3ds Max :: How To Select Objects In Nitrous Display Mode
Feb 9, 2012
I have a horrible lag when trying to select objects in Nitrous display mode. When my FPS drop and navigation starts to lag, marquee selection also starts to lag proportionally to the FPS. If I draw a rectangle to select some objects, I have to wait about 3-4 seconds for the rectangular marquee to expand and reach my mouse cursor on more complex scenes. There's no such problems in Direct3D display mode. Even if the FPS drop to 1-2, selection remains lightning fast.
I've been running into a frustrating limitation with certain keyboard shotcuts for Nitrous display modes. For example, if I try to use my old 2011 shortcut for "Viewport Box Mode Toggle", the bounding box displays on TOP of the current shaded/wire mode instead of toggling. If I change the assignment to the new Nitrous command "Viewport Visual Style Bounding Box", it is no longer a TOGGLE key and to go back I must then use the key assigned to "Viewport Visual Style Wireframes/Shaded" (or classic "Wireframe/Smooth+Highlights Toggle")...
In Nitrous both of these wire/shaded toggle commands do not work properly if you are changing from another display type (such as box). Instead of toggling between wire/shaded, they toggle between wire and the last display mode. So in essence there is no way to toggle between Box and Shaded without r-clicking on the viewport label every time you want to return to shaded mode as far as I can tell. Not being able to quickly toggle Box mode really screws up my work flow, so for now I'm reverting back to DirectX.
Is there a way NOT to improve the transparency in nitrous in realistic mode ? I really dislike the "noisy" display when moving around objects.
I know i can unselect the progressive refinement, but then the image stays noisy. I would like the transparency just to be as clean and fast as in the "shaded" mode.
Is it possible with the hatch command to be able to select objects first instead of picking an internal point?I looked at this thread first which covers the same problem but not sure if there ever was a solution. URL....
HPDLGMODE is currently set to 2, I tried setting it back to 1 but that brings up the hatch popup window as it does in Classic mode and 0 does the same thing as 2.
Is there any way to force "shaded" mode in Nitrous to use scene lights and not default lights? We are doing tons of previs and when using "realistic mode" all of the grain and such with transparency, etc looks just awful. Shaded mode is SO much cleaner and faster, but under Nitrous it can no longer use scene lights to shade your objects. Under realistic mode you can turn shadows and AO off, but any transparency does the refinement process and never ends up looking totally clean.
Under shaded mode, transparency looks GREAT and is way faster. If there was only a way to enable scene lights instead of default lights it would be just like the old pre-nitrous days.
When I import a dwg model exported from Revit, the curtain walls (frames and glass pannels) do not display with Nitrous. They are there and can be selected from the layer manager. They are visible if I add an Editable Mesh modifier.
DirectX and OpenGL display properly. FBX import display properly
pre 2012, if you had display edged faces on, the selected splines would turn white - so you could tell what was selected in viewport. using nitrous, this isn't possible for us. Open GL or Direct 3D work fine but not nitrous. or is this a bug?
I know this discussion title is a bit murky, but the problem is a bit odd. I have Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2. In this version, I will activate the Select Tool, check Auto-Select: Layer, check Show Transform Controls, and then while using the Select Tool I will drag to create a rectangle to select multiple layers with content within the specified area.
Unfortunately, this action only works when I begin the selection from outside of the canvas area. If started from within the canvas area, no rectangle will appear, it will show me a measurement of my selection size, and then no layers will be selected upon release.
This cannot be working as intended right? I mean multi-select dragging cannot be intended to only work when started outside of the canvas right? Is there some way to fix this issue? Is this a bug? See the images below for more information on this issue.
I accidentally turned something on in Autocad, and I want it to go away, I have no idea what it's called or how to get it gone. It's akin to the "select other" window in Inventor when you select at the intersection of several objects.
Right now, when i click one object and then another, the first object becomes deselected. Holding shift is the only way for me to select multiple lines right now (other than dragging of course) but that's not what I'm used to and it annoys me a lot. At first everything is fine but then after a while it does this without me changing any options at all.
