AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Geographic Location - Zooms All The Way Out To Undesired Distance
Jul 8, 2013
I am having trouble with the geo marker and the geographic settings. the file given to us has a pre defined grographic location, (which is incorrect) which is making the file zoom out a lot further than desired. I change the geographic location and the position of the geo-marker, but when I use zoom extends, it still zooms all the way out to the undesired distance. There is no "space junk" out that far, so I do not know what else it can be.
While adding a vertex to a survey figure, if I click too near (like within 0.5') a survey point, the new vertex snaps to the survey point and uses its point number as the new vertex. Is there a setting for this snap feature to turn it off or change the tolerance?
When I want to move an object a certain distance from the original location, I go to long winded trouble of drawing a line and attaching it to say, for example, the centre of a circle. Then MOVE the circle, selecting the base line as the centre to the end of the LINE using OSNAP.
Is there a way to preset the reach of the sprout on Location Property Definitions in Property Sets?
For example, I have upper cabinets that aren't over a Space, because there isn't flooring underneath them. Because of this, the sprout reports "Space Not Found" in the cabinet schedule, and I have to go in and manually pull each sprout out until it latches onto a Space.
I would like to set all sprouts to automatically reach out 2'6" from their insertions point.
I'm running 2013 C3D and have a quirk that my drawings zoom out when I first open the file. I'm not even sure what they are zooming out to as it is not 'Extents'.
In paperspace, each time I double click inside the viewport it automatically zooms to the extents of my drawing, changing the scale. Also, when I switch back to model space i am zoomed to extents in model space. How can I fix this?
I am having some difficulty using the XREF/Block insertion using 'Locate using Geographic Data'. This does not seem to locate anything using Geographic Info. I have found a large discrepancy with this process in the order of 100's of meters. I am using SA-17S (dwg 1) in my drawing and WGS84-17S (dwg 2) in the drawing I want to insert.
When I attach dwg 2 to dwg 1 and set the coordinate systems using the assign coordinate system and query in data, everything matched and is coincidental, but when I insert or XREF using the 'Locate using Geographic Data', there is an enormous error.
Currently developing a GUI, I'd like to remove the grips on selected objects when I launch a function from a toolbar. I have the classical ^c^c at the beginning of my scripts, but it doesn't seem to remove them, although pressing 2 times the esc keys does it...
I am trying to oTrack distance from the top circle edge of a cylinder to a certain distance ... whenever i try to do that ... it either track to x and y .. but not in z :/ ... the video i have on you tube he did it so simply and it seems to be easy .
I am not sure what is wrong .. but i heard parallel and perspective view could make a difference .. i actually try both :/ ...
I need to import splines which are at an offset relative to geographic positioning and as you can see in the example are all warped. I do not intend to use the splines at this distance, I just need them imported correctly at this location and then repositioned to to work on.
Position: Technical 3D Graphic Artist Software: Autodesk 3dsMax 2014 - Service Pack 3 (64-Bit) Website: [URL].....
I have a very simple surface. All of the elevations defining it, are set in feet. When I click on the surface it tells me my max and min elevations are in feet matching the points that I have defining the surface.
Here is the kicker, when I run a distance it is measuring the Z distance in inches and not feet. As you can see by the attached image the distance is 95' but the elevation change is 1 3/8". The actual points defining the surface are 1.28' difference. If I were to do a spot elevation on the surface, it would give me the correct elevation in feet. I am guessing that this is some sort of variable that I have missed, but damned if I can find it.
I read all of the posts I could on point gaps and know how to make the leader reach for the center of the point. What I want is for the leader to actually attach to the block of the style I have created. Is this possible, or do I need to find a new way to label of these points so that the leader touches the block. Also I noticed the gap is not consistent from point to point.
I am using civil 3d 2011 with the latest service pack.
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
I am wondering if there is a way to get the bearing label to look show a 09d02'01" the way i have is set up it cuts off the 0 infront of them? I thought that would be fine however my boss does not, so I have o explode the label and add it in then. I do not like to do this however.
New to civil 3d...I have a series of bore locations along an alignment that I need the station offset and distance. I tried POINT -> ALIGNMENT: STATION/OFFSET, and that prompts me to tell where i want the offsets to go. I want to be able to pick the center of each bore and have civil 3d tell me that information. What command do I use?
A trick to make automatic a dimension line for the distance between the existing alignment of a road and the design alignment.
This dimension line I want to be in the cross sections. I make a project with a widening road and I have to show the difference between the old and the new alignment.
I have no problems labeling parcel lines but am having issue with overall spanning labels. For example, the crows feet are showing at the beginning and end of a subdivision property line but the distance is incorrect. I found that that distance shown correlates back to the parcel segment picked not the overall subdivision property line. How to get the overall span distance to report correctly?
Any way to capture the drag distance of a Civil 3D label object?
If that was a property, then we would be able to make our Leaders display or not display based on the distance from the object. If I only drag a label a half-inch I might not want a leader, but if I go further I would like the leader to appear.
It would be easy enough to do this with expressions if you could make that property available in the expressions dialog.
When we created our fist C3D template in 2007 it was possible to make a grading criteria that targeted a surface at a fixed distance. In other words, the slope was variable. Looking at it again in 2013 it appears it's not possible to creat a criteria like that. Am I missing something? Or was that option removed? .....perhaps because it was too unstable?
I have VS X2 (sp1 & sp2 installed). I am trying to convert videos from an uncompressed AVI format to something of reasonable size.
Unfortunately, the original source of these videos only output at 1080i, so EVERYTHING (including some only NTSC standard def videos) is upscaled to 1080i format.
Problem #1: the up-scaled NTSC 4:3 videos are full top-to-bottom screen, with the expected black-bars on left/right. When I try to write them out in any VS X2 output format, they end up getting an additional black border all around, as if they are being shrunk. The pixelation is horrible (it's not like their quality started out good). What I'd really like to do is just get them converted to standard def with NO borders.
Problem #2: even native HD captures (mostly 1080i) end up with a small black border as if they've been slightly shrunk / scaled.
I have tried the CROP and the PAN/ZOOM filters and cannot find a setting or combination that makes these full-size, no-border.
How to create a transition crossfall over a distance in assembly. For example, I would like to get hard shoulder crossfall along the edge of travel lane from proposed 2.5% to tie in the existing (e.g. 1%) over 10m.
I'm having a frequent but random problem with Multileaders where the landing distance will change on its own from its initial standard 1/8 inch to some relatively large negative distance which also causes the landing to disappear altogether. If I use the move trick for resetting all elevations to zero (Move 0,0,10e99 then 0,0,10e-99) the landing will reappear connecting the landing grip at the strange negative offset.
The problem seems only to happen when the leader is connected to the bottom right of the note.
When I remove the leader and add a new leader it appears correct but as soon as I save the drawing the affected Multileaders will again present this problem. Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1 Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
I am using Civil 3D 2012. I know how to label a line with bearing and distance. What I would like to do is make a table with these bearings and distances referencing the point numbers. For instance, I have a new ROW line that starts at point 1000 and changes direction at point 1001 and changes direction at 1002 and so on. I need a table that shows Points 1000-1001 is ___ Bearing and ___ Distance.
The lines are not parcel lines; they are only line segments.