3ds Max :: Use Nurms Subdivision Helmet Made Holes In Middle
May 3, 2013
I was making a helmet and I deleted right side then in modifier list i chosed symmetry. so far everything was fine but when I finished my helmet and clicked "use Nurms subdivision" helmet made holes in the middle .
I am fairly new to Inventor and have recently just finished drawing up a machine made of many parts and sub assemblies and then made into one master assembly. Due to the nature of some hole positions i decided to draw some holes directly on the Master assembly thinking it would then change the original sub assembly/part file. Apparently not as i found out making technical drawings.
How i can rectify this so i dont have to re-draw all the holes on part level and keep my constraints in place?
I'm trying to model a pillow and I want the top and bottom symmetrical with a round "tubing" around the edges. The problem is that it wont smooth using nurm smoothing across the seem, so i get a fissure where I wanted the tube.
im currently doing the tutorial about the viking helmet.Im in this section "Working in symmetry mode to add detail to the helmet".Im at the point 7 of "select the seam and rim faces to extrude".I have changed the value of the slide control to -25 but when i turn on the show end result to see the left face of the helmet,it doesnt display nothing...,i did something wrong or is this a bug?
I need to design a racing helmet for a client but since this is round and with objects that are visible on the side as well as on the back of the helmet or on top, I would like to know what is the best way to draw this helmet design, perhaps in 3D, so that the lines come together on the right places both on the sides, back and on top?
I have created city/landscape artwork using photoshop line and box tools. If you go to URL... then click on the link that says (click here to view Gotham City) you will see one of the images I am talking about. Can this image be made to look the same in vector.
I know there are many ways to model this but how would some of you go about it? Would you create a sphere then cut out a spline circle for the ports? Would you create a box then turbo smooth it out to a sphere?
I'm on page 89 of online tutorial of making the character helmet, and when I try to select and move the pair of vertices at the base of the helmet, they become bright yellow, and all surrounding vertices become a gradually darkening shade of orange. What happens is, it moves all of the vertices around the ones I selected. In the image on the tutorial, only the selected vertices move. What should I do?
I've included a screenshot of the online tutorial, and I've also included screenshots of my own project, to better illustrate the problem I'm having.
so this is the most annoying thing ever. I have a subdiv. i turned it to a poly (to get rid of the bloody shell in render view, i dont even know why its showing) when i did this previously, the shell went away when it became a poly, now its not. I'm new to how subdiv's work so am i missing something?
What level is it advisable to pose a model. Coz revently I posed at a high mesh level(level 6 subdivision) only to find out that there was a lot of distortion in the arms when i actually brought the model to a lower level after the posing.
Conceptual design process for a new subdivision with say 100+ lots, and 5-6 roads within it.
What I'd like is to learn a workflow that lets me adjust the alignments/profile with a minimum amount of effort to re-layout 100+ lots, and which lets us explore design options more interactively. Once we pin down a few alignment options, I would create a simple corridor with multiple baselines to develop the grading concept.
One thing that irks me so far is that the Create ROW command is nice, but it's not dynamic to the alignments.How do you handle cul-de-sacs on this process?
I have a huge subdivision that we are about to do in civil 3d. The subdivision has over 1800 lots. I am wondering what is the best way to go about this. At the moment we are thinking we have to do the alignments, profiles and corridors all in one design drawing for it all to be dynamic? If so this file is going to be huge. Is there a way we can split it up and still keep everything dynamic?
Creating a compound curve bullnose ar intersection. Since the entrance is a short distance it is considered the secondary roadway and the looped road the primary. At the intersection of the two roads. I need to provide a compound curve curb return. The configuration is tangent to 25'R to 5'R to tangent with primary road. Need direction/recommendation on best way to input this configuration.
Maya 2012 64bit, Win7..I can not convert a polygonal model to subdivision with proxy (command failed),do not see error description in the script editor. What typical problems of convertation (poly->subdiv) do you know ?
