AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Revit Structure For Cut And Cover Tunnel
Jul 6, 2013
We are currently designing a Highways project which includes a cut and cover Tunnel (dual 3 lane through goes underneath a signalized at grade junction). Navisworks will be used for clash detection of all disciplines. To clarify the cut and cover structure will be similar to a large box culvert. Although new to the software; the Highways team will be undertaking the Civil Highways design in Civil 3D.
My question is - what is the best Autodesk solution for the structure and associated retaining walls? Note at this stage we are unsure what all of the design components will be (e.g. pump room for drainage etc). Previously the Structures team would have produced a 2D design (however 3D modeling is a requirement).
I have seen on the internet Civil 3D and Revit Structures being used interactively (although it appeared to be incorporating bridges only). Is Civil 3D able to affectively model this structure and retaining walls within the subassembly composer? Or is the question more to do with how the Structures team will complete their design (i.e. reinforcement detailing / scheduling etc).
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Nov 4, 2011
We use C3D 2012 (metric only) - We are attempting to customize our list of structures for Sanitary Sewers. The structure list shows sizes we do not use and we would like to modify them. However, when we try to select the "Inner Diameter" it displays a list of sizes that we can not seem to modify or add to.
I have looked at some of the XML files to try and modify or add new sizes (example: AeccStructConcentricCylinder_Metric.xml) , but they do not seem to be recognized even after I restart the program.
Here is what the file looks like:
<ColumnConstList desc="Inner Structure Diameter" dataType="float" unit="mm" name="SID" id="CCL1" visible="1" context="StructInnerDiameter" index="0">
<Item id="i0">1200.0000</Item>
<Item id="i1">1350.0000</Item>
<Item id="i2">1500.0000</Item>
<Item id="i3">1800.0000</Item>
<Item id="i4">2050.0000</Item>
<Item id="i5">2300.0000</Item>
<Item id="i6">2550.0000</Item>
I tried modifying the last line replacing 2550 with 3600.
I also tried adding a line <Item id="i7">3600.0000</Item>
I saved the XML file and restarted the program with nothing changing that I can see.
Looking for correct file(s) to edit so I can modify the LISTS that come up in the piping modules.
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Feb 12, 2008
One good thing about null structures is the way they display in 3D. They cover that gap in the pipe segments. Can I steal that shape?
I am currently using a simple cylinder for water pipe "joints" and turning it off like most people do I think.
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Jul 13, 2012
I am creating an subassembly for Tunnel in the subassembly composer.I am wondering how can i draw an ellipse with the minor and major radius data.I tried it with curve geometry but it doesn't seem to be way to draw an ellipse with the major and minor axis parameter?
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Apr 30, 2012
I have drawn a pipe network with multiple concentric sturctures. I need to make them all eccentric now. Is there an easy quick way to do this, or do I have to redraw all of them. When I go to the properties, I cannot find an option that allows me to change this.
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Jan 21, 2013
I'm totally new in Civil 3D. I'm using 3D laser scanner to measure and lately draw 3D "as build" models of tunnels, bridges etc. So now I have 3D model of bridge, which is simply created with layers, 3d faces, boxes etc. - primitive ACAD 3D modelling.
Now I want to create sections on multiple stacions. How to start? Is there any step by step tut with this feature?
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Oct 15, 2013
I've to make a tunnel on my project. I get some subassembly on web but all the tunnel subassemblies have the target point on Width or Offset Target and Slop or Elevation Target. I don't know whats happens but only my region that owns the tunnel subassembly isn't recognizing on corridor, and isn't drawing on my sections too.
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Jan 28, 2013
At entry / exit ramp connection,
Since frequencies of corridors are perpendicular to their respective alignments, there is gap developed in between two corridors on ramp as shown in snaps.
This is common problem in roads & highways, I know how fix the same.
But if my cross section is a Tunnel? (Cross Section- Elliptical Roof)
Civil 3D 2012, SAC
16 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7
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Aug 30, 2011
I've created an area plan of my existing building and coloured the areas using a Legend based on the area name.
I now want to do the same on the 'Proposed' Area plan, showing the new areas in the general plan ignoring the existing walls, but when I colour the areas the walls show through the solid colours, is there any way I can get the areas to cover up the walls on this plan - something line draw order.
I know you can select the area, and change the Colour Scheme Location to foreground or background - but the walls always show through...
