Revit :: Cannot Change Wall Structure - Pads Can't Overlap
Dec 9, 2013
I have a problem with my revit 2013, I have to change one of my walls structure, but as soon as i hit ok the message "Pads can't overlap (but can share edges)" pops up, I cant understand where the problem comes from because I am not changing pads boundary!
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Aug 31, 2009
I am modifying topography to include multiple building pads at varying levels and also including sloped pads. I am having a non-consistent problem at the common boundary of some pads. A small sliver of topography sometimes 'sticks through' the common boundary. The height it sticks through seems arbitary, sometimes to the height of the original topography when cutting and sometimes much higher. I have used the copy/paste aligned commands to ensure the boundaries are exactly common but this does not work.
I have read that some users cut the topography globally and then build up the various levels and ramps using floors and the variable floor thickness command. This seems a bit cumbersome and I imagine would cause problems when cutting sections etc.
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Apr 12, 2012
Any way to get a wall sweep that's set up in the type/structure properties to follow a wall if that walls profile has changed. For example, in the image below, I've split the wall and adjusted it's profile to create some cheesy angled parapet. How do i get my wall cap to follow along? I thought splitting it and changing it's height would work, but no. And if I change the profile without splitting the wall the wall cap just runs right through the wall, as if the profiel was never even changed.
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Dec 12, 2012
We have a structure model linked into our architectural model, where some structure will be located within the wall. The cut pattern of structure is not always showing on top of (opaque) the wall cut pattern. Sometimes the cut pattern appears transparent with the wall cut pattern running through the structural member.
I tried playing with this in a fresh project with just a C channel in a wall. Sometimes it shows opaque and sometimes transparent depending on the position of the channel in the wall. I would try making the member flat at different elevations and sloped at different elevations and they all had different graphic display behavior. Then I tried duplicating the wall and channel to have two sets to play with simultaneously. Modifying the elevation or slope in one would actually change the graphics of the other, when the other didn't move.
I've tried checking/unchecking the following parameters within the project and family without any effect: structural material, structural, show pre-cut in plan, and always vertical. Not only am I assuming that the structural cut pattern should be opaque over the wall's cut pattern, but I can't even identify what is causing it to change with different elevation/slope settings.
I will attach 2 screenshots. The one titled opaque is the desired effect.
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Nov 9, 2010
I have multiple building pads in a model because I have multiple phases to represent. The problem I'm having is that the pads are cutting the topo surface in all phases. When I check the properties for each pads they all appear to bel properly identified as being created in the appropriate phase and yet there doesn't seem to be any way to turn off the building pad for future work in the existing conditions. See attached image.
I suppose the other possibility is that the pads are not really in the views, but the topo, having been excavated in one view,stays excavated in all views and won't fill in?
how to disable the pads where and when they're not needed? I've tried hiding the pad elements in the views, but that doesn't seem to do anything.
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Apr 16, 2008
I'm trying to make two pads share a curved edge but they just dont seem to be able to do so. I have to leave a gap between the two pads. If i snap the edge together, while the computer regenerates an error pops up saying pads can share edges but cannot overlap. Whats the deal yo?
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Jan 17, 2013
I am trying to change the wall assembly of my foundations (getting rid of a layer of EIFS) and it won't let me delete the layer or change the width (although I can change it into an airbarier). Is there any way to control what parts of the wall are locked in the "edit assembly" window?
I am very new to Revit and am using a student version, I'm nt sure if that changes things.
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Apr 30, 2013
Is it possible to create a wall in Revit that will change in size along its length. At one end of the concrete wall the wall thickness is 12", at the other end the wall thickness is 24" thick. The wall will grow in size from one length to the other.
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Oct 6, 2011
I am having a problem with creating a curtain wall system. After selecting my mass surfaces and choosing "create system" I am unable to change the type of curtain wall system. It just comes up with a regular grid system on the mass, where as before I was able to choose triangles, rhomboids etc under the properties tab. Now however I see nothing except for the current curtain system and recently used files.
I have also created a custom panel which I want to insert into my project but am unable to do so? I have tried loading it into the project, however because of the above problem I am not able to change it to my custom panel system.
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Jul 19, 2012
I am working on my first real Revit project. i need to modify a windows family and in particular i want to change the axis of insertion of the window in the wall. I mean... my window should be placed on the outer edge of my wall. i try to unlock the dimensions that define its position and then i lock the dimension in the new position; the window seems to be ok but only in the RFA file. When i imported it in my project file, the windows moves in the wrong way in my real wall.
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Jul 25, 2013
I have to draw a bulkhead wall that connects to a full height wall and a gyp bd ceiling. This causes the entire end of the full height wall to skew in line with the butt joint above the ceiling level. I tried Wall Joins but all the options screw up the bottom half of the wall which needs to remain in line with the paired opposite. I also tried editing the sketch of the wall profile but Revit couldn't keep the elements joined. I tried trimming the two walls back together afterwards but the wall profile dominates and prevents a clean join above the ceiling.
Surely there's a way to have different kinds of joins at different heights?
