AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Post Processing And Field Book Files?
Sep 30, 2012
We use Trimble data collection software. We typically import a "rw5" file converted from the "job" file. We then convert the "rw5" file to a "fbk" file. The conversion process has some bugs in it..
We have found two problems (thus far!):
1) The backsite data, for a station set-up, gives back an error when we reduce the data into the survey network. It also tweaks the coordinates for the set-up point. We have fixed the error by noting this line of data in the "fbk" file.
2) When the field doubles angles (wrapping, turning, etc.) C3D use only the first angle turned and not the mean or averaged angle.
We have found that if Trimble Geomatics Office (TGO) is used in post-processing, the "fbk" file generated works on both counts. FYI, the Trimble ribbon does exactly the same thing as C3D when a "job" file is imported, i.e. does not work properly.
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Jun 4, 2012
We are trying to begin importing data directly from Tremble field book files into CAD so that we can process survey linework. What we are seeing is a shift of about 2 feet from the imported survey network and what the CSV values are when exported from the data controller.
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May 23, 2012
I have an alignment which is complete in all respects. Profile also has been finalized. now the the survey (joint cross section) has been carried out and the output is in the form of field books. we hav the data in formate like we hav km and than offset left and right and than elevation.
my question is that how to use this data in civil 3d for creating cross sections and computing earth fill quantities.
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Aug 27, 2012
I am having trouble importing a field book file.......I click the option to import survey data, verify the survey database then select the field book option but at that point Civil 3D does not alow me to browse to select a field book file.
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Oct 29, 2012
How do I include sideshots from a field book file in the adjustment of the traverse? In LDD you would import the FBK, then when imported, after defining loop you could check adjust loop to your specs. If it looked ok, you coould adjust loop, then when complete the command line asked if you wanted to adjust sideshots. You could select Yes or No and they would (or would not) be adjusted also. In Civil 3D 2013, I have imported the same FBK. When imported I have defined the traverse. I can then adjust the traverse to my specs, but it will not include the sideshots. The sideshots do not list in the Networks Non-Control Points list, so I am thinking this is my problem.
I have also edited the FBK to remove the traverse legs and just run as sideshots from the already adjusted loop values, but it still does not appear to work.
XEON E3-1270
Win 7 Pro 64
Civil 3D 2013
256 GB SSD
nVidia Quadro NVS450
3 monitors
(all available hotfixes/updates applied)
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Feb 13, 2013
I often work in big files, such as 200 GB size files that usually contains 4-5 hours of recording. I make web series and require my videos to by like 15-20 minutes long. So far I've been taking these huge files, cropping them down to length and then waiting the compress, however this is a very bad method and very time consuming, because after I crop a video that fits the 15-20 minutes limit, I have to wait for it to compress completely before I can continue to work on the next one, which basically means, that even though it takes like 5-10 minutes to edit a video it takes more like an hour per episode because I need to stop and wait before I can work on the next episode.
Is there a way to queue up a ton of pre-edited projects and then make it all compress to seperate video files during the night or something? It would really save me a lot of effort.
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May 15, 2011
I try to render an environment Map with video post processing. But i cant get it to work. The background (here created with an nebula script) is just white after rendering, the standard render works. Look at the screenshot, i think it will explain my problem better then my poor English vocabulary is capable.
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Dec 22, 2012
Any online resources on Infrared Photography Post processing in GIMP ?
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Apr 22, 2013
Is there a way to send this individual lower resolution images so he can work on them and then have him send me the metadata from his edits, so I can apply them to the images I have on my system? The reason for this question is because I'd like to minimize the size of the images I'm sending to the editor, but still be able to produce high resolution stills.
I understand there is a way to work with RAW images and save the metadata, but that doesn't fix the file size issue, and you can only save certain aspects like white balance, levels, etc... I really need a way to capture his history and save that to a file, that way if he were to use a certain filter, or brush on the image, the same results would be applied to my images.
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Feb 28, 2014
Today somehow the setting on my camera had raw file saving turned off. To try to minimize loss from post processing of the jpegs I assume I should save the edited files as PSD and develop my final pictures from that?
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Apr 23, 2012
I am using Lighroom 4. When I tried to export post-processed files (from NEF) to photoshop, I am getting an error (see the attachment below).
The problem has to do with missing Camera Raw 7.0. When I checked CS5 Photoshop, ACR 6.6 was installed. . When I checked Adobe webisite today, the most updated ACR is v. 6.6. How can I fix this error?