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Jun 15, 2012
Turn off sheets that are not done (but I still want the sheet layout setup in the project browser.) So that hey do not show up in the automatic index on the cover sheet.
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Mar 25, 2013
I am using a Pipe Network for all my drainage culverts on a large industrial site. I have created all my pipes from "Create Pipes from Object", which were all feature lines. While generating the pipes, I told it to use the object as my pipe invert.
I have set up my pipe rules (i.e. minimum/maximum slope and cover) to what I want. Also when creating my pipes I assigned my design (top of sub grade) surface to them. But I noticed that it's calculating my pipe cover from the middle of my pipes.
My pipes all have the right wall thickness, etc...set in the style. Is there a setting I'm missing telling the pipe to calculate it from the top of the pipe...instead of the middle of the pipe?
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Apr 7, 2013
I am working on sanitary pipe network, in which I want set Pipe Rule Set as
Min Cover = 0.3 &
If Road Gradient <= 0.6 ,Pipe Slope = 0.6
Road Gradient >0.6 , Pipe Slope = Road Gradient
Pipe Rule (Cover and Slope Rule) for the same.
Civil 3D 2012, SAC
16 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7
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Jan 20, 2014
What I am trying to do is to model a roof using Revit Lt so that the roof tiling and battens carry on over the gable wall. Is it possible to add a void profile to the roof slab in order to achieve this or do I need to model a small section of roof to just cover the wall portion?
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Aug 23, 2012
I am building my second book with Blurb, this time with LR4
it's going to be a small square and for the back and cover, I have built a file with photoshop and when I drop it to first page, no way I can "slide" it to cover the entire back+ cover
see my problem [URL]
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Feb 24, 2012
I have a revit structure and revit architecture model and I want to combine them. I keep seeing tutorials on how to bring arch into structural, but i only have arch, so can I put structul into arch?
From what I understand, this is the steps, but I cant get it to work
Open arch file
select link revit
select structural file
but then i never see it open.
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Aug 10, 2011
I know it can be done usign Pipe networks and feature lines and a massive waste of time.. But I just want ot offset my FG to show a line constant offset. Can this be done? If so how?
Win 7 64bit
16 Gigs Ram
Intel i7 870
Quadro fx1800
C3D 2011/2012
ASUS Custom
Dual 24 Phillips screens
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Feb 22, 2011
I'm attempting to model a gas network using the pipe tools (Civil 3D 2011). The problems I'm having:
1) The pipes are coming in at all depths (mostly too deep), rather than at the constant 3' cover I would like.
2) Pipes all have zero slope and "stairstep" at null structures, instead of sloping with the surface.
My pipe rule set is:
Cover only, min/max 3'
Match pipe-to-pipe, inv 0'
I tried adding a slope rule, it dropped pipes lower.
For structure rules, I have tried both 0' drop across structure, and no rules (hoping pipe match would take over). All are null structures.
I do have the surface referenced, and it is being recognized (structure rims insert at grade).
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Dec 20, 2012
Simple program that will adjust invert elevations of a pipe based on the cover depth.
I have a existing uitility maps that only label the the cover depths. I have to show these utility crossings in my profile views. I have different rules set up for various depths when laying out my crossing pipes in plan, but I need the ability to to edit the various cover depths more quickly. I am using Civil 3d 2012 only.
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Aug 8, 2013
I am doing a five stories building and when ad the structural column with concrete cast in place material, the representation in plan view does not cover the block hatch of the wall. See attached image. I have read all about structural columns and did not find any solution.
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Dec 9, 2013
I have a problem with my revit 2013, I have to change one of my walls structure, but as soon as i hit ok the message "Pads can't overlap (but can share edges)" pops up, I cant understand where the problem comes from because I am not changing pads boundary!
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Jul 22, 2013
I am trying to create a glass roof structure over a staircase (see attached image - underground roof). I thought that I would do this by creating an in place mass, then adding either a roof or probably more likely a curtain wall system to the faces. However I am struggling to create the mass. I have made a wireframe of the roof (wireframe) using lines where the roof folds are, in autocad. I have then linked this in to Revit.
When I come to creating the Mass, I can only place lines using the "Pick line tool", which then only places lines on a specific reference plane (level 1,2 etc), so I only get a 2d footprint of the area I want to create this mass.
If I try to create a mass face using the 3d snapping tickbox, Revit fails to register that there are any lines for me to snap too. I have tried to "Tab", but this doesn't work either.
