AutoCAD 2013 :: DWG Loads To 75% Then Hangs - Causes Message / Memory Low / Loss Of Work
Feb 8, 2013
I was placing final touches on paper space viewports (changing transparency settings etc), after wrapping that up, saved. Then tried to Publish. That's where things went downhill, drawing/publishing froze, forced to restart, now the drawing only loads to ~68 - 75% and hangs / freezes. Eventually, I get a message box stating that AutoCAD physical memory low, continuing will result in data loss. Task Manager claims AutoCAD is running @ ~98% (650Mb).
I can upload the drawing to AutoCAD WS and open it on my iPhone/iPad, but the 3D viewports are limited in detail.
Tried opening on a MAC and the same thing happens.
Tried clearing the Cachemax/cachemaxtotal, still nothing...
I have problem with Civil3d 2010, when i open heavy drawing or 1 or more drawing will struck out of system memmory cannot continu the drawing , how can i fix, i already install update package 1 & 2 my system config.,and error shown on attached file. a
I got “Insufficient Memory” error messages in working on the job needed large files ( > 100MB) with AI 5.5 in office with below #1 PC spec. Error message starts to happen after working 15min to 1 hour depends on the file. I need to restart computer in each “Insufficient Memory” error message pop-up (otherwise the messages will continue to pop-up). Sometimes the file can’t be saved after the error message occurred.
I have never encountered this memory issue at my home with below #2 Mac spec.#1 PC spec looks better than #2 Mac spec. Why PC can’t perform like Mac does? Do you have any solution to fix the “insufficient Memory” issue in #1 PC spec? I had already reset the AI preference as the following link but it doesn’t work. URL...
I use Illustrator CS 5 and am working with a large image. Problem is, when I sometimes try to save my Illustrator file as a joeg I get the dreaded "Insufficient memory was available to complete the operation" error message. It doesn't happen every time BUT when it does its a pain because I have to close all my programs and restart my computer.
Splash screen shows components loading, until it gets to LAYERS ("Preparing working environment.... LAYERS") and it just hangs.
I've tried doing a repair; uninstalling and re-installing. Nothing works.
The program was working fine for months and it just started doing this. No new hardware or software has been installed. Even did a system restore to a time when I know it was working, in case there was some Windows or driver update.
I have copied and pasted from someone’s template to mine, and the font changes. My style is set to Arial and the other template is as well. Is there another setting I am missing or a variable that maintains the information from one template to the next?
Looks like something to do with 360 is cause C3D2013 to hang on startup. I have to kill the AcSettingSync.exe service to in Resource Monitor to make 2013 un-freeze.
Open a new file and things work fine.Open a sheet set in Sheet Set Manager and every 60 seconds for 25 seconds AutoCAD hangs.Unplug the network connection and it runs fine.Hangs even if Sheet Set is on Local DriveTime of hang is dependent on when AutoCAD starts not dependent on when Sheet Set is opened.Do not have to have a file in the sheet manager loaded.Don't have to be doing anything. Can leave cursor on screen and still happens like clockwork.Turned off all sync to AutoDesk 360.
I have a middle complexity model, with several decals (,jpg, Using Mask), projected to different parts. When I start Studio, and start rendering, Inventor hangs. The render window opens, but it freezes on Translating and soon both of the windows are not answering. I've checked th CPU. Inventor uses around 1G of ram, during regular use. When I start rendering, slowly it goes up around 5,5G, and eventually the Windows freezes. Rendering the same model without a decal works fine.
I've installed all the Windows updates, and the Inv2013 1.1 Service Pack. Nothing worked.
On opening a C3D 2013 drawing, C3D hangs for about 5 minutes. At the bottom of the screen is the message: "Upgrading COGO points". This drawing is only 974KB.
The drawing is being opened from a network . I tried saving it on a local hard drive. That had no effect.
I'm working with point clouds. is there any physical memory limitation working with autocad. because i had 32gb ram but didn't see over 4 gb for usage by autocad. my computer's os is win7 x64.
I have just produced .dxf files from .shp files using Surpac. The problem is that the final .dxf's are that huge in terms of memory that is really dificult to open the .dxf with any version of AutoCAD
We recently moved from Inventor 2010 to 2013. Since then we have been having alot of lag problems. One major problem we have found that is giving us lag is our RAM usage. Inventor continually steals more and more ram until its starts to lag out. When I open a large assembly inventor goes from useing 1.2 GB to 4 GB of ram. When I close the assembly the RAM usage stays at 4 GB. If I open another assembly it just builds onto that and can go up to 6 GB before it starts lagging badly. Closing inventor dumps the physical memory.
