AutoCad :: How To Access Library Of Blocks In Plan And Elevation View
Aug 23, 2013
I've been using autocad 2012 student version and all the blocks I've used in my dwgs up until now, is blocks I created myself or blocks that I get from someone else. Now, I've been told that autocad comes with a library of blocks in plan and elevation view. How do I access them?
I am trying to insert blocks into my drawings and for the most part I have been successful using Design Center. However, I have difficulties turning some of those blocks from the Plan View into the Elevation View, even when they show as elevation blocks. Even the downloads that show as 3-D end up being inserted as 2-D in plan view. In floor plan mode, I have no problem; so how do I turn them into 2-D in elevation mode?
Residential custom home design. I come from the good old fashioned background of pencil and paper drafting. Although with the recent technology advances I have migrated to the AutoCAD side of the fence, and loving every minute of it. Upon purchasing a copy of AutoCAD 2004, I continued drafting the way I knew how, lines on paper. I have recently upgraded to AutoCAD 2007, and with no formal training, I am looking in drafting in 3D.
My main question has multiple parts;
What is the best way to draw walls in 3D? What is the best way to add windows and doors? and is there a way to have the "plan view" relate with the "elevation view"? How do you go about adding a roof?
I have played around in the isometric views attempting to solve the previous questions, although I have been doing all of it with line work. I know there has to be an easier and more efficient way of going about this....
Are there places where I can find plan view furniture pieces for AutoCAD 2012? I have found some, but most are commercial. I'm looking for residential furniture like sofas, loveseats, and chairs in victorian era styles.
I am working in a project where I need to represent the reflecting ceiling edges in the plan view. I put the first floor plan as underlay, and selected the RCP projection but I don't see the dropped ceiling lines to select them with the linework command. I have done every thing possible with the view range but I don't see the lines.
i draw up all of my walls, i connect them properly, cleanup etc. then i want to trim them with my roof slabs and what i see? i see my walls suddenly dissappear in 3d view but are still correctly shown on plan view? i know it has something to do with roofline because when i tried to project them automatically to ontu my roof slabs the walls dissappeared too!
I was given a horizontal centerline of a 5 mile bike path. We have to stake all the even stationing every 50 feet and all the VPC's and VPT's with vertical elevation. I have created the horizontal profile and also the vertical profile including all the vertical curve information. Is there an easy way to incorporate the elevation information back into the plan view so I can create points that carry x,y & z points that I can transfer out of autocad as a .txt file so we can upload it on our gps equipment?
I went to content browser and loaded the "Plan Elevation Label" onto my tool palette when I go to place the label in the drawing it prompts for elevation and nothing else.
How can you change the rotation on the screen accept to use the rotation command?
The tag itself is referencing a block I went to the block and changed the block now if I go to insert the multi view block it prompts for rotation but not to edit the attribute is there any way to get it to do both?
I am not at all familiar with complex topographic maps, ow to plan it out, elevation markers, the distance between the lines, which polyline to use? straight and arc or splines (to close later)..
Is there a way to easily add an object from a profile view to a plan view? I have developed a pipeline profile that has high and low points and I would like to show these points on the plan views.
We have our first project in Revit that we are having to split among multiple sheets because of the size of the building, so I have made 3 dependent views from the main overall view, named them, cropped them and placed each part (A,B, and C) on separate sheets. Now that I am trying to do enlarged toilet plan views, I want to tag the plans with the plan callouts on the 1/8” sheets that are the dependent views, but all the view tags are referencing dependent view A since it is the first dependent view in the list. If I change sheet A to be named Sheet X for instance, all the view tags now reference sheet B since that becomes the first dependent view alphabetically. I want them to reference the sheet they appear in, but I can’t seem to figure out how to do that, even though they are in different dependent views completely and within the crop region, they all default to the first dependent view in alphabetical order.
I was put in charge of modifying The commun library of our content center. Later today, i found out that one of our draftmen played around our library and modifying some of the preset that i setup.
My question is: What can be done to limit access (Putting it at Read-only) to certain library for certain users without limiting my own access?
Also, I'm pretty sure its not possible but ill ask anyway, is it possible to know who modify those library and when?
I want to present additional information on my drawings, whether in notes or some other form depending on whether it is a part or assembly drawing. The information I want to get access to is included in the material library and comes from the material Physical tab > Information section > Source, Subclass, Type, & Name.
Is the material library information accessible this way?
I'm looking to basically do what this video shows:
I just want to create a section from the point cloud, but the point cloud won't allow me to select it as an object in the 'Generate 2D/3D section' dialogue as it's not a solid/surface.
On an unrelated note, I find snapping to the point cloud impossible - is there an option in OSNAP that I'm missing? I've tried this with attached PCGs and RCP point clouds, no difference.
