AutoCAD Architecture :: Computer Freeze / Search File To Make Xref Into Drawing
Oct 26, 2010
I have a few problems with my autoCAD 2010 version on my new computer.When I make a few hatches, there is a possibility that my entire computer freezes and the only way out is a hard shut down of my computer.
The same problem also appeared when I tried to open a drawing direct in autoCAD or when I search the file to make an exref into the drawing.
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Nov 15, 2013
I know that in ACAD you can use the xref manager to see where the actual file for the xref resides on your computer/server/etc. What I'm curious about is whether or not the inverse action is possible. Can you somehow access the file (not the output sheet where it's being xref-ed) and see what other files are using it as an xref?
I've come in on a project that is nearing completion and have been assigned the task of "cleaning up the project folder." Unfortunately, there are a ton of files in the different folders that are no longer in use on the final output sheets and I need to keep the ones still in use and archive the ones that are no longer needed. What I've been doing is going through those sheets and reviewing the xref manager for each sheet to see which files are actually put onto those sheets and making a physical checklist from which to organize my findings. Once the checklist is made, I then archive all the files that are no longer being used.
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Feb 10, 2011
For some reason I am not able to modify the values for the paths. I am using ACA2011.
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Dec 11, 2013
I have a drawing done in AutoCAD Architecture 2013. Most of it is just lines, but I have a couple of Walls with Doors. It looks fine in the base drawing but when I xref into another file the walls revert to their original color and the doors have disappeared. The opening is there but no door.
I tried xredit and the doors are there but when I close that they are gone again. Tried detaching and reattaching...still have the problem.
After I posted this tried Display Configuration. Clicking all options for Doors gives me the a closed position, not the same as in the base plan.
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Aug 2, 2012
I'm trying to set up Annotative Text styles in my Xref base drawing, so that I can alter the Annotative Text Scale in paperspace of my titlesheet drawings.
Is it possible to create the Annotative Text styles in an xref and amend these on a titlesheet when said xref has been imported?
I've checked the "Help" section of AutoCad but it all seems to relate to creating Annotative Styles within a single drawing.
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Jul 8, 2013
When I bring an xref drawing (floor plan) into a plot sheet drawing the xref does not display properly. Walls at doors are not removed and have jambs and door in what appears to be 'reflected screened' view. Switching to 'reflected' view, walls not removed, jambs and doors, and windows still showing.
I may have inadvertently changed some of the settings in the display manager, is there any way to restore the defaults here without reloading the program?
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Mar 27, 2013
I have loaded an xref in to my working file. I temporarily unloaded the xref so that it would not be in the way as I was editing my drawing. Even though the xref is unloaded and I can not see it on screen it still highlights and becomes visible as if I picked it with my fence while I am trying to edit other entities to my drawing.
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Jul 11, 2013
I cannot xref a construct into a view dwg using PN. I get error "Could not reference file <construct> in <view>. Same problem whether I use relative or full pathing. But I can manually attach the construct using the XREF command. So I know it is not a file/folder permissions problem. What's annoying is that I did get it to work with one construct but not another.
I am using ACA 2013 and I see that there is a service pack 2 update.
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Sep 4, 2012
i managed to download and install autodesk inventor 2013, licensing is ok, i can start the program and look at some tutorial videos, but as soon as i try to draw anything the program freezes and my whole computer seizes, i tried to install the update but program still freezes, what can be the reason for this?
my computer is in the lower range performance wise, intel core 2 duo processor(1.83GHz) 3GB DDR2 ram but autocad 2010 ran fine on the same computer
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Oct 11, 2011
When I attempt to load xref the dialogue for file attachment does not appear. This has only started happening the past day or so. The same applies to image files etc.
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Jan 21, 2013
We have our pipe networks living in a master file that is XREF'd to our sheet files. Now, the pipe and structure objects are all the layer C-PNET. The style for the pipes is comprised of the layers C-STRM-PIPE (for pipe walls) and C-STRM-PIPE-PATT (for the center line that is the width of the pipe). When I go into the XREF I cannot freeze OR change the color of the layers comprising the pipe style even though they are all set to ByLayer in the style dialog. The only way to freeze the network is to freeze the layer the pipe network is on C-PNET. However, this presents other problems with our file setup and we dont want to universally freeze C-PNET.
why we cant freeze the portions of the pipe network that are defined in the style as being on C-STRM-PIPE, and C-STRM-PIPE-PATT? If so, how do we remedy this?
