AutoCAD 2010 :: IMAGEFRAME AND OLEFRAME Equal To 0 Still Not Turning Off Frame
Jul 13, 2012
I have a logo that is a jpg file Xref'd into a title block xref file. In my sheet files IMAGEFRAME and OLEFRAME are set to 0. They are set that way in the Title Block file as well. I still have some sheet files with these system variables set to 0 that still print the border around the logo.
I have a feeling this goes way back to the first release of INV we had (release 14?). Basically the merged FG member length seems to be calculated using the member centre line instead of real lengths. See the attached Pack-N-Go.
The view on the left is a Merged FG member. The view in the middle is individual FG members based on a line of symmetry in the same sketch. Both are placed using the mid point option in the FG dialogue. The views on the right are the 3 separate members used for the middle view.
The Merged length shows 722 mm whereas adding the 3 member lengths (RH view) equals 740 mm. 18 mm short, or 2 sets of 9 mm (shown in the middle view) which represents the end cuts to the middle member in the RH view.
We use about 16 different ortho photos we use for maps. I have changed imageframe 0 1 2 and frame 0 1 2 3 in about every possible combination. The Tiff file will not show borders, but I can still select it and snap to it. I want the borders off I am using map 2012. Am I missing another variable? At one time the borders stayed off and I couldn't accidentally snap to the corners.
** I have found this problem still exists ranging from AutoCAD 2007 - 2010 **
I'm trying to insert the "greater than or equal" symbol in an MTEXT box. Normally, I just grab the old trusty Character Map utility in Windows to find my symbol and copy/paste into the bext box. The funny thing this time is that it forces the font to be Arial (I'm using Simplex on all my MTEXT objects). Here's something else strange: If I change the font in Character Map to Simplex, there ISN'T a greater than or equal symbol but there IS a less than or equal symbol!
So the next thing I tried was a straight Unicode entry in MTEXT. I first tried "U+2264" for less than or equal and got my nice, simplex symbol but entering "U+2265" still forces an Arial font! Is this simply the way it is or am I missing something here?
I need to create a 100 wedges 'spinning wheel' graphic (like a pie chart but does not require pie chart functionality) with each wedge of equal size and spacing but can't seem to find a process that works.
I know that the (graphscr) command will change the focus of ACAD from the text window to the graphics screen, but is there a command line option to actually turn off the text window?
Last week I downloaded the Autodesk Design Review and for some reason I installed the DWG TrueView as well. Now, every time I open up a .dwg through explorer, True View overrules AutoCAD and thinks it has to be the one to open the file. Is there any way to turn this program off?
Why is it that turning off Hardware Acceleration sometimes speed up a system or prevent it from crashing? This seems counterintuitive. What exactly works with AutoCAD by turning it off?
wondering if its possible to turn off lines inside of nested blocks.
When we tried to do this inside a heavily layered and blocked drawing, it seemed to make the file unresopnsive, unloadable, and general "autocad freezing" issues. We Reconsitituted the entire file from the ground up and found that by NOT turning off these lines inside of nested blocks (ceteris parabis) the file works fine.
We like to turn these lines off becuase different teams are working on different parts of the drawing and we like to focus on one section by turning the other off. Is this possible? Is there a better way to do this?
I'm trying to find an option to hide all constraints in a drawing, I am familiar with the toolbar option to turn display constraints on and off but my issue is that it's not a permanent toggle. Every time I change from a paper tab to the model tab or activate a viewport the constraint display is automatically turned on again and I must wait for the constraints and the drawing to generate. When playing checker I am frequently changing tabs or checking within a viewport, this is adding significant time required to check the drawing. I have not been able to locate a system variable or command to "freeze" the constraints until I want to see them again. an option to allow me to turn off constraint displays as I'm desiring or is this a Wish List item for R2014?
I have been working on a drawing and out of the blue, when I opened it the other day, all this tick marks where peppered all over the drawing. I discovered they were like point marks from dimension layers that were turned off. If I freeze the layer on top of turning it off, the tick marks do go away. I am running an old version of Autocad, 2007.
