item id="i0">1200.0000</Item>
<Item id="i1">1350.0000</Item>
<Item id="i2">1500.0000</Item>
<Item id="i3">1800.0000</Item>
<Item id="i4">2050.0000</Item>
<Item id="i5">2300.0000</Item>
<Item id="i6">2550.0000</Item>
I tried modifying the last line replacing 2550 with 3600.
I also tried adding a line <Item id="i7">3600.0000</Item>
I saved the XML file and restarted the program with nothing changing that I can see.
Looking for correct file(s) to edit so I can modify the LISTS that come up in the piping modules.
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Jun 20, 2012
Is there a way for Civil3D to create/generate/extract a contour of a specific elevation such as 105.53 from an existing surface?
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Apr 12, 2012
I have a bunch (hundreds, so manual input not an option) of X,Y points without elevation data that I would like to import into a DWG and assign an elevation that is based on an existing surface object. Is there a way to do this for a point file? The command for inserting individual points would be the "Create points - Surface > Random" but I don't see a way to do this in a batch type method where i have my PNE formatted input file to just move the points to sit on the existing surface.
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Jun 3, 2013
I'm a bit of a Civil 3D newbie. I've got a project that involves addition of storm drain to existing storm pipes. I'd like to be able to use Civil 3D to include existing and proposed pipes in the networks, but be able to show existing pipes differently than proposed pipes on plans and profiles, i.e. screened. I can't seem to figure out a way to do this--I can effect changes to all networks, but not invididual pipes.
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Mar 14, 2012
I am trying to get the existing and proposed grade from my surfaces to show up in the center bottom of my cross sections. I am working with the CL elevations band style and trying to set up so that major and minor increments are the surface elevations. Am I going about this wrong? I went in to the compose label tab and selected for the text to be section 1 elevation and section 2 elevation. When I am at the section view properties box / bands tab, all that shows up is my existing surface. I have created sample lines and a corridor. I have also created a surface from the corridor.
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Aug 27, 2013
I had a proposed surface in Civil3D2010 that was fine, made revisions to the proposed contours using grips or deleting/adding contours. Now when I try to add the new contour data to the surface either the program hangs up or I get contour error messages and the surface never gets re-built.
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Apr 16, 2012
i have some existing drainage pipe and structures in a base plan that i need to change the invert (which is the easy part) and the top elevation to the existing top elevation that does not meet the minimum presect in civil 3d 2012 is there a way to change these min. to match my exisitng elevation for example i have a catch basin invert is 15.45 top is 17.56 with a 18" rcp the cover will be less than 12" and i need to change this.
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Nov 8, 2013
The engineers at my company digitize proposed contours in a drawing and then they want me to create a surface out of the contours....the contours usually are 2 foot contours with areas that the software tends to translate based on the contours that I selected to create the surface.....I then usually need to create a profile, which does not look accurate compared to the contours, such as low spots etc...............
My question is since the engineers at my work do not how to use the software, and I am not an engineer, making the profile look a certain way sometimes needs to be tweeked by me.... How to alter the proposed surface?I am pretty sure that feature lines cannot cross contours that I have selected to create the surface?
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Jun 26, 2013
I have a existing surface. I want to create a proposal surface so I can know the volume between boths. This proposal surface is represent for a disposal area that can be filled up to a elevation. I have a bottom of P-surface as a feature line at EL 1608, and I want top of P-surface to EL 1613.
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Apr 12, 2012
attached is Roadway.dwg file
I made "Road" surface from Corridor Properties / Surfaces... but when I go to surface properties for "Road"...the statistics tab is blank.
2013 Civil 3D
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Feb 21, 2013
I'm trying to create a proposed grade surface using the grading tools. I drew the outline boundaryof the proposed surface as a closed polyline then created a feature line from it and assigned different elevations to it. When I try to select the feature line in order to create the grading, I get "THIS FEATURE OVERLAPS ITSELF AND CANNOT BE GRADED". What could be a possible reason for this?
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Nov 20, 2013
When I paste the proposed surface with the corriodor surface and I check the profile the proposed surface ties to the bottom of the kerb ignoring the footpath.Also in the same drawing file I can't seem to export it to ACAD.
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Aug 22, 2013
I assume nobody has been able to create a parametric part used for storm pipe networks that can have the pipes attached to a point within the structure other than the insertion, or have the elevation read from a point other than the insertion.
With that in mind, we are trying to develop a tool that would allow us to pick a strucutre, and set its "rim" elevation to a point on a proposed surface that is not at the insertion of the strucure. I am decent with lisp, but have not attempted to gather info from random points on civil ojects.
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Apr 4, 2012
Is there any way to change the referenced surface on a Surface Elevation Label. I can see the surface in the properties but cannot change it.
C3D 2011
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Sep 28, 2012
I'm trying to create an all new existing surface over existing ground. I have a TIN surface of the EG, and I have drawn overlay splines that describe the new surface, but how to go about creating that design surface.
It is a compound surface, open on one end and closed all around on the other, somewhat like a half of a football stadium, but with an irregular upper edge because I am needing to figure out cuts and fills to manipulate the EG into this new surface without costly major terraforming. There is about 40-50' vertical elevation between the "field" and the upper rim with a generally constant 7-10 deg. slope all around. I'm just at a loss to figure out how to approach this project, and am quite new to Civil 3D.
