AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Distance Between Existing And Design Alignment In CSS
Oct 30, 2012
A trick to make automatic a dimension line for the distance between the existing alignment of a road and the design alignment.
This dimension line I want to be in the cross sections. I make a project with a widening road and I have to show the difference between the old and the new alignment.
Angle-distance method to stake out the horizontal alignment by total station,Assuming that the total station with reflector is the tool that it is intended to lay out the circular curve after being designed then the only way to do so is to construct a table that contains angle-distance values.
I’m wondering if the C3D can provide this table (attached)
I was wondering if it is at all possible to add a polyline to an existing alignment? The purpose of doing so would be to extend the alignment so that I can display the proposed kerb and gutter.
I have an existing alignment issued to me which has been created using all straight lines even where there should be curves. I am trying to insert curves in these areas. Using free curves (2 entities and a through point) I create a curve then somethings happen I can't work out -
1. The curve is created but the original straight linework stays. I would have thought the original linework would automatically delete. See attached pdf between points 60 and 62 the curve and straights can be seen. 2. Then all stations after the curve are changed to the question mark symbol. If i click on the alignment all the grips are still there for the full length of the alignment, indicating the alignment is still in one piece. 3. If I try to create another curve further along the alignment it won't allow it. Stating on the command line "Selected entity must be part of the main entity."
Is there a way to move the station on an existing alignment? For example, I have an alignment created and want to move station 10+00 so it represents a different point on my alignemnt.
I've created a copy of my centerline alignment using the "Create Alignment from Existing Alignment" and was going to edit the new alignment to explore different options. But the new alignment can't be editted. It's lost something in the translation. There is no grip edit for the PI, that the original alignment has.
Civil 3D 2013 SP1 Dell T3500 Workstation Intel Xeon E5630 @ 2.53 GHz 12 Gig of RAM Nvidia Quadro FX3800 Window 7 x 64bit OS
I have one surface "EG" and two alignments, I'll call 1 and 2. The profile view already has the alignment 1 surface projected on it. I go to profile>Create Surface Profile and select alignment 2, Surface EG, go to ADD it but the profile list is empty. Shouldn't it already be populated with alignment 1 and all I'm doing is adding 2 to it? Both alignments are in the same site.
Changing the default of “design speed” appearing in the create alignment,I’m wondering how the design speed appearing in the “create alignment” dialogue box can be changed such that the second time the “create alignment” dialogue box is launched then the new value for the speed is displayed.
I have an existing ground profile, and a design profile. All I want to do is label the slopes of the design. When I click my line label style and turn on the text it labels the existing ground and the design ground. I cannot find the setting in my two profile styles to turn the slopes off in the existing ground.
Oh, how can I get a tick on the V.C. dimension line?
I am creating a couple of spur gears using the "Center Distance" design guide. I have fixed each gear to a cylindrical face, but when I click on the "Calculate" button, there is an error saying that the center distance is incorrect.
I went back and edited my sketches so the center distance matched the one displayed in the design accelerator and attempted to calculate again, but the error persists. What am I not getting here?
I using a data reference/shortcut to properly label an alignment in paperspace. However when I reference the alignment in and apply the labels the aren't the same as the original alignment that I am referencing. Is there a setting where I am supposed to apply a new beginning station.
Also it seems as though the stationing(distance) isn't even matching up 1:1 with the original drawing. For example in the original base drawing my alignment starts at 10+00 with the next PI at 14+76.98, but the stationing on the reference alignment starts at 0+83.33 with the very same PI being labeled as 1+23.08. So the very same distance is 476.98' in the real design and the drawing it's being referenced in, but the stationing of the referenced alignment shows it as 39.75 Units.
I've attached a screen of the beginning of the alignment.
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 16GB RAM
Using Civil 3d2012, Is it possible to change the alignment label style set after the alignment has been created? For example, for an alignment that was created with alignment label set X - change the label set to alignment label set Y? It seems like this should be pretty easy, I must be missing something obvious.
I have a question on Alignment PI's. (Point of Inflection/Intersection)I have an alignment where some PI's have curves, others are merely hard bends.
Is there a way to automatically label the PI's even if they have an associated curve? (I'd like PI, PC and PT)Alternatively, can I only show markers at PI's without curves?
