AutoCAD Civil 3D :: DWF Material Render - Surface Not In Correct Place
Feb 20, 2013
I have an issue exporting my AutoCAD civil 3d model to 3d dwf. I have exported my model to 3d DWF and am viewing it in Navisworks. When the model is viewed in the full render mode the material surface is not in the correct place, it appears to several hundred units (the model is several km2) lower in the Y direction then it should be. In autocad civil 3d when the surface is selected and displayed in the object viewer it is displayed correctly. Is there any reason why this is happening or a workaround to fix it when exporting.
Notes: AutoCAD Civil 3d 2012. Navisworks 2012. Surface render material is a Jpeg. When I originally referenced the Jpeg the surface was mirrored (I understand this is a common problem with the software) and I had to mirror it along the X axis so that the Image was upside down but the material viewed correctly. It is not upside down in the 3d DWF, just moved down.
I often have to do storm pond surfaces that (for the purposes of planning) are flat on the bottom. These surfaces are created from a combination of survey data and grading groups and the tin of these surfaces is perfectably acceptable. However, when contours are shown, the flat bottom is shown with contours jig-jagging all over the place.
The attached image shows a comparison of the same pond. The top was created with survey data and grading groups; the bottom was created using contour data only. The generated surface on the top shows the bottom contour going in different directions and has parts where the an expected contour is missing.
How to correct/manipulate the surface to show a proper flat surface?
The contour values when place on the the render material of rock image it disappears so I had to place it on the side. how the image is use a render material?
I have created a new assembly that uses a HMA dike rather than your typical curb but my surface always begins at the top of the HMA pavement rather than the top of the curb subassembly. See Picture. Where's the setting to fix this (is it a daylight setting) or it is a bigger problem in that I didn't create the subassembly or assembly correct to begin with?
I have a surface that shows perfectly when restoring the PCSM layer state (Old LMAN function). When I restore the Grading layer state - the surface contours show incorrectly.
It is like a hide or mask feature turns on and off.
I have created some surfaces in Civil 3D ...the client wants to render them with Revit but isn't able to. Any way to make my surfaces compatible with Revit ? I'll admit, I don't know which version he is using.
When I paste the proposed surface with the corriodor surface and I check the profile the proposed surface ties to the bottom of the kerb ignoring the footpath.Also in the same drawing file I can't seem to export it to ACAD.
I do a lot of visualization work I need a corridor top surface split by material FAST. before I used Corridor Solids but I don't have the extension in 2013. So I export to CivilView, so far so good, then attempt to roundtrip the mesh back in Civil3D and that is where things fall apart.
Export to DWG is not split by material
Export to 3DS results in a blank screen
Export to FBX comes in missing large chunks of mesh out of scale and in the wrong location
I am looking for grading utility in autocad civil 3d. So, i need to smooth my projection slope to target the surface without projection steps. The objective is to correct a surface to implant photovoltaic structures.
I'm running into problems with Civil 3D 2010 trying to render a TIN suface with a draped JPEG.
I've inserted a JPEG aerial photo (supplied by municipal GIS services) and applied it as a drape to the TIN surface terrain model. When I go to the 3D Modeling workspace and try to render the scene, the following error message is displayed:
"This scene cannot be rendered. The scene must contain at least one 3D wireframe or solid model object to render."
The DWG co-ordinate system is UTM83-17. Sometimes these issues can be caused by objects being too far from the origin, and I've tried moving everything to 0,0,0 all to no avail. The surface style confirms triangles as being displayed in Model view, so I really don't know what the problem is here.
I'm using Inventor 2013. For some reason the material in a sheet metal part is not linked to the Sheet Metal Rule.
In the attachment you see on the left side that the material TRPL5-7 (that's a material I created) is linked to the Sheet Metal Rule TRAANPLAAT_5_7. But if I select TRAANPLAAT_5_7 as Sheet Metal Rule in Sheet Metal Defaults (see right picture in attachment) the Material doesn't change to TRPL5-7.
Recently I have Installed Autodesk Inventor Proffessional 2013 SP 1.1 Update 2 on few new systems, it is not showing correct Material Appearance (Customised Material). I observed that it is not browsing images from correct folder location.
Following image showing error.
Older systms showing correct appearnace and it takes picture from following location shown in image.
I checked Application Options>File>Design Data (Styles, etc.) for new systems showing correct folder location i.e. From User>Public Documents.
what method do i use to place random holes on the part file do i place the holes with the correct angle? I`m unsure on how to perform the task of placing the holes randomly around the part with correct angle. How can I do this for 3mm holes?
How do I change the a part material render style within an assembly?
I have tried this below. It changes the name but doesn't update the render style. Sub Material()Dim oassy As AssemblyDocumentSet oassy = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim ocompdef As AssemblyComponentDefinitionSet ocompdef = oassy.ComponentDefinitionDim ooccurr As ComponentOccurrencesSet ooccurr = ocompdef.OccurrencesDim opartdef As ComponentDefinitionSet opartdef = ooccurr.Item(11).Definitionopartdef.Material.RenderStyle.Name = "Red"End Sub
I have a problem trying to import objects to load their correct material properties. The textures are all there but I have to reset there specular properties everytime. Even if I import the same object straight after I export it with the materials properly set, I still have to reset them all over again. Is there a setting somewhere like in Customize that I can change to make the objects maintain their properties on import?
