VideoStudio :: MP4 Compression - Below 5000 Kbps Not Allowed

Mar 4, 2012

I just purchased VideoStudio. My needs are extremely basic, but I've found one issue that I wouldn't have expected, that is, when I go to save a video and choose MP4, H-264 Main, 1280x720, the compression does not allow you to go below 5000 kbps.

I think this is a good base line, but to not allow you to go below this figure is frustrating. Is there a way to update the limiter so you can go beneath this without changing anything else?

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VideoStudio :: 256 Or 128 Kbps Sound?

Feb 18, 2013

I'm outputting DV-AVI files filmed on a Sony A1 in DV CAM as MPEG-4 videos for upload to Vimeo.

The projects and source files are:

PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
Matrox DV/DVCAM -- type 2
PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo

I have been outputting to upload the files to Vimeo as:
MPEG-4 Files
24 bits, 1280 x 720, 25 fps
H.264 Main Profile Video: 5000 Kbps
44100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo
MPEG AAC Audio: 128 Kbps

My question is if there's any benefit or drawback to outputting at 256 Kbps sound instead of 128? The file sizes are pretty similar (I guess the extra sound quality takes a bit of the picture kbps instead?) but I can't notice a difference with either image or sound quality.

I'm using Video Studio Pro X5.

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VideoStudio :: Rendering Above 13000 Kbps Causes Crashes

Oct 8, 2010

I have a Panasonic HDC SD700 camera, beautiful.

I can change the recording quality from 1080 50P at 28Mps down to as little as 1080i at 5Mps, however I record mainly at 16.8Mps. The reason for that is that VSpro3 crashes liek a mother all the time workign with the larger files especially if trying to render a project. It uses AVCHD and files are .mts

After doing some research and reading I set up a movie maker profile in VSpro3 to replicate the camera settings and even that crashes when I take it up over 13Mps

Creating a video file in "blueray" mode mpeg 1920 x 1080 comes out with jitters if it doesn't crash
Creating a video file in "blueray" H.264 1920 x 1080 crashes
Creating a AVCHD 1920 with settings to match the input videos if it doesn't crash comes out jittery if it doesn't crash.

I of course can create the movie maker profile I created which is same as input files but 13Mps. I filled out my profile stuff as best I could and this PC is new. I really should be able to work with the 1080 50P 28Mps files and render them. I have downloaded all patches and updates. So over these crashes and difficulties in burning via the Corel DVD MovieFactory 7

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VideoStudio :: Can Change Default Bitrate From 8000 To 6000 Kbps Permanently

Jul 24, 2011

Can I change the default bitrate from 8000 kbps to 6000 kbps permanently? I brought a number of individual .mp4 song files into the timeline, about 1 hour twenty minutes total in length, can I normalize them without using "create video file". I want to play this video and be able to skip songs if I want to. The original file .mp4. I am using a trial of Corel VideoStudio Pro x4.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 DV-to-MPEG Compression?

Apr 7, 2011

I did a ton of research on Video Editing software and decided to try VS Pro X4 first due to it's ease of use (good for me) and capabilities that I can grow into. So far I would say the experience has been positive and feel I could happily settle in with VS Pro X4 for the long haul, but have just a couple of questions I would like to resolve first. They may not be issues at all, but more due to my lack of knowledge, but figured experienced users like yourselves would be able to determine that in short order.

I've split my questions into separate (3) threads so that people don't have to suffer through content they're not interested in. Here's a brief run down on where I'm at and what I'm trying to do.

I'm about half-way through my 30day trial of VS Pro X4, and starting to feel a little more comfortable with the software, but a few things are still puzzling me. Granted I've only scratched the surface of the SW capabilities so far.

I'm a complete newbie to this digital video stuff, however I'm not a complete newbie to computers. Basically I have a shoeobox of old 8mm camcorder tapes (analog) and have finally decided to take the plunge and digitize them, mainly because we never end up watching the tapes 'cause it's such a pain.