A user is having problems when using the copy command in AutoCAD 2013.
When they select objects, its not reporting on the commandline how many objects its found or keeping a running total of objects selected. Not even any duplications...
I've tested it on my machine but i cannot replicate the issue and have never come across this before!
I'm looking to upgrade from my copy of Ulead's Media Studio Pro 7. According to the Ulead's web site, "Corel is not planning any future updates to this product" so I'm assuming that Video Studio Pro X4 would be Corel's replacement product.
Media Studio Pro is the FileStrip Mode of the Timeline Display. I'm experimenting with the trial version of Video Studio Pro X4 and I haven't found a way of getting that type of display mode. Is it possible to get the timeline to display such a mode?
after loading the background image in the usual way you do its visible in all modes except when you switch to wireframe, which is the most likely time when you do want to see it. Maybe something to do with the nitrous viewport thingy, dont know?. Running a 64 bit os on a quad core system with 12 gb of ram and an invidia quadro 3800 card. Like to say that the nirous viewer is a great improvement for viewport accuracy , only seems to work with four lights though?
I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade. Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.
I used to use the option to display the "object color" in shaded mode from time to time instead of the "material color". However this does not seem to do anything in MAX 2012.
I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade. Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.
I'm having trouble with the secondary display (window, in my case; only one monitor). When I first open the secondary display, either with a keyboard shortcut or by clicking, all is fabulous. The display modes (Grid, Loupe, Compare, Survey) are visible & clickable, as is thumbnail slider, file path. If I click or keyboard command to Loupe view, Normal, Live & Locked modes are available. However, if I close the window and then want to open it up later in my workflow, all of the aforementioned functions disappear. I'm able to bring up the Filter view, and can technically still work off the menu bar (and keyboard shortcuts, if remembered). But only if I restart the program do the full set of functions become visible again. The arrows at top & bottom don't collapse/expand to show anything more than a black border where the display & mode options once were.
Obviously doing something wrong, I can't seem to select the print templates mode, they appear when I hover them on the left hand side of the screen but they don't then transfer to the center image, I select single, package and custom but nothing happens, I also select the photographs in the collection but the center screen doesn't import either the photo or the presets.
Photoshop Elements 12 will not display photos in Organizer in full screen mode. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the application but it still doesn't work.
I have been using LR 4 for a couple days now and when I went to the "Keyword List" I could access some of the keywords. When I got to "S's" I could not access them. One other thing I did, was to use the "Filter Keywords" and when I put the "S's" in, then I could. Seems maybe there is a limit to how many keywords can be listed?
ttf files into the windows/font folder like everybody says, but they wont appear in the font select menu. I've tried closing and opening photoshop, and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop, AND uninstalling and reinstalling illustrator just to make sure, but to no avail. They all appear in the font folder, but photoshop will not recognize them. Furthermore, I've been able to add new fonts in the past, they display in the font menu just fine...but not the ones I recently tried to put in. What's going on here? Are there more than one kind of .ttf ? Is there a way to force photoshop to look at the font folder?
I've been tearing out my hair, trying to do this for hours...
I'm running 2012, and once in a while while in an assembly, I can no longer select the part in the display (alike to selecting the part in the browser) and instead can only select faces of parts. I think I might be hitting something when I right click, though I'm unsure. How to reverse it?
I've been using Illustrator for many years but I ran into a problem today I've never seen before. I have a feeling it's something simple that I've overlooked.
All the objects in my project are invisible. When I hover over them, the object edges appear, and they retain their color if I double click them to put them in isolation mode. But that's it. Exported images are just white spaces the size of the artboard. All my other files display as they should, it's just this one.
I worked around it by copying and pasting the objects into a new file. So I think it must have something to do with the settings in this document.
is it possible to display dimensions when you select the object (Appeared inside the object ).
As because i have to look for the property bar again and again for the dimensions since my eyes are soring as it appears in very less size. If it appears the inside the object with appealing big size, then it could be easier for the user to note the size instantly despite of observing the property bar.