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Aug 6, 2013
We have written a .Net ACAD2014 plugin to publish PDF files to be used by accoreconsole for batch processing and we have found that dates contained with the drawing are incorrectly formatted using the American date format mm/dd/yy.
Within ACAD2014 using netload and executing the command, dates contained within the title block are correctly formated using the current culture information in this case en-AU (dd/mm/yyyy).
When performiing a netload within accoreconsole the dates are formatted as en-US (mm/dd/yy) even though when reporting the current culture from within accoreconsole it is reporting as en-AU.
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Aug 5, 2012
I have this attached file.
If I list one of the objects, it is defined as a block. I have repeatedly tried to explode this but to no avail.
My intention is to convert these AutoCAD "points" as points in Civil 3D to process them further. When I use Points>Convert AutoCAD points commands, it returns me a "invalid selection" message.
How do I explode these blocks and convert them to Civil 3D point objects?
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Nov 13, 2013
We have recently started using a feature code library with our tremble survey gear and have been processing the linework and exporting the lines as a DWG and the points as a CSV and when iput them in the same DWG in Civil3D the point and Line Vertices are exactly on top of each other. Does any know how to fix this? I dont know if its to do with rounding, LSF, or projection to Cartesian?
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Jul 10, 2012
2012 SP2. I get this very descriptive message while trying to create a point cloud: The following error occurred processing the point cloud data: An error ocurred in data processing.
I've previously created point clouds from the same data (ENZ comma delimited) without a problem. I believe this was done before applying SP2. Any problems creating point clouds since SP2?
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Aug 8, 2013
I have imported surveydata into the survey database from FBK and processed linework. I do as many edits to my figures as I can by editing point codes and processing linework, then I fix the rest of the figures manually editing them and pushing the changes back to the survey database.
Once you have started manually editing figures you can no longer 'process linework' as you get double ups of figures you manually edited.
My issue is that I have made some adjustments to some of my control point coordinates after manually editing figures, so that all my survey points move. I try to update the survey figures so that they move with my points but Civil3D tells me that it cant update them because they were made by processing linework.
Is there anyway I can get my figures to match my points without reprocessing linework and then making all the manual edits again or exporting an FBK from the database, remove the figures and points from the dwg, reset the network and import the new FBK?
We should be able to update figures without processing linework, even if that was how the figures were originally made!
Civil3D 2014 - Windows7 64bit
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Apr 7, 2013
I am having trouble processing point code to correctly string the survey points. I have tried three methods of coding and each method has a draw back which isn't really acceptable to me, as it either means more work in the field or more work in the office.
Method 1: I code my points TOP 1 B, or TOE 2 or NS.
When doing this method the survey points don't string correctly. Because of the space delimitation inbetween TOP & 1 Civil3d only recognises the code TOB and doesn't pay attention to the string number. So all the points with the same code get stringed regardless of the string number. Please see file "TOP_1_B_CODE_STYLE.png" and you will see that TOP 1 E strings to point TOP 2 B.This will create a lot of work in the office breaking all the survey figures so they appear correct.
Method 2:I code my points TOP1 B, or TOE2 or NS. When doing this the points don't get coded correctly. Because the code is TOB when I import a point with the code TOB1 it doesn't recognise the code, and puts the point on the default layer 0. Please see file "TOP1_B_STYLE.png" and you will see all of the TOP1 and TOE1 are white and one layer 0. This will make a lot of office work changing points to the correct layers.
Method 3: I code my points without a string number, and only pickup one line at a time. So I would start picking up a toe of bank by TOE B then finish it on TOE E. See file "TOP_B_TOP_E.png" to see the result.
This does get the result I want but it really makes field work procedures slow. It would be very frustrating doing a detail survey of a road and having to walk each individual breakline.
I want to be able to use Method 1 but to have all points get stringed correctly. I have read a pretty good post about this here where the outcome is that all points should be put on layer 0 by default (I can't find it again though!). For me though that isn't a very good option as I often have both design and asbuilt in the same drawing, and need to be able to turn off groups and not have the associated points left on my screen.
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Dec 28, 2012
I am considering purchasing Lightroom v.4.3. I will be shooting in RAW with a Canon 6D and Canon 7D camera. Is the support for working with RAW files and then converting them to jpg files built in to Lightroom v.4.3 or must one purchase a separate add-on module to perform those tasks?
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Nov 14, 2013
because I can not save files after processing? tells me that he was authorized to write the list what does it mean?
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Mar 9, 2005
I have a folder (over 500) of high res tiff files which are pictures that our advertisers use in there adverts.
I need to create low res jpgs of every image, is it a case of manually doing each indivdual file or can a batch process them.. if so how?