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Apr 23, 2012
My computer is not searching for the xrefs correctly. Whenever I switch to another job and try to load an xref, the computer searches under the last job I worked on and nothing else. I have several folders listed as search paths but it just seems to be ignoring them. We never used to have this problem and I cannot figure out what has changed.
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Jan 30, 2013
I'm trying to get just the filename either with or without the .dwg extension for an xref given I already have its reference (BlockReference) and its model space (BlockTableRecord) all open for read; skipping accessing any BlockTable.
Im doing something like this:
Either get the XGraph and first node or prompt user for a block reference and check it's from attachmentStart active document's database transaction, get the BlockReference.Get the BlockTableRecord only with the BlockReference's BlockTableRecord-ObjectId property.At this point I can iterate through the model space and see the nuts and bolts of the xref drawing without actually changing anything after saving my drawing, even after committing a trasaction.So what I want to know is how to get the filename of the xref'ed drawing (i.e. Original_Drawing.dwg).
I'm looking at doing this without opening the referenced drawing as a side database and checking the filename.I can't debug right now, but is it. myBlockTableRecord.Database.OriginalFileName ?
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Apr 24, 2013
I have the following code that works, most of the time. Actually, it works or completes itself all the time, but there is no "all encompassing" measures incorporated.
All of the reference entities, believe it or not, are on layer "0". There are also some consistent layers, that you can see in the code below. However, a user may create or even remove any layer in the reference drawing. Therefore in my current drawing, I may have layers that are not frozen in the xref.
Like i said, the following code works, but not all encompassing.
(setq filename "7102-002-950 UC10-03")
(setq FreezePRD (strcat filename "|_PRD"))
(setq FreezeSLD (strcat filename "|_SLD"))
(setq FreezeBORDER (strcat filename "|0_BORDER"))
[Code] ........
I guess what I'm looking for is to freeze all layers that begin with "7102-002-950 UC10-03|".
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May 8, 2013
In previous versions of Autocad 2008 and earlier you could start a new drawing xref in a drawing then switch to layout and create a viewport that would show the xref. Then you could click inside that viewport and run the FL (freeze layer) command and selectively freeze layers by clicking on them.
In my current version of Autocad Civil 3D 2010, when I follow the same steps as above and run the FL (freeze layer) command inside the viewport, the entire layer contents within the viewport freeze as if everything is on that one layer.
I notice that if I pull up the layer manager box and go down the list of xref'd layers and select the freeze in viewport option for each of the layers I need to freeze it will do what I need to have done, But I'd like to be able to be able to selectively freeze these layers visually within the viewport like I've always been able to do, instead scrolling down a long list of layer names and freezing them that way.
how to do this in Civil 3D 2010?
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Aug 26, 2004
After a limited time on Photoshop my computer completely freezes.
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May 9, 2013
I'm working on a rather large subdivision (not uncommon, certainly used to a longer-than-normal load time) but have found one of our XREF files to be bringing drawing loads to a screeching halt. We have XLOADCTL set to 2, which explains the creation of the temporary file.
I have previously gone into the file and reset the scale list, which speed things up by about 50%, but today it appears to be doing the same thing.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this from becoming a more serious problem? Can I add some sort of SCALELISTEDIT reset command to the acaddoc.lsp file?
Civil 3D 2014
Windows 7 Professional
Intel Xeon E31270 @ 3.4 GHz
8 GB, 64-bit
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Oct 12, 2012
idsObjEntity-->collection of xref objects
private void CloneObjectIds(ObjectIdCollection idsObjEntity, String strFileName)
Database dbNew = new Database(true, false);
Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager tm = dbNew.TransactionManager;
here i take the object id collection as xref filter by its layer name.i tried to clone the object in new dwg its shows Wrong database.
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Feb 9, 2012
- Dell XPS 8300 running Windows 7 SP1 64-bit with 12 GB of RAM
- AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series with updated drivers installed
- AutoCAD 2012 64-bit SP1
- ACAD Hardware Acceleration is ON
This hotfix is already installed.
This particular file (and a few others) has an issue whereby the computer pauses for a LONG time whenever an XREF is placed OR a copy/paste system command is executed (not the COPY AutoCAD command, but Ctrl+C/V). I have audited and purged the file; there are no audit errors. I also tried recovering the file and it made no difference.
