Angle-distance method to stake out the horizontal alignment by total station,Assuming that the total station with reflector is the tool that it is intended to lay out the circular curve after being designed then the only way to do so is to construct a table that contains angle-distance values.
I’m wondering if the C3D can provide this table (attached)
I was wondering if there is a way for me to setup Autocad so that instead of putting in S 88d20'12" W I could put in something like S88.20.12W so that I don't have to mess with apostrophes or "d." Also, can i do something similar with distance settings? Where instead of saying 5'-6 1/2" I can say 5.6.1/2. I know I could convert the measurements into decimals, but that would waste the time I would be saving with a faster input method.
I'm trying to move an object a certain distance at a certain angle. I select the object and hit Enter to bring up the Move dialog. I enter the angle and distance, and instead of moving the specified distance, it moves some other distance. I don't get it. Am I doing it wrong? I can't imagine how else it's supposed to work. Here's a simple example:
Based on the angle and distance I entered in the video, the duplicate square should have been placed so that its lower right corner touches the upper left corner of the original. Instead, it only moved half an inch or so.
Illustrator CS6, menu object, transform, move: when I move an object using orizzontal value and vertical value (example 10 mm from X and 10 mm from Y) the value in distance and angle is correct (14,1421 of distance and -45° angle) but, when I want to use distance and the angle for drawing in isometric way (example: 10 mm distance and 30° angle) the orizzontal and vertical value is not correct as you can see in the attached file below
I am using Illustrator CS6. When I select an object and open the Move window (either by pressing the Enter key or selecting Object>Transform>Move), I try and move the object at a given angle and a given distance. I leave the Horizontal & Vertical dialogs blank and just fill in the information for the Distance and Angle. When I press OK (or Copy), nothing happens. In all previous versions of Illustrator, this feature worked perfectly. I can not get it to work in CS6.
I am trying to oTrack distance from the top circle edge of a cylinder to a certain distance ... whenever i try to do that ... it either track to x and y .. but not in z :/ ... the video i have on you tube he did it so simply and it seems to be easy .
I am not sure what is wrong .. but i heard parallel and perspective view could make a difference .. i actually try both :/ ...
I've read about a command before which can copy entities with increment via specified distance, horizontal or vertical. Now I need it but can't figure out what was that command.
Is there a quick way to rotate an object to match an angle without knowing what the angle is? I am using AutoCAD 2011 now. I was using 2007 and I had an add on command the would rotate an object using a base point and picking the two lines that make up the angle, and it would match the angle you wanted. I can not get that command to load in 2011.
I have a property line that is N 36d19'52" E but needs to be N 12d52'18" E. The obvious and calculated rotation angle would be 23d27'34" but when I rotate the line by the calculated angle it doesn't rotate to the right angle. It's off by 0d11'10"!? When I draw a line by bearing at N12d52'18" E and inquiry the angle between the property line and the drawn line the angle difference is in fact 23d27'34".
Let's say I am inserting a square block into a dwg and want to get it parallel to an existing angled line. Do I have to read the angle of the line and insert the block to that angle or is there a quicker way?
I'm new to AutoCAD and can't seem to find a solution. Essentially I'm trying to create an arc between two points on the X-Y plane and a point above (not directly above) in the Z direction.
Is there any way I can get an arc to snap between these three points? I guess I could calculate the angle of the plane this arc would lie on and then rotate the UCS to this angle, but this seems like a very long and inaccurate way of doing it. I've tried drawing an arc on the X-Y plane and then stretching the centre of it to the desired point above using the grips, but AutoCAD doesn't seem to want to allow this.
how to convert "real world" angles of elliptical arcs into those shown in a dxf file?
Say that I have drawn an elliptical arc with its start angle on 210 degrees and an end angle of 324 degrees. The values in a DXF file, for an elliptical arc, have something to do with the contant "PI" (3.14159). I know that a full circle is 2*Pi but how to do this with elliptical arcs!!
I have the beta installed but I also installed the trial of CS6 on another computer.. Both do the exact same thing with the Adaptive Wide Angle filters. I set a line as straight, mark as vertical (2 lines really) and then process. The lines that are vertical come out wavy... best way to describe it..
I add the 2 control lines to the very outside most windows where the windows meet the brick... This is a closeup of the output... I don't know when straight lines became waveforms.. but they do with this filter!
I have a very simple surface. All of the elevations defining it, are set in feet. When I click on the surface it tells me my max and min elevations are in feet matching the points that I have defining the surface.
Here is the kicker, when I run a distance it is measuring the Z distance in inches and not feet. As you can see by the attached image the distance is 95' but the elevation change is 1 3/8". The actual points defining the surface are 1.28' difference. If I were to do a spot elevation on the surface, it would give me the correct elevation in feet. I am guessing that this is some sort of variable that I have missed, but damned if I can find it.
I read all of the posts I could on point gaps and know how to make the leader reach for the center of the point. What I want is for the leader to actually attach to the block of the style I have created. Is this possible, or do I need to find a new way to label of these points so that the leader touches the block. Also I noticed the gap is not consistent from point to point.
I am using civil 3d 2011 with the latest service pack.
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
I am wondering if there is a way to get the bearing label to look show a 09d02'01" the way i have is set up it cuts off the 0 infront of them? I thought that would be fine however my boss does not, so I have o explode the label and add it in then. I do not like to do this however.
New to civil 3d...I have a series of bore locations along an alignment that I need the station offset and distance. I tried POINT -> ALIGNMENT: STATION/OFFSET, and that prompts me to tell where i want the offsets to go. I want to be able to pick the center of each bore and have civil 3d tell me that information. What command do I use?
A trick to make automatic a dimension line for the distance between the existing alignment of a road and the design alignment.
This dimension line I want to be in the cross sections. I make a project with a widening road and I have to show the difference between the old and the new alignment.
I have no problems labeling parcel lines but am having issue with overall spanning labels. For example, the crows feet are showing at the beginning and end of a subdivision property line but the distance is incorrect. I found that that distance shown correlates back to the parcel segment picked not the overall subdivision property line. How to get the overall span distance to report correctly?
Any way to capture the drag distance of a Civil 3D label object?
If that was a property, then we would be able to make our Leaders display or not display based on the distance from the object. If I only drag a label a half-inch I might not want a leader, but if I go further I would like the leader to appear.
It would be easy enough to do this with expressions if you could make that property available in the expressions dialog.