I have a character model in Mudbox 2014. I exported the face, body and hands as individual .obj files, each at its maximum subdivision level. But in Mudbox 2013 the sculpting layers are all flattened on the main layer.
Is there an option to keep the sculpting and painting layers intact?
I have run into an issue relating to the differences in the way Mudbox and Maya subdivide meshes. My workflow for creating blend shapes is as follows:
1. Create base head mesh in Maya 2. Import base head mesh into Mudbox and subdivide to level 2 3. Create a Mudbox layer on top of base head mesh to sculpt each blend shape (e.g., browsMidUp) 4. For each blend shape, export the level 0 mesh to Maya for use as a blend shape on the base head mesh
Here is where it all falls apart.
When I smooth the blend shape in Maya (either by choosing smooth preview or by selecting Mesh>Smooth), the smoothed mesh in Maya differs from that in Mudbox. In the case of browsMidUp, the blend shape created in Mudbox only modified the brows. However, in Maya when the blend shape is smoothed the mouth opens up (i.e., the lips smooth differently in Maya than Mudbox, causing the mouth to open).
This is incredibly frustrating because I did not discover this problem until after I created approximately 35 blend shapes in Mudbox!I believe I can work around my current error. However, I would like to know how others approach the creation of blend shapes.Do you use Mudbox? If so, how do prevent issues associated with smoothing differences?
I am working on a new subdivision where we made new property lines through an existing property. Is there a way to find out the bearings of the new lines made? The only way I can think to find this information is to dimension the angle and subtract it to get the new bearings.
I'm going to have a solid surface which I want to make it look like it has a holes in it. Sooner or later I will probably switch the perspective on the surface, add the holes, and have tentacles coming out of it. So basicly I want to know how to add some sort of holes to a surface. the holes that are in the turtles back are what I want. Kind of with the beveled edge and everything.
I am trying to use the WIPEOUT command to make one object that is in front of another one obscure the one behind it. I have my polyline drawn around the object in question, but I need for things to show through the object where there are holes in the object.
In my specific example, I have a tree. I need three trees in front of one another and some against a wall. I would like for the wall to show through between the branches of the tree. I would like pieces of the trees in the background to show through between the branches of the tree in the foreground. So there are multiple holes in the foreground tree because the leaves and branches are not one solid object. Is this possible?
A more simple example would be if there was an object with only one hole in it...such as a door with a window through it...could the wipeout apply to the door - but still show through the wall or scenery behind that door only where the window is.
I need to create a block (10 (x) x 10 (y) x 20 (z) ) start from (0,0,0), and then create a hole (3 units depth, radius = 0.2) at (x=2.1,y=3.3,z =20) go into the block. After that create another hole (2 units depth, radius = 0.1) at (x=10,y=6.4,z=5.5) also go into the block. I can create the block, I also use dynamic UCS to put the coordinate on the face of the block.
However, I don't know how to accurately put the base point of the "circle" on the face of the block. I can only do "Click on the face" to start the base point. This is no accurate at all. I also try to put 3D location instead. In this case, the base point is fine, but the radial direction of the circle always has error.
I have an existing extrustion with holes in it. All in one sketch.
I go to add an off shoot from the existing main body in the sketcher. In that off shoot I add a circle
in the middle of the off shoot to represent a hole. So fa so good, or at least I thought. I exit the sketch mode
and my extrustion looks fine with the exception of the hole is not there. Why? Why doesn't Inventor recognise the
circle sketch as hole geometry like it does in the originally created sketch?
In Solidworks, given this same scenario, would have recogized the circle as a void and thus created a hole.
I ended up deleteing the hole out of the main sketch and doing a seperate hole cut feature. I am sure I am missing something and in the process of learning would like to know if indead I did not do this the correct way.
One of the objects in my scene is not rendering correctly. It is a side panel grating with holes in it. In the viewport it looks fine, but once I render it only some of the holes display. I created the front grating with the same method and it renders every hole just fine.