Photoshop :: Cannot Save Files After Processing

Nov 14, 2013

because I can not save files after processing? tells me that he was authorized to write the list what does it mean?

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Photoshop :: Override Action (save-as) Command With Save For Web Batch Processing?

Jul 6, 2013

I've created an action that uses the save for web dialogue to optimise images for the web. When I use the batch command to process a full folder of images, even though I have "Override action "save as" command" checked, it ignores this and still uses the location that was used when the action was created.
Apparently this is a known issue in CS6 and previous versions but whether this has been fixed in Photoshop CC?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Is No Longer Doing Save As?

Jul 1, 2013

I have been using several resizing and sharpening batch processes which have saved a resultant file at the end with a different name.  In the Batch process an original folder was selected and a destination folder and the file name changed with a different custom prefix.  I have been using these batch processes with no problems for years.  Without warning I have noticed that all of these batches are no longer working and the end result is one file in the destination folder, ie it must me overwriting.  I have tried to recreate the basic batch process again  and have resorted to using both 'save; and 'save as' at the end of the process in different test batch processes and the same result happens pretty much each time, the one file after the original folder had 5 images.  I have noticed that 'Save as' is not showing up in the actions of the batch process (only shows as 'Save' irrespective if you selected 'save' or 'save as'.  It is like Photoshop is refusing to accept 'save as' with a new file as a valid action.  I have also tried to check the override 'save as' box etc.  If you edit normally in Photoshop and 'save as' for that image, there are no problems .

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Photoshop :: Save Auto-align Parameters For Batch Processing?

Dec 3, 2012

I plan to shoot timelapse with two supposedly identical camera setups and stack images from the two cameras. Unfortunately the two lenses turn out not to be quite identical, so I need to correct/map images from one camera to match the field of view of the other.

A test showed that Photoshop's auto-align procedure can do the mapping sufficiently accurate. So now what I want to do is to have Photoshop calculate the mapping parameters once, then apply that projection identically to a batch of images. What I really hope to avoid is for Photoshop to recalculate the mapping separately for every single frame, both because it is a huge waste of time but also because the exact same mapping really should be applied to all images. Is there a way to do this, CS6?

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Photoshop Elements :: New IMac - Processing Fine But Takes 2-5 Minutes To Save / Rate

Sep 3, 2013

I have New iMac and processing works fine. However, 90% of the time I get a "circling wheel" for 2 to 5 minutes when I save or rate a photograph.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Of Files

Mar 9, 2005

I have a folder (over 500) of high res tiff files which are pictures that our advertisers use in there adverts.

I need to create low res jpgs of every image, is it a case of manually doing each indivdual file or can a batch process them.. if so how?

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Photoshop Elements :: Processing Raw Files With 8?

Nov 19, 2013

I have Elements 8 for the processing the raw files from my Nikon D40.  There has been not issue with these files.  I just recently picked up a D7100.  Now with this camera when i download the raw files to the computer I am receiving a message that Elements does not reconize those raw files and will not open them. 
Is there some different setting for the newer camera's?

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Photoshop :: ACR 8.1 Out Of Memory / When Processing Over 70 - 24mb Files

Sep 6, 2013

I've recently upgraded my computer to Win 7 and then to PS CS6 Extended.  Now when I process RAW files in ACR 8.1, I get an "Out of Memory" error if I do more than 70 ~ 80 - 24 mb files.  Also, it's running really slow.  It's taking nearly 50 seconds to process 1 - 24 mb file where PS CS3 and ACR 4.X it took only 17 for the same size file.
Computer Specs; 3.40Ghz, 4GB RAM (max for the motherboard), 120 GB HD "C", 40 GB Scratch Drive, Win 7
What I have done is made sure that the scratch drive is listed first for cache in both PS and ACR, then in ACR, set the cache to nearly 500,000. (I think these numbers are correct, I'm not at the offending computer now)So the questions are; do I need to make any changes to specific setting?  Does PS CS6 and ACR 8.1 require more RAM?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Camera RAW Files In PS CS3

May 9, 2007

batch processing Camera RAW files in PS CS3 on a Mac.

I select the files in Bridge which are cropped, and the action I've created resizes to web resolution and saves as a JPG.

