After Effects :: Slow Performance With Quadro 5000 In CS6
Apr 2, 2013
The performance was fast without OpenGL(Fast Previews > Off), with my old graphic card, GeForce GTS250. After I upgrade the graphic card to Quadro 5000, it's really slow with exactly the same settings.
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Jul 30, 2013
that is having really slow performance using AE CS6 or AECC and possibly AE CS5.5 I think i might of found out what the problem is.My System specs are below:
Dell T7600 Dual XEON E5-2687W 3.1/3.8GHz w turbo / Dell M6700 i7 -3940XM 3.9GHz
64GB Ram / 32GB Ram
Nvidia Quadro K5000 / Nvidia Quadro K5000M
Windows 7 x64
Here are the issues I was having
- Really slow performance when scrubbing along the timeline.
- Adaptive Resoltion wasn't working at all super slow previewing
- Multiprocessor rendering not working, or taking forever to start up, and sometimes it would work but still not the way it should it was hit or miss
- Disk Caching not working
- many others that I can't think of at the moment
SOLUTIONÂ for slow scrubbing of the timeline for Quad, Six and Eight core systems
Here is what I figured out after hours and hours of testing and configuring. I even went back to AE CS5.5 to see if all these problems existed in that version. Although some did but not all
From what I can tell it looks like certain plugins are not compatible to Quad, Six and Eight Core machines. The main plugin that has the problem is Keylight 1.2 that comes bundled now with CS6 and CC.
If you turn off the plugin on your layers scrubbing the timeline speeds up and works like it should. If you want to use keylight then do the following:
- under screenmatte, set the screen softness to 0
- shrink and grow to 0.
If you use any number other than these settings it causes scrubbing and rendering of the timeline to go extremely slow.
 SOLUTION for all the issues above for Quad, Six and Eight core systems
After hours and hours of testing I have come to the conclusion that AE CS6 and CC don't work well with Quad, six and eight core systems in general and especially with the keylight plugin.
FIX: Go into your Bios of your computer and set your multiple core to either 1, 2 cores, theis will give you 2 thread or 4 threads. This will fix all the issues as stated below. I haven't tested 4 cores yet but soon will.
But I know that 6 and 8 cores definitely does not work it causes all the major issues above.
After setting my system to 1 or 2 cores, Ae is extremelly fast and responsive. Timeline scrubbing is super fast now even with keylight 1.2 and all it's settings. Adaptive resolution now works, Multiprocessing starts up
immediately and disk caching is working.
I am not able to set my system to use 8 or all cores in my bios, This causes so many performance issues in AE CS6 and CC and some in even CS 5.5. I need to use either 1 or 2 cores. As you might no this really sucks when I am limiting myself to only 4 threads when I could be using 32 threads. Pleas Adobe look into this issues with these systems that have 4, 6 or 8 core systems. This could possibley just be for Dual core systems too since that is what I have here.
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Aug 13, 2013
We're setting up a new HP z820 with a Quadro K4000 card. When we look at After Effects CS6 preferences, the Ray-tracing settings don't allow it to select GPU and the CUDA box is greyed-out. The OpenGL box does show the the Quadro card... Seems something is not right here.
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Sep 9, 2013
I've been using PS CS4 since release and upgraded to CS6 Master Collection last year.Since my OS broke down some weeks ago (RAM broke), i gave Photoshop CC a try. At the same time I moved in new rooms and couldnt get my hands on the DVD of my CS6 resting somewhere at home...So I tried CC.
Right now im using it with some big files. Filesize is between 2GB and 7,5 GB max. (all PSB)Photoshop seem to run fast in the very beginning, but since a few days it's so unbelievable slow that I can't work properly. if it is caused by the growing files or some other issue with my machine.
The files contain a large amount of layers and Masks, nearly 280 layers in the biggest file. (mostly with masks)The images are 50 x 70 cm big @ 300dpi.