System: windows enterprise (no service pack) 7-64 bit intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU (2 processors) 9 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro FX 4800 graphics card
I have CAD2014 installed intalled everything has been great until last week when I got an error that I had low autocad memory. I still have 127GB available on my PC. Since I received this errow I have noticed that when moving large amounts of items on a drawing, there is a big delay in the move.
I am trying to make a huge array of circles (4000 x 12000 or so). I work in microfabrication and need this to make a mask for lithography of a membrane. What is the best practice to minimize the memory usage? I.e. arrays, blocks, groups? I tried making an array of circles one row and 4000 columns then making that a block. Then repeating that block down for multiple rows, maybe 100, then making that a block. Repeating this until I have thousands of them. Is this the best way? It bogs down and gets incredible slow which I am hoping to avoid. I realize that it is inevitable that it will get slow with these huge numbers.
I open the file to the model. My RAM usage is about 33%. Next, I open the first layout and my usage climbs to 43%. I open the second layout and my usage climbs to 52%. I open the third layout and my usage climbs to 62%.
I can go back and view the layouts already opened marginally faster then when first opening them, and my RAM usage will not increase.
If I continue to open new layouts, my computer will spend all its RAM holding these and freeze. My computer will suspend graphical processing and be forced to run on sips of RAM until all active commands are finished. But RAM usage will never decrease.
I have been working with my Windows Task Manager open in the corner, watching this happen. This way, I can save and close the file to clear the RAM and then proceed to reload the file and continue working on my file with 34 layouts.
I do not know if it is a function of storing the UNDO functions, or just how the program is designed, but this is a problem for me.
Is there a way to clear the UNDO or layout memory without closing and reloading the file? I do not have to close AutoCAD - just the file.
The attachement is a screenshot of my Task Manager.
I started with TM, browser, and AutoCAD open (I had already started writing this post)
I opened the file to the model.
Opened up 6 layouts (you can see the bumps)
Saved (you can see the tiny rise)
Closed the file, but not AutoCAD (precipitous drop ;] )
What is the use of "regular" AutoCAD 2013 as compared to 2013 Mechanical. The question is; our office is divided between Designers that use the regular AutoCAD edition and our Engineers that would like to use Mechanical (rather than the regular CAD). Are there any conflicts resulting from sharing drawings between the two editions on AutoCAD (regular & Mechanical)?
If so, what would be the optimal method for these two departments to collaborate?
For the past couple of weeks I have been getting a message that autocad cannot save dwg because it is being accessed by another session. This doesn't happen everytime I try to save, and it happens in differant files. After hitting save 4 or 5 times it will usually let me save the dwg. but then I have to go into the folder and clean out all the temp files. I know that none of the other users in my office have the dwg open when this happens so I'm at a loss as to whats causing it.
I'm using AutoCAD 2013 and I get a fatal error when it pulls up a print preview. If I have "Publish in Backgound" selected it proceeds to print. The error only appears to exisit when it pulling up the print preview. I have installed sp 1.1. I've repaired and reinstalled also. My AutoCAD 2012 is publishing fine.
I have been working on a drawing that was originally created from an AutoCAD 2004 version, and I have since been working on it in AutoCAD 2013 student version. The drawing from autoCAD 2004 was of plans for a house and i saved them over to model them in autoCAD 2013.
I have since finished the model and tried to import the drawing into 3Ds max 3013 cersion and a message reading "ObjectDBX Classes" appears. I have read up about this and tried to download an AutoCAD 2004 ObjectDBX Classes Object enabler. I am unable to download this as I do not have a copy of AutoCAD 2004, this is only available at my work.
I only have AutoCAD 2013 and 3Ds max 2013 on my home computer, not at my work.
Several times, with different files, I get a message when I try to save a drawing using ctrl-S (or when clsoing an un-saved dwg);
Unable to save to drawing B: (file location folder)file name.
Drawing saved to B: (same file location folder)savD214.tmp
The only option is to click OK
Now there are several .tmp files in my job folder. I haven't tried to open them or anything else.
The original file will be lost if I close the drawing. I've had this happen when I clsoe the drawing before saving it - I'll get a message asking if I want to save the draiwng before closing it, and then I'll get this message, click OK, and the file will be gone. I have to to the .bak file, make a copy of it and change the file extension name to .dwg to get the file back.
If I get this message when I'm just doing a ctrl-S save, I immediately do a "save-as", copy over the original file name, and everything seems to be fine.