But when the files are processed, the images are not cropped, but full frame.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Open Files

Jan 12, 2005

I've got a batch process set up, and want to run it on all opened files. I set the destination to "Folder", because I want to use the batch process's naming facilities. When I run the batch, it closes the files it works on. However, I want to perform subsequent batch actions on the files, so need them kept open. There's no Close function included in the batch action as far as I can tell.

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Illustrator :: Downsaving / Backsaving / Legacy Save CS6 To CS5 Batch Processing?

Sep 27, 2012

I have hundreds of files that I need to back save from CS6 to CS5 using the Batch process in the Actions palette. Previous attempts using Actions have resulted in the file not being backsaved, but instead just being saved again in CS6 to back save to CS5 in batch processing?

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Lightroom :: How To Save Image(s) After Processing It Under Quick Develop Module

Jul 24, 2013

I need to know how to do the above procedure in lr5 as when i did the processing of one image i saw no tab to click to save the image or move the image or clicking done? 

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Photoshop :: CS6 Processing Of Canon Camcorder AVCHD Files

May 22, 2012

Trying to process MTS outputs from my Canon Camcorder. Files run in WMV and Windows Live Movie Maker (needs to wait while the files are uncompressed). WHen opened if PS CS6 files is present. When playing, frame rates drop to as slow as 3 fps. I have a quad processor and as I have indicated, the files play at normal speed. Have tried saving but have seen that the saved file is also dropping frames.

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Processing Multiple Files - Error

Sep 16, 2013

Yesterday this was working; today it's not. When I try to process multiple files I get this error message: "Could not complete the Process Mulitple Files command because the disk is not available."
I'm on a Mac - 10.6.8. The disk is not full. I am trying to convert Open TIF files to JPGS. And like I said, this was working for me yesterday.
Here's what I've tried as far as troubleshooting:
1. Going to your username>library>preferences and deleting:
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 paths
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10settings
repair permissions and try again.
2. restarting the editor while holding down command+shift+option, keeping the keys down till you see a window asking if you want to delete the settings file. I did.
3. restarting the computer
4. shortening the file names
5. moving the destination file
Still no success. 

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing - New Files Created Inside Action Are Overwriting Each Other?

Sep 8, 2013

I have 100's of flat images that I have to chop up into 3 parts and save as individual pieces to then load into a separate piece of software.

My problem is that when I start the batch, the 3 new images it creates for each image are simply overwriting each other when saving.

The options for serial numbers etc in the destination field of batch seems to only work for the original file opened, not the 3 new images the action creates/saves.

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Photoshop Elements :: White Balance Tint Limit When Processing Raw Files?

Apr 10, 2013

I've got hold of some Welding glass to use as an ND filter on my Fuji HS20. It arrived today and works a treat. I do however now have a new issue that this has caused.  I've set a custom white balance on the camera to counter act the tint from the glass. This now produces the correct colour on my jpg photo's however the RAW files have the wrong colour tint. When I open them in photoshop elements 11 I get the CAMERA RAW application. The white balance is set to 'AS SHOT' however the Tint is at +150. I'm guessing my problem is that the tint needs to be more than +150 and CAMERA RAW is limiting it. Does this mean I am now limited to using JPG's when I use this glass as an ND filter, or is there a way I can get rid of this limit to the tint on the white balance

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - Processing RAW Files?

Dec 28, 2012

I am considering purchasing Lightroom v.4.3.  I will be shooting in RAW with a Canon 6D and Canon 7D camera.  Is the support for working with RAW files and then converting them to jpg files built in to Lightroom v.4.3 or must one purchase a separate add-on module to perform those tasks?

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Paint.NET :: Auto Processing Of Files

Sep 7, 2012

I have used Adobe for a long time for processing a whole group of photographs at one time. I correct, signature to right or left, etc. I am just starting to use and do like it, but need to be able to do bulk processing. below is my wed site .

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GIMP :: Batch Processing Of 460 PNG Files

Oct 17, 2011

I want to do batch processing of 460 .png files. It includes rescaling their width to 50% without interpolation, changing color mode to indexed based on a specified palette, changing color mode to RGB and rescaling their width to 200%.

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Lightroom :: 4 Raw Processing Nikon D600 NEF Files?

