3ds Max :: Viewport Background Won't Display In Wireframe Mode
Jun 10, 2011
after loading the background image in the usual way you do its visible in all modes except when you switch to wireframe, which is the most likely time when you do want to see it. Maybe something to do with the nitrous viewport thingy, dont know?. Running a 64 bit os on a quad core system with 12 gb of ram and an invidia quadro 3800 card. Like to say that the nirous viewer is a great improvement for viewport accuracy , only seems to work with four lights though?
With my viewport set at "2D wireframe", all object lines show regardless of elevation which can make it difficult to read and hard to really get the idea of what is going on in the drawing. Therefore I changed my viewport to "hidden" in an attempt to depict what is higher in elevation over lower objects by having the higher objects cancel out lower objects when running over them. For some reason it works with conduit running over conduit but when the conduit runs over other objects (that are lower in elevation) created with the box command the lines do not get broken.. the lower box object actual cancels out the higher conduit object??
I have encountered problems with the viewport, randomly it has been impossible to click through wireframe models on the Viewport.
It treats everything like a shaded object even when set on wireframe. This means that if I have to get to a rug in the basement I have to go through the Roof, ceiling, bedroom floor, kitchen ceiling, kitchen cabinets, kitchen floor, basement ceiling before I can get to the rug. This has become annoying because if I wanted to select a few objects I cant even click and drag because it will click on the roof and move that. The only way I can click on something is if I go in to perspective and click on it directly, and when an object has multiple pieces to it it becomes a hastle.
Wow, Max 2012 is buggy as hell! I keep finding bug after bug after bug.
I have both Service packs and hotfixes applied. When I enter Wireframe mode while panning I cannot go back to Shaded mode. Try it yourself - make sure you are in Shaded mode, click and hold the middle mouse button and pan around without releasing it. Then press F3 while still panning to go into Wireframe mode and then release the middle mouse button. Now if you try to go back into shaded you can't! Unless you manually go and change it through the viewport options in the top left corner of the viewport.
my viewport is set for 2d wireframe, even when i have certain layers turned off or frozen the viewable lines in the layyers that are 'on' are broken as if i was in 2D hidden. text wont show up if over a "box" entity, no matter what elevation i set it at. The results come out upon printing as well.
There must be a display setting i am unaware of to fix this. Why do certain entities override others even if the later is at an elevation above it? Someone referred to draw order before but I still do not understand how to make that work.
when i print somthing out i always find that the printout is in wireframe mode. How do i print the so that it is in ' hidden' mode or anything that is not wire frame. i have tried turning the view to 'hidden' and then using 'display' in the plotting options.
I’m not sure about the current “annotation scale” in case of lay out mode.
Annotation scale option is displayed only in the model and viewport mode but not in the lay out mode (attached)!
Based on what annotative objects living on the lay out but neither in the model (or viewport) are re-sized? At this mode, there is no option to choose the annotation scale?
On other words, how to choose the annotation scale in the lay out mode?
I have objects in a layer and I want them displayed as wireframe. The problem is that it seems that I can't do that when in Nitrous diplay mode!
I go to the layer properties, choose wireframe in the upper right corner and set all the objects' display properties to "By Layer". And nothing happens! They are still displayed shaded. When I switch to Direct3D display mode however everything works perfectly fine as it should.
There's something I've noticed with Nitrous. Many things in Max don't work fine when it's used - Xrefs can't be displayed as box, edges are breaking up (non-continuous) and tend to disappear when at the periphery of an object. And now, layer properties don't work as well? What gives?! I thought Nitrous was the recommended display driver (at least that's what it says in Preferences) but it turns out that important functionality is broken when you use it so you have to revert back to the good old Direct3D.
Ok so in previous version if you have an object selected, and hit F4, ( to urn on and off Wireframe display). you could have and object selected, without wireframe showing, or showing if you prefer.
This option seems to have been removed, or moved in 2014.
I've been running into a frustrating limitation with certain keyboard shotcuts for Nitrous display modes. For example, if I try to use my old 2011 shortcut for "Viewport Box Mode Toggle", the bounding box displays on TOP of the current shaded/wire mode instead of toggling. If I change the assignment to the new Nitrous command "Viewport Visual Style Bounding Box", it is no longer a TOGGLE key and to go back I must then use the key assigned to "Viewport Visual Style Wireframes/Shaded" (or classic "Wireframe/Smooth+Highlights Toggle")...
