AutoCAD 2010 :: One Hatch Shows Up As Solid If Two Viewports In Layout
Nov 17, 2011In ACAD 2012 if there is two viewport in a layout hatch shows up as solid. I tried the same in ACAD 2011 and everything works ok.
View 4 RepliesIn ACAD 2012 if there is two viewport in a layout hatch shows up as solid. I tried the same in ACAD 2011 and everything works ok.
View 4 RepliesHe's got a series of roadway plans where the North arrow shows up fine on some sheets, but the fill (solid hatch) in the arrows doesn't display on others. The arrows are blocks, all the elements in the block are on layer "0" (zero).and the blocks reside in model space.
Just for grins. I had him expand a viewport (where the arrow looks fine) to capture a problematic arrow and... it looks fine. So, it's not an arrow/block/layer issue. It's a viewport issue.
Screen does not refresh and shows geometry from one of the viewports to the side, as you pan the window.
Geometry stays on when you go to model space.
Was working ok until Autocad suggested upgrading video performance.
Will not work even after downloading lastest video driver from NVIDIA
Acad 2012
Dell E6530
I have a drawing file with lots of layouts, some of which have multiple viewports. I want to create a new layer and use it in just a few viewports. Is there a way to set the default vpfreeze setting to frozen for new layers? That way I can just thaw it in a few viewports instead of trying to vpfreeze it in a lot.
LT, C3D 2005 - 2014
XP, Vista, 7
In Acad 2012 (sp1, w64), it seems that, if a hatch has a scale too big to have something showing into the boundary, it renders as a solid hatch ! (previously, it rendered empty, as expected).
The attached file demonstrates the issue, with "dots" hatch samples at various scales. You can see that, at scale 80, where no point should be visible, it becomes solid !
It's a major annoyance, since I have lots of lisp-based automatic hatching of things, and, while it's not a problem to have an empty hatch whenever the boundary is too small for a given scale, getting a solid hatch instead is a big no-no.
How to get rid of this ?
After drawing in model space(1:1 Scale) I then dimension as needed using Annotative Dimensions, Multileaders and MText using the same 1:1 scale. But when I create the variuos viewports on my layout pages the dimensions aren't scaling to the viewport scale.
This is where it may be partly my fault; When I first started using annotative dimensions etc. a box would pop up asking what scale to use. Because I am dimensioning in model space, rather than always seeing this text box I selected "Do not ask again" check box to always use 1:1 scaling.
These are some of the other settings in place;
Annotation Visibility = ON
Automatically Add Scales = ON
I have 2 quick questions:
1- How do I turn OFF the display of Layers in Layout viewports, but they remain ON in the Model?
2- How do I rotate a group of objects to match my orthogonal UCS?
I'm having problems with creating PDF's and transparency hatching using DWG to PDF.pc3.
The PDF does show transparency but has a fine lined pattern at intervals in the hatched area, it does print just fine though with no evidence of the lined pattern. Only problem is most of our work is supplied as high quality PDF.
I prefer to use DWG to PDF.pc3 due to the excellent quality of the PDF. I have played with modified Adobe PDF.pc3 to mostly remove the lines from the hatch but quality suffers in the bitmapping of the document.
I am using AutoCAD Map3D 2011 and AutoCAD 2011 on a windows 7 boxes and Acrobat X Pro. I get this problem with normal solid hatching and SHP file polygon transparency.
Are they any secret/magic settings to fix solid hatch transparency using DWG to PDF.pc3?
I'm using Autocad 2012. I've created a 3D model, one of the components of the solids model, I've assigned a transparency value t which appears in the model, and in the orthographic layout view, and plotted as I need and expect it to. The problem I'm having is that in other layout views, other components include a Dots hatch (I've inserted this dots hatch pattern in both paper and model space in attempt to fix the problem). This Dots hatch appears as I need and expect on the computer screen, but when I plot the layout drawing this hatch pattern plots transparent too, even though it resides on completely different layer than the solid component that I do want transparent. I want the hatch pattern to plot opaque, not transparent (in other words the dots appear very, very light....almost invisible when I plot).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI needed to prepare a Map in which certain area has to be marked out. I did with hatching spending hours on it. But i need to convert it into solid colors. Is it possible to convert them without repeating whole procedure?
I have a little problem with autocad 2012. When I open a dwg in autocad 2012 some hatch turns solid, but same dwg is fine in autocad 2011 or previous versions. What is interesting if I am in autocad 2012 and i click on the hatch and change something on the properties and i click enter it turns normal to what it should be. So i click on the hatch again change back the whatever it was previously and hit enter. I regen everything and its still fine. So basically i did nothing to it and its fixed. So this might be bug I am not sure. So after all this, i save the dwg and exit. I re-open the dwg again in autocad 2012 the hatch is back to solid. What is very interesting in autocad 2011 everyhing is fine no hatch problems at all. I attached two pdfs as to what it should looks like when its correct hatch and what it looks like when i open it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a lot of sheet DWGs with a single layout in each. The layouts have several viewports into model space.
Is there a way to export out the layout tab where the viewport contents have been converted and placed into the layout space?
Ideally, I'm hoping to basically convert the viewport heavy paperspace into a dumb model space layout.
