AutoCAD 2010 :: Open Hatch Edit Dialog With Double Click On Existing Hatch?
Apr 17, 2010It is no more possible open Hatch Edit dialog with double click on existing hatch. Now, this way opens only Properties
View 9 RepliesIt is no more possible open Hatch Edit dialog with double click on existing hatch. Now, this way opens only Properties
View 9 RepliesI can't edit my hatch pattern when i double click it. I only able to edit the hatch patter once after i click the "hatch editor" menu button.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have AUTOCAD LT 2012 - windows 7 - SP1
Neither the button for Hatching or the Draw Hatch menu do not activate the HATCH DIALOG BOX?
This means I cannot Hatch?
I have also added the Hotfix for the Ribbon and it made no difference.
I've migrated from 2005 to 2014 LT and wondered if they have added to the hatch commands. I've looked and haven't found anything. Is there a command that you can pick a hatch pattern already shown on the drawing and make that pattern the existing one to use? I sometimes have multiple hatch patterns and scales, and wanted a quick way to go from one to another without lisp help.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to convert the “existing” hatch from one measurement to another?
In the screenshot below, the first hatch is drawn with “measurement” = 1 (metric), while the second is drawn when the measurement = 0 (imperial). The “measurement” value is not a property for the hatch!
Then how to convert the hatch that already exist and drawn with the “measurement” = 0 to the “measurement” = 1.
In other words, how to switch all the hatches in a particular plan from being “imperial” based (measurement = 0) to “metric” (measurement = 1)?
Is there a way to do that? Or should we delete the existing hatches and re-draw them with the required setting (metric/imperial)?
My office has just installed 2012 on a couple of extra machines. Our installs were fine before but for some reason we can't double click to edit text or attributes any more. I've checked MTEXTED = INTERNAL and DBLCLKEDIT = 1 but that's not it. We can type ED or ATTEDIT to edit attributes normally, or MTEDIT to edit mtext but we don't get the normal text formatting bar or ruler. It's just looks like were using the dxtext editor, but it's not dtext.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI was working on a drawing file when my ribbon went haywire. My layer drop down seems frozen so it only shows the current layer and the hatch edit ribbon does not function properly.
The issue with the layer drop down is if I select a line, fill, etc. on any layer the layer drop down on the home ribbon does not change to show the layer that item is on and if I select multiple items on different layers which usually causes the drop down to go blank it still shows the current layer. The object color, line thickness and linetype all change on the properties tab to show the properties of the selected item so the entire home ribbon is not frozen. If I scroll through the layer drop down and select a layer to move the selected item to a new layer AutoCAD responds *Invalid selection* Expects a point or Window/Last/Crossing/BOX/All/Fence . . .
The hatch edit ribbon is completely useless. The angle and scale boxes are greyed out and if I select any of the buttons (Set Origin, change hatch pattern, etc.) AutoCAD again responds with *Invalid selection* . . .
The only CUI shown is the ACAD.CUIX and I have done a Reset and Restore, changed the workspace, restarted AutoCAD and restarted my computer. What am I missing?
AutoCAD 2011with current patches
Windows XP, SP3
The user is running Autocad 2010, and she was able to perform this function last week. Nothing has changed, and a system reboot did not correct the issue.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to show hatch dialog box using .NET?
I have found one old issue (link) but it does not work with AutoCAD 2014.
I am trying to entmake a hatch entity from a hatch template.
After entget the template hatch entity, i get the followings
Select object: ((-1 . <Entity name: 7ed11b78>) (0 . "HATCH") (330 . <Entity
name: 7efc7c10>) (5 . "737") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 .
"SECTION-LABEL") (62 . 255) (100 . "AcDbHatch") (10 0.0 0.0 0.0) (210 0.0 0.0
1.0) (2 . "SOLID") (70 . 1) (71 . 0) (91 . 1) (92 . 1) (93 . 8) (72 . 1) (10
633596.0 5.79713e+006 0.0) (11 633519.0 5.79713e+006 0.0) (72 . 1) (10 633519.0
5.79713e+006 0.0) (11 633519.0 5.79708e+006 0.0) (72 . 1) (10 633519.0
5.79708e+006 0.0) (11 633500.0 5.79708e+006 0.0) (72 . 1) (10 633500.0
Now I wrote the following code using the above data as follows
(entmake (list (cons 0 "HATCH") (cons 67 0) (cons 410 "Model") (cons 8 "SECTION-LABEL") (cons 62 255) (cons 10 (list 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (cons 210 (list 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (cons 2 "SOLID") (cons 70 1) (cons 71 0) (cons 91 1) (cons 92 1) (cons 93 8) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt1) (cons 11 pt2) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt2) (cons 11 pt3) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt3) (cons 11 pt4) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt4) (cons 11 pt5) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt5) (cons 11 pt6) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt6) (cons 11 pt7) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt7) (cons 11 pt8) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt8) (cons 11 pt1) (cons 97 0) (cons 75 0) (cons 76 1) (cons 98 1) (cons 10 (list 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (cons 450 0) (cons 451 0) (cons 460 0.0) (cons 461 0.0) (cons 452 1) (cons 462 1.0) (cons 453 2) (cons 463 0.0) (cons 63 5) (cons 421 255) (cons 463 1.0) (cons 63 7) (cons 470 "LINEAR")))
The point variables pt1, pt2....pt8 are all defined. But when I run the code the hatch is not being created? Why?
I have a hatch (ANSI31) enclosed by a closed polyline. Whenever I change the hatch from ANSI31 to GRAVEL some of the hatch shows up outside the boundary. The Polyline consists of both arcs and line segments, and the hatching errors are occurring within the radius of the arc segments. Changing it from Associative to Non Associative makes no change.
