I have an AutoCAD drawing (I did not create it) of a proposed trail in my city, and I've been tasked with making some kind of model or render of a section of it. I'm at a loss for how to even start, unfortunately. In the end I would like to have an accurate 3D model of a boardwalk section of the trail with surrounding terrain. I have Sketchup, Google Earth, and Revit at my disposal.
My first problem is topography. When I import the CAD drawing to Revit it seems there is some topographical data, which will be needed to realistically build the boardwalk on top of. I was able to get the terrain of the area into Sketchup from Google Earth, but then I don't know exactly where to build the model.
I've attached an image of a floor I created in the outline of the boardwalk. The area in question begins at the two handicap parking stalls (represented as the two blue towers for some hilarious reason) and ends at the second square (a viewing platform). My preferred method would be get an accurate topograhic site in Revit, build the boardwalk, and then place surrounding vegetation so I can get some renders.
EDIT: I've attached "Screenshot 2" which shows I found I was able to create terrain in Revit by selecting a layer of the CAD file. However that layer is suspended above, and my placeholder floor is underneath. Now I just need to get the floor (representing the boardwalk) to go along the terrain.
I created a 3d model, and is now trying to put the views on a layout. There seems to be something that causes the view to overlap itself. I have attached a screenshot of the model & layout respectively. On the layout the color members are the ones not supposed to be there. I have printed the layout, and the result is the same as the screenshot.
i got for a project some files (in the pic below) wich i actually can use for an 3D model ( geodate's). Problem is, i dont know how i can use/open them to generate an 3D Model. How to figure out which programm I can use this files or how i can use them in AutoCAD?
I'd like to export AutoCAD file from a model built in 3Ds Max to get some engimeering drawings(as below) But the dwg file export from 3Ds Max is always with the wireframe(as the last one)
I`ve been trying to create a new drawing template in autocad 2013, I have saved it as a dwt file as suggested . When i go to open the new template the first thing i notice is that the thumb nail has a black ground , while the other templates that came with autocad have a white background !...when i open the dwt file it opens like a normal dwg file in model space not in paper space. the dwt file behaves as just a normal file .
I'm trying to create a new pc3 file following instructions in the help menu.
Click Application menu> Print> Manage Plotters.In the Autodesk Plotter Manager, double-click the Add-a-Plotter Wizard shortcut icon. When I click on "Manage Plotters", windows explorer opens the folder where our pc3 files are located. I don't see Add-a-Plotter Wizard shortcut icon?
I've never created a pc3 file from scratch. I've modified existing pc3 files and done a save as before, but I need to create one from scratch in 2013. Some of the old ones won't work as others have explained here [URL].......and it was suggested to make a new one. Also, when I edit a pc3 file in 2013, I no longer get the option to either "Apply changes for the current plot only" or "Save changes to the following file".
My PCG s are coming in with bluish colors . They should have reds, oranges, and yellows also. my hardware accelerator is on and i am using a realistic viewing style. using 2013 AutoCAD. Creating PCG files from a FLS file.
When I am working on several drawngs at the same time, I use the Publish command to plot them as a group. However to save the settings as a DSD file for future use, every open file needs to be saved. Why is this? Is there a way to disable that requirement?
There is no reason I can think of besides "by design" for this. The DSD file is only a list of drawings and their plot settings and is not dpendent in any way I can think of, to whether or not one its drawings is open and not saved.
When I zoom in or zoom out the model, normally the dimension will follow the model too.But now in Autocad 2013, even the model size change, the dimension still remain unchange. why? Is there any setting I miss out? URL....
I am a land surveyor using AutoCAD 2012. Just new to 2012 version, previously used 2005 version.
My question is:
Is it possible to (and how do I) create a 3D model of a ground surface from field survey data which has been collected. The data i have is currently in Leica GSI format, and has x, y and z coordinates. I can easily transfer this into a .csv file i necessary.