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Dec 4, 2012
I am trying to align the curtain wall with the edge of the concrete slab/face of wood framed wall (Core). I have tried to align and move however the whole wall moves as well as the edge of the slab. How I can move the Curtain wall leaving the other elements in place?
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Nov 27, 2011
Refer to the attached file. How can I cut the RED part of the Wall 1 (W1) , where Wall 2 is sloped. I also want to cut a hole in wall 2 (W2) by the BLUE rectangle , but why I can't do that .
I also want to add a second floor to my project but I can only see the" Level" icon goes grey and I can't click it.
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Oct 31, 2013
When I try to change the length of a wall it grows at both end. How to grow at one end only?
When I change the wall type to one with a different thickness, I cannot control which face of the wall remains fixed and which face moves. eg: change from 130mm to 250mm screws up my room width. How do I do this?
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Apr 16, 2013
I am trying to make a floorplan of my house in Revit 2013, but I am having an issue when it comes to one wall in my house. I have an opening in the Master Bedroom that leads to the bathroom. This wall has a weird arched-like opening in it and I have no clue how to make this in Revit. I have attached a sketch.
Also, my exterior walls are 7' tall but the interior walls start at 7' and go up to 8' once in the middle of the house and reduce back to 7". How does one set that up in Revit?
EDIT: May have made the image too small to see, but the top is not arched, it is actually half of a decagon.
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Jul 29, 2011
I have a question about wall profiles. I want to make a profile on a wall so I can make Zinc Panels on the wall that are 10" X 20". I've attached a picture of what I'm going for. I'd like it to have a 1/2" spacing between them and with a joint depth of 1" and I'd like to do this is the wall type so that I can use this wall in multiple places rather than having it model-in-place. Anyway I have made a profile that is 1" X 10" so that it can become my panel profile. But when I go to add it to the wall as a wall sweep as I have seen people do I get hung up on how to make it tile up the wall and also I don't understand how to make the profile so that it is 20" wide. I have a screen shot of where I'm editing this too. Below is the link of the site.
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Apr 7, 2013
“Drag wall end” to the edge of the wall (indicated),In the attached screenshot, I wanted to drag the end of the temporary dimension from its location to the end edge of the wall but sounds not to respond!
How this temporary dimension can be dragged to the edge of the wall?
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Aug 27, 2011
I am trying to find the best way to make the wall/roof shown below. I have experimented with the normal route of using walls and roofs with no luck, then I tried a conceptual mass, then I tried model in place component which is how I made the model below and that worked to get the exterior form I need, but I cant void the interior part of the crossing forms so I can finish the floor plan on the interior. I need to somehow erase the portion of the two buildings where they overlap so I dont have the interior wall of the smaller building. I use revit architecture 2010.
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Mar 9, 2013
How to avoid the overlap between the level sign and the drawing?
I’m wondering concerning the default behavior of the Revit regarding the level signs. In the screenshot below, a wall of 9 meters is drafted in the indicated location while its 4 elevations are displayed next to it.
the north elevation has an overlap with the level signs and also the south elevation is at the end of the level signs. how to manage this problem and also based on what these levels are set this way (by design).How the overlap might be avoided?
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Feb 24, 2012
I have a revit structure and revit architecture model and I want to combine them. I keep seeing tutorials on how to bring arch into structural, but i only have arch, so can I put structul into arch?
From what I understand, this is the steps, but I cant get it to work
Open arch file
select link revit
select structural file
but then i never see it open.
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Jul 6, 2013
We are currently designing a Highways project which includes a cut and cover Tunnel (dual 3 lane through goes underneath a signalized at grade junction). Navisworks will be used for clash detection of all disciplines. To clarify the cut and cover structure will be similar to a large box culvert. Although new to the software; the Highways team will be undertaking the Civil Highways design in Civil 3D.
My question is - what is the best Autodesk solution for the structure and associated retaining walls? Note at this stage we are unsure what all of the design components will be (e.g. pump room for drainage etc). Previously the Structures team would have produced a 2D design (however 3D modeling is a requirement).
I have seen on the internet Civil 3D and Revit Structures being used interactively (although it appeared to be incorporating bridges only). Is Civil 3D able to affectively model this structure and retaining walls within the subassembly composer? Or is the question more to do with how the Structures team will complete their design (i.e. reinforcement detailing / scheduling etc).
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Jul 22, 2013
I am trying to create a glass roof structure over a staircase (see attached image - underground roof). I thought that I would do this by creating an in place mass, then adding either a roof or probably more likely a curtain wall system to the faces. However I am struggling to create the mass. I have made a wireframe of the roof (wireframe) using lines where the roof folds are, in autocad. I have then linked this in to Revit.
When I come to creating the Mass, I can only place lines using the "Pick line tool", which then only places lines on a specific reference plane (level 1,2 etc), so I only get a 2d footprint of the area I want to create this mass.
If I try to create a mass face using the 3d snapping tickbox, Revit fails to register that there are any lines for me to snap too. I have tried to "Tab", but this doesn't work either.