First question; A friend of mine is letting me borrow his ADVC300 converter, connected to a Firewire400 card in my PC. VS Pro X4 capture works fine, was able to capture an entire 8mm tape. It was an entire tape because that's the way it was taped, it was a music performance so the tape ran through the whole show. I was able to add a simple title and burn to a DVD disc. What should I expect for MPEG compression when burning to a DVD? I couldn't fit it all on one DVD disc, had to split it into two discs, not a big deal, just thought the mpeg conversion would have compressed it more? Maybe that's wishful thinking on my part? It's a 2 hour & 2minute video which equals a large ~8.7Gb raw DV capture file through the ADVC. I know a DVD is 4.7Gb max so obviously the 8.7Gb raw file won't fit, but is 2:1 compression/conversion expecting too much for the mpeg conversion? Maybe there's some options I should be using to compress it more?

All in all I'm pretty happy with the ADVC to digital capture functions with VSPx4 so far.

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VideoStudio :: How To Set Audio Compression Different Than PCM For FLV Video

Feb 2, 2012

I am creating video in FLV (custome mode). The only audio compression option is PCM which makes video too big.

How do I add different audio compression codec for FLV video? With other video formats/codecs mpeg-4 I have many moore audio compression options, but not for FLV.

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VideoStudio :: Changing Compression Ratio

Oct 21, 2010

I was using Premiere Elements 2.0. I have an issue on exporting my video to YouTube via MP4: I can't seem to change the compression ratio, it seems fixed at 128k. This lousy ratio is causing compression artifacts given that the source audio has a low level hiss.

How can I improve the compression?

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VideoStudio :: Compression Settings For QuickTime MOV

Dec 17, 2010

Any recommendation for a quicktime .mov compression setting that results in good quality and a manageable file size?

Pro X3
Windows Vista

I'm doing a video and the client requested the final product as a quicktime file. I've had good results with creating .wmv files but haven't had much luck with .mp4 or .mov files. Using the "custom" option under "create video file" I select "Quicktime Movie Files" as the type. Every compression option I choose comes out crappy and a very small file size. When I select "no compression" the video looks great, but it's almost 2 gigs (the video is only about a minute long). The client will be uploading this video to a product page on Amazon and I think they have a maximum file size, probably around 500 MB.

I hope to convince the client to just accept a .wmv or maybe even a .flv file instead since I think Amazon accepts both of those. But in an effort to give them what they want, I hope to deliver in a .mov format.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X3 - Decreasing Compression Quality When Exporting

Nov 27, 2012

I have ProX3 and am trying to create .mov PhotoJPEG video clips. I'm trying to decrease the compression quality since I'm uploading these clips to stock video footage websites. However, when I go to export the video, under the Compression screen the Quality area is grayed out at 100% and won't let me move the tab over to decrease it. How to change it?

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Photoshop :: Batch ~ 5000 Pictures

Feb 7, 2009

I need like around 5000 images automatically created (since doing this by hand would take a month).

I need a 90% transparent png images, which would be from 1px by 1px to 600px by 600px and they will all have my logo in the middle.

I plan on doing this 2 ways - first batch will be 1x1 to 75x75, which won't have the logo, as they would be too small... then, 75x75 till 600x600 will have the logo centered vertically and horizontally.

I also want those separated by folders... for example all images which are 20 px wide will be in folder .../images/20/ . For emaple, in this folder will be images 20x1, 20x2, 20x3.... 20x599, 20x600.

in folder .../images/44/ will be images which are 40 px wide - 40x1, 40x2... 40x600

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AutoCAD LT :: Wireless Mouse 5000 Not Panning

Nov 1, 2010

I've recently installed a microsoft wireless mouse.  I'm having issues because the middle wheel doesn't pan when pressed down. I've searched the discussion forums at the Autodesk (both Lt & full ACAD) site, and can see this has been discussed previously, but the accepted remedy of control panel/mouse settings and ensuring that the mouse wheel is set to "middle click" is listed (and selected), but doesn't have any effect. I have MBUTTONPAN set to 1.  I'm not sure what else needs to be done to get the middle button to pan.

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After Effects :: Slow Performance With Quadro 5000 In CS6

Apr 2, 2013

The performance was fast without OpenGL(Fast Previews > Off), with my old graphic card, GeForce GTS250. After I upgrade the graphic card to Quadro 5000, it's really slow with exactly the same settings.

