AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Restore Classic Workspace
Aug 28, 2012
I just installed Autocad Architecture 2013 only to learn that Autodesk once again is hard at work making our lives difficult. For some reason they seem to want us ALL to use the ribbon. The ribbon in my opinion is HORRIBLE. I MUCH prefer the classic workspace since I do not use many toolbars and I key in the vast majority of my commands. As such, I get rid of the ribbon because it takes up too much space considering the fact that I only use a handful of buttons from the ribbon. But Autodesk has thrown a bunch of obstacles in my way.
1. Type "ribbonclose" - this closes the ribbon.
2. Type "cui" - this bring up the Customize User Interface dialogue box.
3. Right click on workspaces. Enter a new name for your new workspace.
4. (optional) Right click on toolbars to make your own. Then drag and drop commands from below into your new toolbar.You may also notice that you no longer have toolbars, soooo..
5. Type "menuload" - things brings up the Load/Unload Customizations dialogue box.
6. Click "Browse".
7. Select the first file ending in ".cuix". Click "Open". Click "Load". If you get an error message don't worry.
8. Repeat step 7 for each and every file ending in ".cuix".
Now you have tool bars and menus. However, the Express menu may STILL not work.
9. Then visit this webpage:URL.... to get the Express menu working.
10. Close autocad. and re-open autocad.
11. Set up your screen the way you like it.
12. Either click on the workspace switching icon on the lower right portion of your screen or type "workspace" and select "Save Current As".
13. Save your workspace with whatever name you like.
How to add the Autocad Classic option into my workspace pulldown. I only have Architecture as an option and I can't get the traditional tool bar display.
I'm new to AutoCad Map 2011. If I recall correctly from the last time I used a map product (3D 2006) there were map tools available from the drop down menu. I have set my workspace to map classic but cannot locate any map tools. I've tried entering the command "CUI" but cannot locate any map tools there either. I was most interested in coordinate systems, I read about the coordinate tracker in 2011 but I cannot locate that either.
Is there a way to add drop-down style buttons to the AutoCAD Classic workspace similar to the ones found in the 2D Drafting and Annotation workspace? (Ex. Drawing Circles, etc.)
i having a fully working ribbon in ACAD2013. it is a registered dll that is originally coded in
unfortunatley the functionality is only visible at the drafting & annotation workspace but is desperatly needed in classic workspace mode.
for hours i am trying to find a way to make my functionality working in classic workspace too.
is it possible to extend the classic workspace in acad2013 with my functions? if so, how, or where can i get more detailed information to solve my task.
We have 3 to 4 workspace settings in Autocad in which I am using Autocad classic setting. I have made Autocad classic seeting current and default in workspace setting but nowdays i am facing problem that while opening Autocad, drafting and annotation setting overcomes and always opens with drawing. I am unable to set Autocad classic style permanent.
Is there any way to restore the classic undo/redo buttons (with r-click functionality) without the need to load the 2009 UI preset? I have Max 2013 already set up with a fairly complex custom UI so I don't want to have to recreate that after loading the 2009 style preset just to get my undo/redo buttons back. The ones in the Customize menu don't support the multiple undo/redo via right-click.
And while I'm on the there any way to simply get rid of the irritating Quick Access Toolbar? I find it telling that whoever designed it put a save button next to the undo. Shows they never worked in production
is there a way to have the profile be on 2d drafting already as yoju open a new file or should you always open a new file and then change the profile from architecture to 2d drafting?
AutoCad 2012 and 13- PROJECT NAVIGATOR or project browser disappears in Classic view.
We are running 2012 and like the look of the older versions. We are using the Autocad Classic workspace, BUT the Project Browser and all that jazz is missing. Where or how do i get it back?
AutoCad 2012 and 13- PROJECT NAVIGATOR or project browser disappears in Classic view.
We are running 2012 and like the look of the older versions. We are using the Autocad Classic workspace, BUT the Project Browser and all that jazz is missing. Where or how do i get it back?