When I try to make some brush-strokes on a layer-mask in the biggest file it takes 5-20 seconds for the brush to draw... I couldnt figure out why.And its not so much pretending on the brush-size as you may expect... even very small brushes (2-10 px) show this issue from time to time.
Also switching on and off masks (gradient maps, selective color or leves) takes ages to be displayed, sometimes more than 3 or 4 seconds.The same with panning around in the picture, zooming in and out or moving layers.It's nearly impossible to work on these files in time.never seen this on CS6.
Now I wonder if there's something wrong with PS or the OS. But: I've never been working with files this big before.In march I worked on some 5GB files with 150-200 layers in CS6, but it worked like a charm.
I7 3930k (3,8 GHz)
Asus P9X79 Deluxe
64GB DDR3 1600Mhz Kingston HyperX
GTX 570
2x Corsair Force GT3 SSD
Wacom Intous 5 m Touch (I have some issues with the touch from time to time)
WIN 7 Ultimate 64
all systemupdates
newest drivers
System and PS are running on the first SSD, scratch is on the second. Both are set to be used by PS.RAM is allocated by 79% to PS, cache is set to 5 or 6, protocol-objects are set to 70. I also tried different cache-sizes from 128k to 1024k, but it didn't work a lot. When I open the largest file, PS takes 20-23 GB of RAM.
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Sep 11, 2012
I've installed the latest CS6 update, but Photoshop is running really slow on quite a number of things. I'm happy with the overall performance: read/write, filters, selections, cropping, transform... they're all OK.
But whenever I go into the Curves dialogue, and want to add a point to the curve (or move an exisiting point), there's a 1-2 second "delay", so it's really hard to work fluently and without time-lag. Even if I have the "Preview" box unchecked in the Curves Dialogue.
I noticed the same is happening when I'm in the Gradients dialogue: Try and pick a color, in the color dialogue. 1-2 seconds later, the chosen colour finally gets selected.
The strange thing is: If I work with a Curve Adjustment Layer (instead of a "destructive" curve), Photoshop behaves nice & snappy...Would an update to OS 10.8 make things better? (I'd prefer to stick with Lion for now though)
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Feb 2, 2013
When I use brushes in LR4 performance slows down only during use of brushes?Â
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Mar 16, 2011
One thing that is slowing me down is that all my photos and videos are on a Western DIgital NAS box that I can access with fairly decent performance. I want to leave them there as I have them all organised how I want them. I have a 64-bit Windows 7 laptop with 4GB RAM and Intel Core i5 processor and access the NAS box via a Wireless-N connection on the laptop via a Netgear Wireless-N router.
When I add a video or photo I get a lag (more notably the videos) but worse is selecting a video after importing it into a library. It can take a good 10-30 seconds before I can continue using VideoStudio. Is there anyway I can reduce this lag selecting videos or is my only option to copy videos to my laptop?
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Apr 12, 2012
We have multiple parts where we need a large amount of holes being patterned with the rectangular feature. why is this process and everything afterwards so ridiculously slow.? it is really driving me nuts! In solidworks this is no problem at all.
Win 7 64bit
Intel i5 560 4x3,2GHz
Nvidia quadro 4000
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Oct 11, 2012
I'm having major slowdown after an AutoCAD drawing import. I have never had this much slowdown in 3ds Max, even with very complex 3D scenes.
I've tried switching graphic renderers with no luck. I'm working from a textbook and cannot proceed without this step.
I've attached a screenshot.
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Mar 18, 2012
when i first used plugins my paint.Net slowed down and become less responsive. is it because of the plugins or would it just be my computer?
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Aug 14, 2013
how to improve Illustrator (CS6) performance on a photo-heavy document.
The document is best described as a "catalog" style piece. It contains 2 artboards (front and back) with approximately 30 item images on each side.
When I work on this document, after every click, tool selection, or almost any action, Illustrator "sticks" and goes to "Not Responding" temporarily, then becomes stable again for me to perform a function - then it will stick again (and repeat).