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Photoshop :: How To Batch Resize 5000 Photos Via CS4 Extended

Apr 13, 2012

I have 5,000 photos that I took with my Go Pro camera in hopes to make a timelapse movie in Premiere. These photos come out of the camera roughly 1900x1200, and I'm interested in resizing all of them. I know that there are ways to do batch resizing. Clearly resizing each photo would take WAY too much time, especially when discussing 5,000 photos.

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InDesign :: Saving File As EPS Gives User ID 5000 Error On Mac

Mar 12, 2014

I have a friend that is having a hard time saving files as .eps in InDesign, Illistrator and PhotoShop when using a Mac.  She is able to create the file and save it so she should have full ownership and read/write rights to the file.  Yet when she opens the file, edits it and saves it again, she gets a pop-up stating "Cannot save the illustration.  You do not have enough access privileges - ID 5000".  The user is the owner of the file.  How would she not have access privileges?  When she saves the file as an .ai, pdf, or jpg, there is no problem.  She also has no problem saving the file on a Windows PC. 
Software version :  CS6
Device: iMac, 3.75 Ghz Intel Core Duo with 8 gigs RAM
OS: OS X 10.8 with all of the latest updates

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: 2013 Crashes Setting Up Kip 5000 Printer

Apr 23, 2012

AutoCAD 2013 crashes during the plot configuration for our printer. When I select Custom Properties for our Kip 5000 Series Printer I get an Unhandled Exception popup. When I click continue I get a message that "AutoCAD Applicaiton has encountered a problem and needs to close", the program crashes.  AutoCAD 2013 will not let us select the kip 5000.pc3 file we used for Autocad 2012.

How can I set my printer up if it keeps crashing the program. Is there a new driver for 2013, if so where do I find it. Is it from AutoCad or the printer company Kip America (who have yet to reply to my email).

I have attached the error message

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Photoshop :: CS5 - OpenGL Not Allowed?

Jun 17, 2012

When I try to use the rotate function I get this error: could not complete your request because it only works with opengl enabled document windows.
I've verfied that OpenGL is on, and my video card drivers for my ATI 7970 are up to date. I've also tried CS5 and the CS6, with no luck.

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Photoshop :: You Are Not Allowed To Continue Because...

Sep 9, 2008

I've been using PS since version 3. I currently run CS2 on Windows XP service pack 2. I've been using CS2 since it was first released. Now, all of a sudden, anytime I install or uninstall a program, whether it is related to Photoshop or not, when I start CS2 I get a window that says "You are not allowed to continue because your account does not have the proper privileges" and the program aborts. The first time this happened and after I had restarted CS2 for the 4th time it started normally. Since then it requires at least one restart (not reboot)after the error and then CS2 starts normally. Anyone have any idea of what is going on here? The first time it happened was right after I had installed a new HP AIO printer and I thought that may have had something to do with it. However, I have installed a couple of other programs and uninstalled another, none of them related in any way to CS2, and I get the error the next time I run CS2. I have found some posts about this but no answers, and most of the posts were related to Vista, not XP.

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Photoshop :: You Are Not Allowed To Continue Because...

Apr 18, 2008

I have just installed Adobe Photoshop CS2 on my Windows Vista Home Laptop.

When I try to run it, I get a message in a window titled "Adobe Activation" saying: "You are not allowed to continue because your account does not have the proper privileges. Please log in using an account with administrator privileges and try again."

I am logged in as an administrator and have installed all my applications using the same login. Though the version I have installed is not yet registered, I am unable to even get to the registation screen as once you click OK on the dialogue, Adobe Photoshop closes.

how I can get round this without opening up any security loop holes?

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Paint Shop Pro :: How Many Tags Are Allowed

Jun 15, 2012

I am using PSP X3. I would like to know how many tags are allowed per photo and how many tags are allowed for all pictures?

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Photoshop :: Number Of Installs Allowed With PS CS

Mar 19, 2005

I have a desktop and laptop that I've installed PS CS on. The desktop hard drive had to be reformatted. Someone on my hobby list said there were only 2 installs allowed for PS CS.

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Photoshop :: Zip Files And 300 Fonts - Import Not Allowed

Nov 27, 2013

I have a font that I downloaded afte looking at over 300 fonts and finding the one I needed.  Now, Photoshop won't allow me to import it.  It keeps telling me that it's the wrong type of file.  I've imported it into word but, I can't seem to get it into photoshop.  download another file to open the zip file because that didn't work.

