AutoCAD Architecture :: XRef Objects Not Showing In Drawing
Dec 11, 2013
I have a drawing done in AutoCAD Architecture 2013. Most of it is just lines, but I have a couple of Walls with Doors. It looks fine in the base drawing but when I xref into another file the walls revert to their original color and the doors have disappeared. The opening is there but no door.
I tried xredit and the doors are there but when I close that they are gone again. Tried detaching and reattaching...still have the problem.
After I posted this tried Display Configuration. Clicking all options for Doors gives me the a closed position, not the same as in the base plan.
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May 18, 2012
I am using Autocad LT 2013 and Autocad Architecture withing the same office. When I open a file that has an Xref from Autocad Architecture with 3D walls in Autocad LT, the walls only show as 1 line instead of 2. If I open the orginal file that the Xref came from, with Autocad LT the walls show up just fine (as blocks instead of 3d walls as I expected). I am hoping to be able to veiw the Xrefs correctly in Autocad LT.
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Aug 11, 2011
I am developing an simulation application, leveraging on using Space objects and applied additional Property Set Definitions for Space objects where I introduced a new Property "Value".
I applied a display theme to my DWG, and based on the value of the Property, different colors will be displayed according to the display theme.
For a single DWG file containing the building, I am able to simulate the color changes by updating the “Value” Property in the Spaces using .NET APIs functions such as PropertySet.SetAt, and committing the transaction.
However, one building can consist of many different levels, and I have split up the modeling of the building into its separate levels. For example, a 3 storey building, I will have 3 DWG files for each individual levels.
A main empty DWG was then used to XREF the 3 levels, to combine the different levels into a whole building. I would like to simulate such colour change through the main DWG which references my individual level DWGs.
what .NET API I can use to access the XREF DWGs in my main DWG, so that I can update the "Value" property in all my Space objects?
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Oct 12, 2012
idsObjEntity-->collection of xref objects
private void CloneObjectIds(ObjectIdCollection idsObjEntity, String strFileName)
Database dbNew = new Database(true, false);
Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager tm = dbNew.TransactionManager;
here i take the object id collection as xref filter by its layer name.i tried to clone the object in new dwg its shows Wrong database.
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Dec 29, 2011
My goal is to change all of the objects colors in an xref drawing to gray to use as a background to my work. All changes to the xref drawing were made in the drawing itself, none of this was done in the base drawing.
The quickest way I could find was to change set by layer mode to color only and use set by layer to change all of the objects (select all). This seemed to work fine, until I noticed that certain text would move slightly when the color changed. Long story short this text (single line) moves slightly when the color is changed, even if I select one text and change the color in its properties.
My question is why would text move or change in some way when you only change the color. It doesn't seem to happen to mtext, only dtext.
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Aug 2, 2012
I'm trying to set up Annotative Text styles in my Xref base drawing, so that I can alter the Annotative Text Scale in paperspace of my titlesheet drawings.
Is it possible to create the Annotative Text styles in an xref and amend these on a titlesheet when said xref has been imported?
I've checked the "Help" section of AutoCad but it all seems to relate to creating Annotative Styles within a single drawing.
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Jul 8, 2013
When I bring an xref drawing (floor plan) into a plot sheet drawing the xref does not display properly. Walls at doors are not removed and have jambs and door in what appears to be 'reflected screened' view. Switching to 'reflected' view, walls not removed, jambs and doors, and windows still showing.
I may have inadvertently changed some of the settings in the display manager, is there any way to restore the defaults here without reloading the program?
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Oct 26, 2010
I have a few problems with my autoCAD 2010 version on my new computer.When I make a few hatches, there is a possibility that my entire computer freezes and the only way out is a hard shut down of my computer.
The same problem also appeared when I tried to open a drawing direct in autoCAD or when I search the file to make an exref into the drawing.
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Dec 6, 2012
Autocad 2013 Data Extraction works if I do not include attached xrefs and set it to "Select objects in current drawing". When I check "Extract objects from xrefs"; and go to next it processes for a bit then stays on page 2 of 8 on the Define Data Source page. Also have the same error if I choose " Drawings/Sheet set" with or without the xref objects included.
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Apr 17, 2012
why a drawing would open without a number of objects (text) showing? I open it up and all notes are gone, yet another user opens it up in "eDrawings" and it opens fine. Oddly, when in ACAD I click OPEN, the preview ACAD gives me when I click this file once shows the missing text etc. But when I open it they're missing.
Below is a screenshot of firstly the drawing open in ACAD and secondly open in eDrawings.
