AutoCAD 2010 :: When Insert Xref In Model Space - It Shows In Angle
Mar 28, 2012I have a bit issue with inserting xrefs in model space .Basically, when I insert the xref in model space, the xref shows in an angle.
View 1 RepliesI have a bit issue with inserting xrefs in model space .Basically, when I insert the xref in model space, the xref shows in an angle.
View 1 RepliesWhen i used to draw a rectangle, circle, line, etc- a box (or several) boxes popped up after i clicked the first point. These let me enter the distance then hit the tab button and go to a second box to enter height or angle depending on what i was drawing. There was also some popups that showed up when clicking the chamfer or fillet buttons but now those are all gone. When i input numbers, it goes to the command bar.
How can i get those small popup windows to reappear in my modelspace?
I'm using Autocad 2010, and have never had this problem before. Working in plan, the traced linework over 2 xref pdfs (both on locked layers) keeps moving in model space either when I'm performing another command on different linework or when I regen. The layers that keep moving are all locked, and do the same when they're frozen. There is no consistency to where they move--usually within the same screen view--so it makes me wonder whether I xrefed these files into a different plane? They're not georeferenced though.
Or is this just a bug? I thought the file may be corrupted so started a new one, still same issue.
I have done a drawing on my auto cad 2011 on windows and when i open it up on my auto cad 2011 for mac it only shows one layer in model space all the layers are on and thawed. how can i get the rest of my drawing to show up?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a model space with a few XREF drawings. I have a layout with a viewport of these drawings. All seemed fine until I imported another drawing using XREF. I went to adjust this viewport and it is not showing the new drawing that has been imported into model space (I can see the three drawings that were there but the new one will not appear) to you have to like "reload" a viewport or something? (From my understanding viewports alwasys stay current with model space)
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm a current user of Inventor Professional 2013 and am in the process of migrating over to 2014, I've got almost everything sorted and am really liking some of the new features.
However, I have a major problem which is preventing me from using the new software full time. Have asked around and done several google searches but no one can provide an answer.
Basically, I send a lot of my drawings out for Lazer cutting, and they require a model space dwg file for there laser cutting machine, when I right click and select "Insert In Model Space" like I always did in 2013, and 2012 and all previous versions it worked fine and then can see the profile in model space tab. In 2014 however I get the error message "Invalid input for request". And nothing happens.
How to insert a title block from MS and fit to the PS without affecting the scale?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to insert links to views in Autocad in model space.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn 2012 Autocad, cannot change from model space to paper space, or paper space to model space without locking up in several drawings.
In 2012 Autocad, cannot change from model space to paper space, or paper space to model space without locking up in several drawings.
I can log into another user's computer and open the file fine. But when i use my computer or a brand new computer fitting all Auto CAD specs, it locks up. When I plot I have to reset my settings to the PTE standards every time.
I now get CAD errors when CAD is not even open. Also VTPSUHM barely works. I generally have to restart my computer several times to get it to work.
determine if Fields can be used in model space inside a block and show up in the paper space view as a correct number, (say for a detail number)? I have all of my detail blocks in model space and would like to place fields in the title blocks of the details so that they would show the paper space sheet number that they are being shown on in paper space. I have done some experimenting and cannot seem to get it to work. Or will this just not work?
1.- Details in model space are blocks, and I want to edit the block and insert a field into the detail callout.
2.- I want to have the model space detail read the paper space drawing number, and have the fields change to the proper sheet number.
3.- The result will be the that the model space block fields have changed to the proper detail sheet number shown on the paper space border.
I have a drawing that has several Paper Space tabs, and each tab has one or more viewports.
When I open the drawing, I can see all the information in Paper Space mode, and I can access the Model Space through the viewports, using the MS command. When I switch to Model Space, nothing is displayed.
So I just recieved drawings from a contractor and they placed all the multileaders and details on the paper space but when I go to change the model space things are no longer pointing at the right spot.
What I am trying to do is copy them into model space but.... when I use crtl-c from paper, crtl-v to model it doesn't scale properly.
insert dwg view in model space with Inv 2014.
I try here and i receive this error " invalid input for request" If i try with 2013 it's work well.
INV PRO 2014
MS Office 2007
Win 7 pro, core i7 950, asus P6T WS
nvidia Gforce GTX 295
WD caviar black 500Go
WD caviar black 1To
I have text in a base dwg next to a c3d s.s. structure table. Looks fine in base dwg. In the plan/profile this is x-ref in the text is on top of c3d table text. visretain is 1, text is not annotative.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBasically I've got a detail specific to my design, I've extruded all of the layers up to their desired levels etc, but now I want to be able to rotate it all so that instead of these layers being orientated vertically, they are orientated horizontally, if that makes sense. I understand that there is something involved with the UCS but I'm not sure how to get this to work. This may be an issue with my computer as I know my laptop graphics card is pretty rubbish and impacts a lot of 3d programs such as Rhino and SketchUp so this could be the issue here
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing where I have placed all of my natural gas piping. I have all of the annotative blocks set to 3/32"=1'-0" and 1/32"=1'-0" scales. They are both correctly displayed in this drawing.
When I xref this drawing into another about half of the 1/32" blocks show up correctly. The other half are shifted to the right off of the plan. All of the 3/32" blocks show up correctly.
