In order to create a swale, I created a feature line representing the bottom of the swale and graded up to an existing surface around its outer perimeter. The slope pattern looks ok when it initially generates the grading. I need to grip and drag certain points along the feature line in order to bring the top of slope lines of the swale close to the bottom of slope lines of an adjacent berm. As soon as I grip and drag the feature line, the slope pattern lines go awry. Instead of a short line then a long line, then short line, etc., the lines are all the same length. It actually appears as if short and long lines are overlapping each other.
I am using Civil 3D 2012. I know how to label a line with bearing and distance. What I would like to do is make a table with these bearings and distances referencing the point numbers. For instance, I have a new ROW line that starts at point 1000 and changes direction at point 1001 and changes direction at 1002 and so on. I need a table that shows Points 1000-1001 is ___ Bearing and ___ Distance.
The lines are not parcel lines; they are only line segments.
Here's an extremely simple example.. It works with a circle or a square, obviously because it has the same height and width. The problem is when you have irregular shapes, (or in this case, an oval). I know I've seen solutions to this in the past, but I just can't think of how to word this question and find them again.
I know you can create multiple strokes for an object in the appearance palette, but I'm looking for something more effective than just having colored stroke > white stroke > colored stroke> white stroke > etc.
Here's a couple examples of the kind of effect I'm looking for.
I had to create a boundary map and place points to all corners. How to export these newly created points back into my data collector (Ranger) and also I'm trying to figure out how to print out a points list.
I stumbled on to this thread but I guessing that it's a different CAD year because my modify tab doesn't look like this. URL.....
Can you not perform a slope-slope intercept to place a PVI? Essentially holding the sta and elev of the PVI's directly before and after the PVI of interest and changing the grade in and out so that the sta and elev of the PVI of interest are changed.
Can't figure out how to match gutter slope to outside lane super subassembly slope. Have super eop targeting a feature line with elevations, but when i check section editor gutter slope doesn't match pavement slope.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
Let me make my question clearer by considering an example as follows, Assume I have points A, B, C and D in a map. Is there any command that can list the distance between any two points out of all points? e.g. distance of A-B, A-C, A-D, B-C, B-D, C-D.
i need a shoulder subassembly that varies slope in relation to the lane superelevation slope. i know that i can get a subassembly for the shoulder that will follow the alignment superelevation xml data but in my case i can't use it because we are just adding a shoulder to an existing road. we're not changing the superelevation of the existing road, just milling and overlaying and widening. right now i've created a profile of the outside edge of the shoulder that gives me the correct shoulder slope but whenever i change my centerline profile i have to redo the shoulder profiles which is a real time suck.
I am in the process of transitioning from land desktop to Civil 3D. I design roads in steep terrain and sometimes need to have my catch (daylight) slopes change. So my question is, how do I change a daylight slope at a specified depth? For example, from the shoulder of the road I want a 3:1 fill slope to a depth of 10 feet than change to a 2:1 slope until it catches the existing surface. Can this be built into a subassembly such that if the fill is less than 10 feet it will daylight correctly at a 3:1 and if the depth is greater than 10 feet then it carries the 3:1 for 10 vertical feet and then changes to the 2:1 until it daylights?
How to create a transition crossfall over a distance in assembly. For example, I would like to get hard shoulder crossfall along the edge of travel lane from proposed 2.5% to tie in the existing (e.g. 1%) over 10m.
The intersection wizard makes dynamic EOP profiles based off of the cross slope from the centerline. Well the intersection tool doesn't always work with funky intersection layouts. Is it possible to manually create a dynamic EOP profile based on the cross slope from the centerline profile?
If I list one of the objects, it is defined as a block. I have repeatedly tried to explode this but to no avail.
My intention is to convert these AutoCAD "points" as points in Civil 3D to process them further. When I use Points>Convert AutoCAD points commands, it returns me a "invalid selection" message.
How do I explode these blocks and convert them to Civil 3D point objects?