CS6/Windows 7
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May 28, 2013
I have a mech/mfg-necessary pattern set on several parts, to the tune of about 90 slots and 500 holes each. Inventor is absolutely sucking it up handling these parts, and the assembly of these parts together is just a complete nightmare.
I have half-hour load times, constant crashes, and to top it off, they're iparts (used in an iassembly), which means I am constantly having to regenerate the whole part family with every change, a process that can take literally hours.Â
Are there substitute tricks, or display setting shenanigans I can pull? All of the features are individually needed somewhere, but no mgf machine needs all of them present at once.
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Apr 25, 2013
I am buying a laptop for AE for mobile reasons.does the fast preview(so the instant result after changing an effect value you get in the preview window) depend on gpu or cpu, or both depending on what effects are used? I am looking at a 670mx for cuda, but 7970m for dominant opengl scores.
Will these 2 gpu's give me different performances regarding fast preview,or is looking into different gpu's not a worthy question yet due to After effects mostly being a cpu heavy program? Now i know all that ray tracing acceleration and how nvidia cards are necessary for that, but this is regarding fast preview only.
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Dec 29, 2013
A week ago AE was running fine, but in the last few days, I must have enabled or did something to chop its performance by 75%.
Also, while rendering, my ENTIRE computer is super laggy, just typing this text right now, for example, is laggy. I used to ALWAYS hit render, and then browse the web, watch videos, etc... but now it's unbearable. Also, it isn't just when i do a final render. It also occurs when I skip to a single frame in the comp and it tries to render it(goes really slow)
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Jul 30, 2013
i have the imac 27 680mx 32gb ram,when i render on cs6 takes very long time, the first one takes 8-10mins,when i do the second time its very fast 30seconds
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Apr 16, 2014
i have a certain tv-promo-project where i have to render several comps which all include the same amount of text and just a hand full of additional graphic elements, e.g. a lensflare and a glowing line which separats the text blocks.
The text of the specific promo-comps are read out of a "main text comp" by expressions. The expression is as follows:
txt = comp("Master Textkomposition").layer("Textebene").text.sourceText;
The rendertimes of the project are constantly slowing down as the render queue and the process goes on. The first comp takes about 8 Minutes to render (it is only 10 sec long) and the second already 20 min, where the third comp reaches like 2 hours of render time. I also recognized that even the preview in the timeline is really slow, although the used effects are usually not that performance heavy.
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Jan 21, 2014
The thing is that I recently bought a new pc workstation w/ the following specs:
32 Bg Gigabyte Motherboard - Intel i7 hexacore 4930K 3,4GHz w/ hyperthr. (12Mb Cache)
NVidia GTX-780
2 x Kingston HyperX 3K SSD 120GB - raid for OS and apps
1 x Kingston HyperX 3K SSD 120GB - as AE's dedicated Scratch disk
1 x Western Digital WD20EZRX 2 TB - as storage
Windows 8 / AE CS6
- Adaptive Resolution Limit: 1/8 (Ray-tracing on CPU since my GTX-780 isn't in the list)
Viewer Quality: Zoom Quality: Faster
Color Mgmt Quality: More Accurate Except RAM Preview
Alternate RAM Preview: Preview: 5 frames
Media & Disk Cache:
- Disk Cache enabled (max. Disk Cache Size: 100 Gb) - set on AE's dedicated Scratch disk
- Conformed Media Cache: Database & Cache - also set on AE's dedicated Scratch disk
Memory & Multiprocessing
- Installed RAM: 31,0 Gb
- RAM reserved for other applications: 15Gb (I'm also using Maxon C4d)
- After Effects Multiprocessing's Render Multiple Frames Simulteneously: enabled
- Installed CPU's: 12
- CPUs reserved for other apps: 6
- RAM allocation per background CPU: 3 Gb
- Actual CPUs that will be used: 4
My problem now is that my RAM previews (w/ and w/o Shift) are pretty darn slow, regarding the fact that I'm working on a really basic scene now in 3D space (Classic Render), involving 1 layer w/ the Stroke effect, VCP's Sure Target 2 cam set up and 2 small precomps w/ a small folding contentframe.
