Is there a way to re-order the point file format listing for points on the settings tab? I have tried everything and it will not change the order of the listing.
I am wondering if there is a way to modify the Map Check Report to include Acreage Calculations like it used to. I am only given the square feet and need both. I know I can calculate it easily, but it would be nice if it were there by default.
so i have a file that when i zoom extents i can not see or select anything by window but when i use the command erase all is says there are 42 objects in the file but i cant find them
I'm working a drawing orginally developed in C3D 2013 and am now working in 2014. I have developed a speadsheet in Excel 2007 and have link pasted a portion of a worksheet into my drawing. Later, i have to re link paste the same portion of the worksheet after making some edits and the object will now not paste into the drawing.I have tried the following without sucess:
-Load drawing into C3D 2013 and try to paste
-Load drawing into C3D 2014 on another machine and try to paste
-Save excel spreadsheet as a .xls file instead of .xlsx and try to paste
-Run audit in 2014 (no errors) and try to paste
Other drawings loaded into 2014 work OK when link pasting.
Would there be a way to write a lsp to change all the drawing layers? I need to change a bunch of the object layers, multiple times, and don't want to make another template with the other layers. I have 3 sets of layers needed?
Is there any way to determine the source drawing of a dref'ed object? I'm not seeing anything in COM or the .NET API's, hopefully I'm just not looking in the right place.
How shall I draw lines into a created surface using raw or full description of ascii file format(COGO)
for example in the imported file i have points to describe a road center line(CL),or edge of the road(ERD),breaklines(BRKL) and want lines represented by the descriptions to be drawed in the surface so that i can use the lines as guides in profiles design.I didn't want to use point number which are not serially ,and have tried to use point grouping without any success
How can I copy a profile view style from one drawing to another? I can't seem to locate the ones I created in toolspace to be able to drag them from one drawing to another.
When I click on a civil 3d object the contextual ribbon will light up (which is fine) but instead of my cross hairs comming back in the drawing window I get the pointer that would be used to select an item in the ribbon (in the drawing area) and I have to click in the drawing area to get my cross hairs back or to grip edit the object or to delete the object.
Is there a option/setting I need to change to be able to get me cross hairs back after selecting a civil 3d object?
Just move to Civil 3d 2012, this worked just fine in '11...
I'm making a surface out of contours. The problem is the contours have the elevation listed under object information, not geometry (the contours were brought in from a GIS file, which I do not have access to, or I would bring them in again with the elevations properly assigned, this is not an option). How can I quickly change the geometry elevation property to match the miscellaneous property?
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor 6.00 GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
i am working on correcting a drawing. when i select a object its layer shows up but then when i try and find the layer in the listing on the layer manager its not there. i can't even select the layer to keep it current.
We use autocad lt 2012, when creating a drawing, the same component can be used more than once, is it possible to print a detail listing of all the components used in a single drawing in some sort of report format, or maybe export the listing to a program like MS excel....etc.
I have created a circle from 3topo points. Im having difficulty getting accurate elevation (z) of the center of circle (pile representation) via cad polyline listing. im getting same "z" all through out which in fact is not.
Recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013 and drawings opened up fine. Now today any drawing that opens shows the plan view as last saved but then after loading takes the drawing and shifts it into a 3d view similar to a crossection. Is there a setting somewhere that has been changed? I noticed after a windows 7 update was preformed.
Any way to change the order that the parameter properties appear in the property manager. Currently I think they are appearing in the order in which I placed them, but I would likr to re-arrange them.
I checked a couple of old posts looking for a lisp routine that will count the number of lines and list each different length either in a dialog box or txt file. I am working on an estimate and I have a floor plan of owsj of different lengths. I downloaded the tlen.lsp but that is only giving the total number of joists and the total length.
I am looking for a lisp so that I can window all the owsj at once and have it list or show the result for the joist in this manner
sample output:
xx joists = 10'-0" xx joists = 20'-0" xx joists = 30'-0"
Recently installed 2013, previously had 2011inv. Trying to find out exactly what the constraint changes are from 2011 to 2012 inv. I as told that there was a post here with them, but cannot find it (only posts of constraint problems that people were having when they switched to 2012).
what the changes are from inv2011 to 2012 or inv2011 to 2013. Doesn't autodesk have these changes listed somewhere in writting?
I'm using AutoCAD 2013 64 bit and MS Visual Basic 2010 Express (and Excel 2007), and I'm trying to write VB.NET code to list all xrefs attached to a group of drawings. The list of drawings is in column 1 of an Excel spreadsheet, and I want to list all xref filenames in columns 2 onwards - one row per drawing.
The Excel part works fine. I just wish it was as easy to extract information from DWG files.
I created a "Windows Form Application" project in VB 2010 and added a button to Form1. Clicking on the button runs the code.
When adding references I added "Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library" COM for Excel (as per Excel website tutorial), and "acdbmgd.dll" and "acmgd.dll" (both with Copy Local=False) as per AutoDesk .NET tutorial. But I got warning messages saying Acdbmgd.dll and Acmgd.dll target a different processor. Is this different to the Excel COM target processor, or do I need to change the target processor for the whole project (and if so, how)?
I tried adding "AutoCAD 2013 Type Library" COM reference instead of "acdbmgd.dll" and "acmgd.dll" which got rid of the target processor warning messages, and I could then open the dwg files successfully, but still the project crashes.
Here's the code so far...
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
' do I need to include Imports for AutoCAD here? Various websites list AutoDesk.AutoCAD... imports here, but AutoDesk isn't an available option when I try adding this here - maybe because I have the wrong references?
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
When I run the project I also get a "A first change exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in MyProject.exe" message. How can I rectify this?
Currently it crashes when it gets to the cadDwg.Database.Blocks line saying "Call was rejected by callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))".
The xlsx file and the dwg files refered to in the xlsx file all exist. I've tried running it both with AutoCAD 2013 running and with AutoCAD 2013 not running. Still doesn't work
I feel so close, but what am I missing? I haven't downloaded the "ObjectARX for AutoCAD 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit)" from AutoDesk yet because (i) I have to get a licence, and (ii) it's a very large file, and (iii) I seem to be able to open drawing files without it, but just not access the data I want in the files.
I've got 1500+ drawings to look at by the end of the week. If this doesn't work it's back to AutoLisp (and maybe script files, but that's another headache).
I am creating a program place object on drawing by using loop. I may need to place 1000 object. at the moment the drawing graphic part doesn't update which placing, it update after placed them all.
I call my func from a PaletteSet, after place them all i use
I need to show a building plan at 1/100 scale and then just its outline at say, 1/500 for a site plan, both on the same drawings and using just the one model?