I am inputting coordinates as to retain accuracy, but sometimes I realize the origin point moves and coordinates no longer work. How do I prevent it from moving, or is there a way to specify coordinates relative to another object?
We have imported an AutoCAD 3D model into Inventor and the process generates many individual Inventor parts which are placed in a new Inventor assembly. The parts are all unconstrained in the assembly but spacially positioned relative to each other as they were in the AutoCAD file.
We want to create a new, empty, assembly and place the individual parts one by one into the new assembly constraining them appropriately as we go. This way we can develop a more logical set of sub-assemblies and have the parts more intelligently connected.
So to the point of my question, at last!. Each individual part, generated from the import, contains just a single body. There is no sketch or any features. The part's origin is at the point of the original AutoCAD model's origin. All of the imported parts will have the same origin point. We want to move the part's single body in space to align with the part's origin point and planes. This way when we re-build the assembly we can use each part's origin planes when constraining the part.
There doesn't appear to be any way of constraining or 'snapping' a part's body in space to the origin planes.
I cannot select origin to constrain sketch with dimension to origin?
I selected Sketch, expanded origin, selected mywork plan (xy) drew rectangle, input dims, right click for marking menu, selected dimensions, Origin is yellow,
cannot select it and then edge of rect to set dim that will center sketch on origin? Just like the videos show, but cannot select origin>
the instant it's inserted into a drawing? And why the drawing scale and origin appear to jump around while I'm in block editing mode? AutoCAD recovery could find no errors.
I’m trying to export from my drawing point X-Y position coordinates to Excel for use in programming a metrology that will measure at these locations.
When I use the EATTEXT command to pull up the data extraction wizard, it will export the positions & extracts the locations to a spreadsheet format. But coordinate numbers I get, seem to be relative to the World USC system & not the origin I align & set in the center.
Yet when I use ID Point, to check positions the coordinates of the points are correct & relative to the center origin. How to get the location coordinates relative to the center USC origin I've located in the center of my part?
As in the title, expected result in attached drawing. I'm trying to change Origin X /Y, but that doesn't change the origin of the hatch. It there a setting that controls it?
I'm fairly new to AutoCad and i'm using it on a mac. How I go about getting one drawing into another document without having to redraw it?
I have a plan and elevations in seperate documents and how to get the elevations into the same document as the plan without having to redraw every elevation.
Is there a way to move the horizontal text of a vertical dimension that's outside of the extension lines to the right or left?
This was possible years ago with a simple stretch or moving of the text grip. Now, if the dimension is above the extension lines, the text is to the right. If it is below the extension lines, the text is to the left.
I'm old school trying to learn new school! I love using my custom toolbars and abbreviations from the keyboard for calling my autocad commands. I am in the process of learning the uses of the ribbon. I have always used the acad menu, then loaded "partial" custom menus. Is this still possible using the ribbon? Not sure how to do this. I like keeping the custom stuff separate, because we have 5 users with a standard company menu and I like the idea of always going back to the original menu. I suppose my question is how do I use the ribbon, and continue to use my partials also
I am looking for a fix to the issue when scaling a view in MView from Paperspace all the dimensions in paper space move to outside the dinamic area of the border?
Recently, on my machine i have noticed that the print area (layout white space) of my drawing in paperspace moves and re-sizes every time i print.
I am trying to create a template and want everyone to print "layout" as a standard practice. But, if i happen to change to print window and window something off the page the layout space (white area) has now been resized and moved to the area i just windowed.
I want to print something "off the page" this time is no reason to change or modify the LAYOUT area that was initially specified. This never happened before and is not happening to my colleagues, so this must be a local setting.
I create a block where coordinate 0,0 is my base/insertion point (which is established in an orientation that is to the lower-left of my blocks line work). In a new drawing I insert that block and specify coordinate 0,0 as my insert point. Instead of my insertion point being in the lower left it is in the upper right. I run into this in new version and old version drawings.
After closing and re-opening my drawing, my annotative mtext is moving, and shrinking. When I click on the text, the properties say annotative is set to NO. I reset it to YES and fix it, but once I close it and re-open its screwed up again, and annotation is set back to NO.
I recently installed AutoCAD 2012 and have noticed that my crosshairs are moving as if a grid is turned on. I checked my settings and have turned everything off however, the crosshairs continues to move in "jerk-like" movements.
Is there a way to see and move paperspace viewport boundaries in model space?
Explaining: You have created layout which includes multiple viewports with different scale and size (view, section). Now you copy the layout to create a new layout with with same viewports. Now you have to change the view in all viewports. I have used technique where you double-click in viewport and you navigate in modelspace (pan/zoom) until you reach the right position.