To RAM preview a 5 sec take, it takes almost 10 sec to build up this little scene. When I look at the processes in my task manager, I see that as soon as I RAM preview to my Scratch disk, the writing speed is a very dissapointing 3,4 Mb/s. I take it that this is an AE issue, since writingspeed to my Scratch SSD is checked and confirmed 180Gb/s +.
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Jun 19, 2013
I need to make a 30 second long zoom in Z space and I'm using a 3D camera for that. I've separated the dimension on the positioning of the camera so I could use only the 'Z position' to make the zoom.
I'm starting the Z positioning from 0 until -700000Â (I know, It's kinda far!) But I've noticed that my images (which I've placed in 3D space so they pass the camera in Z space)Â are getting slower and slower because of the far zoom I quess?
How closer I get to the number -700000 how slower the camera movement is going.
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Mar 1, 2014
i have an fully specced late 2013 27" iMac for working with the Creative Cloud Programms. At the moment i only have 8GB installed because of problems with my 32 GB Ram kit. I have an internal SSD for the OS and Programms, an 256GB USB3 SSD for Chache Files and a Raid 0 for my Source Files.
I am now rendering an 7min long movie shot on an Red Epic in 5K and 4K to an ProRes422HQ 1080p File out of After Effect. I mainly used the "Levels" Effect and an Plug-In called "Film Convert". No crazy animations or effects. My Render time is about 18 hours (it`s nearly finished, so this are no wrong calculations by AE).
Are this normal render times that should be expected when working with such large source files?What makes me wonder is that the Activity Monitor show only bout 40% CPU Usage (see attached screenshot), shouldn`t that be maxed out?I have to render out a few more similar clips.
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Feb 9, 2013
I have a question concerning Adobe Dynamic Links.
This is my problem : I work on After Effects. I have a composition that is rendered quite fast. (almost in real time...)
But when I open the linked comp in Premiere Pro, it lags as hell. Maybe 2x, 3x slower.
So I'd like to know why Adobe Premiere Pro is slow, while After Effects is fast ?
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Jun 17, 2013
My imported avi file plays in slow motion and staggers. just started AE but pretty ok with Photoshop. its AVCHD , 50 frames per second
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Sep 20, 2013
I am working with something new in AE this week and I am curious if I am doing something wrong. I need to insert a 3D thumb tack PSD file I imported into AE with a film I am working on. As a test I just wanted to see what quailty the pin would render out for the final because the preview in AE looked horrible. So I have a static shot of the Thumb tack and it is going for 10 seconds. I started the Render and it has been going for 9 minutes so far and still shows 1hr 28 minutes left. I've rendered 8 minutes music videos in 45 minutes on this same PC.
I am using a PSD for 3D because I do not have 3D software.
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Jan 22, 2014
Why is the scrolling on the timeline so slow when Cache indicators are enabled? It's very useful to have cache indicators on but when they are enabled the scrolling (up-down/left-right) on the timeline becomes significantly slow and unresponsive enough to make it unusable. It's more noticeable the more layers are present in each composition. It's very frustrating and it is something that started happening from 5.5 onwards.
I am now on After Effect 12.2 with a Macbook Retina 2.6Ghz i7 and 16gb of ram. The problem was also present on my previous laptop.
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Feb 7, 2009
I need like around 5000 images automatically created (since doing this by hand would take a month).
I need a 90% transparent png images, which would be from 1px by 1px to 600px by 600px and they will all have my logo in the middle.
I plan on doing this 2 ways - first batch will be 1x1 to 75x75, which won't have the logo, as they would be too small... then, 75x75 till 600x600 will have the logo centered vertically and horizontally.
