I am trying to create a model of a city street surface using Autocad 2013. I think that perhaps the "network" surface command might work. Although the surface of a street looks simple, it is quite complex because of the need to drain the street of water. The corners are particularly difficult because the surface needs to be a continuous smooth curve while at the same time changing the direction of the surface slant.
I have attached a jpg of a model I created in Maya. I can export this to Autocad, but it is not particularly accurate and I need to create the model in Autocad at my job where they do not use Maya.
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
My problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline.
1.open up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
I need to create a sub-set surface from my main surface. not sure what the vernacular is for a "subset surface" in c3d but i do have a feature line that bouinds the desired area, but that is as far as i can solve.
i did try creating a new surface - pasted the main surface in the edit definition, then deleted triangles until the boundary alighned wiht my featureline. This seemed to work, but when i view the properties of the smaller subset suface, it shows a mimum and maximum elevation that is incorrect.
I am having some mapping difficulties with regards to applying a JPEG as a material map onto a surface material. Below are the details.
I have a surface model which was generated from topographical information. I have aerial photography of the area the topographical information is based on. The photography covers approximately 1000m2 area.
The topography area in contained within this area, it is in the upper right hand corner of the square photo. I have applied planar mapping to the surface . I resized the mapping area of the surface to suit the area that the photo covers (I created a boundary rectangle and adjusted the mapping size to suit). I created a customer material using the jpeg photo I applied it to the surface . The image scale is set to 1000 . All other settings remain as default settings.
The mapping displays over my model, but its on the wrong location, i.e. information contained within the jpeg that is out with the topographical area is appearing on the model. When I turn off tiling the mapping disappears from my model completely. I have read a few tutorials today and went back to basics on a few trials by creating blocks and applying the material and scaling it that way. All behave as anticipated. Apart from this.
I am attempting to x-ref a building model that was drawn in 2013 MEP in a Civil3D drawing that contains the site surface. When I x-ref my building model into the site drawing and attempt to align and scale the building some of my walls become broken and missing. I have a feeling this is a scaling issue because on my site my north wall should be 24' long. The wall is 24' long in MEP, but that same 24' from Civil3D is only a 2' line segment in MEP. How to remedy this? I have tried scale the building model down in MEP first and it causes all kinds of problems with the door and window objects. I tried adjusting the x-ref scale prior to adding the x-ref and it does the same thing.
I have a model of a boat from some database. It's build from 3D faces but I would like to make it a 3D solid with a thickness of 3mm.
I can convert the faces into a surface, but i can't seem to get any of the two models into a 3D solid. I have tried thicken, convtosolid and a lot of other options without luck.
I was wondering if I could make two surfaces, one smaller than the other, place them ontop of eachother and create solid between them?
I'm trying to derive a surface .ipt file into my model. After selecting the plus include option, the part file is inserted into the feature manager but the object is no where to be found.
I'm wondering if there is a possibility in Inventor to export a surface model as a STL file. I use CAD programs to prepare models for simulations in other software and I would like to work with Inventor because my Department uses it. Till now I have been using Solid Works and with a little trick it is possible to export surfaces as a STL file. In Inventor I didn't manage to do this. So, is it possible?
I would like to know which of the following software can be used to generate a 3D model/surface using the key points. The key points were obtained from 4 images after spline-fitting.
1) ACIS Reader 2) AUTOCAD 3) Autodesk Inventor ( Associative Geometry Interface and Reader (Merged/sewn work surfaces are not supported. ) 4) CATIA Reader 5) CATIA V5 Associative Geometry Interface and Reader 6) Creo Elements/Direct Modeling 7) Cero Parametric (formerly Pro/ENGINEER ) Associative Geometry Interface and Reader GAMBIT Reader 9) IGES Reader 10) JT Open Reader 11) NX Associative Geometry Interface and Reader 12) Parasolid Reader 13) Solid Edge 14) SolidWorks Associative Geometry Interface and Reader 15) STEP Reader
or any other CAD software whom models can be used in ANSYS 14.0.
Is it possible to use an Autodesk Inventor .iam (assembly) to generate a file containing only the visible/exterior surfaces of that .iam?
My employer has a requirement that, in certain situations, only data without internal features/details can be supplied to customers.In this case, we only want the customer to be able to view the assembly & not see the internal features of individual parts.
I have a DXF and a skip file of a room i'd like to convert to surfaces i can use in inventor 2010. I hear this can be done with inventor 2013?
The files are too large to attach. _____________________________________________ Inventor 2012 Pro Windows 7 64 bit Core I5 2410M processor | GeForceGT 525M graphics card | 8G RAM
In the Surfaces Tutorials: Exercise 1: "Creating a TIN Surface". The first instruction is to click "NEW", which I did. I selected "Surfaces.dwt per instructions and clicked open. I have executed these steps a number of times to be sure I am doing what the instructions say. But, every time the same thing happens. "Drawing2.dwg" opens instead of "Surfaces.dwt". I also make sure the file type is set to dwt.
