AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Alignment Profile To Existing Pview
Nov 13, 2012
I have one surface "EG" and two alignments, I'll call 1 and 2. The profile view already has the alignment 1 surface projected on it. I go to profile>Create Surface Profile and select alignment 2, Surface EG, go to ADD it but the profile list is empty. Shouldn't it already be populated with alignment 1 and all I'm doing is adding 2 to it? Both alignments are in the same site.
I have 3 profiles that I've superimposed together. Then I created sheets using the superimposed profile. I used the wizard and had Civil 3d do it for me (2012). Now I have to add a 4th profile to the mix and get it to show in my profile views that have already been cut. The data is shortcut into the drawing with my cut profiles views. How do I get it to be in the cut profile views without re cutting everything?
I was wondering if it is at all possible to add a polyline to an existing alignment? The purpose of doing so would be to extend the alignment so that I can display the proposed kerb and gutter.
I have an existing alignment issued to me which has been created using all straight lines even where there should be curves. I am trying to insert curves in these areas. Using free curves (2 entities and a through point) I create a curve then somethings happen I can't work out -
1. The curve is created but the original straight linework stays. I would have thought the original linework would automatically delete. See attached pdf between points 60 and 62 the curve and straights can be seen. 2. Then all stations after the curve are changed to the question mark symbol. If i click on the alignment all the grips are still there for the full length of the alignment, indicating the alignment is still in one piece. 3. If I try to create another curve further along the alignment it won't allow it. Stating on the command line "Selected entity must be part of the main entity."
Is there a way in C3D to add elevation information from a profile to an alignment label? What I'm trying to do is add labels to an alignment in a plan view with elevation information from a profile design associated with that alignment at a particular station. For example, the note would read:
ALIGNMENT B STA: 12+83.67 ELEV: 435.87
I can't figure out how to add any elevation data to the alignment note. I really don't want to have to create a section and a corridor surface, but that's the only way I can think of right now... and I'm not sure that would actually let me add a station and elevation in the same note in a plan view.
I have an alignment label that I normally use to show the PVI's of a profile in the plan view.
This is a little unusual, but in a specific case I wanted to design my profile at one alignment, but show it at another. I designed my swale profile in the pathway profile view and then superimposed the swale profile on the swale profile view. I then went back to the swale alignment to add these labels.
It's a no-go AFAICT. The only profile available for me to select for these labels is the original ground profile from the surface.
I have a profile showing proposed storm sewer, existing sanitary, rock surface, existing surface, and proposed profile. Today for some reason the proposed profile and labels, and the existing surface are not showing on the profile and I'm not sure what has changed or how to get them back.
Is there a way to move the station on an existing alignment? For example, I have an alignment created and want to move station 10+00 so it represents a different point on my alignemnt.
A trick to make automatic a dimension line for the distance between the existing alignment of a road and the design alignment.
This dimension line I want to be in the cross sections. I make a project with a widening road and I have to show the difference between the old and the new alignment.
I imported Google earth surface (at eye alt 600m) to civil 3d 2012 and created an alignment of length 181m.
When I exported same alignment to Google earth , it showed the length as 190m ( the difference increases with increase in length of alignment) And also the profile view of the alignment in the Civil D & Google earth varies.
1/ I have spent alot of time setting up profiles so all the information on the profile are dynamic and to our company standards. I have created the alignments along the road centrelines and created the profiles for those alignments. Wouldn't you know it they made changes to the site plan. When I click on the alignment and select Edit Aligment Geometry, the Alignment Layout Tools come up but I can't select any of the tools to edit the alignment. Am I missing something.
2/ Can I create a new alignment called street A (revised) and associate it to the profile currently associated to street A (orig) so I don't have to rebuild all the profile labels etc?
Civil 3D 2013 Windows 8 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 32. GB 64-bit Oepration System, x64-based processor No Pen or Touch Input
I created a profile for an alignment (which has 2 offsets) and also an assembly with two assembly offsets. I wanted to create a corridor where my assembly offsets will have the same profile but will be on different alignments (alignment offsets).
In the corridor properties / parameters, I got an error : duplicate profile found. Should I copy the profile (for each offset) in different profile views (for each offset) ? Or there is a better way to do that ?
I'm wanting to make a corridor model from an imported DGN that contains centerlines and edges of pavement for a neighborhood. From 2011 and 2012, the import creates splines while 2010 and older create 3d polylines. The alignment creation from objects does not work on a 3d polyline or spline and I have no clue how to make a profile from the same object. How could I go about making an alignment and profile from a 3d spline or 3d polyline?