I am trying to create a model of a city street surface using Autocad 2013. I think that perhaps the "network" surface command might work. Although the surface of a street looks simple, it is quite complex because of the need to drain the street of water. The corners are particularly difficult because the surface needs to be a continuous smooth curve while at the same time changing the direction of the surface slant.
I have attached a jpg of a model I created in Maya. I can export this to Autocad, but it is not particularly accurate and I need to create the model in Autocad at my job where they do not use Maya.
I have made a 3d model of my balcony by simply extruding the steel profiles I used in my sections. I then used the union command to join them all together.
I now think and exploded isometric may be the better way to present the drawing but as I have now made the frame all one element what is the best way to seperate it?
the corners I think will be easy I just create a planar at 45 degrees and use that to split the corners but is there an easy way to seperate the mid PFC and angle?
I am in need of creating a solid drawing from my wireframe drawing in model space. I have never done any 3d modeling in autocad before it took me a few days just to get the wireframe of a staircase done! I have tried to render this object in viewport but it disappears after I click on it or move around, therefore I cannot see it in my paper layout. How do I make a rendered object stay? Also I want to plot this on 22x34in and 11x17in paper, how would I go about getting a high quality rendered image. I am using autocad 2010.
I have a 3D model from a floor of a building, with 20 rooms on this floor. I have 3D blocks inserted as furniture for each of the rooms and want to create elevations from inside these rooms looking at the 4 walls to show the layout.
How can I position the viewports within each of the rooms to give me a 2D Elevation?
working with acad 2012 and not having good luck with links and functionality with excel. tried the links manager,pasting excel/entities. trying to insert separate files in model space in essence creating multiple cut lists for the drawing. Is there a tutorial that goes in depth with this? just froze one file at work, lucked out and opened at home. Each cut list is an individual worksheet, which may be the problem.
When creating text in model space it appears both mirrored and rotated 90 degrees to the horizontal. However, when I create text in paper space it is fine. I have tried looking at the properties for the text but although I can find a place to rotate the text back to the horizontal it is still mirrored and therefore unreadable.
When I copy paste stuff from one document to another this also occurs.
I have modeled a theatre chair, and when I attempt to create a circular array the left arm/leg of the chair separate and rotate 180 degrees in the opposite direction. I am able to select the entire object but when I attempt to move/ create the array...pieces split and go in different directions.
I am a new user to AutoDesk 2013. I have a bunch of .stp files, which I would like to convert to 2D .dwg s, which have all dimensions, as part of the. Is there a plug-in, or a stand alone software package, which can read the .stp, and extrapolate the embedded dimensions?
I have created a 3D model of a helical gear. The process followed was to use the profile of one tooth, which by the way is a true involute shape, then displace that profile and rotate it the amount needed to equal the face width of the gear and to match the helix angle. There is also a profile located at the midpoint of the gear. The profiles are all closed polylines.
I then used the LOFT command to create a solid tooth. It looks exactly like it should. I tried to use the SWEEP command but that rotates the profile 90 deg. from the path. Extrude won't work because the path is a 3D line in space.
I then invoked the POLAR array and put 28 teeth around the center of the gear. That too looks exactly as I would expect it to.
BUT - when I try to UNION the 28 teeth into one solid, AuotoCAD 2013 stops working. And that occurs the moment the cursor touchs any part of any individual tooth. If I try to UNION the array by dragging a window over it, it stops when the window gets about halfway over the model.
The computer is a Lenovo S-30 workstation with 8 Gig of ram, an nVidia 2000 with 1Gbyte of video memory and dual 1Tbyte hard drives.
I have a 3d model of a bridge and I would like to cut transverse sections at every pier but would like to get linework just at the spot to create plans and would like for it to be linked so if you update pier it will update section? Is this possible or something very close? Let me know what are the best ways to do this.
The problem is about drawing a solid model like the one in the attachment, and I have problem with the triangle, I tried a lot of things, but unfortunately it's not the same as it should be
My work is in the attachment.
and one more thing, as it's my first time with these kind of drawing I need to know what's the meaning (10 Drill, 20 C'bore) for a circle and how I can do it you can find it in the attachment