AutoCAD .NET :: Block Reference Hatch - Deleting Loops Within A Hatch
Feb 22, 2013
I want to be able to add a Block Reference to a hatch. I'm adding the block reference to an ObjectIdCollection and the hatch is not taking it when using AddLoop().
So I thought maybe I needed to add the location of the polyline (curve-like) object that is member of the blockreference to the hatch, but I don't know how to get its ObjectId.
Also, I'm trying to delete certain HatchLoop that is associated to a polyline but I don't know how to do it. I'm going through the loops in the hatch but I don't know what to do there. I wanna do this so I create a new and different hatch on top.
I think one could also copy all the loops except the one one wants to delete, but I'm not sure how to tell which one is the one I want to delete that is the one associated to a polyline or that is in certain region.
I have a hatch (ANSI31) enclosed by a closed polyline. Whenever I change the hatch from ANSI31 to GRAVEL some of the hatch shows up outside the boundary. The Polyline consists of both arcs and line segments, and the hatching errors are occurring within the radius of the arc segments. Changing it from Associative to Non Associative makes no change.
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
Just downloaded Autocad 2013 and am missing quite a few of the standard hatches (siding, soldier, board and batten, etc.) What should I do to get them back. When I open old drawings with these hatches in them, they load just fine...but I am unable to hatch any new areas with these hatches (because they are not listed in the hatch library)
I've migrated from 2005 to 2014 LT and wondered if they have added to the hatch commands. I've looked and haven't found anything. Is there a command that you can pick a hatch pattern already shown on the drawing and make that pattern the existing one to use? I sometimes have multiple hatch patterns and scales, and wanted a quick way to go from one to another without lisp help.
Why is my hatch off set from what I want to hatch? I pic the points of the area in 3d i want to hatch but it ends up hatching out of the points i select?
I've made a simple dynamic block, a rectangle with a hatch and added a linear stretch to it. The stretch works fine on the rectangle itself, but the hatch only gets moved.
I've attached an image and a drawing containing the block.
Is there a way to add a hatch to a block definition without losing the constraint points ? Once I redefine a block with a hatch I lose the ability to use any parametric constraints with the block. interestingly, the block reference already in use don't lose their parametric constraints.
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I am in the process of translating existing VBA code into its equivalent in VB.NET (developing VS Professional 2010 and testing in AutoCAD 2010)
My problem is that I have never done hatching in VB.NET before, and now I am required to hatch a rectangular area (defined by lines) within an AutoCAD block. How to go about accomplishing this task.
To create my block, I am using a DBObjectCollection to store my lines, and then append them to the block definition, creating a reference to see what I just created.
If I were to define a rectangular outline within this block, how can I possibly hatch it?
I have been building a bush cross section.I am building it as a dynamic block as I need copies in many different sizes.
Due to the cross section I am using hatches to indicate different materials (only 2)
When I change some distances linked to actions the hatch remains inside its boundary and conforms to the new shape, most of the grips work perfectly whereas one, the top left grip, misbehaves time after time and breaks the hatch associativity.
I should mention that I had it working perfectly earlier, but was asked to add a fillet onto my drawing and after putting this in and tweaking everything I have no longer been able to reach perfection.
We have a dynamic block here at work that has a solid hatch in it. It is a simple block which only utilizes a dropdown menu.
This block is a circle with a solid hatch in it. However when I select the block via dropdown menu, the hatch is not solid, it is a bunch of lines originating from the center of the circle.
I have never had this problem before with this block and nothing has changed with the block.
It also works fine when I open up other drawings.
This tells me that there is a problem with the settings of this specific file but I cannot figure out what setting.
I believe the problem occurred because I brought my work home with me and I have different settings on my autocad (both ACAD 2011).
I am doing a five stories building and when ad the structural column with concrete cast in place material, the representation in plan view does not cover the block hatch of the wall. See attached image. I have read all about structural columns and did not find any solution.
When a table driven i-feature is placed in a part the parameters are reference. I believe that is how it has always been.Although, to my recollection in versions previous to 2010 when an i-feature was deleted the sketch was maintained and the parameters then became model parameters.
To test this I created a table driven i-feature from scratch to make sure it was not a migration issue.
I have include a screen shot of the deleted i-feature and the result of the parameters is shown. Verify that prior to 2010 the parameters became model parameters or did they stay reference?
In most cases this works well. However I found a case that it not work as well. When I try to change the definition from a new block that I have created in my test DWG, it disappears from the model.
I recently downloaded new hatch pattern that were not in the AtoCAD hatch list and I really need..step to install them to the hatch list so AutoCAD can recognize them?
i have one of the drawing have hatch problem the problem is that my solid are not shown in print but other hatch are shown in printing only solid hatch are not showing i check fill command my fill is on and also check fill mode my fill mode is set to 1.
My boss recently gave me a USB with a huge amount of hatches on it. The hatches are in .pat format. When I opened up AutoCAD (the version I have is AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011), and typed in "hatch" to have a look at the hatch creation properties box, I can't find where to load a hatch. I am also a bit confused as to where I should save all these new hatches so I can access them easily in the future.
I'm having a trouble with my hatches, every time I move an object contains a hatch, and some times when I re-open my DWG file, the hatch comes in front of the objects, is very annoying sending those hatches behind the objects all the time.
I need to cut a hole in the hatch pattern. A hole is a area which is not hatched. I have two closed polylines. I need to hatch the poly1 - poly2 area.
I tried adding both to the ObjectIdCollection, but that throws up an error. I tried creating Regions and subtracting it. However, we can create Region for the closed polylines, but not the hatch.
Here is the code to create the hatch
[CommandMethod("TestHatchHole", CommandFlags.UsePickSet)] public static void CreateHatch() { Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Editor ed = doc.Editor; try { using (Transaction Tx [code].....
I am working on a drawing (not originally created by me) and cannot create any hatches at all. If I make a closed shape, select Hatch, and select an interior point, nothing at all happens. No hatch is created, no error messages are generated. The command simply appears to finish as normal but doesn't actually create anything.