AutoCAD Architecture :: Xref Editing Within Viewport?
Jun 26, 2013
When you double-click on xref within the viewport and refedit opens and allows you to edit xref, how do you exit refedit mode when finished? I can not find the ref edit icon menu on 2013 banner layout.
I have a drawing with a viewport that fits to the page. And I created another smaller viewport over top that just shows the legend. Now when I try to double click inside the smaller viewport it always goes into the larger one. I have tried bringing the smaller one to the front but that didn't work. I know that I can clip the larger viewport around the smaller one or bring the legend right into paperspace or slid the smaller one off to the side work in it and slide it back. This is more out of curiosity of how to get into the smaller viewport.
When i insert a xref in a drawing i always use the command "send to back" in the model space. However when you switch to the layout the xref sometimes is on top of the symbols in the drawing. This problem is easy to fix with send to back but when you want to do this you have to set the viewport to modelspace selct your xref and then send to back. This is easy to do when you only have a few layouts but when you have a couple of layouts with several viewports in each layout it's a very time absorbing job. Is there any variable to make sure that the xref is always send to back in the layout space.
I was in paperspace, clicked in the viewport to do something in model space and a compass with north south east and west showed up in the top right corner of my viewport. When I clicked on it, my x-ref rotated. How in the world do I re create this? I have no clue how I even accessed it or what command prompted this to happen.
We have some heavy drawings with many layouts. Each layout contains multiple viewports. It takes up to 10-15 minutes to switch layout. When we insert a new xref we would like it to appear in all viewports except one. This applies to all layouts.
I've got a drawing that contains an XREF. I've got a field reading the viewport object's Custom scale>Use scale name. However, whenever the drawing is loaded up all of the XREF's scales get imported. Since they contain the same scales, the field changes to read the XREF scale instead of the one it was set to. They are the same scale, but the field reads the XREF one first. Here is a screenshot showing what I'm talking about. Notice that the viewport's properties never show the scale as 1:20_XREF, but the field does.
I've been having to click "show all scales", do a SCALELISTEDIT, remove the XREFs, then do a UPDATEFIELD. I have to do this every time the drawing is open. It stays that way until C3D is closed. This becomes a problem when I go to PUBLISH a sheet set. If I haven't opened all the sheets in the sheet set and changed the scale list then they all get the wrong scale list shown.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
In previous versions of Autocad 2008 and earlier you could start a new drawing xref in a drawing then switch to layout and create a viewport that would show the xref. Then you could click inside that viewport and run the FL (freeze layer) command and selectively freeze layers by clicking on them.
In my current version of Autocad Civil 3D 2010, when I follow the same steps as above and run the FL (freeze layer) command inside the viewport, the entire layer contents within the viewport freeze as if everything is on that one layer.
I notice that if I pull up the layer manager box and go down the list of xref'd layers and select the freeze in viewport option for each of the layers I need to freeze it will do what I need to have done, But I'd like to be able to be able to selectively freeze these layers visually within the viewport like I've always been able to do, instead scrolling down a long list of layer names and freezing them that way.
Have been working within a new layout. Inserted border & titleblocks. Then I created several viewports and established those views. Some how now all items created on the border layer [borders/titleblocks] do not display. They do how ever plot and preview. Did i enter into some editting mode to just viewport? How do I restore?
Using Autocad MEP 2013. I discovered a potentially powerful way to model today by utilizing a large paperspace template with multiple viewports. Rather than creating and editing my model in model space, where managing multiple layers and views becomes very cumbersome (plus, model space gets kind of messy with section views and ordinate dimensions and such), this allows me to keep all of my layers "on" in model space, but to customize each VP with the specific layers I want to see while editing. I LOVE the layer isolation feature, which unclutters the model even more for editing and I just figured out how to configure it for VP isolation only. In conjunction with the newly discovered (I'm a little slow) "maximize viewport" tool, it is just like I am working in model space (right down to the black background, which I prefer). I was ecstatic to unleash the power of editing 3D entities by isolating them in a VP. However, there appears to be a glitch of some kind. I cannot face edit my solids. At first, it thought the entity was on a locked layer, which it wasn't (I could move the solid, just not edit a face), so I unlocked ALL layers. Then it gave me this message when attempting to edit: "No loop through new edges and vertices", which I have no idea what it means. But most of the time it simply won't select the solid for editing. It doesn't matter if I maximize the VP or not. When I go into model space from the MODEL tab and isolate the layer of the object I want to edit, it works just fine.
I received a dwg plan in xref and the client whats me to make some changest to the plan what would be the best method of doing this? I tried xref editing and was able to make the changest but now it won't plot.
I am new user in autocad 2010 and i used softly this software but untill i could not get how to work in xref and what is the major benefit of this link
Using PN, I set up 2 levels. Level 1 at 0'-0", Level 2 at 10'-0". I create a Level 1 construct and create my AEC model. I then create my Level 2 construct and xref my Level 1 construct in to use as an underlay. However, using OOTB Medium display configuration I cannot see the Level 1 xref because the Level 2 cut plane is at 3'-6" and the Level 1 construct is 10'-0" below this cut plane. Is this the intended result?
