recently i have installed autocad 2011 in my pc. but some toolbars are missing like layer,draw line,multiline,polyline rectangle ( which are the usual feature of classic autocad 2004 or 2007). how i will find the classic toolbars in autocad 2011.
I am using autocad arch 64 bit on win 7 and am having problems switching out of xref classic so that the newer xref dialog comes up. i edited the SDI but then i cant close a drawing and opening creates more problems.
I recently upgraded from 2007 to 2012 and the entire look and feel of the program is different. Like Microsoft, AutoCad has "upgraded" everything so overnight i have managed to go from marginally competent to totally inept!
I really really would like to know if it is possible to switch back to the classic view with the old tool bars and commands.
I installed AutoCAD 2012 on a 32 bit windows 7 workstation but I received an error message."Cannot find acad.cuix customizastion file".I tried repairing the installation but it couldnt..I tried unistalling but won't uninstall..The machine was running previous versions of AutoCAD.
Is it possible with the hatch command to be able to select objects first instead of picking an internal point?I looked at this thread first which covers the same problem but not sure if there ever was a solution. URL....
HPDLGMODE is currently set to 2, I tried setting it back to 1 but that brings up the hatch popup window as it does in Classic mode and 0 does the same thing as 2.
Is there a way to add drop-down style buttons to the AutoCAD Classic workspace similar to the ones found in the 2D Drafting and Annotation workspace? (Ex. Drawing Circles, etc.)
Just loaded 2012. When I go to plot, the plot style table drop down can't find any ctb's. The "plot style table search path" in options > files, is set to the right folder. I've tried convert, convertstyles, ptstylepolicy and nothing works, Why can't Acad find the path with the ctb's.
A consultant sent us their titleblock along with the true type font. I copied the font and pasted it into my AutoCad 2010 fonts folder. I noticed that the title block text style is "standard." When I try to set the font in standard to the true type font, the font does not appear in the list.
I was recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2005 to AutoCAD 2012. I set my interface to AutoCAD Classic. When I check the Measurement Tools (toolbar) the ribbon appears, but I can not move the toolbar. I run two displays, so the the measure tool shows up on one all the time.
I have 2 pcs in the office running 2012. 1 pc has a toolbar option that allows me to save/close the blockeditor along with other options but 1 have 1 pc in the office does not show this option. i have included a pic and boxed it in red.
Problem: I need to be able to control the size of toolbars (ICON size) via the worspace.
More Details: There is a department in our company that has a very specific function they need to perform in our ACAD drawings.
I created ONE toolbar that has the commands they need and set this toolbar to be the only thing that is displayed in their workspace.
Since it is just one toolbar I thought it would be good for the tool bar to use the large icon setting. But I only need to it to change when when using this one workspace.Other workspaces need to use small icons.
Is there a way to control the icon sizes when switching between workspaces?
When I click on mtext to edit info the text editor comes up but it always lands right on top of the text so I have to keep moving the toolbar around... besides turning the option "off" for the toolbar to pop up - is there a way to "dock" it somewhere?
I added the Layer group (On / Off Freeze Lock / Unlock and Layer name) to the Quick Access Toolbar. I only see the first part name of the layer. Is there a way to stretch this part of the group in the QAT tool bar so I can see the more of the layer name? The partial name and layer color may be a sufficient clue as to the whole layer name over time. Would be nice to see the whole name until then.
I just had to rebuild a large toolbar after upgrading to Autocad 2011. I had to scroll through the old version's MNU file to locate and extract the information. Then I had to copy/paste the information from the text to the new toolbar. Luckily I had the Icon bitmaps saved and didn't have to recreate them.
Is there a way to export the code from a custom toolbar that can then be imported into another version or copy of Autocad?
I would like to add the layer state drop-down from the ribbon to one of my toolbars, but can't find it in CUI command list. Is this feature only available with the ribbon?
I have a custom toolbar that I've used for years in an olderversion of CAD. Now I'm in 2012 and loaded my custom toolbar in from my previous CUI. Naturally it dropped in all question marks even though I have all paths in the support file added. I even copied all my bitmaps to autodesk's default bitmap location. Neither work.
So after that I went into the CUI and manually selected the bitmap image for "small image" and "large image". It shows in the CUI now, but no luck on the main board. (also, not that this matters, must be a glitch but it won't even show in the CUI until i manually select another bitmap and reselect my origional desired image)
So then I tried taking the whole path and copying it into the CUI manually but it goes right back to defaulting to (MYIMAGENAME.BMP) without keeping the extension. My other custom toolbars loaded with all the pictures but this one just refuses to cooperate.
Instance 1. I have lost the Quick Access Toolbar located above the ribbon to the of the right of the application menu button. I can no longer save a drawing and no longer undo or redo any commands that I need to edit while creating a drawing.
Instance 2. I created a drawing saved it and then later came back to it. Went to Veiw tab then clicked the Tile Vertically button. My drawing on one half of the screen and a blank one on the other half. I X out of the screen and started the drawing once again and the drawing area is now labled Drawing1.dwg with a blue square border around the drawing area. With no split screen. I would like to get back to the original drawing area without the blue border going around it titled Drawing1.dwg. I was trying to use the move command to get my drawing into the empty space next to it.
I'm running Acad 2012 on my personal network.
Last year I set up a new Design Center 2012 folder,that linked my DC toolbar icon, etc, containing my personal block set that I use in Design Center 2012. Everything worked great. Suddenly something has changed.
1. I previously removed the stock DC2012 folder and replaced the folder with a new folder titled Design Center 2012 folder containing my personal blocks, the new folder was placed it in the proper Autodesk file location and worked fine for a year,
When I now go to DC thru the toolbar icon it takes me to the stock DC folder blocks, which I physically can't find a trace of on my computer, but are obviously still on my hard drive somewhere.
2. There is no DC2012 folder which contains the stock blocks on my computer (I have them saved to another drive), only my personal blocks are in my new DC 2012 folder.
3. If drill down thru C drive properties to the AutoCad 2012 folder in Autodesk, my personal DC 2012 items are there and functioning fine if I click them directly.
So, how can I redirect the Acad DC toolbar icon, or whatever, to recognize my "real" (personal) DC 2012 folder w/my own blocks inside instead of the stock? It worked before.
I've tried to figure out the pattern of how the command works for inputting partial customization menu toolbar names but I'm unsuccessful.
You should be able to show and hide partial customization menu toolbars with the -toolbar command because it can hide all toolbars including my partial customization menu toolbars currently shown. I've tried the toolbar menu alias (defined in the CUI command) and the name (refer to this link to the same image embedded below) and none work.
When i click on the green line has you can see on the image. The layer toolbar wont show me the right layer, like if it's not working. But i can see the right layer inside propreties.
Is there a system variable to ajust to see my layers inside the Layer tool bar?