AutoCAD Architecture :: 2013 Plan Elevation Label Rotation Angle?
Jun 14, 2012
I went to content browser and loaded the "Plan Elevation Label" onto my tool palette when I go to place the label in the drawing it prompts for elevation and nothing else.
How can you change the rotation on the screen accept to use the rotation command?
The tag itself is referencing a block I went to the block and changed the block now if I go to insert the multi view block it prompts for rotation but not to edit the attribute is there any way to get it to do both?
In the full version of AutoCAD you could rotate the objects inside a vieport when you are in paper space. Can you do that also in AutoCAD Lite 2013? and if so, how?
I have a property line that is N 36d19'52" E but needs to be N 12d52'18" E. The obvious and calculated rotation angle would be 23d27'34" but when I rotate the line by the calculated angle it doesn't rotate to the right angle. It's off by 0d11'10"!? When I draw a line by bearing at N12d52'18" E and inquiry the angle between the property line and the drawn line the angle difference is in fact 23d27'34".
I am trying to create an elevation label that will give me the spot elevation followed by the letters "TC" and then on the line below subtract 4 inches from the elevation followed by the letters "BC". It's easy enogh to add the letters but the simple equation of elevation - 4 inches eludes me.
I'm looking to basically do what this video shows:
I just want to create a section from the point cloud, but the point cloud won't allow me to select it as an object in the 'Generate 2D/3D section' dialogue as it's not a solid/surface.
On an unrelated note, I find snapping to the point cloud impossible - is there an option in OSNAP that I'm missing? I've tried this with attached PCGs and RCP point clouds, no difference.
I am trying to insert blocks into my drawings and for the most part I have been successful using Design Center. However, I have difficulties turning some of those blocks from the Plan View into the Elevation View, even when they show as elevation blocks. Even the downloads that show as 3-D end up being inserted as 2-D in plan view. In floor plan mode, I have no problem; so how do I turn them into 2-D in elevation mode?
I am working on a project with several sheets. The viewport rotation (or angle) on each sheet is different. How can I find out the viewport rotation (or angle)?
Using the mvsetup, a colleague of mine rotated the model space in the viewport. I cannot determine what angle was used, is there an setting in the properties manager to show the rotation angle or other way to find out?
I've received a drawing from a client today and in it there are several text styles. One has Arial as its font. When this text style is current and we insert some dtext AutoCAD does not prompt for the text rotation angle, it uses the last rotation angle we used.
As far as I know there is no system variable that controls this behaviour, or have I missed it. Other delivered text styles do not have this problem.
I have a plan with lots and lot numbering. I made the lot number text annotative and matching view orientation. But when it rotates in the view it rotates about the left justification point instead of middle as inserted into drawing. So I inserted lot numbert text into drawing and changed text to non-annotative, but now i can not change the text rotation angle unless i use rotate command on each individual piece of text (was trying to pick all text and change in properties box). Using feature lines to assist in grading design so not sure if this is an autocad problem or a civil 3d 2012 problem. I can rotate dtext made or inserted in drawing.
I've been using autocad 2012 student version and all the blocks I've used in my dwgs up until now, is blocks I created myself or blocks that I get from someone else. Now, I've been told that autocad comes with a library of blocks in plan and elevation view. How do I access them?
I am not at all familiar with complex topographic maps, ow to plan it out, elevation markers, the distance between the lines, which polyline to use? straight and arc or splines (to close later)..
Just exactly what does "Angle" represent when placing a "Rotation Parameter" in a DBlock?
I've tried a bunch of diff angles and haven't noticed a difference. I'm trying to figure out just what effect diff values would have. I thought that maybe when rotating the block instance, I'd only be able rotate it "so far" (270 degrees in the example I've shown). But it still went well beyond that.
I would like to rotate my Cogo point label so that i will be able to see it from a set view or a different UCS. Example I would like to see the label in the "LEFT" view.
Any way to label the elevation of an object where it is picked? For example, I'd like to be able to pick on the node of a feature line or 3D polyline (or any object really) and have a label placed that displays the elevation of the object at the point where it was picked. This could appear similar to the surface spot elevation label, but instead of getting it's elevation from a surface, it would come from the object where picked.
Alternatively, any way to create a label style, perhaps using the Note label, to display something like this? I don't even care if it is dynamic or not, static would be fine. However, I do need it to scale innovatively . Tool Pac has a feature that does this, but the label is just a polyline and text that is not annotative.
I am working in C3D 2011. The end station on my alignment is 163+02. The last major station label is 163+00. The label text overlap. I want to turn off the end label of 163+02. The end station is not checked in my Alignment Style or in the Geometry Points style. I am assuming there is a command in the Settings/Alignment/Commands that is overriding the changes I have made in individual styles. I have found some post concerning this from 2004 but they do not seem to be applicable in 2011.
Is there a way to label or list a station at a specific elevation? I know how to list and label an elevation at a given station but I need to know where a specific (given) elevation is located on an alignment or profile. I don't care if this is listed or labeled on the alignment or profile, I just need to be able to get a station at a given elevation.
I need to know how to display a proposed profile elevation in the major station alignment label, I mean, for example, I want to read in the label "0+000, 494.444". I've already edited my major station label style adding a (profile type) Reference text, and it only displays "?". I suppose I need to associate it with the correct profile, but I've not figured out how to. I show you how the label looks in the attached image.
I have a sheet with labels on the TBC with station and elevation. If I plot the sheet everything shows up fine. If I publish to PDF, the elevation portion of the labels shows as ?