I am using AutoCAD 2011.
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI must be using the Enhanced attribute editor the wrong way. Every time I double click the attribute block the enhanced attribute editor opens the dialog box and I have to resize it so a can see all my tags. Then I have to click the tag I want to change then click the value to change it. To change a different tag I have to repeat that process over and over. It makes attributes a complete waste of time. It’s faster to change Mtext or Dtext. I must be doing something wrong. Is there a way to get the dialog box in the image to pop up when I double click the attribute block?
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust downloaded Autocad 2013 and am missing quite a few of the standard hatches (siding, soldier, board and batten, etc.) What should I do to get them back. When I open old drawings with these hatches in them, they load just fine...but I am unable to hatch any new areas with these hatches (because they are not listed in the hatch library)
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to add a Block Reference to a hatch. I'm adding the block reference to an ObjectIdCollection and the hatch is not taking it when using AddLoop().
So I thought maybe I needed to add the location of the polyline (curve-like) object that is member of the blockreference to the hatch, but I don't know how to get its ObjectId.
Hatch thisHatch = new Hatch();thisHatch.Layer = layerName;thisHatch.SetDatabaseDefaults();thisHatch.SetHatchPattern(patternType, patterName);thisHatch.Color = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByColor, colorIndex);thisHatch.Transparency = new Transparency((Byte)(255 * (100 - 60) / 100));tSpace.AppendEntity(thisHatch);transaction.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(thisHatch, [code]........
Also, I'm trying to delete certain HatchLoop that is associated to a polyline but I don't know how to do it. I'm going through the loops in the hatch but I don't know what to do there. I wanna do this so I create a new and different hatch on top.
I think one could also copy all the loops except the one one wants to delete, but I'm not sure how to tell which one is the one I want to delete that is the one associated to a polyline or that is in certain region.
In architecture 2012, I'm trying to get the Hatch Pattern Dialog Box to come up to see if I have custom hatch patterns loaded.
They do not show up in the drop down menu in Hatch Creations.
How do I get the Hatch Pattern Dialog Box to come up?
I need a function that allows to convert the polylines selected with a width globalize defined in a double closed line (spaced by the same width of the polyline), with a hatch inserted automatically defined.
Brilliant idea to draw raceways quickly: instead of making handmade double lines, connect, enter the hatches all by hand, you could quickly draw the polyline with width identical to the size of the duct, and then the lisp transform it into a duct more aesthetically pleasing if compared to the full polyline!
When you right click on a hatch pattern...
Is there a way to Generate only the perimiter boundary, without the 'islands'?
My friend here at work can't seem to double click on anything to edit it. If he single clicks it to say change the layer it wont change it. We have looked in our 'options' menu and everything is set up correct for double clicking. we have re started his computer but that didnt seem to work either.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy double click edit function is not working even though...
and my noun/verb selection box is checked
How do I get the large Hatchwindow /Dialogbox as standard? I mean, without rightclick - settings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing LT 2014 on Win 7 Pro.
Recently got a new PC and due to problems with regular LT crashes I have recreated my customizations etc. from scratch.
Finally seem to have got everything working OK and how I it was on my old PC, other than one minor issue.
I have edited the CUI so that the "old" attribute editor (ATTEDIT) is launched rather than the enhanced (EATTEDIT) version.
However after double clicking a block a further third click is required to select block/launch editor.
Editing CUI back to EATTEDIT works ok with only a double click required.
I am using 2008. In previous releases I was able to double click on a feature in the tree and edit any dimension I wanted to, including the "extrusion dim". If I wanted to just edit the extrusion, I would RMB and edit feature. Now when I DBL Click in the tree, it is the same as the RMB used to be. Now to edit any dim other than the extrusion, I have to edit sketch.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe'll I'm not sure what happen here but, I can not for the life of me figure out why the double-click stopped working
and the Noun/Verb is checked . When I look at the CIVIL CUI, I do not have any double - clicks but the ACAD CUI does - this is load too right.
I was just wondering if you can customize your interface so you can edit note labels (or any labels for that matter) by double clicking. I've already gone throught the cui files but I can't find anything. Am I missing something. c3d 2007
View 9 Replies View RelatedIsn't there a way of taking an existing hatch patter off a drawing file and load it into your hatch library?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time I double click on single line text it brings up the properties. I have searched online and made the changes to certain toggle settings and still nothing. I'm not doing something right I just can't figure it out. I know "DDEDIT" can do the trick. But, I know double clicking has worked on previous version and I want it to work on my 2013 version.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAny way to customize the double-click of a block attribute to run the _ATTIPEDIT command on the targeted attribute? I know this can be achieved by holding Ctrl & then double clicking, but I am often using my hand else where on the keyboard, or even more often, when entering many values into attributes, I am using my left hand to keep my place on a sheet of paper as I scroll down it and enter in the values.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to add the quick elevation edit for feature lines to the double-click actions? I have tried everything under the sun (except for the right thing) to get it to work.If the issue was resolved by this method, please click on "Accept As Solution".
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy is my hatch off set from what I want to hatch? I pic the points of the area in 3d i want to hatch but it ends up hatching out of the points i select?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI successfully created multiple hatch regions in a sketch on a section view in a drawing. I want to change or delete one of the hatch regions, but am unsuccessful. I clicked on Fill/Hatch Region and then selected the region that already has a hatch defined, but the dialog box does not show that these is a hatch defined.
If I click the hatch button it creates another hatch over the top of the current one and does not allow the current one to be deleted or changed. Of the four regions in my sketch, one works and the other three do not.