Civil3D 2013
MacBookPro 17 - 2.4GHz Intel QuadCore i7 (Late 2011 build)
Microsoft Windows 7 64bit
350GB Bootcamp volume
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Dec 10, 2013
I would like to know if it is possible to display the pipe inlet/outlet elevation in my structure label. It seems like it is not possible.It is possible to use the inlet/outlet elevation of the pipe in my pipe label however I would like to display it in my structure.
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May 21, 2012
Is it bad to make a structure table from a DS? I find I get missing data when I do.
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Aug 3, 2013
I am create the stron network. I want structure profile elevation. How to create expression in structure reference alignment profile elevation.
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Nov 14, 2012
I am trying to add points into a surface. I have done this before without any problems, but now I am having issues.
When I ID points which makes up the surface it gives me the correct Z level e.g. 24.5m, however when I hover over the surface it shows me the surface name and a different z level e.g. 0.65m. What is the reason for this difference in z levels? I think this may be causing the issue I am having when I add new points.
I select the surface and use the 'edit surface command' in the ribbon, choosing add point.
When I add a point at the level I require(23.89m), it puts it in a lot higher than the surrounding area, so I tried to put the point in to the lower z levels (0.4m) it puts it in a lot lower!
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Dec 10, 2012
My goal is coming up with the volume bounded by the design surface and the existing surface. I don't have the design surface modeled yet.
Do i need to create alignment offsets?. Alignment 1 profile view is also attached. Then Alignment2.
What about starting with alignment1 profile view? Since I have created a polyline as the design profile ?
how do I shrink labels? Where is it in the settings ; the Align folder had been check.
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Mar 1, 2013
Im currently using an addon for Civil 3D called Novapoint. It allows me to create 3D models of surfaces made out of 3d faces and easily models cut and fill 3d-models for me.
The only thing i need to create a cut and fill model is one or several ground surfaces (existing ground, earth layers, rock etc. whatever i need) and a closed polyline/3Dpolyline that represents the level I want my cut and/or fill model.
I enter the spcifications I want such as; earth cut angle, rock cut angle, fill angle, select which surfaces i want to include in the model calculation and select the polyline.Novapoint then calculates the cut/fill model from the surfaces to the polyline and models the different cut/fill angles and gives me the results in a 3d-face model and a specification of the volyme of rock cut, earth cut an fill.
1. Novapoint is quite unstable and crashes alot
2. You cant create profiles out of 3d faces
3. Novapoint does not automaticly combine the start surfaces with the modeled cut/fill surface
4. A large surface made out of 3d-faces demands alot of computer power
So I want to how I do the same that Novapoint does for me in Civil 3D? (I have access to Civil 3D 2007-2013 depending on which one you're using)I know I can take the 3Dfaces i created in Novapoint and make a surface in Civil 3D with them but I want to exclude Novapoint completely.
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Jul 19, 2013
I have a drainage structure table for a leaching system. I used some expressions to calculate some of the leaching pool values for the Top Of Rings etc. When the expression is false I get a zero. The expression work as expected, and I anticipated manually wiping out the false value, but when I wipeout or solid mask the values in MS they don't line up in the view port. How to effectively wipeout structure table cells?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
64 Bit Win7 OS
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Dec 28, 2012
I have set up a table style to display the type of structure, top of casting, and invert in and out elevations. I have also added a column to display the depth (rim to sump height). When the structure is a headwall, no depth is needed; however, the table displays this data as "???". Is there a way to only show depths greater than zero within the table editor for rim to sump height?
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Jan 24, 2012
Is there ever a reason the option to add pipes or structures to an existing network would be grayed out? A colleague of mine called a week ago and wanted to add a manhole to the end of a pipe network where he had a clean out.
I didn't see his drawing but over the phone he tells me the button to add pipes and structures was grayed out. It wasn't giving him the option to add both or either or.
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Mar 17, 2011
We have an engineer who is taking an existing surface and wants to show a proposed road 2" higher than existing.
I told him to simply adjust his assembly for his corridor to account for the 2" difference, but the County agency needs to see a profile.
My questions:
1) Is there a way to easily copy a profile made from a surface and "convert" it to a proposed profile? If we copy and explode, it turns into hundreds (thousands?) of tiny pline segments and it would be a mess to convert all those to a profile 1 by 1. If we make the corridor, and choose "profile from corridor", we do not have an option that could be used to represent the centerline.
2) Other than loss of dynamic updating), would it make sense to adjust the assembly so the top surface would be accurate, then copy the profile, explode the copy to a block and simply shift that (as essentially basic linework)?
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Mar 11, 2013
Apply the transformed utm coordinates to grid coordinates to a structure table. the point tables have a grid coordinate selection but the pipe structure table does not.
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Aug 30, 2012
Civil3D 2011 - How do I get pipe lengths to show up in a Structure Table? Can't find it in structures. I want to show the length of the pipes that is between two structures. The pipe slope is there but I can't find the length.
Also, comments. How do I get the Comments column in my table to actually display some sort of comments? Can I add a COMMENTS field to my structures?
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Jul 5, 2013
When working in a drawing with a surface referenced there is usually a flag attached to the cursor that reveals the surface and the elevation of the spot the cursor is hovering over; mine has disappeared.
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