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Sep 7, 2012
I have used Adobe for a long time for processing a whole group of photographs at one time. I correct, signature to right or left, etc. I am just starting to use and do like it, but need to be able to do bulk processing. below is my wed site .
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Oct 17, 2011
I want to do batch processing of 460 .png files. It includes rescaling their width to 50% without interpolation, changing color mode to indexed based on a specified palette, changing color mode to RGB and rescaling their width to 200%.
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Nov 19, 2013
I have Elements 8 for the processing the raw files from my Nikon D40. There has been not issue with these files. I just recently picked up a D7100. Now with this camera when i download the raw files to the computer I am receiving a message that Elements does not reconize those raw files and will not open them.
Is there some different setting for the newer camera's?
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Feb 21, 2011
Found a link to some code (URL...) to automatically place an Mtext field to label assemblies. It was written for C3D 2009/2010 but I can't get it to work for 2011 - any VBA gurus care to take a look to see if it will run (or not) on 2011.
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Jun 4, 2012
i am doing a part builder totorial and when i right click autolayout data nothing happens. there is supposed to be a plus sign and you can assign the 'insertion point" of the structure.
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Jun 9, 2012
I am new in civil 3d 2012 software and i have a major problem. i am a survey engineer and i have a topcon 3005 LN total station for using in field. i want to convert measurements from field into xyz coordinates via methods of civil 3d. i find that civil 3d uses fbk format (i don't know what is it), but my total station uses TOP format (ascii)
i ll give you two examples
NE 1 5000.000 5000.000 263.650 "STA1"
NE 6 5088.000 6104.000 249.635 "STA6"
AZ 6 6000 135.000000
AZ 1 1000 315.000000
STN 1 0.000000 "STA1"
PRISM 0.000000
FC1 VA 1000 0.000000 00.000 90.000000 "AZMK"
FC1 VA 2 117.563300 300.023 90.421692 "STA2"
FC1 VA 101 29.082602 91.481 89.454093 "SDWK1 B"
S S1 1.443
D S2 1.564 328.7150 93.7675 4.412
D 3 1.564 225.6570 92.1310 9.926
D 4 1.564 241.7630 93.1510 9.680
D 5 1.564 256.0790 91.9080 4.420
D 6 1.564 344.5500 89.1070 1.714
D 7 1.564 189.6990 90.3460 1.703
D 8 1.564 203.8600 88.6180 2.567
Need converting TOP format to fbk format?
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Apr 30, 2012
Why is that if I import some points that have a "/" (field code escape) the symbol does not come in. For Example: TP/ 1' N.S
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
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Feb 1, 2013
I have a 1 mile road topo coming up for design purposes. The curb is standard, but there is full curb & depressed curb. If you had your way from the CAD seat, what shots do you prefer?
Most accurate I've seen iis Centerline, Edge Pavement/Edge Concrete Gutter, Flowline Gutter, Face Curb, Back Curb. More fieldwork, but made a good product.
What I have seen is CL, EP, BC, then "let them just use a template" and several variations thereof.
I have never seen a good way to automatically offset from say BC only and handle depressed curb by field coding.
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Jan 7, 2013
I have a field in a block and all the FIELDEVAL variables are set as shown in the screenshot but the field doesn't update on REGEN - I have to issue the UPDATEFIELD command to update the field.
There was a previous thread started in March 2011 with the same problem - is this another unresolved bug? (No connection with Autodesk other than using the products in the real world)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Sep 10, 2012
Some what new to Civil 3D, so I hope I explain this correctly..
I imported points with linework and then needed to move them slightly. I unlocked the points and moved them with no problems, but I then went to re-process linework which moves the points back to their original location. I have tried relocking the points first before re-processing linework, but then it appears that nothing has happened.
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Sep 6, 2013
I've recently upgraded my computer to Win 7 and then to PS CS6 Extended. Now when I process RAW files in ACR 8.1, I get an "Out of Memory" error if I do more than 70 ~ 80 - 24 mb files. Also, it's running really slow. It's taking nearly 50 seconds to process 1 - 24 mb file where PS CS3 and ACR 4.X it took only 17 for the same size file.
Computer Specs; 3.40Ghz, 4GB RAM (max for the motherboard), 120 GB HD "C", 40 GB Scratch Drive, Win 7
What I have done is made sure that the scratch drive is listed first for cache in both PS and ACR, then in ACR, set the cache to nearly 500,000. (I think these numbers are correct, I'm not at the offending computer now)So the questions are; do I need to make any changes to specific setting? Does PS CS6 and ACR 8.1 require more RAM?
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