AutoCAD Architecture :: Shadows In Viewport For Printing
Apr 3, 2013
How to make shadows on the print in Viewport? You can see the result I would to achieve on the PIC.1 and PIC.2.I have done just PIC.3 - there are not shadows.
I was using Visual Style on the PIC.4 in Shadow Plot setting in properties of Viewport.How to goal shadows? Im using AutoCAD Architecture 2013
I just installed the trial version of Maya 2012 on a new machine, and I'm playing around with the new Viewport 2.0 features. In the preview demo Autodesk showed that one of the new feature is soft edge shadows, but I can't find any way to activate them, the shadows in the viewport are jaggy and pixelated, even if I set the resolution of the shadow map to 2048. Increasing the filter works a bit, but that's the same as the old versions of Maya, so where is this new soft shadows feature?
Also, I would like to point out that I installed Maya 64bit on a very powerful machine, an i7 with 8 GB of RAM and a GeForce 480, but the performance in full screen are VERY DISAPPOINTING, especially when the Screen Space Ambient Occlusion is active, the framerate drops drastically. This machine can run games such a Crysis 2 in full HD at 60 fps, how come the Maya viewport is so slow?!
i ve noticed that when i switch to orthographic view i cannot render the view. i have only black render output. how to make a render in say top view or front?
I've learned from the forums that it's best to separate drop shadows from their objects for printing, and even better to then convert them to bitmaps. Since this is a very old solution, I was wondering if X5 has a way to do this to all drop shadows on a page (or all in a document) instead of having to do it manually one by one.
How do Corelians get around losing the editability of the shadows with this workaround?
I have a problem with images and shadows over a white backgroung. When I send these images to print (in commercial press CMYK), the shadows doesn't show all the gradient from the white color smoothly, instead, it prints with rough edges. It seems that when they make the plates, the machine doesn't read the lighter tones and starts reading from certain amount of color. It has happened sometimes with gradients also. Is there any way to avoid that?
I like to make drop shadows under our products on our brochures. While they look great on screen, they suffer from banding on the printed pieces via offset printing. Here's how I make them now in CS6:
Create a layer under the main image.On this layer use Rectangle Marquee tool to create box in location of desired shadow.Hit Shift + F5 and Fill with Black.Deselect the black filled box.Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and select a radius of 40-80 depending on the size of the image.Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and select a distance of 125 -250 depending on the size of the image. Also select appropriate angle to match image.
I've talked to my printer and they said this is fine but they also said to make sure I'm filling the box with only K and not RGB (which I am) and to adjust opacity so it's below 25%. The problem is when I set the opacity of the shadow layer to 25%, the shadows are barely visible. This is not what I want. I want a nice dark shadow under the main portion of the product and the fading out to nothing. The way I do it now looks great on screen so how do I get it to look great on paper?
It seems that all the other posts are blank or is it just me. if i design something with a shadow and place it on top of a black background it looks OK but if i export and print to roland it makes a lighter block around the shadow area.
I am having some difficulties when printing via dwg to pdf a rendered shade plot viewport in a layout. However, there is no problem using realistic shade plot. I am using the following materials: Metal | Alumininum (Anodized Blue, Anodized Blue-Gray), Plastic and Glass and the result is not good as all. I am also looking on a tutorial on strategic place to place light for even more realistic rendering.
Examples.dwg Example Rendered.pdf Example Realistic.pdf
I have a viewport that is not showing the hatch pattern. In one layout tab, the hatch shows. In another tab, the hatch does not. The layer is not frozen or off, on the sheet or in the viewport.
Other items and hatch patterns on that same layer show up. The display is set to 2D wireframe. I even cut - paste a viewport from the working layout tab to the non-working layout tab and the pattern disappears.
When you double-click on xref within the viewport and refedit opens and allows you to edit xref, how do you exit refedit mode when finished? I can not find the ref edit icon menu on 2013 banner layout.
I am using ACA 2012 and when I insert a view into a sheet, the text and dimensions in the view do not display. I have checked the view and the text and dimensions are on layers that should display in the sheet. The layers are on and thawed in the viewport on the sheet, but do not show up. I have turned on all layers and only the model (building information) shows, no text or dimensions.
We have an intern that has somehow made it impossible for her to edit inside viewports(switching to model space) on her layouts. None of us has seen this before and do not know how to reverse what she has done. This happens with any drawing she opens. She can edit when in the model space tab, but when she goes to one of the layout tabs and double clicks on the viewport she cannot edit. The viewports are not locked.
We have had several people look at it and cannot find what command or setting she changed. She does not have admin rights so I do not think she could have run a script. She is not familiar with AutoCAD Architecture, her experience has been limited to Revit.
Since I installed autocad architecture 2012 I have this problem. When I drag a view from the project navigator in a sheet I see the content and the option to set a scale. So far so good. When I click in the sheet to set the location the viewport goes empty. I can stretch the viewport to top left to get the drawing within range and then move it back to where I want to place the drawing.
