AutoCAD 2010 :: Some Indication That Shows Direction Of Digitizing?
Mar 13, 2012
Is there some indication that shows the “direction” of the digitizing?
For example, in the screenshot below, how to know the start and the end of the line? Which indication the AutoCAD provides rather than the coordinates?
How to force the text to move in a particular direction as the “annotation scale” changes?
I wanted to force the text to move in a particular direction as the “annotation scale” changes but sounds not to respond. I tried to play with the “justify” but seems not to have an effect!
How to control this movement direction of the text as the annotation scale changes?
Have a specific drawing that the crosshair in the Y direction is broken (sse attached image). Exacctly in middle of screen this problem was seen also in older autocad releases (R2008)
The UCS is world and PLAN view is set, the screen is OK the display card + driver is OK. The weird thing is this is only in this dwg and even if it insert it to fresh dwg in comes good.
I have created a linetype with the text GAS OPTION in it. The line is continuous with a break around the text. In a straight line the linetype works fine (breaks around the text etc). However, when I use a polyline and spline the line for a curved line the text aligns with the direction of the line at the start, but when the line bends, the text suddenly changes direction and reads in the opposite direction. It looks like AutoCAD is trying to keep the text upright rather than following the direction of the line. When the text changes direction it also changes its insertion point and overlaps the continuous part of the line. I have 2013 AutoCAD.
Here is the string I used for the linetype.
*GAS_Option_LINE,Gas line ----GAS OPTION----GAS OPTION----GAS OPTION---- A,8,-15,["GAS OPTION",STANDARD,S=2.54,U=0.0,X=-2.35,Y=-1.27],-12
I have cut several sections at different points along a road alignment. The sections are cut facing the same direction as the alignmnet. Is there a way to reverse the section direction without changing the alignment direction?
I have a drawing of a stone railing section and I have to change direction in the run direction of the baluster panel. Is there a way that I can move the details without changing th Y direction of the details. Please refer to the attached CAD file for details. I am trying to avoid having to redesign the panels if possible. railing detail.dwg
As far as I know it does not happen all the time, it had just started. I checked another drawing and I did not run into this problem. The "Pre" image is when first inserting in the block into the drawing. The other two images are that after the drop down option of scale has been changed and when exploding the block and attempting to manually change it to the correct way.
In Acad 2012 (sp1, w64), it seems that, if a hatch has a scale too big to have something showing into the boundary, it renders as a solid hatch ! (previously, it rendered empty, as expected).
The attached file demonstrates the issue, with "dots" hatch samples at various scales. You can see that, at scale 80, where no point should be visible, it becomes solid !
It's a major annoyance, since I have lots of lisp-based automatic hatching of things, and, while it's not a problem to have an empty hatch whenever the boundary is too small for a given scale, getting a solid hatch instead is a big no-no.
Displays but does not plot the PDF underlay frame.
frame 2
Displays but does not plot the frame.and this last one is the override for all frames but...on the printout a few thin lines of the clip (not all) but noting in the preview
I am trying to determine whether or not the following is a bug:
1. Begin creating a new block using the block editor. 2. Add an object (circle) for reference. 3. Add an attribute with the following properties: Constant, Visible, Value (i.e. "34"), Justify: "Middle-Center." Make the tag 4. Save the block, exit block editor. 5. Insert the block into model space.
At least on my system, the constant attribute always shows up left justified. If I explode the block after inserting it, the constant attribute shows correctly. In addition, the constant attribute seems to be left justified with the TAG label from the block definition itself.
I have both a 16 button cordless puck and a 2 button cordles pen stylus. I have the 16 button cordess puck configured to AutoCad 2011 tablet0.dwg. I want to be able to use the 2 button cordless pen stylus for digitizing/tracing drawings from model ship kit plans. So, do I calibrate or configure the pen stylus so AutoCad 2011 will recognize it?
I am using AutoCad 2012 Educational Version / Autodesk Design Review 2012 and DWG Truview 2013 and am unable to see Hebrew font within a drawing. The file title is in Hebrew and shows correctly when I open the file within any of the programs listed above, but any Hebrew text within the figure displays/prints as question marks?? I do have Hebrew as a font on my PC and have no issuues within other programs (Windows, MS Office 2010, etc.). As I need to edit the figures and text for Israeli clients, how can I get the Hebrew font to show??