I am working on an electrical plan and am having some issues setting the elevations on the lighting blocks that I inserted into the drawing. When I select all the lights at once to set the elevation (or Position Z, as there is no elevation option) to 14', they all go to different heights. I need them all to go to 14', which is the ceiling height. The lights that are recessed need to have the bottom at 14' and the lights that hang need to have the top at 14'.
I'm using AutoCAD 2010, working with a drawing created by someone else. I'm completely green with AutoCAD -- never used 2D CAD of any kind before. (I do have 15 year of experience with 3D CAD, but that's not much use to me now!)
The drawing is a shop floor plan, with each piece of a equipment as a block. I am moving or copying these blocks, sometimes to new layers. Sometimes, after I've moved a block to a new layer, I can no longer rotate it. The rotate command seems to work, but nothing happens.
Here's what I've tried so far:
* Checked if the layer is locked. (It's not; no layers are locked.) * Tested other blocks. (They behave normally.) * Toggled ortho mode on and off. (No change.) * Closed and re-opened the file. (No change.) * Closed and re-opened AutoCAD. (No change.) * Rebooted. (No change.)
One guy took my drawing, "exploded the blocks" (whatever that means), and gave it back to me. The blocks would then rotate but, as soon as I started working with another one the same thing happened.
I have an elevation symbol that works OK as a regular block with attributes. Except it takes four of them to look right depending on orientation. But when I try to make just one dynamic block I run into the text/attribute thing.
How do you make a dynamic block with editable text?
I need to insert a Key Plan as a small part in my title blocks. I have a key plan ready in my model section. I did tried to play around in the block editor but could not find anything useful. I wish I could insert the key plan like viewport in the layout section.
On the side, my file directory always showed up on the paper when I printed my drawing out. Do you know how I can get rid of this ?
Having issues plotting. I have a sheet with 3d piping in plan view, viewport is set to Legacy Hidden as always. I have a 3DCLIP plane set to only see pipe at a certain elevation. When plotted, some of the pipe lines are missing. If I change the viewport display view, then the piping is fine but random objects show up that shouldn't b/c of my 3DCLIP plane.
I use a QNAP Network Attached Storage as the home for LR library so that a number of computers in the house can access the same files and various other DLNA clients can do slideshows on partcular directories if we want.
This is great when we are on our home network, but if I want to work on an image in LR while I am away from home I have to remember to make local copies (to my laptop HD) in advance.
I have a static IP and can access the required directories and files through a browser or VPN when I'm away from home. I was wondering if it's possible to give LR the web address of the directory I want to use as my library so that my photos are available to me anywhere so long as I have a web connection?
I want to create a menu for pulldowns to access often used blocks. Ive looked at the pallatte ooption but it seems its only for commands ?? Iam correct.
I'm looking for an easy way to generate a on-line riser diagram of blocks that have been inserted on a floor plan.Here's what I was thinking.
For every instance where the block SLC_DEVICE IS insert on the drawing, the routine would insert the block listed in the "TYPE" and place text equal to what is listed in the "ADDRESS". The TYPE is the actual block name.
Each one of these blocks have a tag of TYPE and ADDRESS. What is in the TYPE tag is the block name of what should be inserted and what is in the ADDRESS tag is the text that should be inserted under the block.
So for example; the routine would find the first instance and the tag TYPE which is "Smoke_Detector" and the tag ADDRESS which is 01:03:001. The routine would insert the block "Smoke_Detector" with the text "01:03:001" directly under it. It would insert the next instance the same way a specified distance from the last; so on so on so on until all instances of the BLOCK (SLC_DEVICE ) have been inserted.
The other part of this would be the Block "NAC&SPK_Circuit" but you would use the Tags "Type", "Candela" AND "NacCkt" to generate the one liner.
I have a surface with a bunch of contours. I want to view the contours at elevation 550. In Microstation there is a set display depth command. Is there a tool in autocad where I can view certain elevations.
I want to make layouts/viewports that are clipped to different elevations. For example I have a surface with 5' contours. I want to create multiple viewports on a sheet showing what each contour looks like at its elevation.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
I've got an elevation analysis with a nice range of colours in plan which look fine but I want to display this in a 3D view for a presentation.
I selected the object and went to object viewer but I can't get the analysis in colour. I'm guessing I'm missing something obvious but can't figure out what...
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
My battery was dying on my Macbookpro and I decided to cancle the backup of lightroom before it did. However, it shutdown before the the program cancled. Now lightroom wont load the library because it says it is read only. Here are the erorr mesages i recieved . I already know it was a dumb thing to do; just looking for solutions now. I had a lot of work on there about 16000 pictures. Here are the dialogs I am geting. My Lightroom 3 Catalog Previews.lrdata seems to be the right size it's 11.1 GB