The problem is If you have like 100 layouts with 10 viewports each, it takes very long time to pan the views into right position.
I have a some theories:
1. If I could see the viewports in modelspace, I could drag them all into right position without navigating them one-by-on in paperspace.
2. If I could pan the view in viewport by specific amount lets say 10m to the right.
When I try to move an object to the 0,0 plain, I get a "locked" symbol in the command line and the object does not move to the 0,0 plain. How would I be able to unlock this to move anything to the 0,0 plain.
Had to get a new hard drive. Using Win XP, LT 2010. Most customization is on server, but I had some tool palettes, and I made one ribbon panel with a few tabs. Old hard drive is still accessible on the computer. Three items I want to copy.
1. Tool palettes - Can I just copy the items from support/icons, and support/palettesinto the same location on the new drive? 2. Will copying the profile.aws to the same location work for the profile? and 3. Where do I copy my custom file for the custom tab & panel?
I am using AutoCad 2012, with CADDUCT. On my runs of duct that go vertical, I like to stack my tag numbers beside the riser in order, so our installers can easily identify the order without a ton of section views. I am trying to figure out a macro that will do numerous things. Since my tags come out at different rotation angles, I would like to do the following commands.
Rotate object text "TAG #" to 0 degrees
move object text "TAG #" to "Snap from" & "snap insert" 6" below the tag above it
I want the numbers to align by their insert locations up and down the page, and exactly 6" on center vertically from one another. The tag numbers have a node justified to the center up and down of the text.
I am attempting to do a macro that will allow me to select multiple objects and then move them in only ONE axis. For example, If I want to move a wall, the door and the window in the Y axis to align with another wall across the hall. I have attempted to do this in a button macro, but so far its limited. Here is the macro
This will allow me to click the customized button, then select ONE object by a displacement, and it will only move it in the Y axis and allows me to choose the point with a mouse click of the final location.
When I try to select more than one object, it kicks me ahead in the commands and prompts for (needs Y). how I can figure out the correct macro?
I have a slightly unusual query that I can't seem to find a solution for elsewhere. I have an existing OS plan that is 'off grid', and would like to adjust the vertices at the ends of all the existing lines and polylines so that they all sit on a grid point. Is there a quick command or script that does this?
I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.
If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.
The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.
How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."
I'm using Autocad 2010, and have never had this problem before. Working in plan, the traced linework over 2 xref pdfs (both on locked layers) keeps moving in model space either when I'm performing another command on different linework or when I regen. The layers that keep moving are all locked, and do the same when they're frozen. There is no consistency to where they move--usually within the same screen view--so it makes me wonder whether I xrefed these files into a different plane? They're not georeferenced though.
Or is this just a bug? I thought the file may be corrupted so started a new one, still same issue.
Is it possible to setup a block so that an attribute position remaines fixed (absolute to drawing) when moving the block?
I've been playing around with creating a Coordinate Block by following these instructions: [URL] ........
What I would like is to be able to set the position of the Coordinate Label and Coordinate Object independently, so that if I move one in the drawing, it doesn't move the other. I've looked into Dynamic Blocks, and the "Lock Position" parameter. I can move the attribute independently, but still everytime I move the block, the attribute moves too.
Our company uses a custom Sheet/Coordinate system to follow flyoffs across a drawing, and I'm trying to learn how to automate the process. It's completely manually right now, so any changes to a drawing creates a lot of work renumbering these flyoffs.
I'd like to have a menu option next to "Grounded" which is "Grounded to origin", to save setting three flush constraints every time I pull a part into an assembly and want it to have the same origin as the assembly. This is something I do quite a lot using the multibody part > derived part > assembly workflow. Apart from saving time it would save cluttering up the model browser. In the meantime is there a scripting method of doing this with one click? IV2013
I'm drawing a blank, how do I connect a UCS to the existing Origin of a part. I can select the Centre Point to attach the UCS to , but I have nothing the align the X & Y axis to (X Axis and Y Axis in the Origin folder are not selectable)
If I try to add a UCS to a blank part, the ONLY thing I can select is the Centre Point, but the UCS requires 3 inputs!
I have an operator here who has an XREF that he brought in and it did not line up as it should with the remainder of the drawing. He then went in to the drawing being XREF'ed and reset the origin so that it would line up properly. When he did so, the XREF did move but no to where he set the origin. The XREF is still showing the insertion point some place other than where he has the origin set on his XREF'ed drawing.
I have just developed a problem where I can only snap to the origin regardless of where my cursor is. I have tried snapping to midpoints, endpoints, centers, etc. it always selects the origin. I even tried to change the origin to a point I want to draw from, but it sends me right back to the original origin.
I made no changes in the software setup - it started when I opened an existing drawing, and now it affects any drawing I start or open.