I have a fairly simple 3D model in ACAD ARCH 2011. I am rendering it to a viewport on a layout that contains the company border / title block. If I render the model (presentation quality) to model space and send that to the printer (color laser) the print comes out in about 60 seconds or less. However, if I render the same image and quality to the viewport on the layout and send that to the printer, it takes between 10 and 15 minutes for the image to print. The layout is simple - just line workd border and title block. The images are identicla when finally printed.
Why does it take SOOOO much longer to print when with a layout as opposed to not with a layout? The rendering to screen takes the smae amount of time either way - it's just the printing procvess that is bogged down by using a layout.
Whenever I want to pan I get the 'hand'. I click and prob. However, I want to do a controled pan (to fix a moved elevation in a viewport on a sheet). I want to click a point, and then pan, say, 50' orthogonally. Is this possible?
I've got a .PDF of a survey attached (not overlayed) to my site plan construct...on a printable layer. In my sheet it shows up. When I print preview it's there. When it comes out of the plotter it's not there. If I print the PDF by itself through Acrobat it prints fine. Is there a bug here?
I just spent a ton of money to upgrade from 2008 to autocad architecture 2014, the pdf maker in 2014 suck, I send the pdf files out to my clients or the city planing and the reject it, it's not readable, text and line work are both bad, the only way I can get good PDF files is to save my drawing back to 2008 and print them to Adobe, there they print and bundle fine. it looks like I spent a lot of money for nothing. Autodesk get back with Adobe and do the right thing.
I am trying to get my first 3d print of a model and am having problems getting it into a format that the printing service can use. I've read up and attempted stlout, 3dprint, and export commands to no avail. I get the message that the objects need to be 3dsolids or watertight meshes.
After reading all the hype on 3d printing and being very excited about it, I"ve got to say that I'm a bit overwhelmed with the steps it appears one has to take to get an architectural model to print.
Suddenly, each time that I attempt to plot or print a drawing I get the message "Errors or Warnings Found". I open it up and it shows that the plot has been cancelled. I have run all of the "traps" that I know but to no avail.
We run a Canon ipf655... and as far as I can tell, it won't collate by itself - it gets its information from whatever application one's running. In this case, we are running Autocad 2013. I am trying to figure out a way to print an entire job (say, 30 sheets) without having to open up each and every page and print singly. That's what we do now, and apparently have done for the last 15 years; so if my boss requests a copy of the yadda yadda set from 6 mos ago, we have to go back, open up the cover page, open up every other page, and print them in order.
Is there some way to either save all these individual pages as a "job" or something and then print that "job", or otherwise to instruct the program to print 30 pages in whatever order? Each page is definitely set up differently, with different scales and window sizes and such, but it seems like once each page is set up to print properly, one should be able to print a slew of pages without such painstaking time spent.
I have an HP workstation Z220 with OS Windows 7 64 bit. I have installed my printer HP Laserjet Pro CM1415nf using the original CD Drivers and have also installed AutoCAD Architecture 2011 and 2013.
When trying to print from both AutoCAD versions to the printer, the application crashes and I need to close the program. When I try to print to a different printer everything is ok. I have checked for updated drivers of the printer and downloaded from HP site by the problem is still there.
I have a simple model of two desk units. I also have a large rectangular area under them with a carpet texture applied. The desks each have two textures/materials applied. I am rendering to a viewport at 640x480, with shadows on and "high" quality. I have 4 point light sources in the model. When I render to viewport, it all looks great. But when I plot or plot preview, all of the detail/textures/materials in the horizontal surfaces are gone and it plots as completely white in those areas and also shows it white in plot preview.
Attached are two images. RENDER A is a screenshot of the correct image rendered on screen and RENDER B is a screenshot of the plot preview screen showing the white areas (which is also how it really prints).
From my project manager > views, I select a view, it opens in model. I change to paper space and have my plan and an isometric view (in wire frame). I go to view and select shaded with edges. Perfect, colors on both plan and isometric are where I want them, now I want to print this.
I select my print icon and change my paper size select my printer. I select extents, center the plot and fit to paper. I preview.. And my color disappears. What.. Am I doing wrong. Should I be making my paper representations from a different start?
Yesterday.. I was trying to do the same thing.. But starting with the drawing in constructs. I end up with the same, my isometric drawing looses most of its color, the windows have color as does one layer (a line showing the outline of the floor under). The plan drawing has most of the colors but some of the layers are black where in the model they have color. To further complicate the problem.. The same procedure making a first floor drawing has the plan in complete color.
I just recently noticed that when I print documents from Revit Architecture, they are printing smaller than the scale size they are set to. I verified with a couple of different scale settings against a good old fashioned scale ruler. It seems to be consistently incorrect.