In Nitrous both of these wire/shaded toggle commands do not work properly if you are changing from another display type (such as box). Instead of toggling between wire/shaded, they toggle between wire and the last display mode. So in essence there is no way to toggle between Box and Shaded without r-clicking on the viewport label every time you want to return to shaded mode as far as I can tell. Not being able to quickly toggle Box mode really screws up my work flow, so for now I'm reverting back to DirectX.
Have been working within a new layout. Inserted border & titleblocks. Then I created several viewports and established those views. Some how now all items created on the border layer [borders/titleblocks] do not display. They do how ever plot and preview. Did i enter into some editting mode to just viewport? How do I restore?
how or where to configure the 'Software' viewport graphic mode? Actually I'd like to change the texture map size, at least. In Max preferences, the only think I can change is "Download map size", what is it about, but obviously it's not the map size in viewport.
The reason why I need this is very bad texture quality in the viewports..
I am trying to display materials "realisticly" in the viewport and for some reason can't do it with the nitrous driver : all materials display as black and white checkers. It does work with the Direct3D driver.
The two images below show you the problem : the blue one is the correct material as displayed using Direct3D (it has a noise bump map applied to it), the black and white is what nitrous displays.
My display settings are :
- for direct3D, "hardware shading" for the viewport and in the material editor - for nitrous, "realistic shading" for the viewport and in the material editor. With or without map doesn't make a difference.
when more generally this checker is displayed instead of the material ?
ps. By the way I couldn't understand the difference between 'area' and 'forums' at [URL]......
With standard CAD objects it is possible to control their display on a per viewport basis by using the layer manager and freezing any unwanted layers in a particular vport.
I'm having trouble controlling the display of FDO objects from an SDF file in the same way though.
It's in 3ds max 2013. I attach the image along with the post. How it happen? I use DefaultScanline. How could we show maps in Viewport the same in the render?
Another user has created a bunch of sketches and somehow has set the drawing up where all the viewport and our title block are displayed in white. model space everything is fine and is as it should be.
I'm having an issue with viewports in a drawing not displaying the color of the objects in model space. All of the objects are set to display bylayer, and all of the viewport overrides in the drawing are off. Still, the objects will only display as either white or grey through the viewport, even though the colors show up fine in model space. I've also tried making a new viewport and it also displays everything as either white or gray, so I'm thinking it might be some kind of system variable that I don't know about.
I'm looking to upgrade from my copy of Ulead's Media Studio Pro 7. According to the Ulead's web site, "Corel is not planning any future updates to this product" so I'm assuming that Video Studio Pro X4 would be Corel's replacement product.
Media Studio Pro is the FileStrip Mode of the Timeline Display. I'm experimenting with the trial version of Video Studio Pro X4 and I haven't found a way of getting that type of display mode. Is it possible to get the timeline to display such a mode?
Using the DAta Connections tool under Planning and Analysis, also known as Map 3D, I have attached a series of shapefiles and I want to be able to toggle the view of some of them on or off depending on the viewport. Is this possible to do?
I have and array that looks fine in model space but when viewed in a viewport from paperspace, sections of the array look like they are wiped out. Going back to model space everything looks fine. The only way I can get it to fill in is to delete the viewport and create another one. It's then fine for awhile but before long, areas are missing again. I've redone the viewport three times and it's starting to drive me nuts.
Is there a way for me to display different points in each viewport? I have figured out how to freeze layers and realize I can put the points and labels on different layers but am curious if this is the only alternative?
I have a horrible lag when trying to select objects in Nitrous display mode. When my FPS drop and navigation starts to lag, marquee selection also starts to lag proportionally to the FPS. If I draw a rectangle to select some objects, I have to wait about 3-4 seconds for the rectangular marquee to expand and reach my mouse cursor on more complex scenes. There's no such problems in Direct3D display mode. Even if the FPS drop to 1-2, selection remains lightning fast.
I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade. Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.
about a Volume Table style, where I have correctly showing in Model Space and is "Split" in the Table Properties. This is a "Total Volume Table" and is Dynamic.
Just Fine in Model Space... yet is showing within a Viewport (typ. plan sheet) that each Split is simply Staked ontop of each other ?
Thought I (we) came across this a few years ago... yet no issues latetly till now, and also mainly first time I've likely split the Table in R2012 (currently used).
Have maintaining View Orientation "true", yet still nothing.....
Xi Computer (Win7 64bit O.S.) i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz Sealed Water Cooler Quad Core w/ Asus P8Z77-V LE mobo 16GB DDR3 @ 1600Mhz RAM 15K Seagate SCSI H.D. Nvidia Quadro 2000 (span2) + FX4600 (3) ViewSonic VS2436 series displays (3)