I am trying to create a vault of a church by autocad (foto_1) So i need to eliminate part of the surfaces i ve created using the 'extrude' command at the line drawings of arcs. How can i cut these parts (foto_2)?
I've read about a 'slice' command but when i try it i get a message ''no solid objects were selected''.
I also tried to manage it with 3dsmax but it chooses the whole polygone (foto_3). The same passes with Sketchup8.
I am trying to find a way to import a laser scanned mesh or point cloud file into Inventor (2013) such that I can use it to make a parametric representation of the form. The import format can be STL, OBJ, VRML, XYZ or PLY. I have tried the Mesh Enabler from Autodesk Labs but the files I am looking to work-on are bigger than the enabler can cope with and my system slows right down or locks-up.
I know bespoke reverse engineering software is the ideal way to go but I was hoping there was a way to model over a mesh to represent its form to create a placeholder in a parametric assembly. I'm not looking for accuracy, just a surface or solid output that can be constrained to native inventor parts. If I could get the files to STEP or IGES someway that would be enough.
I have a grid survey of points and I've entered these points into Civil 3D. Now what I want to do is use these points to create a surface so that I can create a slope analysis of the surveyed area. My problem is that I can't get the points into a point group.
I have a generic grid (15 x 15) of points set up and I've only used a portion of them (defined by the dimensions of the site). So I want to create a surface that includes all of the points that aren't set at an elevation of 0.
I am trying to create a surface from a corridor. I have a sub-assembly attached, which I believe is working correctly. I managed to create the empty surface and when I try to add surface data nothing seems to happen. I keep changing the specified code to Base which is my finished gravel structure and hit the + but again nothing seems to happen.
Ultimately I am trying to determine a volume between my corridor and original topo.
I can't seem to create a planar surface that shows up in the tool space as a TIN.
Some background, I have a TIN of a pile of dirt that I created from a point cloud (it shows up in the toolspace under the surface section). I also have a plane that intersects that dirt pile which indicates ground level. I want to be able to calculate the volume of the dirt pile by creating a volume TIN with the ground plane and pile TIN, but the ground plane does not show up in the toolspace under the surface section so I can't use it to create a volume TIN. I created the plane with the planar button in the ribbon and manually lined it up with the pile.
How can I convert this plane that is clearly in my project but not in the list of surfaces in the toolspace into a TIN to use in a volume TIN?
I'm running Civil 3d 2013 and you'll probably have to explain things like I'm 5 because I'm not familiar with the interface yet.
I have a project that I need to map the terrain as a tin solid so that I can do some cut and fill analysis. I have downloaded a orthographic and elevation data from the USGS website. I cannot get AutoCAD civil 3d to create the contours properly.
My current workflow is: use mapwspace to bring up the task pane. Connect to the geotiff image in the 1-153383539 folder. Then I try to create the contours and the option is greyed out.
This is the first time I have imported a .dgn file into Civil. The drawing contains contours lines with Z elevation data. When I create a surface using this geometry (polylines + some lines) the surface seems to be scaled in the Z axis by 12.
For example pline (from dgn) is at elevation 46' but the Civil3D surface is 552'
I assume this is a setting in the Surfaces dialog box, but I cannot find it.
Also the elevation field in Properties from the dgn contours is weird. For example, in one area the (pline) contours display -28', 26', -24', -22', -20', -18' in Properties but Civil3D interprets this as a downward slope - which is the actual field conditions. I don't understand the conversion going on here.
The geometry of the pline and contours generated from the surface seem to line up in a side or isometric view (see attachment).
Been chatting with an architect in my office, and he was asking me if we could make our TIN surfaces smooth. I cannot find a way, would it take a 3rd party program? He wants it like the image i attached. How to achieve this with a TIN surface?
I have a finished grade surface created for my site but I want to lower the parking lot portion of it to subrade elevation. What would be the ideal way to lower a portion of a surface?
I´m having problem with creating stl file from surface. I need to import stl in another program for rockfalls.
I have create surface from contours, then extract faces, extrude them, union and I got solid..
I have export solid like stl file... But in another program my surface is not smooth, like somethning went wrong while exporting stl, because in autocad civil 3D 2012 everything looks good.
I have found out how I can increase facetres to 10, but It has not affect to my stl file. If there is some another parameter for better resolution of stl files?
They send me a file that has polylines as contours and when I try to do the surface adding contours an error appears saying that the breaklines couldn't be added because they crossed a breakline, I don't understand why.