AutoCAD Architecture :: 2013 Crashes When Printing With HP Laserjet Pro CM1415nf
Oct 19, 2012
I have an HP workstation Z220 with OS Windows 7 64 bit. I have installed my printer HP Laserjet Pro CM1415nf using the original CD Drivers and have also installed AutoCAD Architecture 2011 and 2013.
When trying to print from both AutoCAD versions to the printer, the application crashes and I need to close the program. When I try to print to a different printer everything is ok. I have checked for updated drivers of the printer and downloaded from HP site by the problem is still there.
I have AutoCAD 2014, When I Try to Plot on HP LaserJet Pro CP1525nw Color Printer. The software crashes. It even doe not show the preview. I am using Windows 7. AUTOCAD functions properly with other printers and I can plot the and HP LaserJet Pro CP1525nw Color Printer too woks well with other softwares.
My Autocad 2014 crashes EVERYTIME after printing to PDF. What could be causing this problem? Never had this problem with my older 2012 on the same computer.
AutoCAD LT 2013 (Windows 7 Professional 64bit - SP1) prints fine to other printers and prints Letter size without problem. But, if you change the paper size to Legal AutoCAD crashes with the following error:
We are running Autocad 2012 on Windows 7 and printing to an HP5200 via server mapping in three different labs.
Had a similar problem before and changed the printer drivers from Universal back to PCL5. Since Christmas however this problem seems to have come back. We haven't changed anything. Wondering if maybe there were patches or something that affected this?? When we preview or send a print job Autocad just greys out and crashes. I do know that if we configure the computer to print via TCPIP it also works fine but this is not ideal with the number of computers and students we have.
Another thing we seemed to have noticed is that we don't have this problem with all printers but more oddly we noticed that when we change the default template some templates work and some don't.
By default we are set up to use the acadiso template as we are using the metric system - we can't get anything to plot using this. If we start with the standard acad template we do not have this problem. We have tried plotting a simple circle or a more complex drawing with the same result. The sample files plot fine but I'm guessing they were likely not done in metric...
Ever since updating our print server to use the HP Universal driver, my ability to tweak the non-printable margins has gone away. In the past I was always able to easily tweak margins within my PC3 files using the "Modify Standard Paper Sizes (Printable Area)" tool. Setting all four values to say "0.25" would result in an even 1/4" margin around all four edges of the paper.
Now however, that behavior is just plain different. Using 0.25 all the way around results in plots that are partially shifted off the page. Using different values for top, bottom, left and right results in one or two margins coming out much wider than I want. The frustrating part is there seems to be no rhyme or reason between these values and the plot output. The default values are 0.17 for Top/Bottom and 0.25 for Left/Right but even this results in uneven margins. Only if I make the slightest of tweaks can I get any tiny bit of improvement, which is still not up to previous standards. Anything larger and the output is much worse. I've tried all 0.0, setting top/bot only. left/right only, but none of my combinations of values works.
On top of that there seems to be inconsistency between each printer, even when the printer Model is the same. For example the output on my 9050DN printers range from just "Decent but not like before" to plain "awful". My older 8150 DN models look the best but still do not match previous output.
Is there an alternative way to adjust paper margins? Is there a new method to adjusting the "Modify Standard Paper Sizes (Printable Area)" ?
I've got a .PDF of a survey attached (not overlayed) to my site plan construct...on a printable layer. In my sheet it shows up. When I print preview it's there. When it comes out of the plotter it's not there. If I print the PDF by itself through Acrobat it prints fine. Is there a bug here?
I just spent a ton of money to upgrade from 2008 to autocad architecture 2014, the pdf maker in 2014 suck, I send the pdf files out to my clients or the city planing and the reject it, it's not readable, text and line work are both bad, the only way I can get good PDF files is to save my drawing back to 2008 and print them to Adobe, there they print and bundle fine. it looks like I spent a lot of money for nothing. Autodesk get back with Adobe and do the right thing.
How to make shadows on the print in Viewport? You can see the result I would to achieve on the PIC.1 and PIC.2.I have done just PIC.3 - there are not shadows.
I was using Visual Style on the PIC.4 in Shadow Plot setting in properties of Viewport.How to goal shadows? Im using AutoCAD Architecture 2013
I am trying to get my first 3d print of a model and am having problems getting it into a format that the printing service can use. I've read up and attempted stlout, 3dprint, and export commands to no avail. I get the message that the objects need to be 3dsolids or watertight meshes.
After reading all the hype on 3d printing and being very excited about it, I"ve got to say that I'm a bit overwhelmed with the steps it appears one has to take to get an architectural model to print.
Suddenly, each time that I attempt to plot or print a drawing I get the message "Errors or Warnings Found". I open it up and it shows that the plot has been cancelled. I have run all of the "traps" that I know but to no avail.