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Oct 22, 2013
Attached is an image of one of the many Complex pipe structures that I am working on for steel fabrication (family), what I am trying to achieve.
I am creating these pipes using sweeps with reference lines at their centres, then I trace over them in 3D using pick path command when creating the extrusion. Is this a good way of doing it?
In trying to draw this particular element I have hit a problem. Drawing the curves that join the straights has become difficult as the straights don't align easily, and so I was wondering if there is a way of creating a reference plane by picking 3 points in 3d? This would be really, really useful!
The curve at the top left of the 'plan' joining the straights is difficult to draw as the straight on the left comes back at an angle and not perpendicular to say the rear vertical pipe work, which is drawn using another plane. I have managed to draw this so far by aligning it by eye, a dodgy way which is not really acceptable.
Found a way I think. A major part of the problem is that you cannot draw a reference plane in 3d! So after I have oriented to a plane perpendicular to the direction I want to draw, I then can draw an extrusion and then rotate the view in 3d and pick the face of the extrusion that aligns with the plane I want to draw on. A bit finicky really. Is there a better way?
I have used the align to plane in 3d
Using Revit 2012
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May 23, 2013
While making an In-Place Component, Revit fades everything else and makes it hard to see anything except for what you are working on. Is there a way to change this so that everything else isn't as faded.
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Feb 3, 2013
Is it possible to extend the roof covering layer over the top of the structure leaving the timbering recessed back, To show it where it extends over the bread board or guttering with out affecting the main structure of the roof. Also where a barge board is not required on a gable
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Dec 21, 2012
I'm now working on my diploma work and I need to model a gridshell construction in Conceptual mass.I created the form and made adaptive component -a glass panel.I uploaded it in the family and now I need to load that family into the project space and I don't know what to do..I will have to remove the mass eventually before rendering but then the gridshell structure will disappear.I don't know how to make it real,I cannot use massing and site with this, I'm obviously missing some steps and i don't know which ones..
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Jul 9, 2013
When I imported images in Lr4, into pictures with a file name of say "images" - that's what happened. With Lr5, when I import images into pictures with a file name of "images", I get a file structure of "pictures->images->2013->2013,month,date".
I don't want the "2013=>2013,month,date" included in the file structure but I can't figure out how to exclude it. I didn't make any chages when I upgraded and I can't find anything in preferences to change the "default" file stucture.
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Jan 8, 2014
I'm using rules to control a part that I made. This part is available in steel and wood.
But steel = normal and wood is something we have to buy.
I would like to adjust my rule so that my material choice will effect the "Default BOM Structure"
I just can't find the right "code" to start with.
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Nov 23, 2013
I am looking for a solution to change the color off a rendered structure. Its now white, but want to know if it is possible with GIMP to change it into an other color without loosing the shadow effects.
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Apr 4, 2013
Is there anyway no wall gap line between floor when I copy 1st floor walls to 2nd floor. Not to use "Join geometry" & Line work: invisible line" tools? See attached picture.
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Dec 12, 2013
Short story is I made a wall sconce from scratch but I can't see the symbolic lines in my ceiling plan in the project.
I needed a linear wall sconce for a client presentation based on one of theirs already installed. The manufacturer doesn't provide BIM for this model so I had make my own. I haven't bothered with photometrics. At this point all I need is a placeholder for the ceiling plan and a 3D model for a hidden line view. I used the wall based light fixture family. There was a plane elevation but no apparent parameter so created one and called it 'mounting height'. After about ten minutes of modeling (and over an hour of tedious aligning, dimensioning and locking of the sketches to keep the model from distorting with changes in wall thickness) I opened the ceiling reference level plan and drew some symbolic lines to represent the fixture on the ceiling plan in my project.
Here's what happened.
The symbolic lines for the CPRL (Ceiling plan in the family editor) are also visible in the FPRL. I don't know why this is and there doesn't appear to be a way to hide them in just one plan. I suspect it's because both are at the same height (the reference level.) I tried changing the working plane before drawing the symbol lines to another plane above the reference level and out of its view range but it had no effect. I can still see them in the floor plan.When I loaded it into the project nothing appeared and I got the message about 'no elements are visible because yada yada'. The symbolic lines didn't show up at all. I checked the detail level and that wasn't it. As far as I can tell the view range for the CPRL and the RCP in my project are the same. They don't show up in the project floor plan either. The sconce is visible in 3D views so it's definitely in there. I tried monkeying with the height of the symbolic lines like I stated in part 1. but it had no effect on there visibility. Symbol lines are visible in other families so it can't be an issue with visibility overides.In my project I noticed there's a parameter for the fixture called 'Elevation'. Changing it moved the fixture up and down on the wall. Changing the 'mounting height' parameter in the project had no effect! This parameter worked fine in the family editor. Playing with the 'Elevation' parameter and the cut plane elevation brought the symbolic lines into view. Apparently the symbolic lines are only visible when the cut line is passing through the sconce. Unfortunately my sconce needs to be mounted at 6 ft and my cut plane is at 7'2 to avoid cutting doors and windows. How do get these symbolic lines to display?
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
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