Am I able to change the workspace from 2D Drafting and Annotation to Autocad Classic? When I open the workspace dialogue box, AutoCAD Architecture is the only option. With AutoCAD 2010, the workspace dialogue box gave me three options: 2D Drafting and Annotation, 3D Modeling and AutoCAD Classic.
How do I get Autocad Classic as a workspace option?
I am new to 3D modeling after getting quite skilled in the 2D area.
Problem: I cannot seem to access the 3D modeling workspace switch down in the bottom right of the screen, it just comes up with the active 'Architecture' with no other options. In some Tutorial videos I have seen an option to select '3D modeling' but this is not the case for me. I have also tried using the quick access toolbar to customize and add a 'Workspace 3D Modeling' button but this has not worked either. What I want to do is the change the ribbon thus tabs to the the 3D Modeling mode so I can go from there. (Using 2011 version.)
I am attempting to update a section and the program hangs at message "Missing double in restore file". this is becoming critical for a particular project
I have recently installed the newest AC Architecture. Unfortunately I have some problem with tools in one palette CHANGE.
When I choose one of them (f.e. sign door or sign window) I get this kind of allert that "I can not find the tool in the current workspace". I have no ide what can be a problem.
More over on my friend's computer all this tools work correctly but only from the ribbon (it isn't possible to use this tool directly from command space).
i have a problem in Architecture 2012, First i can't use AEC dimensions because the tool is not found in the workspace and i'm using the loaded architecture work space.also i cannot get into the cui, i click on it and it just stops working.
i do not show 3d modeling as a workspace setting option. only architecture. i was able to right click and 'solid', etc will show up on the pull downs now. but does is matter not to have the 3d modelling workspace?
I just downloaded 2013 Autocad for MAC and I can't manage to see my drawing toolbars and also don't know where to find workspace settings to change my workspace to autocad classic.
I am trying to go from the 3D Modeling workspace to the 2D workspace without the XYZ coordinate gizmo on the drawing screen (just want to see the XY ucs) to work in 2D format.
I have a new computer and want to move the databse catalog over. I backed up in PSE 9 to an external hard drive. I connected to HD to the new computer and tried a resotre catalog. I chose "New Location" since I was going from XP to Windows 7 and was unsure if there would be a conflict with file locations. I also chose "Restore Original Floder Strucure". Very quickly I recieve an error message "Could not restor file .xml". I have run Restore Catalog several times and each time a DIFFERENT FILE receives the error message. I then disabled Norton Anti Virus Auto-Protect. I then disabled several programs running in the background. Same problem. I then copied the Backup Catalog to the new computer and tried to Restore it from there. Same Problem. I have now run a Repair Catalog on the original file. PSE states there is no error. I want to purchas PSE 11, but wanted to install/restore the database with the same version 9 first.
I have just installed Autocad 2007. The screen display is the 3-D screen, even though I select the Autocad Classic display. How do I get to make the selection work to what I want displayed?
recently i have installed autocad 2011 in my pc. but some toolbars are missing like layer,draw line,multiline,polyline rectangle ( which are the usual feature of classic autocad 2004 or 2007). how i will find the classic toolbars in autocad 2011.
I am using autocad arch 64 bit on win 7 and am having problems switching out of xref classic so that the newer xref dialog comes up. i edited the SDI but then i cant close a drawing and opening creates more problems.
I have encountered a problem when attempting to save my DWG. A message appears quickly then the program closes, or the program will just instantly close when I hit save. I am using Cad 2012 on a macbook pro. see the attached file that is a screenshot of the pop-up that I receive.
There are different results when executing polar array using the 'classic' method and the array using ACAD's standard array. I tend to revert back to the classic array as I find this more user friendly and tend to use this one over the standard ACAD array. Which methods are preferred by other CAD users ? I was wondering if any other CAD users prefer any other 'classic' functions over the standard ones. I sometimes use 'classiclayer' as well because of a display issue, not sure if this is a common bug that other users have found too ?