It was working fine. Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out. The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back. So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back. I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen. In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible. I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened. I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank. I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine. I just can't see my main assembly. I have Inventor 2012. It shows no errors or messages. I have even rebooted.
I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical. I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.
I have a path with a smooth point. The two direction points form a direction line with any non-45-degree-angle - say 11.8 degrees. I want to drag one direction point while keeping the angle of exactly 11.8 degrees.
How to paint digitally in Photoshop and how to converted drawings digitally and paint them ?b) Tutorial or even a book but a tutorial would be prefered, on coloring and adding shadows to your drawings.
i am doing a simple project making a survey plot for a piece of land that will be broken into subdivision. all measurements are of my starting point. after plotting the starting point i try to draw line that is 113 feet long and at a bearing of N 5d W i have no problem entering this data but when i hit enter it draws a straight line. now i know 5 degrees is much of an angle so i thought maybe it just looked straight and tried to plot the next point which was 542 feet from the last point at a bearing of N 39d E but once again after i put the info in and hit enter or space it would plot a line of the proper length but vertical, not the proper angle i need it at. here is how i would put in the info:
first i choose the lne command and choose my "beginning point" as that starting point for my line then i type 113<N 5d W for the length and direction and hit enter. when i do this it plots a vertical line of the proper length but wrong angle. what am i doing wrong? i have ortho set to off and idk what else to mess with
I am considering using GIMP 2.8 on my system with Mac OS X 10.6.8 to do thefollowing:
(1) Digitise a photograph by tracing over parts of it with lines. The photocould be, say, the roots of a tree. The lines would be colour codeddepending on the state of what they are over. I.e. roots in one state getstraced with one colour, while roots in another state would get a differentcolour. In the end I might end up with a bunch of lines, with the differentcolours of lines organised in different layers.
(2) Calculate the relative proportion of lines of a certain colour to thetotal length of all lines.
To do the above, I am wondering if GIMP has the ability to calculate thelength of lines drawn over an image (in, say, number of pixels). This way, Ican obtain the total pixel length all lines put together, and the totalpixel length of, say, just the blue lines.
Do you think GIMP is suitable for this kind of image analyses? Or should Iuse a vector based program like Inkscape?
I use CS4 on the Mac. I'm looking for an efficient solution for digitizing family photo albums. I know how to scan and fix the scanned image, if necessary. I know how to organize photos in Adobe Bridge. What I'm clear on is how to create captions for the photos that will will be permanently linked to the photo files and can be output for on-screen or print albums / galleries.
Also, what is a good tool for creating output? InDesign is an obvious possibility for print; but I was wondering if there is some sort of plug-in or companion product for PS designed specifically for generating albums and slideshows.
I recently got rid of my Canon GL1. before I did, I captured 30+ hours of footage using Premier Elements. Unfortunately, I cant view it without using premiere. All I want to do is save it as useable date for future editing in a format that is versatile as well as be able to catalog it easily.
Is it possible to create a field that will show only a portion of the contents within an text object? Maybe using diesel or something?
There is a text object that contains "FIRST TEST", is it possible to create a field from that object that contains the first 5 letters of the text "FIRST". If the original text was changed to "SECOND TEST" the field would be updated "SECON"
I can't believe that in Acad 2006 there's no way to scale an object in one direction only e.g. in x direction scale = 1.15, in y direction scale unchanged i.e 1.0. Mstation does it - surely there must be at least a workaround in Acad?
How to make a type of material go in one direction or by another degree . Ex: if you click on a wood type material, it goes up or down and right or left depending which side of that object is. On the picture below, it goes up and down, side to side no all sides go in one direction. I need to know how to mange the direction of the way of where the material go.
I just upgraded to AutoCAD Lt 2012. In the settings, I was able to figure out how to automatically get a landing line and how long I want it to be. But! When I draw the leader to left of center, it puts the landing on the left side of the line. How can I turn that auto-directional thing off?
Is there anyway to lock the direction of polylines? I have several drawings with diversion ditches. I use the linetype to show the direction of flow but antime I have to change ltscale or linetype, it reverses the direction. This can be an easily overlooked situation and a time consuming one to correct.