I also want those separated by folders... for example all images which are 20 px wide will be in folder .../images/20/ . For emaple, in this folder will be images 20x1, 20x2, 20x3.... 20x599, 20x600.
in folder .../images/44/ will be images which are 40 px wide - 40x1, 40x2... 40x600
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Mar 4, 2012
I just purchased VideoStudio. My needs are extremely basic, but I've found one issue that I wouldn't have expected, that is, when I go to save a video and choose MP4, H-264 Main, 1280x720, the compression does not allow you to go below 5000 kbps.
I think this is a good base line, but to not allow you to go below this figure is frustrating. Is there a way to update the limiter so you can go beneath this without changing anything else?
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Nov 1, 2010
I've recently installed a microsoft wireless mouse. I'm having issues because the middle wheel doesn't pan when pressed down. I've searched the discussion forums at the Autodesk (both Lt & full ACAD) site, and can see this has been discussed previously, but the accepted remedy of control panel/mouse settings and ensuring that the mouse wheel is set to "middle click" is listed (and selected), but doesn't have any effect. I have MBUTTONPAN set to 1. I'm not sure what else needs to be done to get the middle button to pan.
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Apr 13, 2012
I have 5,000 photos that I took with my Go Pro camera in hopes to make a timelapse movie in Premiere. These photos come out of the camera roughly 1900x1200, and I'm interested in resizing all of them. I know that there are ways to do batch resizing. Clearly resizing each photo would take WAY too much time, especially when discussing 5,000 photos.
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Mar 12, 2014
I have a friend that is having a hard time saving files as .eps in InDesign, Illistrator and PhotoShop when using a Mac. She is able to create the file and save it so she should have full ownership and read/write rights to the file. Yet when she opens the file, edits it and saves it again, she gets a pop-up stating "Cannot save the illustration. You do not have enough access privileges - ID 5000". The user is the owner of the file. How would she not have access privileges? When she saves the file as an .ai, pdf, or jpg, there is no problem. She also has no problem saving the file on a Windows PC.Â
Software version :Â CS6
Device: iMac, 3.75 Ghz Intel Core Duo with 8 gigs RAM
OS: OS X 10.8 with all of the latest updates
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Feb 16, 2009
I've recently installed Photoshop CS4 along with the production premium package on my workstation, a Dell Precision 690 (XP 64 bit).
The video card in this workstation is listed under the device manager as a 3450/4000 SDI - I installed the graphics driver for the Quadro FX 3450 dated January '09, and I'm still unable to use openGL features in photoshop. (Graphics hardware acceleration is unavailable)
I read that the 3450 is not on the supported/tested list of video cards released for CS4.
Any ideas on a fix for this? Tomorrow if I have no answers or options I'll just re-install CS2. CS4 is about 5x slower than CS2 at the moment, drawing on-screen with large files chugs along in square chunks, where it would display perfectly smooth in CS2, with only very minor hangs when zooming large (100mb+) files.
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Jul 10, 2009
I have a Dell Presision T7400 workstation with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5482 @ 3.20Ghz with 16gb Ram. When I go to properties in Photoshop CS4, the area to enable GPU acceleration is greyed out and wont le me enable this feature, which is a pain as Ive just got a new Wacom Intuos 4 with touch wheel for rotating canvas. Ive read some of the article regarding this on this forun but they tend to relate to Intel GPUs in laptops. My workstation is pretty high spec and quite new, around 12 months old. Ive also just downloaded the latest drivers for my graphics card.
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Dec 18, 2008
I have a dell 690 workstation with an Nvidia Quadro FX 1300. The problem is Photoshop CS4 is running super slow. It is impossible to get any work done. When I look under Preferences - Performance , under GPU settings, the Detected Video card is empty and the "Enable OpenGL" and "Advanced settings" are both disabled. I have the latest FX driver from NVidia installed.
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