AutoCAD LT :: Xref Send To Back In Layout (viewport)
Sep 4, 2009
When i insert a xref in a drawing i always use the command "send to back" in the model space. However when you switch to the layout the xref sometimes is on top of the symbols in the drawing. This problem is easy to fix with send to back but when you want to do this you have to set the viewport to modelspace selct your xref and then send to back. This is easy to do when you only have a few layouts but when you have a couple of layouts with several viewports in each layout it's a very time absorbing job. Is there any variable to make sure that the xref is always send to back in the layout space.
When I try to use the Send to Back command (HOME - MODIFY - DRAWORDER) then I get the notification in the Command line: "Command: Unknown command "FRONT". Press F1 for help."
why I can't export the "Distance 1" attribute out of thsi drawing using the ATTOUT command. I need to build a series of constrained drawings using Dynamic blocks so I can send info from an Excel spreadsheet back and forth bewteen a drawing. I think I'll have to buy a 3rd party utility for that but for now, how to simply get the info out of ACAD and into Excel thsat would be a great start.
When you double-click on xref within the viewport and refedit opens and allows you to edit xref, how do you exit refedit mode when finished? I can not find the ref edit icon menu on 2013 banner layout.
When I first got Lightroom I stupidly imported ALL my photos at once from my hard drive-all 7100 of them. Now I would like to send them back to the original places on my hard drive so I can import them in small batches and work on them. How can I do this without losing any images? Can I delete all of them (not to the recycle bin) and then reimport them?
I was in paperspace, clicked in the viewport to do something in model space and a compass with north south east and west showed up in the top right corner of my viewport. When I clicked on it, my x-ref rotated. How in the world do I re create this? I have no clue how I even accessed it or what command prompted this to happen.
I have this heavy issue, i can't send to back a line, an object or a hatch under other lines. In 2012 i used this feature a lot but in 2013 it's not working very much, maybe 1 time out of 10 and i absolutely can't say why.
HPDRAWORDER = 1 seems to work with a new hatch.. but i can't redraw everything.
Let's say i put an entire floor plan into block then draw over it. (I don't want to start a Xref discussion please) i can't send the entire bloc to the back.I used to do that with 2012, 2008, 2007.. but it's 2013 it's not working, is there a way to correct that?
Is there a way to revert back to the original colors of an xref besides having to reattach the xref and purging the DWG.
I always change the colors of the projects Existing site/utilty XREF to color 252 to shade it back to have the proposed show up darker. But I try to select all layers to change the colors back to what they were before and the box to set color by layer is not available.
I'm trying to create a new layout and then adding text and a view port. The add text works but the add view port method, written in AutoCad's Developer Guide, doesn't!
Sub MyLayouts(ByVal LayerVal As String) '*********************' '* Create Layout *' '*********************' 'Declaration' acDocs = Application.DocumentManager acDoc = acDocs.MdiActiveDocument acCurDb = acDoc.Database Dim acLayoutMgr As LayoutManager = LayoutManager.Current 'Notification' acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage(vbLf & [Default].MyApplication & " -> Création d'une présentation. ") 'Transaction database' Using acTrans = [Code].......
I have some not displayed viewports in my drawing. I can select only the viewport while using filter command in autocad dwg. Also i couldn't able to see those viewport normally while command inactive. Actually i want to delete those viewport which is only one per layout. that one drawing having 100 layout.
We have some heavy drawings with many layouts. Each layout contains multiple viewports. It takes up to 10-15 minutes to switch layout. When we insert a new xref we would like it to appear in all viewports except one. This applies to all layouts.
I've got a drawing that contains an XREF. I've got a field reading the viewport object's Custom scale>Use scale name. However, whenever the drawing is loaded up all of the XREF's scales get imported. Since they contain the same scales, the field changes to read the XREF scale instead of the one it was set to. They are the same scale, but the field reads the XREF one first. Here is a screenshot showing what I'm talking about. Notice that the viewport's properties never show the scale as 1:20_XREF, but the field does.