I have created a document that will be cut to 120mm x 120mm, I wanted to include a 10mm bleed around it so I made my Photoshop doc 140mm x 140mm.
When I go to the Print dialogue I have checked "Corner Crop Marks", set the bleed to 10mm and in the preview I can see that the crop marks are inside the image, marking out the correct 120x120 area. However, when I click Print the marks appear on the paper at the 140mm x 140mm area.
Has anyone else had this error, and even more importantly, has anyone found a solution?
I am using Photoshop CS3 (a site license of Web Premium), on a Mac G5 running Windows XP SP2. I have other machines & Photoshop versions available,
I have recently modified the CC of a part family so that different materials for the same part can be chosen. When I exit the editor and place the component I can see the choice of the materials in the dialog box - no problems (See 1st attachment" But when I go to another users PC they cannot see any of the new materials in the "Place content center" dialog box!?!
For information, we are running Inv. 2011 with Vault Professional 2012
The CC libraries are stored on the server and we have one custom library to which I have publish the modified part family.
The custom CC has been fully synchronised with the Vault server.
The materials.xml containing the new materials used in the part family has been downloaded to the users local workspace.
Inventor 2014 Pro SP1, Vault 2014 Pro SP1 Windows 7, 64-bit Intel Xeon 3.6GHz 32GB Nvidia Quadro 4000
1) My object scene has 5 parts. I have 3 materials. I need to render all permutations of material and part. Right now I am feeding permutations in via a script but every render takes 4 minutes. As my number of materials grows my permutations become exponential and the render time can become 85 years very fast on 1 machine. Are there any ways in which this kind of permutation rendering can be done that get around this?
2) 1 render of my scene at 600x600 takes about 4 minutes. I would like to know what I can do to get that faster from a hardware point of view. I know you can tweak the mesh to reduce polygons, reduce numbers of lights and so on. I am not interested in those, instead, I am keen to learn what are the hardware bottlenecks for max rendering. The machine is a new quad core i7, 8GB RAM. Do I need a faster graphics card/GPU?
I'm trying to bake a material using render to texture dialog. The issue is that whenever i render a diffuse map, it only renders the faces visible in the viewport im working in. The rest of the uv faces are rendered black. All the tutorials i look at never have this problem. What's the issue?
I have a problem with materials not evenly displaying across modified polygons.
I started with the dynamic object SPRING, duplicated it then converted both to editable polys. I attached the second poly to the first and bridge two ends to create a continuous spring (there is a reason in another project rather than just changing the height of the 1st spring).
When I apply a material, in this case a standard material that has the diffuse mapped to a bitmap that is a colour spectrum, I find that instead of having one continuous colour gradient from top to bottom, the spring has 3 definate areas that it applies the gradient to. The 3rd bridged area which itself is only a few polys, has the entire spectrum applied just to it.
I basically want a single change of colour from top to bottom that matches the material.
I'm thinking there are hidden settings when you attach polys together, that doesnt reset the overall mapping.
Below is a snapshot of the problem, where you can clearly see the gradient that applies itself through the top spring, bottom spring, and differently again in the bridged section. I couldn't provide the working file (.max), as the site doesn't allow this upload.
I am trying to throw a screen shot up onto a TV model to make my rendering more fun and I can't get it to work right!!!
I duplicated one of the standard plastic materials in Revit's lib and replaced the color with a cutom image (first tried jpg then png). I had to tweak the transforms to get it to fit the screen. Looks great in the camera view but when I render the transforms are off.
I am trying to use AutoCAD to render some small parts. I am used to using Inventor Studio, but AutoCad's rendering tools have taken some getting used. to. I have everything figured out, with the exception of the ground plane for shadows and/or reflections.
I originally wanted a ground plane for a shadow to be projected on. However, I had no luck with that, so I modeled a large box under the part. Using that, I am able to get a shadow, or reflection, BUT, the edges of the box are showing in the background. The easy fix is to make the box larger, however, I need the reflective surface and background to be white so that it can be printed on paper without seeing the rendered edges.
How can I set a ground plane, or model a plane, for shadows or reflections, AND made it true white so that the edges cannot be seen?
I'm trying to color correct some strands of fabric that are underneath a semi transparent fabric. I've been trying to paint the strands and use opacity properly color correct them, but are there any good tricks to keep the illusion of the transparency of the overlaying fabric?
am using sss material with mental ray and wen i render am getting this error massage PHEN 0.4 error: Internal error: misss_call_shader: Unexpected state->type case. what dose it mean and how to solve it ???
Has instances where you set your tolerance for the maximum triangle lenth to say 50m to reduce the amount of triangles along the edge that run at long distances. When I do this I end up with multiple surface holes and I'm not sure why as there are points in the area.
I thought well maybe it's because i should've reduced my max triangles first then added breaklines. Would this matter? I also thought I could add a line to the surface to fix the holes vs. deleting surface lines along the entire edge of a surface for many many miles.
I am trying to add points into a surface. I have done this before without any problems, but now I am having issues.
When I ID points which makes up the surface it gives me the correct Z level e.g. 24.5m, however when I hover over the surface it shows me the surface name and a different z level e.g. 0.65m. What is the reason for this difference in z levels? I think this may be causing the issue I am having when I add new points.
I select the surface and use the 'edit surface command' in the ribbon, choosing add point.
When I add a point at the level I require(23.89m), it puts it in a lot higher than the surrounding area, so I tried to put the point in to the lower z levels (0.4m) it puts it in a lot lower!