I'm doing an evacuation plan of an office building. The drawing itself is in the model space, obviously. The fire extinguishers and escape routes are added in layout.
The problem is that everything that I add in the layout ends up beneath the drawing in model space. I.e. the walls of the building are shown in front of the fire extinguishers which makes my evac.plan look like poop.AutoCad Architecture 2013.
working with acad 2012 and not having good luck with links and functionality with excel. tried the links manager,pasting excel/entities. trying to insert separate files in model space in essence creating multiple cut lists for the drawing. Is there a tutorial that goes in depth with this? just froze one file at work, lucked out and opened at home. Each cut list is an individual worksheet, which may be the problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLet's say I am inserting a square block into a dwg and want to get it parallel to an existing angled line. Do I have to read the angle of the line and insert the block to that angle or is there a quicker way?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIt was working fine. Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out. The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back. So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back. I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen. In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible. I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened. I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank. I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine. I just can't see my main assembly. I have Inventor 2012. It shows no errors or messages. I have even rebooted.
I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical. I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.
I have a file thats doing something wierd, when I open it I can see the layouts just fine, the existing viewports show linework from model space. However, when I switch to the model space tab I don't see anything, my mouse cursor dissapears when I move it over the drawing area but reapears when its moved over the ribbon or the prospector/command prompt. Also, when I create a new layout with a new viewport, nothing is displayed in the new viewport. It's like the program cant regen the view? When I went into one of the existing viewports and zoomed out I could see all the linework in model space but when I switch to the model tab it won't show any linework or the UCS indicator or my mouse cursor!?!
View 8 Replies View RelatedI dont use paper space at all. i mostly work in model. but i just want to explore the paper space side.
I have my lpaperspace dimscale set at 1
In the model space my picture is drawn to scale, so its like 12 feet tall.
when i put the viewport in and get the picture positioned in the viewport, when i dimension the model in the viewport my dims are set according to the paperspace dimscale.
is there a way i set the dimscale in the viewport at a different dimsale then the dimscale set in the paperspace without having to set the dimscale in the model space?
Multiple layouts in model space suddenly stopped showing boundaries.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a sheet drawing with all my background xref'd into it. How do I rotate the view in model space so it will show appropriately in the sheet view in paper space?
View 1 Replies View Relatedin general, I add my multileaders in paperspace after I have set my model space scale. However, I am now bound to that scale! That is, ML in paperspace really only have one scale: 1-1, right? For example, I wanted to zoom in to a part of my project (ie, reduced my scale by a 1/3) and all my ML we pointing erroniously into space.
Just so I undestand, if one anticipates changing the scale of a drawing mid-project, the ML should be made annotative, and placed in model space?
I received a drawing form a vendor that is in 3d (27 meg)...this drawing contains the model and 4 paper space sheets.
These sheets contain different pieces of the 3d model. I need to create four 2d drawings (one for each sheet). I have tried "export layout to model" with no luck as most of the drawing does not export. I have tried to copy to clipboard but, drawing is too large for the clipboard. I have looked in the "help" and there seems to be nothing on converting a 3d drawing to a 2d drawing or extracting indivigual sheets to a 2d format model. I have tried exploding the information on the sheets in order to get everything to export but that doesn"t work.
Suddenly, this week, Paperspace no longer has a 0,0.
For decades I've inserted my Titleblocks in Paperspace at 0,0.
This week, it inserts it relative to 0,0 in Modelspace in one of the Viewports.
Which means the Titleblock is "Waaay Offf" to quote Rodney Dangerfield.
If I draw a line in Paperspace and start it at 0,0, again, it's the Modelspace 0,0 in a Viewport.
Was this an improvement that I didn't know of?Or did I accidentally change some setting?
We are running AutoCAD 2011 and 2011LT on Windows 7 with 12gb of ram and a NVIDIA Quadro 4000 video card.
The problem did not happen to often when we were on XP, but now, whenever we're in a command, the screen jumps as if snaps were turned on with 1/2" spacing. We've tried upgrading the drivers and graphics cards as well as installed all updates I could find. We make sure drawings are purged and audited and Layer manager IS NOT kept open.
Civil sent a sheet and reference file. I need to reference the civil file into my architectural model file. The civil sheet file has a viewport with most of layers and colors properties set the way I need them to appear in my architectural model floor plan. The civil view is using VPLAYER overrides properties. How can I get civil's viewport layer overrides set current in model space of thier file? I can reuse the file as my architectural backgound model file.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've picked up someon elses drawings and for some reason in paperspace the ltscale is set to 10. i've tried changing the global scale factor to 1 in the linetype manager but it keeps changing back to 10 when i tab through the different sheets.
i normally have both my ltscale and psltscale set to 1 in paper space (and celtscale=1) and have a custom macro asigned to a button for my modelspace views ie 1.100,20,10 etc and a macro/button setting the ltscale back to 1 when returning to paperspace and this worked nicely.
why the global scale factor keeps reverting back to 10?
I was working in model space and when I hit zoom extents, I lost all of my drawings in model space. They must be there because I can see them in layout, but I am not able to locate them in model. For some reason my cross hairs and the ability to draft have disappeared too. I am sure I must have hit a setting that needs to be changed back.
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