AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Create New Vertex Points In Line And 3D Polyline
Nov 24, 2013
I want to create new vertex points in feature line and 3dpol.
I have this:
if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d)) {
Polyline3d p3d = (Polyline3d)trans.GetObject(entRes.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
always catches the same Exception "the value is not within the expected range" .I have translated it because I get "El valor no está dentro del intervalo esperado". Perhaps is this: " Value does not fall within the expected range.".
I have tried it with different point3d values but always catches Exception.
With pol3d I have similar problem.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1
Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz.
ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd
32gb RAM 1600 Mhz.
nVidia Quadro 2000.
Win 7 Pro 64bit
Any way to reduce the number of vertex points in a polyline or 3d polyline and retain the basic shape but without having to redraw over the top it?
Ideally, I would like any adjacent segments which are in the same direction as each other to become one segment.
In my image you can see the number of points it has, the majority of which are not necessary for my needs (it was imported from a client's drawing). My desired linetype will also not show because of this.
How can I drag-select muliple vertex points form a polyline, a workaround I found is:
-select object
-shift select first vertex, shift select next vertex, etc
But this workaround is limited because I want to delete those vertexes, I cannot find the remove vertex command when I have multiple vertexes selected.
I'm currently trying to use the draw > point > measure tool to create a set of points around a polyline but I can't seem to get them to start at a point that I want. When I try and create the points they start from a random place.
3ds max 2012. I know most of the base of the software.But I never understood the technique of adding Polignim, vertexs and lines to the object to make it more realistic
Here I am trying to create a vertex: URL....
This is what happens after I create the vertex: URL....
The problem is that the vertex is not part of the line.You can see it because I moved the vetex. Some of the line was supposed to move with the vertex. This means that vetex is not part of anything. How to create vertex on the line.
is there a command (or method) that will create a polyline from selected cogo points instead of manually connected each point from a create line command?
I've seen a label style somewhere that can label the elevation of vertices and elevation points on feature lines. How to style or a procedure for creating a style for this?
I've found a couple of blogs that layout the steps for a style but it seems there are a few ways to do it so I'm looking for what could be considered the most effective/versatile approach.
I’ve had this problem with my proposed elevations for quite some time so I finally want to fix it while I’m a little slow. The problem I have is when I change scales, my elevation’s (in dragged state) leader vertex does not connect to my line. I’ve attached my lable styles...
I had to create a boundary map and place points to all corners. How to export these newly created points back into my data collector (Ranger) and also I'm trying to figure out how to print out a points list.
I stumbled on to this thread but I guessing that it's a different CAD year because my modify tab doesn't look like this. URL.....
problem I am encountering with adding vertices to the ends of polylines in AutoCAD LT 2012:
I typically use the drop down menu that shows up when hovering over the end (or mid) point of a polyline to choose "Add Vertex" to a polyline. If I do this to one end-grip of the polyline, it will add it onto the end of the polyline as an extension (desired and intended effect). If I do it to the other end-grip, it will add the vertex behind the end of the polyline as if I had used the mid-grip to do it (not the desired effect). If I wanted a vertex in the middle of two end points, I would do this procedure using the mid-grip, not the end-grip. One would think that by using an end-grip, it would come off the end, not go into the would think.
The Question: Is there a short key or quick command to use to guarantee the added vertex will extend from the end of the polyline rather than add one in the middle of the polyline, no matter which end I am trying to extend?
I have imported a dwg witch was created by Revit. The problem is that it creates polyline vertex for curves. But i want a arc, or at least not so many segments.
on the image; on the left is what i got, on the right is what i want.
Example as: i have 3 vertex (0,1,2) and you can see vertex 1 stay between vertex 0 and 2. Now, i want to delete this vertex how can do that. Similarly, i want to delete some vertex 3,5,8.
I have a set of polylines that have easting, northing and height values. However, I want to display the co-ordinates of each vertex within the polyline.
When I scroll over the vertices of the polyline the values change (bottom left screen) I simply want them displayed as a text.
I have a method for inserting a vertex to a polyline. But this does not work for closed polylines for the case shown below. The code fails if the point is on the last edge of the polyline.
public void AddVertexOnPolyline(Point3d addPoint,Polyline editPolyline) { Document acDoc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocu
Is there a simple way to add a vertex anywhere you want in a shape or polyline? I double click those items and a menu comes up and I can add a vertex but it limits me where I can add the vertex and then it is a pain to make it work like I want.
how to change the elevation of each vertex on a polyline so that each vertex has a different value. The way I attempted this in the past was to click on polyline, click properties and give each vertex the required elevation. However when I looked back at the values I noticed that every vertex had the same value as the last elevation value entered. is it something to do with ensuring polyline is 3D?
I am trying to create a tool that looks similar to Line in Autocad. I got the solution for dynamic multiple insertion points but the issue is the line is only visible after the end point is selected. But i want the line to be visible before selecting the end point, this should be as same as the line we use in autocad. Following is the code i used to create a line with multiple insertion points.
Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim acCurEd As Editor = acDoc.Editor Using lock As DocumentLock =
I have a list of offset distance from centerline on both sildes (left and right). I want to use this to create a polyline that represents the daylight. these offsets are taken from an old hardcopy drawings of cross-sections. is there any way to draw this polyline that follows the alignment?
Feature lines are easy to make and great for grading. However, when I try to save the drawing into *.dxf, all the feature lines disappeared. Does this mean DXF files do not take feature lines?
I need the DXF files to up load into GPS. Do I have to redraw everything in 3D polyline?Or is there an easier way to convert feature lines into 3D polylines?
I'm working on crane pads for a windfarm development and have run into an issue that has never happened in the other 60 or so ones I've done previously.
I have a polyline (elevation added in via Properties) that I want to convert to a feature line for use in grading but when I try to convert I get the message below
When I check the properties and do a LIST the list reports a negative elevation.
I want to create points from the polyline to identify in the field. For example, I create a square for a concrete pad and I want to identify the corners of the pad.
Im still new to Civil 3D and i would like to know how to connect inported points using 3D polylines. I imported my points from Excel in a PNEZD format. How do i get the 3d poly line to snap to my points so I can Connect them? someone mentioned using a feature line to connect the points but im not sure how or what that would do.
I want to draw a line between the two sketches visible on the image below. The line should be in the plane visible. The starting point of the line should be from wherever the top sketch intersects the plane of the current sketch. The finnish point of the line should be wherever a line of the bottom sketch intersects the current sketch plane.
There is no tooltip appearing that would allow me to quickly "attach" the starting line to the correct position. Is there such an aid, and how do i turn it on?
I want to create a 3d ployline from a 2d polyline with curves. When I use the convert 2d polyline to 3d polyline command it places a bunch of vertices along the curve so when I go to place elevations on the vertices it takes too long. I want to be able to give an elevation at the pc and pt and have it place elevations along the curve from this info like it does on the stright lines.
If if manually flatten the figure using a dummy suface with the AeccFeatureElevsFromSurf command, the polyline derived from survfig.BaseCurve will then have actual arc segments.
Is there another method or a way to flatten the figure programatically first?