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Aug 29, 2012
ACA 2013: How to get the 'One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created' why this is coming up?
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May 13, 2011
On a large 2012 drawing, suddenly the entire drawing is half tone and every object is locked. When you try to select an object, the little lock symbol apprears next to the cursor. I must have done something inadvertantly to lock the entire drawing, but I can not find any command or reference to unlock the drawing. This problem is also unique to this drawing.
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Feb 15, 2013
I'm trying to work in some drawings that we got from another employee working in a different office using Civil. When I open the drawing, I get a message that says:
This drawing contains newer versions of objects
To work with the newer objects in a limited fashion, enable proxy graphics and then resave the drawings in the current version. You can also export the drawing to AutoCAD; however, be aware this permanently converts AEC objects to basic AutoCAD objects.
I tried typing in PROXYGRAPHICS and turning it to 0, then resaved it and closed it. When I opened it again, it still gives me the same message. I had the person that sent us the drawings resave it to different versions of AutoCAD. I still get the message.
The biggest problem I'm having with these drawings is that the units are set incorrectly for our use. They are set to civil standards. Like, when I xref in our titleblock, it comes in as being 3 inches long instead of 3 feet long. When I type in UNITS into the command line to change them, I get the message: Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application. I tried usnig the -EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command, but I get the same message.
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Jan 21, 2013
I have three drawing constructs.I have door tags and room tags. I have schedules. All work just fine. However, I need to combine all three Finish and all three Door schedules into one multi-level schedule for each, doors and finishes. In views, I schedule the external references by selecting the YES option in the properties dialog box. The problem is that the drawing contains doors and spaces that I do not want to be part of the schedule. How do I deselect the objects that I want to be in the schedule?
The other problem is I can only select one drawing. It makes no sense to have separate schedules for each floor on a small project where there are only 10-20 rooms. As a work around I can create the schedules in constructs, import all the constructs into a view, clip all the constructs and the stitch the tables together. This is cumbersome, does not update seamlessly and results in unnecessary file sizes.
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Oct 12, 2012
We are on ACA 2011 and created a ceiling plan. Sent it to a consultant that is on ACA 2013.The file was saved down, but when we try to make a new ceiling or copy an existing grid, we get the following:
Command: _AecCeilingGridAdd.
Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application.
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May 2, 2013
A user is having problems when using the copy command in AutoCAD 2013.
When they select objects, its not reporting on the commandline how many objects its found or keeping a running total of objects selected. Not even any duplications...
I've tested it on my machine but i cannot replicate the issue and have never come across this before!
Is it a bug? Is it a variable? User setting etc.
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Mar 19, 2012
Im having trouble with an XREF. Its a site plan which has a lot of hatching so slows my drawing. When I modify the XREF file either by turning off/freezing hatch layers, or even deleting certain objects, the changes do not show in my drawings despite reloading the modified XREF when prompted by ACAD.
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Jan 10, 2013
I have x'ref a dwg. file in my current drawing. And when i print preview with the correct ctb style... The x'ref lines are not showing up?
I am having troubles showing the green, cyan and yellow color. when i print preview it doesnt show nothing. The true color is on RGB.
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Oct 12, 2006
I'm using autocad map 2000. In model view I have inserted a map as an external reference. Then I have created a plot in paper view. Here the xref background is still visible. However, when i choose plot-->full preview I can't see the xref, only the other lines I've created. I'm using a HP designJet 500 in ISO A1 and have the following plot option selected:plot lineweights, plot with plot styles, plot paperspace last.
The drawing is pretty useless without the map
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Nov 2, 2012
Existing surface profiles not showing in xref. Constantly have to reload xref for profile to show. Even on opening drawing, reloading xref is required.
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit
Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
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Jun 26, 2012
I attach an xref to a drawing, plan profile, and align the parts of the xref in each viewport the way I want them to appear.
The host drawing is a generic plan profile sheet border. The viewports are set to the same scale same annotative scale, and are undefined, not a plan or profile viewport. I save the drawing and get out of cad all together. I restart cad and open the drawing. The plan view viewport is visible and the xrefs are also. In the profile viewport nothing is visible or only one line is visible. Items in the view port are viewable, not frozen in the viewport, not turned of. The annotative scale is exactly the same for all viewports as is the xref drawing.I am xrefing a civil 3d 2011 aliment and profile drawing into these sheets. The only way to see the xref in the view ports is to detach and reattach the xref. To make things worse this does not happen to all drawings that are using the border that I used to create this drawing set.