I've been having to click "show all scales", do a SCALELISTEDIT, remove the XREFs, then do a UPDATEFIELD. I have to do this every time the drawing is open. It stays that way until C3D is closed. This becomes a problem when I go to PUBLISH a sheet set. If I haven't opened all the sheets in the sheet set and changed the scale list then they all get the wrong scale list shown.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
I want to export a layout as a dwg file. Why do I want to do this? I got a drawing, and they put some stuff on the layout, so I want to export the layout so I can then work in the new file in the model area? Do you get what I mean?
Also, If I make a layout, I put my Firm Logo and information in the layout. If I send this to another firm, which isnt using Autocad, they than can only see the model area, so If I can export it into 1 file, in the model area, they cann see the whole thing.
I lock my viewports in paper space then I start drawing and editing in my viewport. All a suddenly I will noticed that the image is moving. It seems like the view port image moves out of the port. I then have to unlock the viewport and pan the image back in the port. I have noticed that this is worse in 2013 than 2012. What is the problem here? Is it a program flaw? Is there a way to fix this?
Is it possible to set a viewport's visual style without opening the drawing in the editor? I would like to set a visual style on all viewports for a batch of drawings.
As a followup, could the viewport then be part of a publish event and have the new visual style hold without opening and reneging the drawing?
How do you edit the scale property in a polyline layout viewport? I have a polyline layout viewport in Autocad LT 2002 that was created in full version of autocad 2000. Normally in 2002 Lt you can edit the scale properties in a layout viewport, but this is not available when I view the properties of the inserted polyline layout viewport. is there a way of changing the scale in either AutoCAD 2002LT or AutoCAD 2000 (full version)of this polyling layout viewport?
Why in layout in viewport scale in these two file different ??? with same scale 1:60???!!! i cant find answer in file f-metric scale 1:60 while in e metric 1:300 to be same file F-metric ??if you make it 1:60 in file E-metric view will not same ?? what the reason ?
AutoCad 2011 for Mac..I am having trouble in understanding how to use the layout space or maybe it is more correct to say the paperspace...
The thing I´d like to know is how to be able to zoom and pan my drawing inside a layout. And not to zoom or pan the whole layout. Or let me say it like this: I have different layouts in one when I zoom or pan the paperspace is zoomed or paned. In another it is the drawing in the paperspace that is changing.
s I found things about values like VIEWMODE. When I type in this command I get the value but I found no way how to change it.
I'm trying to simply edit the default viewport in a layout that I've created. I can't seem to find any threads that were successful or answered about this. I need to set the scale, size and linetype of the viewport. When I've tried, the viewport has simply not changed. I'm afraid im not getting the current viewport. Im using ed.activeviewportid hoping that its associated with the current layout as specified by layoutmanager???
In previous versions of Autocad 2008 and earlier you could start a new drawing xref in a drawing then switch to layout and create a viewport that would show the xref. Then you could click inside that viewport and run the FL (freeze layer) command and selectively freeze layers by clicking on them.
In my current version of Autocad Civil 3D 2010, when I follow the same steps as above and run the FL (freeze layer) command inside the viewport, the entire layer contents within the viewport freeze as if everything is on that one layer.
I notice that if I pull up the layer manager box and go down the list of xref'd layers and select the freeze in viewport option for each of the layers I need to freeze it will do what I need to have done, But I'd like to be able to be able to selectively freeze these layers visually within the viewport like I've always been able to do, instead scrolling down a long list of layer names and freezing them that way.
I setup a dwg with all of my annotations sized just right for model and paper, but when I XREF them to my dwg that has all of my sheets to plot. The points look the same on my model tab, but when I go to layout the points are huge. I then made sure I had the same styles and drawing settings in both dwgs.
I ran into a problem with my dimensions. Everything worked just fine until suddenly, in model tab, every new dimension i wanted to draw, looked like this (see .jpg attatchment). I didnt modify anything. Just changed to layout tab for a moment and then back to model. When i changed the text height into 10x bigger just to see the difference, the white dimension line just got wider and thats it.
There is a default viewport in Layout1. How can I reposition and resize it on the paper? It would also be sufficient if I could delete it--how do I do that? (then I could create one that fit my needs)
Briefly, what are disadvantages of not using Model view?
I can't seem to change a viewport in layout view to show my drawing properly. No matter what I do the page only shows a very zoomed in view or a very zoomed out view. I have tried all menu options witht he word scale in, including the scale list. I have looked in the properties inspector.