I’m wondering if there is a way to launch alignment grid view/alignment entities (attached) without the need to first launching “alignment”? This dialogue box is quite essential in editing the values of radius, degree of curvature and deflection angle for the selected curve.
Can I inherit the station from one alignment as the begin station for another alignment?
For example. Alignment 1 is 1000 ft long and starts at sta 0+00.
At sta 8+01, Alignment 2 begins and goes off in another direction.
I manually enter 8+01 for begin station Alignment 2. Life is good. Still in the design stage, and customer needs to modify Alignment 1 to avoid something. Now Alignment 2 intersects Alignment 1 at sta 8+15, but same N/E coordinates.
I manually enter 8+15 for begin station Alignment 2.
It would be better if Alignment 2 could inherit the begin station based on the new stationing from Alignment 1.
The company I work for is a wooden packaging company. We recently purchased Inventor to open large file models from John Deere to design a wooden pallet/crate to package the part. Basically, what I am asking for 'get started'. I know how to pull in files, but I am just trying to figure out how to design packaging around this existing model.
I'm trying to create an all new existing surface over existing ground. I have a TIN surface of the EG, and I have drawn overlay splines that describe the new surface, but how to go about creating that design surface.
It is a compound surface, open on one end and closed all around on the other, somewhat like a half of a football stadium, but with an irregular upper edge because I am needing to figure out cuts and fills to manipulate the EG into this new surface without costly major terraforming. There is about 40-50' vertical elevation between the "field" and the upper rim with a generally constant 7-10 deg. slope all around. I'm just at a loss to figure out how to approach this project, and am quite new to Civil 3D.
Civil3D 2013 MacBookPro 17 - 2.4GHz Intel QuadCore i7 (Late 2011 build) Microsoft Windows 7 64bit 350GB Bootcamp volume
I want to deconstruct a design and rearrange the parts.I have a horizontal banner-style logo with an image on the left and text stretching out to the right. I want to make a square badge by moving the text to be above the image.
Using logic I copied and pasted the EPS original to make three layers. Then I tried cropping to create the various elements (one is the image, two others are words). It's not working. Each time I crop one layer, all the layers crop.
Obviously I'm missing a step or two in isolating the layers or something. I have been using the EPS version of the logo file but I also have it in PNG and JPG.
Some background: We have a composite surface of existing surveyed contours as a TIN pasted into existing aerial contours that we received from a client. We used polylines to generate our proposed contours, and then generated a proposed surface from that. We've made a blank surface, pasted in the existing surface, and are trying to paste in our proposed surface... only the existing contours outside of the proposed suface no longer line up correctly once we do.
We've tried applying the method laid out here: [URL] ........ (and the link referenced in the bottom) but are still having trouble getting the surface to work. We've tried offsetting as little as 0.25' and as much as 5' with the feature line draped over the existing surface, but it seemed that the greater the offset, the greater the discrepancy.
Just to make sure we even tried that correctly - should the breaklines that we add be standard or non-destructive? (I've tried it both ways with little success either way, so I don't know if it matters much in this instance, but perhaps for future reference it would work.)
I've attached a screen shot of our surfaces. The pink and green lines are the proposed contours, the white dashed are the existing. The outer red line is offset 0.25'. As I've mentioned, we've tried offsetting various amounts with decreasing success.
I am trying to oTrack distance from the top circle edge of a cylinder to a certain distance ... whenever i try to do that ... it either track to x and y .. but not in z :/ ... the video i have on you tube he did it so simply and it seems to be easy .
I am not sure what is wrong .. but i heard parallel and perspective view could make a difference .. i actually try both :/ ...
I imported Google earth surface (at eye alt 600m) to civil 3d 2012 and created an alignment of length 181m.
When I exported same alignment to Google earth , it showed the length as 190m ( the difference increases with increase in length of alignment) And also the profile view of the alignment in the Civil D & Google earth varies.
I have a very simple surface. All of the elevations defining it, are set in feet. When I click on the surface it tells me my max and min elevations are in feet matching the points that I have defining the surface.
Here is the kicker, when I run a distance it is measuring the Z distance in inches and not feet. As you can see by the attached image the distance is 95' but the elevation change is 1 3/8". The actual points defining the surface are 1.28' difference. If I were to do a spot elevation on the surface, it would give me the correct elevation in feet. I am guessing that this is some sort of variable that I have missed, but damned if I can find it.