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
As we have a option of creating the profile from file ,by using that option we get PVI point but not the curves so every time want to copy a alignment from one profile to another in order to maintain the same levels in both the profiles using create profile from file options curves will not be copied but its pvi points will be displayed so i need to convert those pvi points to curves .
the other method of copying is by using superimpose profile option by doing so their is one problem arises that is in the copied profile if i want to see the details of the vertical geometry of that copied alignment the details of the curve will not be displayed in that band.
I have a centerline alignment defined from a polyline that starts at the middle of an existing T-intersection and starts with Sta 1+00.
When I draw the existing profile using this alignment I want it to show starting from Sta 0+50, while the plan view maintains a visible centerline starting at 1+00. I can get the grid to display the 'previous' 50 feet easily enough, but not the existing surface line(s).
I Created a Surface Profile along my existing survey alignment (Alignment 1). I copied that to a layout profile. I need to transfer that profile to an alignment I drew approximately 8 ft to the right (with less verticies - Alignment 2).
I created an offset alignment of Alignment 2 - Left 8 ft. I Created a Surface Profile from the 8 ft offset. Using that surface profile along Alignment 2 might be good enough, but I'd prefer to use the surface profile created from Alignment 1 because it represents my high point. I am creating a construction grade x-sec assembly that will run along (or 3-6 inches higher than the existing Centerline). But I want to hold Alignment 2.
I think what I need to do is to be able to hold Alignment 2, but use the Profile generated from Alignment 1 in my Corridor.
I created an alignment in one file. Then in another file I data shortcut that alignment in. From there I created an existing ground profile using that alignment. Later I modified the alignment. When I go into my profile drawing containing the existing ground profile, it did not update. I have had this happen on several projects and I can not figure out why it is not updating. My station range on the existing ground profile is set to automatic.
I used to do this all the time in 2012 and never had this problem. I am using 2013 with the latest update..
I need to know how to display a proposed profile elevation in the major station alignment label, I mean, for example, I want to read in the label "0+000, 494.444". I've already edited my major station label style adding a (profile type) Reference text, and it only displays "?". I suppose I need to associate it with the correct profile, but I've not figured out how to. I show you how the label looks in the attached image.
and I have tried it using {Station Value} instead of {Raw Station}
Here's what it's meant to do (because it's a long one):
If the station value + 5 is not divisible by 15, return -1 If the station value + 5 is divisible by 15, return the profile elevation, if the profile elevation is in the 100 range, subtract 100 if the profile elevation is in the 200 range, subtract 200...etc
Here is my conundrum: If I use the expression in a profile label, it works fine. But if I use it in an alignment label as reference text, it returns -1 for every value.
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. I am thinking that this may not be possible at this point but I am still going to try. I have an alignment label style for station and offset. I also have created a dynamic block for the border of this label to put around that label. This call out border is not a typical single width border so the borders within the alignment style do not match and cannot be used for our designs. I have attached an image of the border around the label style for a random alignment. So far the dynamic block has been a great fix for the border so that we dont spend a lot of time drawing in these borders for each label, but I was trying to add this dynamic block to the label style so that it would act as the border.
So far I have tried adding the block as a component in the layout tab of the label style but it appears where I anchor it and does not access any of the dynamic attributes to make the callout box larger in reference to the text. I know I can insert it so that in general it will be surrounding the Station, Offset, and Alignment contents, however, we frequently add additional text to our labels to callout pipe bends and other items so the box is not typically the same size.
How I might be able to do this or if it is not possible at this time?
For an intersection, I am trying to create an alignment and profile from the Lane (edge of traveled way) of my main road for the intersection lanes to tie to. I just did this yesterday on this same corridor without any issue, but today it doesn't create the alignment correctly. It doesn't actually follow the feature line that I select. The alignment is in orange and the green line is the lane line. Notice that the alignment isn't following the lane line.
What would cause this? It worked fine doing the exact same thing yesterday, but today it's not.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
When I try to create a feature line using an alignment/ profile, sometimes it gives me a feature line for the entire alignment, even though my profile is only a small segment. I made sure I selected the correct profile, and I even deleted all other surface profiles just in case. But it still gives me a wonky feature line for the entire alignment.
However, in the same file, other profiles have worked perfectly.
We are working together with another firm here in town. The are doing the road and we are doing the utilities. They have established the alignments and profiles. When I import them all the data comes in. For whatever reason I do not have their profile views so I create my own profile view and put their profiles in them.
When they send an updated .xml file of all the alignments and profiles, they import okay but my profile views disappear. I assume it's because in their .xml file that I import, there are no profile view defined.
Is there an options when you export and alignment to an .xml file that you can include the profile views with it as well? This way when I import them I would get them.
Is there anyway to display Alignment Station Offset Label at Profile View because sometimes i want to display where is the phisical noze location in profile view also my attached file display what i have in my label and how display my label in profile view.