I have been using Adobe Lightroom for several years - no problems. Recently I installed LR 5 on my imac running OS 10.8. Two days ago I was able to print files. Suddenly Lightroom 5 crashed as it exceutes the print script. Have re-installed LR5 sereral times. I appear to be able to carry out all LR functions APART from printing. Is this an LR problem or in incompatability with OS 10.8 or somefrom of iMac issue - Swap etc.
I work with a national company that creates criteria drawings for new projects. They recently changed to the 2012 version but they save it down to 2007. There has not been an issue with opening files with my 2009 version until recently. All of the computers in our office are unable to open these new files, although they claim nothing has changed. My CAD will pop up a fatal error and shut down whenever I attempt to open the new files. I downloaded the 2013 trial version and saved the file down to the older version, but that does not work either. Newer versions do not seem to be affected by the files, just my 2009 version. I tried creating a new file in 2013 and saved down to 2007 format. When I try to open it 2009 there is no issue. besides purchasing a new version of AutoCAD?
We run a Canon ipf655... and as far as I can tell, it won't collate by itself - it gets its information from whatever application one's running. In this case, we are running Autocad 2013. I am trying to figure out a way to print an entire job (say, 30 sheets) without having to open up each and every page and print singly. That's what we do now, and apparently have done for the last 15 years; so if my boss requests a copy of the yadda yadda set from 6 mos ago, we have to go back, open up the cover page, open up every other page, and print them in order.
Is there some way to either save all these individual pages as a "job" or something and then print that "job", or otherwise to instruct the program to print 30 pages in whatever order? Each page is definitely set up differently, with different scales and window sizes and such, but it seems like once each page is set up to print properly, one should be able to print a slew of pages without such painstaking time spent.
I have new laptop, windows 7 64bit; CS4 photoshop causes it to go to blue screen and crash when printing. After awhile I can't print from any program. when I remove adobe, everything works fine. What to do?!?
I have a simple model of two desk units. I also have a large rectangular area under them with a carpet texture applied. The desks each have two textures/materials applied. I am rendering to a viewport at 640x480, with shadows on and "high" quality. I have 4 point light sources in the model. When I render to viewport, it all looks great. But when I plot or plot preview, all of the detail/textures/materials in the horizontal surfaces are gone and it plots as completely white in those areas and also shows it white in plot preview.
Attached are two images. RENDER A is a screenshot of the correct image rendered on screen and RENDER B is a screenshot of the plot preview screen showing the white areas (which is also how it really prints).
From my project manager > views, I select a view, it opens in model. I change to paper space and have my plan and an isometric view (in wire frame). I go to view and select shaded with edges. Perfect, colors on both plan and isometric are where I want them, now I want to print this.
I select my print icon and change my paper size select my printer. I select extents, center the plot and fit to paper. I preview.. And my color disappears. What.. Am I doing wrong. Should I be making my paper representations from a different start?
Yesterday.. I was trying to do the same thing.. But starting with the drawing in constructs. I end up with the same, my isometric drawing looses most of its color, the windows have color as does one layer (a line showing the outline of the floor under). The plan drawing has most of the colors but some of the layers are black where in the model they have color. To further complicate the problem.. The same procedure making a first floor drawing has the plan in complete color.
One to Five people has the same project loaded into their Project Navigator.
One of the people opens a plot sheet while using the Project Navigator.
ALL computers with that project loaded experience an Autocad 2011 Crash.
-No Error Message appears.
-Autocad shuts down completely with no warning.
This only occurs with DWG files located under the Sheets Tab of the project navigator.
It is not Project specific. This has occured for different users in our office with different projects open. However Autocad only crashes for the users with the specific project accessing the plot sheet loaded.
We recently made the switch from 2009 to 2011. So far this is only a problem for projects where the plotsheets were created in 2009. We can't go back to 2009 to plot since the walls etc have now adapted to 2011.
I cannot start printing through neither CTRL+P, nor the context menu nor the menu. Organizer always crashes. This was not the case with PSE 10 and using the same printer.
I just came across this problem in this version of Autocad 2013. I am trying to print my company logo into a PDF from autocad 2013 and it does but when i go open the PDF file it has lines all over it nothing is solid like the dwg file. i done this in all other versions of Autocad and it printed find to PDF and everythig was solid with no lines all over the PDF.
I'm facing an issue when I start up the AUTOCAD 2013 on Windows.
I clicked on Autocad icon, and a message is prompted saying "Unknown Property" with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside it, and the software do not start up.
The highlights: Yesterday the software was working normaly when happened a black out. I started the computer again and keep working without any issue. Today when I would keep working on the project I couldn't start up the Autocad.
AutoCAD LT 2013 - Crashes at startup and haven't been able to use at all!
Autocad opens and them it closes itself very quick. It doesn´t give me any error. The program was running ok, until last week. Haven´t make any system changes
I´ve tried to uninstall and them install de program, reinstall :NET framework and still nothing