I am working in a .dwg that i have previously created cogo point in, but now when i try to created cogo points manually, it goes through the prompts, but will not create the point. P.S I am using Civil 3d 2011
I have 4 points (from "Points from file", I created Points #1, #2, #3 and #$ in the non-linear fashion).
1) I want to create 4 straight lines (connecting Pt#1-Pt#2, P#2-P#3, P#3-Pt#4, P#4-P#1) by using some Commands. What Commands in the Command Line should I use to create these 4 straight lines from these 4 points?
2) I want to create 1 parcel (connecting Pt#1-Pt#2-Pt#3-Pt#4-Pt#1) by using some Commands after "Parcel Creation Tools" => Draw Tangent-Tangent with No Curve is clicked. What Commands should I use in the Command Line to specify these points to form a parcel?
I want to create an i part which derives its length and width from pairs of snapped points in the assembly. These can be any two points not necessarily existing properties of any part.
My new part would then calculate its actual dims from these measurements. Can this be done in ilogic and how?
I have a data table showing points surrounding a central source.I would like to create a calculation that adds a column in my data table of the points; that shows the distance between each respective point, and the central point.
My knowledge in expression building is limited,I assume I would be using some form of calculation using the geom, and the X and Y locations, however I'm coming up with nada.
I was wondering if there is a setting somewhere that can be turned on to display the manual points I am creating as I create them instead of having to go back and update the point group before they display in the drawing?
I have the need to put COGO points along the vertices of multiple 3D polylines in a DWG. I know how to do this individually for each 3DPL via the "Points>Create - Miscellaneous > Polyline Vertices - Automatic" or "CREATEPTPLYLNCTRVERTAUTO" command. Need tip on how to do this in a batch format for all the selected 3D PLines in the drawing without having to select each individual 3DPL and having to hit return to enter a description for each individual vertex? I can do without having to add a description and can leave each description blank or enter the same description for each.
I want to create new vertex points in feature line and 3dpol.
I have this: try { if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d)) { Polyline3d p3d = (Polyline3d)trans.GetObject(entRes.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
always catches the same Exception "the value is not within the expected range" .I have translated it because I get "El valor no está dentro del intervalo esperado". Perhaps is this: " Value does not fall within the expected range.".
I have tried it with different point3d values but always catches Exception.
With pol3d I have similar problem.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1 Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz. ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd 32gb RAM 1600 Mhz. nVidia Quadro 2000. Win 7 Pro 64bit
I'm using Inventor 2013 and would like to create a dialog box requesting the parameters for a simple rectangle and be able to snap in an assembly to get the distance for each parameter (width and depth) of the shape. Is this possible with either VBA or iLogic? I just need how to get the value...I can handle the dialog box.
I need to create points with surface elevations along sample lines. The points need to represent the verticies one would see in the section editor. I've attached an image of my section editor for one of my sample lines. I need to create points that represent these 24 verticies along this sample line and do so for the rest of my sample lines as well. Is there an automated process to create these points?
I want to use the 'Create Points at Alignment Geometry' tool in order to label only the PIs. However, when I use the tool it creates two points (one called PI and one called CPI) at each vertex of the alignment. How can I fix this issue and toggle the creation of the various other geometry points?
Is there a way to create a point group of random points within a drawing and adjust the elevations for the points within that group? Some of the points in the group may have been manually created and some may have been imported by way of "Import Events"..
Is there a way to create automatic Point Groups when importing points? Sort of like a Desc Key for layers? I know it probably is impossible but I have to ask.
When I am asked for the Profile Origin the cursor is like a standard Windows Arrow pointer and won't let me select a point for the origin.If I use a polyline for the quick profile all works as expected...
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
There are times that I have a really long curb polyline that has both line and arc segments. I wish to pick two points along that polyline and have it give me the distance between those two points along the path of the polyline.
Do we have this ability natively? Have I been missing something all this time? Normally I have to make a copy of the original entity, ... break, break, list erase or undo....
The create points tool window doesn't use the Points Creation options I set for Default Elevation and Description, when go to create a bunch of points I have to key these in for each one. I know if I go and set these in the settings tab they will stick, but I would like for the tool window to work like it implies.