Oct 3, 2012

I purchased one of the new Nikon D600 cameras but LR 4 cannot recognize the D600 NEF files.  When will there be an update that will correct this?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Publish PDF Files To Be Used By Accoreconsole For Batch Processing

Aug 6, 2013

We have written a .Net ACAD2014 plugin to publish PDF files to be used by accoreconsole for batch processing and we have found that dates contained with the drawing are incorrectly formatted using the American date format mm/dd/yy.

Within ACAD2014 using netload and executing the command, dates contained within the title block are correctly formated using the current culture information in this case en-AU (dd/mm/yyyy).

When performiing a netload within accoreconsole the dates are formatted as en-US (mm/dd/yy) even though when reporting the current culture from within accoreconsole it is reporting as en-AU.

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Lightroom :: How To Allow Direct Processing Of RAW Files From FUJI PRO X - 1 Camera

May 29, 2012

Will there be an upgrade for Lightroom 3 or Lightroom 4 to allow direct processing of RAW files from FUJI PRO X-1 camera  ?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Processing Multiple Image Files?

Apr 11, 2013

Using 'PaintX6 64bit Win7

File - Batch Process - Add File - select several files (jpgs or tifs) - Open - Error....

Only first file added to list. Can continue to add files one at a time. Not really good for ,say , downsampling a list of hundreds  of image.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Post Processing And Field Book Files?

Sep 30, 2012

We use Trimble data collection software.  We typically import a "rw5" file converted from the "job" file.  We then convert the "rw5" file to a "fbk" file.  The conversion process has some bugs in it..

We have found two problems (thus far!):

1) The backsite data, for a station set-up, gives back an error when we reduce the data into the survey network.  It also tweaks the coordinates for the set-up point.  We have fixed the error by noting this line of data in the "fbk" file.

2) When the field doubles angles (wrapping, turning, etc.) C3D use only the first angle turned and not the mean or averaged angle.

We have found that if Trimble Geomatics Office (TGO) is used in post-processing, the "fbk" file generated works on both counts. FYI, the Trimble ribbon does exactly the same thing as C3D when a "job" file is imported, i.e. does not work properly.

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Photoshop :: Windows 8 Can't Save And Save As Any Files

Nov 28, 2012

Why my photoshop  CS6  64 bit in windows 8 can't SAVE and SAVE AS any files?

it's ok for my Photoshop cs6 32bit,but there is not reaction when i use command file->save  or file->save as ,also CTRL +S and SHIF +CTRL+S in Photoshop 64 bit 

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Photoshop :: 14.1.2 Asks To Save Files Twice (save As)

Nov 6, 2013

I'm running Photoshop CC 14.1.2 on Mac (OSX 10.8.5) and whenever I use "Save As…" Photoshop marks the original file as edited and asks me to save it again before I close it - even if I have not made any changes before or after using "Save as…". This behavior is breaking some of my actions and bothering me quite a bit.

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Photoshop :: Save Or Save As With JPG Files Not Working?

Nov 9, 2012

I seem to be having trouble "save" or "save as" with jpg files.

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Illustrator :: Save Files With Spaces Instead Of Dashes In Save For Web Dialog Window?

May 17, 2012

How to save files with spaces insted of dashes in Save for Web dialog window in Illustrator CS6?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Cannot Save / Save As / Export Files

Apr 27, 2010

While "Draw" of Coreldraw X5 is working well, Corel Photopaint X5 does not "Save", "Save as..." or "Export" files. It just does nothing, when I choose to save a file under "something.cpt". It works, as long as it is a JPG, but not as a CPT. I am working on a Win7, with CorelX5 in german. Support told me to reinstall.

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AutoCAD LT :: Unable To Save Files / Creating TMP Files Instead 2014

Apr 17, 2013

I have just recently installed AutoCAD LT 2014 on Windows 7 (Running on an intel iMac through Bootcamp). Ever since then i am receiving notifications when performing a save.

AutoCAD is telling me it cannot perform the save and is creating a .tmp file in the same location on the server as the file should be.

this is causing major performance issues and happens almost every second time I attempt to perform a save. The issue is that we are getting multiple versions of the same file duplicating on the file server which is very quickly going to cause capacity issues considering most files are 2-4mb in size.

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Photoshop :: Can't Save Any Files

Jul 10, 2012

I can't save files in adobe Photoshop. I've tried different variations of save & the screen just blinks & nothing happens?

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