I have a problem with a File in Autocad.
We have a dynamic block here at work that has a solid hatch in it. It is a simple block which only utilizes a dropdown menu.
This block is a circle with a solid hatch in it. However when I select the block via dropdown menu, the hatch is not solid, it is a bunch of lines originating from the center of the circle.
I have never had this problem before with this block and nothing has changed with the block.
It also works fine when I open up other drawings.
This tells me that there is a problem with the settings of this specific file but I cannot figure out what setting.
I believe the problem occurred because I brought my work home with me and I have different settings on my autocad (both ACAD 2011).
I have a hatch (ANSI31) enclosed by a closed polyline. Whenever I change the hatch from ANSI31 to GRAVEL some of the hatch shows up outside the boundary. The Polyline consists of both arcs and line segments, and the hatching errors are occurring within the radius of the arc segments. Changing it from Associative to Non Associative makes no change.
I am using AutoCAD 2011.
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI wrote a program to separate drawings with multiple layouts into several drawings. The problem I'm running into is even though there is only one viewport in the layout.the program is finding two. One has the right viewcenter, width and height the other is wrong.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made a 90 meter box in model, created a titleblock and added a viewport in layout. The viewport scale is 1:1. Plotting scale is 1:1. It just dawned on me that because everything is 1:1.... I should have a peice of paper 90 meters long. My thick head has managed to confuse me, Does Cad apply a scale to the viewports even though its set 1:1 and plotted 1:1?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy drawing will only allow 3 viewports in each paperspace layout created. When I try to add or copy more than 3 viewports previous viewports created will go blank and cannot be activated anymore. I have never had this issue before, is there a setting that can fix this problem? I am running AutoCAD Architecture 2010
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am printing a Layout that has 3 Viewports. The View ports are of an aerial photograph that is a 600DPI TIFF file about 1GB in size. When I print the single sheet 24x36 the PDF file is 75mb
I am new to Acrobat X, I had been using version 7. I remember there being a reduce file size option in the old version but I cant find it in X.
Any tips on getting the printed PDF file smaller? Is it something I can do in AutoCAD or Acrobat?
AutoCAD 2010
Win 7 Machine
2.8 ghz i7
Adobe Acrobat Pro X
I am using Autocad LT 2011 and when i press the hatch button it shows the comment 'not responding' at the top of the page and it takes about 15-20 seconds to repsond and when it does eventually respond it doesn't allow me to change the scale until after i have chosen an area which in some case proves a problem if the scale is very small.
View 3 Replies View RelatedUsing 2008LT/2012LT...I am working on a job that is being done in phases. I want to show one phase as per pen assignments and other phases in a grayscale. Is there a way to do this when plotting or do I have to change the viewport display individually for the grayscale vps?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I insert a block that is made up of different layer lines and shapes then they only show up in the model tab. The other layouts I have won't show the blocks even though the same layers are turned on and unfrozen in these other layout viewports just like the model space. It's looking like trying to use multilayer dynamic blocks will be pretty useless unless they work in every layout viewport and not just in model space.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to show two different viewports in the same layout that show views from two different drawings? So one viewport would show a section of the current drawing's modelspace, and the second viewport would show a a section of modelspace from another drawing? (and possibly update automatically like an XREF?) Or would the easiest way be to just XREF both drawings into a new drawing, and then show viewports from them in the new drawing?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHere is a problem I am having in autocad 2011 and is very annoying dimentioning 3d modes in paper space the viewport line obscures any line in layout space that corsses it I have tried all the usual tricks send above bring to fron etc Ive frozen and turned off the viewport line etc nothing works!!
it only happens with 3d objects what I do when detailing something is keep the 3d model then create flatshots of the object i need to detail thendimentions the flat shot objects however if any single 3d element is in themodelspace I get this obscured dimention crap it is funny i dont recall this being a problem in version 2006 am I missing something or is autocad 2011?
OK I worked around this by making sure the viewport for the object I am detailing is set to 2D wireframe however i would like to add some notes to the 3d model through the viewport without turning the model from conceptual to wireframe.
It is no more possible open Hatch Edit dialog with double click on existing hatch. Now, this way opens only Properties
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Second question is, how to get the name of layout in which one is the viewport? It is important to me that the lisp is really fast, so I'm planning to do the most of stuffs with vla commands.
How can I remove the lines in the middle after I press and pull the objects.
Attached is the Untitle.jpg, to make more clearer to you. Blue is the wall and skyblue is the aquarium. I want the back and the front of the aquarium don't have any line in the middle but even I do shade command the fill of the color is still there. Cause if I explode and delete the line in the middle the colors that fill the aquarium are getting rid off See Untitled 2.Jpg to see what I mean. And also how can make the aquarium Untitle 3.jpg transparent?
Attach is the a showing 3 surfaces on a site . How do i embed a material on a surface on the layout page/mode.
In Object viewer it shows clearly the rock material on the surface.
when I create a shape and fill it in for a colour ( so I can send it to a screen printer to be put on our product ), I get an issue with DN-P-2726.dwg. I was trying to recreate the part being painted red, so the screen printer overlays with the black and grey.
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