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Photoshop :: Message Not Allowed To Run Application Adobe_licutil

Nov 11, 2012

I've just installed PhotoShop 6 on 20 of our college iMacs.   We have a volume license account so this individual account signin is useless, but that's not the issue.   Mac OSX, we have restricted use of files for students, they are allowed to run applications.  Allowed access to Adobe Photoshop CS6.   Software opens, but then gets message not allowed to run application adobe_licutil.   What/where is that so we can modify our security settings to allow this to operate?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Wall Tool Not Allowed?

May 16, 2012

I did a drawing in ACA2011 sent it to my remote office where I have ACLT for mac 2013 (trial).  Worked on the file,

had to explode the couple of walls I was editing, saved as 2011 or 2010 file.

When I open the file in ACA2011 I can not execute the wall tool.  This is the message received:

Command: _AecWallAdd Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application.

The new objects would be lines. 

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AutoCAD LT :: Printing Grid Lines Not Allowed?

Nov 16, 2013

I remember being able to select 'Print Grid' back when I used AutoCAD 2000, but never needed to print the grid lines until about a year ago. AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT cannot do this. It seems only AutoCAD Civil 3D users have this option. Basically I need to print the drawing with a grid on paper and/or a mobile device so a field technician can draw conditions to scale easily and accurately. I realize this must not be in high demand, but there are a number of users who have asked about this. They are told that it is only a 'drawing aid' and they should array their construction lines to print their own grid. This is not a good solution for repetition of printing scaled field drawings, and certainly not 'state of the art' technology. Is this feature removed so we will have to search out the higher priced product? It seems like 'Print Grid' could be easily returned to all AutoCAD. Probably just a system variable that was removed when we weren't looking.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edits Are Not Allowed On File?

Jan 31, 2013

I'm using Inventor Pro 2013 as a single user (no vault).  see the attached error.  I was placing parts and I think I pulled one outside the project folder??  I got something about changing directories and I accepted it.  That may be what happened but I'm not sure.  I also noticed that in the projects box my project says (read only).

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Photoshop :: Copy Greyes Out...only Paste Is Allowed

Jul 31, 2009

I click on a layer (and no other layers are visable), but when I try to copy it, the Copy function is greyes out.....only the Paste option is available. 

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AutoCad :: Not Allowed To Make Block Annotative?

Jul 20, 2011

I have this block with attributes and I go into Block Editor and I can select Annotative Yes (ie it's not greyed out) but when the drop down closes up it stays on No. I ended up cutting and pasting into a different drawing, Block Edit, etc and saving back. But I'm still curious as to why it wouldn't let me put it to Yes.

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Lightroom :: Error / Only Letters And Numbers Are Allowed

Jan 24, 2012

For some reason when I try to upload my photos it is coming up with an error that states "only letters and numbers are allowed"  "Please remove all illegal characters" then it will say "1 of how many"   I went into the preferences and changed all of that info under the file information. I am making sure there are no illegal characters there. I am using Lightroom 3.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Position Representations In Weldments Not Allowed?

Oct 7, 2005

Does Inventor 10 not allow position representations to be created in Weldments? I Right Mouse Button (RMB) click on "Position" under "Representations", but "New" is grayed out.

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Revit :: Custom Window Family - Cut Geometry Not Allowed

Aug 12, 2011

I am semi-new to Revit and am trying to make a go of it.  I am trying to make a window, that looks like my AutoCAD window.  So I open the Window Family.rft to start creating.  I can adjust my wall thickness to match my brick wall, I can set the frame to the void that is already problem comes when I want to put on the brick mould.  This overhangs the window frame and thus is outside the pre-ordained void.  When I try to make a void extrusion to cut back the outside face of the wall and allow the brick mould to show, it will not work - only the originally supplied void (that comes with the template) works.  

Revit will not allow me to "Cut Geometry" saying "A Family cannot have an opening and cut in the same host". If I set the brick mould inside the supplied opening, then the inside face will have a gap between the drywall and the window frame.

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AutoCad :: Dim Text Edit Allowed One To Move Dimension

Apr 23, 2013

There was a command in 2008 called Dim Text Edit that allowed one to move dimesions - is there an equivilent in 2013? There was another one called Dim Update; is there one in 2013?

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