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Jun 12, 2013
I have a model space with a few XREF drawings. I have a layout with a viewport of these drawings. All seemed fine until I imported another drawing using XREF. I went to adjust this viewport and it is not showing the new drawing that has been imported into model space (I can see the three drawings that were there but the new one will not appear) to you have to like "reload" a viewport or something? (From my understanding viewports alwasys stay current with model space)
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Dec 18, 2012
Currently the xref manager defaults to CLASSICXREF. I thought this was a CUI thing and changed the XREF Manager "Show" from "No" to "Yes". Still defaults to CLASSICXREF. Is there a system variable for this? Something?
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Apr 11, 2013
Running 2013 SP 1, HF3.
So I made viewframes in my base file which I then xrefed my base file into my sheet file. In my sheet file, the viewframes are no where to be seen. The layer is on, set to plot, has an off color so I know I should see them.
Also if I data reference them in they again do NOT show up. But I can do a Zoom to and I end up at 0,0.
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Feb 17, 2012
We have a drawing with an xRef in model space and it is exposed through a paperspace viewport.
While in PS, we activate the viewport so that we can then select the xRef and with that done, we right-click on the mouse and now we have the issue.
On all computers but one, we see the pop-up menu on the left of the attached pic, but on that one computer we see the menu on the right. The difference is marked off in red and as you can see, the section with the xRef options is missing for that one guy. Why?
We are all using the same enterprise customization file and each user has their own main customization file. I have checked his main customization file and don't see anything that would be causing this.
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May 7, 2013
I've got a drawing that contains an XREF. I've got a field reading the viewport object's Custom scale>Use scale name. However, whenever the drawing is loaded up all of the XREF's scales get imported. Since they contain the same scales, the field changes to read the XREF scale instead of the one it was set to. They are the same scale, but the field reads the XREF one first. Here is a screenshot showing what I'm talking about. Notice that the viewport's properties never show the scale as 1:20_XREF, but the field does.
I've been having to click "show all scales", do a SCALELISTEDIT, remove the XREFs, then do a UPDATEFIELD. I have to do this every time the drawing is open. It stays that way until C3D is closed. This becomes a problem when I go to PUBLISH a sheet set. If I haven't opened all the sheets in the sheet set and changed the scale list then they all get the wrong scale list shown.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit
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Jun 19, 2013
I am new user in autocad 2010 and i used softly this software but untill i could not get how to work in xref and what is the major benefit of this link
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Aug 14, 2013
Using PN, I set up 2 levels. Level 1 at 0'-0", Level 2 at 10'-0". I create a Level 1 construct and create my AEC model. I then create my Level 2 construct and xref my Level 1 construct in to use as an underlay. However, using OOTB Medium display configuration I cannot see the Level 1 xref because the Level 2 cut plane is at 3'-6" and the Level 1 construct is 10'-0" below this cut plane. Is this the intended result?
To allow me to see my Level 1 xref in my Level 2 construct, I am required to override the global cut plane in my Level 1 construct and set my wall cut planes, for *each* wall style, to 3'-6". After saving the Level 1 construct, I reload in the Level 2 construct, and the walls appear, as an underlay, in the Level 2 construct as desired.
Is this the only way to see one xref above or below the other? Isnt one of the major advantages of using xrefs is as underlays for stacking levels?I dont have to override the global cut plane in all my wall styles.
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Mar 5, 2013
ACA2011.I've got a construct that for some reason has 2 xrefs listed within it that I can't detach. It says that it is unresolved and when I try to detach it it says "c_Floor Plan - First" has multiple references, Not detached." This is one of two xrefs in the drawing doing is it possible to have an xref of the same name in the drawing? I can't figure out how to detach it. It was causing problems in the view to which it was referenced, and I solved it by creating a bogus, blank construct called "test" and changed the path of the xref in the construct to this drawing...but I still can't detach it.
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Jul 26, 2012
When I set the background mask to "yes" for text or dims it does mask out the xref as long as I set the cursor on the text / dim. When I move the cursor off the text / dim, the xref reappears, so when I print, the text is illegible due to the background walls etc.
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Aug 7, 2012
i have a structural xref drawing that has all the text 10"high. I xref (overlay) that drawing into another one, but that drawing is going to have a scale 1/4"=1'-0" is there a way to auto scale all the text in to xref to become 4" high?
a bit more information
the structural drawing that im xrefing in will be overlayed over my floorplans, then printed at the 1/4"=1'-0"
I need the structural base drawing to keep the 10" text height because some times i have to print off the entire structural plan separate.
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