I checked one of the problemmatic files on my machine (different machine but still AutoCAD 2012 and Win7) and the same file has the same issues.
New files do NOT have this problem. I have attached the file. Steps to recreate the problem:
1. draw a simple rectangle
2. try to copy/paste it with ctrl+c/v
3. this other machine and my machine both pause for 8-10 seconds
I'm confident that it's something in the file, but I don't know how to track it down.
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May 27, 2013
I recently installed CS 6 on my Mac (OS X 10.8.3). When I try to save a file in CS 6, my computer freezes.
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Aug 22, 2007
I'm not very organized, and im missing a lot of files. Is there a way to search for a specific file type, and pull up a list of all psds on my computer?
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Oct 9, 2012
When working in paperspace trying to setup for a plot Autodesk decides to "freeze" my screen locking some of the drawing on the screen only removable by reopening the drawing.
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Aug 2, 2011
We have a client that wants to recieve AutoCAD documents for the construction documents that our office has prepared. In the past, on other projects with this client, they have altered our AutoCAD drawing files and reissued them out to bid. This is becoming a legal matter, but I am asking, is there a way that the AutoCAD drawing file can be saved that will 'lock' the file so that it can not be altered?
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Nov 11, 2011
If I use the CAD 'Plot Stamp' while converting a drawing to a PDF file (DWG to PDF), everything works as it should.
If I try to print it out on paper, it doesn’t work at all, even though it looks ok in the preview (however, if while in the preview, I try to zoom in on the Plot Stamp to see what's actually written, it disappears). Instead of being 'BR vertical' it's 'BR horizontal', It prints mostly out of the printable area and the text is a smaller size than specified.
What's the best way to get a high quality PDF from a DWG?We find the quality from the 'DWG to PDF' printer to be a bit disappointing. If we 'Publish to PDF' from a 'Sheet Set', it's a bit better...
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Mar 27, 2013
Our staff can not get this file open. It says "Drawing file is not valid". It was emailed to them. He tried sending over as a 2000 drawing then tried it as 2007. We have AutoCad 2010 and 13 available to us, but no luck.
"Attached is a 2007 version of the same dwg. We have an Autodesk dwg viewer that we use here when we are sent a dwg and so far I have been able to open every file I have sent you with our viewer, so I am not sure why it is not working on your end. What I did though was opened the drawing in our autodesk viewer and then saved it from that."
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Jan 3, 2012
I have a whole folder of drawings that if I try to access I get "Drawing file is not valid".
I have read a bunch of posts and have tried the following:
1. I have tried to insert the drawing into a new blank drawing but nothing happens
2. I have searched all of our drives for BAK and SV$ files and have found none
3. This past summer our team did a clean-up of the drives and deleted all of the BAK files
4. I have tried to copy, send, or print the file and get the same error message
This file contains the base plans for a building we have that is XREFed into our furniture, electrical, security, etc. plans.
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Jun 4, 2013
Is it possible to convert a pdf file created in Autocad back to it's original dwg format in Autocad?
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Feb 4, 2011
How do I create Multiple Levels in a single Drawing File
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Jul 27, 2012
I have this file that won't open in AutoCAD Architecture 2012, well let me rephrase that, it won't finish opening. It has 4 or 5 xref's attached. I was able to open this same file using 2010. Through process of elimination I was able to determine that a file that was exported from Revit MEP 2012 was the problem. When that file was detached the drawing would open just fine. To make things more interesting, I am able to open the Revit Export file just fine using 2012. What diabolical combination of event has happened to cause this SNAFU.
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Oct 7, 2012
I updated to Arch. 13 and some of my content (mainly casework) was not working properly, so I deleted it and decided to just re-download the files. Insert ribbon > Seek search bar leaves me with a blank page. I've tried queries: "casework" "ceiling fan" "furnace" "family" "lighting" and "wall."
I've tried getting through via Revit Architecture as well.
I'm in the middle of a design concept rendering for a client... so this caught me completely off-guard.
AutoCAD Mechanical 2013 SP2
AutoCAD 2013 SP2
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Nov 13, 2013
Isn't there a way of taking an existing hatch patter off a drawing file and load it into your hatch library?
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