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Oct 22, 2013
Attached is an image of one of the many Complex pipe structures that I am working on for steel fabrication (family), what I am trying to achieve.
I am creating these pipes using sweeps with reference lines at their centres, then I trace over them in 3D using pick path command when creating the extrusion. Is this a good way of doing it?
In trying to draw this particular element I have hit a problem. Drawing the curves that join the straights has become difficult as the straights don't align easily, and so I was wondering if there is a way of creating a reference plane by picking 3 points in 3d? This would be really, really useful!
The curve at the top left of the 'plan' joining the straights is difficult to draw as the straight on the left comes back at an angle and not perpendicular to say the rear vertical pipe work, which is drawn using another plane. I have managed to draw this so far by aligning it by eye, a dodgy way which is not really acceptable.
Found a way I think. A major part of the problem is that you cannot draw a reference plane in 3d! So after I have oriented to a plane perpendicular to the direction I want to draw, I then can draw an extrusion and then rotate the view in 3d and pick the face of the extrusion that aligns with the plane I want to draw on. A bit finicky really. Is there a better way?
I have used the align to plane in 3d
Using Revit 2012
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Dec 12, 2012
We have a structure model linked into our architectural model, where some structure will be located within the wall. The cut pattern of structure is not always showing on top of (opaque) the wall cut pattern. Sometimes the cut pattern appears transparent with the wall cut pattern running through the structural member.
I tried playing with this in a fresh project with just a C channel in a wall. Sometimes it shows opaque and sometimes transparent depending on the position of the channel in the wall. I would try making the member flat at different elevations and sloped at different elevations and they all had different graphic display behavior. Then I tried duplicating the wall and channel to have two sets to play with simultaneously. Modifying the elevation or slope in one would actually change the graphics of the other, when the other didn't move.
I've tried checking/unchecking the following parameters within the project and family without any effect: structural material, structural, show pre-cut in plan, and always vertical. Not only am I assuming that the structural cut pattern should be opaque over the wall's cut pattern, but I can't even identify what is causing it to change with different elevation/slope settings.
I will attach 2 screenshots. The one titled opaque is the desired effect.
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May 23, 2013
While making an In-Place Component, Revit fades everything else and makes it hard to see anything except for what you are working on. Is there a way to change this so that everything else isn't as faded.
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Feb 3, 2013
Is it possible to extend the roof covering layer over the top of the structure leaving the timbering recessed back, To show it where it extends over the bread board or guttering with out affecting the main structure of the roof. Also where a barge board is not required on a gable
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Dec 21, 2012
I'm now working on my diploma work and I need to model a gridshell construction in Conceptual mass.I created the form and made adaptive component -a glass panel.I uploaded it in the family and now I need to load that family into the project space and I don't know what to do..I will have to remove the mass eventually before rendering but then the gridshell structure will disappear.I don't know how to make it real,I cannot use massing and site with this, I'm obviously missing some steps and i don't know which ones..
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Jul 31, 2012
I have this block called gate valve. The base point is at the middle of the block. When I use this block as a style and insert it in profile it always places itself down low on the pipe. As you can see the grip is way above the top of the block and I have to move it into place anytime I use one. If I change the pipe inverts the gate valve block style lowers itself once again and I have to move it up into place. I have changed the base of the block but it makes no difference.
This is how the structure look in the object viewer. Notice the one on the right is the block that needs to be raised, however in the viewer it shows placed correctly.
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May 21, 2012
Is it bad to make a structure table from a DS? I find I get missing data when I do.
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Feb 12, 2013
I would like to have the leader arrow attached to the rim of the structure in profile view. Now they are attached along the side of the structure well below the rim. This is for the dragged labels. How can I adjust the arrowhead attachment point?
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Feb 19, 2013
I have my pipe networks data referenced into my Utility drawing and I'm trying to add labels to my structures (catch basins, manholes...). I made styles and selected C-TEXT as the layer for the label, but for some reason they're all on layer 0. The 0 layer is frozen in my viewport but the C-TEXT layer is not, and the labels aren't showing up (but when I thaw 0 they show up)! I can see them in model space and when I click on each label the properties shows it's on the C-TEXT layer...
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Dec 16, 2010
Is there a way to show the MES Top Elevation as blank or a dash? It would be great if I could make an expression but without the use of text strings in the expression editor, I don't know how to accomplish this without using wipe out boxes over the elevations.
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