AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk Constraint Change Listing 2012

Jun 19, 2013

Recently installed 2013, previously had 2011inv.  Trying to find out exactly what the constraint changes are from 2011 to 2012 inv.  I as told that there was a post here with them, but cannot find it (only posts of constraint problems that people were having when they switched to 2012).

what the changes are from inv2011 to 2012 or inv2011 to 2013.  Doesn't autodesk have these changes listed somewhere in writting?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Change Colour Scheme / Autodesk 2012

Feb 3, 2012

I can't to change colour scheme autodesk inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 API (VBA) - Assembly Constraint Entity Type IDispatch?

Aug 31, 2012

I would like to determine the Proxy ObjectType returned from Constraint.EntityOne (i.e. If oConst.EntityOne = kWorkPointProxyObject Then ....)

 Property EntityOne() As IDispatch**

how IDispatch works.
Dim oAsmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinitionSet oAsmDef = oAsmDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim oConst As AssemblyConstraint
For Each oConst In oAsmDef.Constraints'Below will print the Enum 67120288 (kEdgeProxyObject) or 67119520 (kFaceProxyObject) if
'it is constrained. It will Err if a Work or Sketch Proxy Object is Constrained Debug.Print oConst.EntityOne Debug.Print oConst.EntityTwo Next

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Angle Constraint In Assembly

Jan 5, 2013

I got a problem with editing angle constraint in assemblies. I tried edit property of constraint but it didn't move model. Simply changing Angle attribute of constraint item don't work.

Only way I achieved movemenet is

AngleConstraint a = (AngleConstraint)oOccurrence.Constraints[i];
Object oEntity1 = a.EntityOne;
Object oEntity2 = a.EntityTwo;
String sVal = "" + angle + " deg";


but this is really slow, as much as changing throught parameter:

if (assemblyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters[i].Name == "d655")
Inventor.Parameter invParam = assemblyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters[i];
invParam.Value = Math.PI * angle/180;

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Angle Constraint / Drive Constraint

Jul 30, 2012

I am designing a vertical axis wind turbine just for some practice (just started using Inventor) and everything was going smoothly until I tried to "animate" it spinning.  First, I set up a work plane that goes through the center of the structure, and then I clicked angle constraint "explicit reference vector." After watching several youtube videos, I figured that I should click on the work plane, click on another reference point, and then click another point that would be orthogonal to those two (right?). Well after I choose the first point, Inventor will only allow me to choose the center axis  as the second option (which I think should be the third option).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Broken Lines In Ribbon Autodesk 2012

Apr 17, 2012

I opened Inventor and on the ribbon there are only lines and boxes.

Its happening a few machines but not all in a lab.

I did download a patch last week, could this be the cause ??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk 2012 Essentials Videos All Broken

Apr 19, 2012

I wanted to go through all of the Essentials videos for Inventor (URL... ) but every single link listed for the Essentials is broken. Is there another place I can find them?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get List Of All Internal Iproperty Names In Autodesk 2012?

Jul 23, 2012

Experts, how do I get a list of all internal iproperty names in Autodesk Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: While Displaying Animation In Autodesk 2012 Window Get Frozen?

Jun 10, 2012

While displaying animation in autodesk inventor 2012, inventor window get frozen. Is there any solution to this problem like onIdle event where we can do the calculation for what next animation shown?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk 2012 Simulation Ultimate Crashes With Dell M6500

Mar 17, 2013

I am running 2012 inventor ultimate and when I'm in assemblies quite often the screen goes blank and starts blinking or screen goes completely bright red. I have to force shut down and re-boot. I have discussed this with dell and they have replaced the video card, they have done patches updates etc. to no avail. My computer is an M6500 64 bit with a nividia graphics card running windows 7. very high end computer and very powerful. I am also using a 3D connexion mouse. I should also mention that the screen only blinks and crashes while undocked. While docked the only problem I have is locking up occasionally.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shaded View With Edges Is Disabled In Dynamic Simulation Autodesk 2012

Dec 5, 2013

I am not able to see the model in shaded view with edges in dynamic simulation environment (Autodesk Inventor 2012).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Axis Display Change In 2012

Oct 12, 2011

In previous versions when you hovered over an invisible axis in the browser you could see the whole line in the model. Now you just get the end points displaying as yellow circles and it can be quite difficult to see where the line is. What's the point of this change? Is there a way to get the old behaviour back?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Moving Projects From 2012 SP3 To 2012 SAP2 SP3?

Sep 25, 2012

After archiving out of 2012 SP3 and then un-unarchiving into 2012 SAP2 SP3, could i edit clips (with history)? For example, action-rendered clips, flame fx-rendered clips, etc.

2012 SAP2 SP3
Kona 3G driver 10.3.2
Quadro 4000 driver 256.01.00f03
Cuda driver 4.2.10
Mac Pro (mid 2010)
12 Cores / 24 Gigs
CalDigit HD Pro2 (8TB, 723 MB/sec read)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change VB Code To Open 2013 Instead Of 2012?

May 14, 2012

I am copying chunks of code from the My First Plugin tutorial and am using the code that opens Inventor to start the form.  I have both Inventor 2012 and 2013 installed on my system.  I have gone in to the properties and changed the .dll reference file to read out of the bin/PublicAssemblies folder in 2013, however, when I run my Windows Form, it will open Inventor 2012 instead. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Ribbon Missing (interface Change)

May 6, 2011

i opened inventor pro 2012 and my interface is different and my ribbon is missing. i tried restarting a number of times with no change. I tried a repair with no change. I might try a reinstall.