To allow me to see my Level 1 xref in my Level 2 construct, I am required to override the global cut plane in my Level 1 construct and set my wall cut planes, for *each* wall style, to 3'-6". After saving the Level 1 construct, I reload in the Level 2 construct, and the walls appear, as an underlay, in the Level 2 construct as desired.
Is this the only way to see one xref above or below the other? Isnt one of the major advantages of using xrefs is as underlays for stacking levels?I dont have to override the global cut plane in all my wall styles.
ACA2011.I've got a construct that for some reason has 2 xrefs listed within it that I can't detach. It says that it is unresolved and when I try to detach it it says "c_Floor Plan - First" has multiple references, Not detached." This is one of two xrefs in the drawing doing is it possible to have an xref of the same name in the drawing? I can't figure out how to detach it. It was causing problems in the view to which it was referenced, and I solved it by creating a bogus, blank construct called "test" and changed the path of the xref in the construct to this drawing...but I still can't detach it.
When I set the background mask to "yes" for text or dims it does mask out the xref as long as I set the cursor on the text / dim. When I move the cursor off the text / dim, the xref reappears, so when I print, the text is illegible due to the background walls etc.
i have a structural xref drawing that has all the text 10"high. I xref (overlay) that drawing into another one, but that drawing is going to have a scale 1/4"=1'-0" is there a way to auto scale all the text in to xref to become 4" high?
a bit more information
the structural drawing that im xrefing in will be overlayed over my floorplans, then printed at the 1/4"=1'-0"
I need the structural base drawing to keep the 10" text height because some times i have to print off the entire structural plan separate.
All I want to do is trace on top of an x-ref elevation. The x ref hides all my new lines so I cannot see what I've just drawn. Even the display order has no effect, not that I want to use the display order every time I draw a line. I just want my new black lines to show up on top of the faded xref image.
I use 2013. The xref pallet was docked but has disappeared. Also, when I type 'xref' at the command line, the xref dialog box does not appear. How do I get them back?
I have loaded an xref in to my working file. I temporarily unloaded the xref so that it would not be in the way as I was editing my drawing. Even though the xref is unloaded and I can not see it on screen it still highlights and becomes visible as if I picked it with my fence while I am trying to edit other entities to my drawing.
I have created room tags and would like to use the floor plan (with room names) as Xref. Is there a way I can locate the room names in one location per room on the main floor plan and then relocate the room names on the reflected ceiling plan and NOT move the room name on the main floor plan?
I am using Autocad LT 2013 and Autocad Architecture withing the same office. When I open a file that has an Xref from Autocad Architecture with 3D walls in Autocad LT, the walls only show as 1 line instead of 2. If I open the orginal file that the Xref came from, with Autocad LT the walls show up just fine (as blocks instead of 3d walls as I expected). I am hoping to be able to veiw the Xrefs correctly in Autocad LT.
I cannot xref a construct into a view dwg using PN. I get error "Could not reference file <construct> in <view>. Same problem whether I use relative or full pathing. But I can manually attach the construct using the XREF command. So I know it is not a file/folder permissions problem. What's annoying is that I did get it to work with one construct but not another.
I am using ACA 2013 and I see that there is a service pack 2 update.
I'm getting very long run times to edit x refs in place. Once the exref drawing opens, sometimes after 2 or three minutes, and I make my edit, It can take ten minuted to close the xref.
Drawing are clean, purged, -purged, recovered audited. Computer is new workstation and dedicated to CAD only. Very little opportunity for corrupted files.
We have just started to use Autocad Architecture 2012 however when we add an xref we get a location insertion position error.
The original drawing xref is created at 0,0,0 and the drawing we are referencing into is also created with the same points. If we paste a point from 0,0,0 to the original co-ordinates it looks fine. However when we add the xref to another file the xref seems to come in at insertion point x 70484.84995973 and insertion point y 16146.53159634
Is there any way of sorting this out as we would like to use 0,0,0 as the xref insertion point?
I have a drawing done in AutoCAD Architecture 2013. Most of it is just lines, but I have a couple of Walls with Doors. It looks fine in the base drawing but when I xref into another file the walls revert to their original color and the doors have disappeared. The opening is there but no door.
I tried xredit and the doors are there but when I close that they are gone again. Tried detaching and reattaching...still have the problem.
After I posted this tried Display Configuration. Clicking all options for Doors gives me the a closed position, not the same as in the base plan.
The way it looks I should be able to edit the propertyset data though an XRef... but all the properties are grayed out. I thought it was because I also had the XRef open... so I closed it. Still the same result.
The discription says "Edit property set data in the current drawing or through external references. Add or Remove property sets."
I have a viewport that is not showing the hatch pattern. In one layout tab, the hatch shows. In another tab, the hatch does not. The layer is not frozen or off, on the sheet or in the viewport.
Other items and hatch patterns on that same layer show up. The display is set to 2D wireframe. I even cut - paste a viewport from the working layout tab to the non-working layout tab and the pattern disappears.
How to make shadows on the print in Viewport? You can see the result I would to achieve on the PIC.1 and PIC.2.I have done just PIC.3 - there are not shadows.
I was using Visual Style on the PIC.4 in Shadow Plot setting in properties of Viewport.How to goal shadows? Im using AutoCAD Architecture 2013