For example, whenever you use the distance command it automatically turns the dynamic input back on. We have turned off the settings under drafting settings - dynamic input. I have also turned off the tooltips under options - display tab. Is there a patch or update?
I work in autocad 2010 and I draw in scale 1:1 . What an annotation scale is, moreover I have never used annotative objects in my drawings.
Nonetheless, when I try to plot a drawing, while I am in the model view, I choose the scale in mm/units, I select the plot area and when I press preview or plot, I get the message THE ANNOTATION SCALE IS NOT EQUAL TO THE PLOT SCALE. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?
I press yes, I print it and the outcome is always a bit smaller than it should be.
When i am in the layout mode and I try to plot, I dont get this message. But I dont know how scaling works in this case. For example I want to plot in a A4 paper, scale 1:100. So I type 1000mm/100units, as I did in the model mode, but the result is wrong.
Is there a way to get a white cursor to automatically change to black when hovering over white images or hatches that doesn't involve turning off hardware acceleration?
How to stop the UCS from automatically turning to world when extruding a circle?
Example: If you start with a circle drawn to your set 3 point UCS the quadrants are in line with the X & Y but as soon as you extrude the circle into a cylinder the UCS turns the quadrants to world, I want the quadrants to stay in the same place as my 3 point UCS position.
Not sure if it's just a system variable that need changing.
I am running AutoCAD 2012 Electrical. The source wiring diagrams I am working with have attributed blocks all over the drawing. For my purposes, I dont need to export the data, but I do need to change the drawing. When I use "Burst" or "Explode Attributes to Text" in the Express Tools menu, it does change the attributes to text. However, it throws all the data that is in in the attribute all over the face of the drawing. This is extremely time consuming to delete them as some are micro small text.
I need a command that will explode the attributes to text, turning the blocks into entities, as if there are no blocks at all.
In 2012... For Mleaders, Does the text frame (offset) really adjust with the landing gap set? I have been asking for the mleader text frame gap to be larger or adjustable for years. I was just wondering if what I read on [URL]........ was true.
I've attached a drawing with an interesting viewport. The frame of the viewport does not show. The only way to select the vport is via qselect or ctrl+a. I've had a look around the system variables for anything that can cause this. I've also saved the drawing to 2000 dxf version, thinking that it might be a new feature causing the missing frame issue.
How to hide the frame that comes with the equation? I inserted an equation using the “equation editor”. What’s weird is that the equation is inserted with a frame around it! Is there a way to remove this frame?
Every time that I open a new drawing which has clipped XRefs, the X clip frame is set to the number 2, and I set it back to number "0", but then when I finish that drawing and open another drawing, then the new drawing reverts back to X clip frame 2.
How or where I can change the setting to the default is always "0"?
According to the documentation the FRAME system variable overrides XCLIPFRAME, IMAGEFRAME, etc., has four valid values, 0, 1, 2, or 3, and its initial default value is 3. While editing a drawing, I set FRAME to 0, and then some time later, tried to set it back to 3. AutoCAD refused to accept this value, saying "Requires an integer between 0 and 2." Typing (SETVAR "FRAME" 3) at the command line also failed. The only way I could get it back to 3 was to use UNDO to go back to the default value. Is this a bug?
Displays but does not plot the PDF underlay frame.
frame 2
Displays but does not plot the frame.and this last one is the override for all frames but...on the printout a few thin lines of the clip (not all) but noting in the preview
My modelspace is showing thru my wipeouts... But the wipeouts are active and I have remade the viewports with the same result. I've used draw order with no change. And here's the kicker. It (the Wipeout) hides the viewport frame, but not the actual model space material being shown thru the viewport. It remains visible.
Dimensions show when viewport style is set to 2d wire frame, but only show when they are draged outside the viewport frame when it is set to 3D hidden. Policy is no diemensions in modle space. So how do I show dimensions in paper space with the viewport style set to 3D hidden?
I have the following error message:ERROR: Could not create frame surface of window-sectional profile..At various windows and door-window-combinations I added profiles.