Dell t1500 i7 8 gb ram
Windows 7 64 bit
ati firepro v4800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - How To Change Color Of Extruded Items

Jan 20, 2012

how can i change color of the extruded items becuase when i view it from the top it doesn't look like if anything is extrude. you would have to look from the side to tell if its extruded.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - View Change When Opening Sketch To Edit

Jun 6, 2012

If I zoom in on a small detail in a large sketch and then issue the "edit sketch" command Inventor changes the view to where the origin is visible on the screen. Is it possible to disable this?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Change Settings Of A Constraint In SQLite?

Jan 11, 2012

I am not able to change a constraint in SQLite:

1. I created a schema  in SQLite witth AutoCAD Map 3D 2012.

2. I set a constraint to one field: a list with 3 entries valid for the property. For example:
       Test 1
       Test 2
       Test 3

3.    I draw some lines

In the schema editor I want to change the constraint:

-    But I am not able to add a new entry “Test 4” to the list from step 2

-    I am also not able to change an existing entries (“test 1” to “test 1 new”)

Is it possible to change the settings of a constraint?

The help [URL] says: “You cannot edit a schema to convert an existing field to use a different constraint type if the table already contains data. The table must be empty.” But I do not want to change the “constraint type”. I want to change the entries of the list.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - ILogic Code To Change Drawing Layer Color

Aug 27, 2011

How to change the color of layer that will be used within a drawing files for special purposes.

Ideally the code will make the color Red, but change to Black prior to printing.

The "logic" behind the code currently is to differentiate a layer called "Burn" to a highly visible color for the purpose of review by others then, prior to printing, change the color to Black.  The firm I'm currently working for uses gray-scale B sided printers only.  The firm currently uses Blue for dimension and extension lines so to produce drawings that portray both type of objects "lightly".

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Change Dimensional Constraint From Annotational To Dynamic

Jun 12, 2012

public class DimConstraints{ [CommandMethod("Test")] public void Test() {
Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()){
Circle circle = new Circle { Center = Point3d.Origin, Radius = 10 };
ObjectId modelId = SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db);
BlockTableRecord model = (BlockTableRecord)modelId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite); model.AppendEntity(circle);
trans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(circle, true);
AssocUtil.CreateRadialDimConstraint(circle.ObjectId, circle.StartPoint, circle.StartPoint);
trans.Commit(); } }}

The above codes use the simplified .NET API for accessing AutoCAD parameters and constraints from: [URL] ....

The above codes can create a radial dimensional constraint. But the type of the dimensional constraint is annotational. How to change it to a dynamic constraint?

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Revit :: Change Walls Default Top Constraint?

Oct 11, 2012

How can I change the default top constraint for all my walls! Some are by default constraint to the first floor, others are unconnected! That makes me think I can change it! ..

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Set Symbols In AutoDesk 2012 Whenever Using Oracle 10g As DB?

Aug 1, 2012

I have created a template file but whenever I open and display data in AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 it does not apply to the opened data from Oracle 10g. Infact, it change every time I open the data from database!

Using the symbol in AutoDesk Map 3D 2012. Also note that my database is Oracle 10g.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: X / Y / Z Component Constraint

Aug 14, 2012

I have an assembly which has components mated to a radial surface, I need to locate the center of a round slot against an axis, I have X Y coordinates, how can I constrain that part to those X Y coordinates?

Attached is a picture of the assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Constraint A CHAIN

Nov 28, 2011

I am currently creating a chain block to be animated later on. But, I do not know how to constraint it.

I have attached a zip file of the .ipt and .iam

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fix The Angle Constraint?

Mar 10, 2010

Maybe I've just been doing it wrong for the last 5 years, but the Angle constraint is obnoxiously unpredictable. When I constrain a part in an assembly with an angle constraint from the assembly origin plane (or anything else), Inventor always has two solutions; a positive and negative.

Is there something I'm missing here, or is just a design flaw we have to live with?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Placing Tangent Constraint

Jun 1, 2012

I am trying to place a tubes cylindrical surface to another tubes cylindrical surface using add constraint. How do I specify which side of the target surface to apply the constraint ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Transitional Constraint Between Pin And Surface

Apr 16, 2013

I have a question regarding a transitional constraint between a pin and a surface within an adaptive assembly.

I would like the pin and the surface to be transitional only when the two parts "interfere" with each other.

At the moment with the example attached part A is remaining tangent to part B, restricting the necessary movement of part B to function properly in the mechanism.

In simplified terms I need part B to be able to break free of the "transitional constraint" of part A under certain movement conditions within the mechanism.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parallel Constraint In Assembly

Dec 29, 2011

This is probably a simple one that I am missing, but how do I get a parallel constraint applied to these two edges.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Coincident Constraint

Aug 15, 2008

I have noticed what I consider a bug in AI2009. When trying to delete a coincident constraint using the show constraint command, it is impossible to do so. All other constraints I can delete while I am in the "show constraints" dialog box, but not coincident constraints. As soon as I get out of the "Show constraints" command, the yellow dots are still showing and I can then hover over them and they highlight so I can delete them. Is this how it was intended or should I be able to delete them like the others while still in the "show constraints" command?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraint Symbols On Cursor Gone?

Oct 8, 2013

I'm running 2014. Somehow, in my ignorance, I have managed to turn off the constraint symbols that show up beside the cursor as I'm sketching.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Expand Constraint Window

Dec 18, 2012

Is there a way to expand the constraint window so that I can see my entire parameter formula?  In the image below, my equation is cut off in the "offset" window.  Or am I supposed to be inputting the parameters in some other manner?  

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