Ive never done a UV unwrap before. I have the polies i want peeled and stuff, and it looks accurate. However in the UV editor, the unwrap of the polies is too large..I want to scale up the checkered part of the UV editor, is there any way to do this? im kinda lost as to whether im supposed to scale that up or scale down the unwrap.
If I transform a type with the transform tool or "command t" the font size displayed when highlighted doesn't update to larger font size. If the layer is selected the correct font size is displayed. I updated a coworkers's photoshop and he experienced the same issue.
Can i scale a 2D object to an exact length and width that i need to fit into a space?
Ive been reading around online and they say use scale/ref, however i noticed by giving the ref length, it does lengthen the object to the ref length, but the height's off!
I am trying to enlarge the text from an exported cad drawing from Dialux (lighting calculation software)...it has exported a field of values over a large area but the text is really small and illegible when its plotted as an A1 pdf
Is there anyway to blow all the text values up at once without moving them from their positions with relation to the boundaries of the roads and buildings? Here is a screenshot of the view with CAD...this is a small area of the entire scheme and those little black smudges are the numbers i need to scale
CAD Screenshot.jpg
I guess in a 3D program this would be equivalent to having the pivot point located in the centre of each set of numbers so you could scale them using the centre of each number as its scale point but I am stumped by how to do this in Autocad Architecture 2011..
When I xref a drawing created by Practicad into my host drawing, the text size shows up less than half its normal size. This occurs regardless of choosing or not choosing any of the radio button options in the proxy info box that pops up when I open the drawing. It happens on both my desktop and laptop. Practicad (MetaLab Inc.) web-x'd into my computer and confirmed the enabler is installed and the issue has noyhing to do with them. My host drawing scale is set to the same scale as the xref.
I have an Adobe Illustrator CS6 document with body copy set using 6.5 pt. Helvetica Neue LT Std. - Bold Condensed & Light Condensed.
After saving the file as a PDF in Illustrator using the [Smallest File Size] setting, closing the file, and opening the newly saved PDF in Illustrator - the 6.5 pt. text is now 5.53 pt. with a vertical scaling of 117.65%.
This PDF is for client review purposes - on screen or laser print - not for reproduction. We try to keep the file size as small as possible to make downloading and e-mail attachments manageable.
In this case, my client is opening the PDF in Illustrator to double-check the text point sizes for legal & regulatory purposes.
If I save the same Illustrator file as a PDF using other settings like [High Quality Print], the text size is unchanged.
I was able to repeat the issue using Helvetica LT Std in place of Helvetica Neue LT Std.
I have attached some screen shots for reference.
Illustrator Source screen shot
Acrobat PDF screen shot
I found this older thread from 2011 where someone had the same issue - but was never resolved: [URL] ....
It's enabled me to add an Edge Animate file to my responsive Wordpress site using the Edge Suite Plugin.
Only problem for me is that although the 3.7MB file I’ve created scales perfectly on all devices it struggles to play on smartphones. (I assume it's too big and too power hungry to play smoothly on smartphones - even since I've added a pre-loader.)
So, in an ideal world, what I need is a separate low res Edge Animate file that only plays on smartphones.
Failing that, I’d be happy with a 'Down-level Stage' image which could replace the Edge Animate animation.
For a moment I thought I’d found a solution when I came across this Adobe TV movie: [URL]
Unfortunately this clever solution only works when the new Responsive Scaling feature is NOT selected. As soon as it is selected, the animation no longer changes from one layout size to another when the browser window is reduced.
I don’t mind whether the fix is in Edge Animate, Wordpress or the Edge Suite Plugin - I just want a solution!
The editor program in PSE7 does not properly recognize the screen size of my monitor. Some photos and parts of menus fall outside the viewable area to the right side. How can this be fixed? Can some setting be easily changed? Do I need to reload some part of the program?
I'm working on a large image and while the Organizer is fine with it, neither the Editor nor the Full Screen view of the Organizer will work with it.
Currently I have MaxImageSize at 200M, but can't find a similar setting for the Editor, and clearly it doesn't work for the full screen view either, so if there is a setting that enables these functions, that would be useful information.
We've just started using an attribute in a dynamic block and I'm curious if there is a faster way to edit the text, like how you just click outside the dtext or mtext editor to save and exit. the editor.
We only need to edit the value field, not any of the other attritubes. I really like how the dynamic block is saving us some time, but the outdated editor is really irritating, and it's not always convenient to hit Tab then Enter on the keyboard.
Is there perhaps an alternate editor, or a way I can edit the value text in the mtext editor by default rather than opening up the Enhanced Attribute Editor?
I saw one video in which a Photoshop geek quickly launces his raw editor by clicking on a small, illegible icon in the lower right-hand of his Layer Icon in his Layers Dialogue but of course he doesn't explain how that works, and there is no such corresponding little sub-icon in MY Layers icon, and the word Raw doesn't even seem to show up anywhere in any menu. I know this has to be possible. I can open a raw file (.nef, in this case) the obvious way, but after switching it over to Photoshop I can't switch it back to the raw editor (?)
I just downloaded the Photoshop Editor 11 app from the app store. The installed app is 2.7 gigs! This can't be right, can it? That's more than twice as big as any other app I have.
We are designing some web graphics for a friend. By "we" I mean me and a guy who lives on the opposite coast.
He did the initial page layout/design as a PhotoShop tif, at 300 dpi, in layers and about 5 inches wide. The idea, on his end, was that it would be a small file size and, therefore, faster to download on my end. With me so far?
Anyway, I'm suppose to convert it to 800 ppi wide, 72 dpi, jpg. Sounds easy enough. Or not Do all the scaling and now the graphics don't look right. None of the layer effects are right!
How do I scale his graphic, for my purposes and, once it's the size I need it, have everything look the way he created it?
Example: Text at that 5 inch wide, 300 dpi size with a one point stroke on it looked find when the graphic was 5 inch wide and 300 dpi, but at 800 ppi wide and 72 dpi, it's all wrong
Is there a preference or something I should be clicking somewhere and I'm just missing it?
I'm having a scaling issue in PS CS6. I'm on a new Matchbook with Retina display and OS X Mountain Lion.
What happens is when I open up an image thats say 500X500 pixels and view it at 100% it's displaying it at around 300X300 scale. When I view the same image on the web at 100% (via safari, chrome, Firefox) i'm seeing the image at the correct size. Why is it showing so small in CS6.
How do you scale 3D objects in CS6? The scale tool has disappeared in CS6 as opposed to CS5. There's got to be an easy way, I just can't figure it out.
I am working on some fairly basic 3D extrusions. I am applying materials to the different objects (eg. Marble), however, when the marble is placed it is too large. I want to scale the overall pattern/material down.
Pasting an AI element into Photoshop as a smart object. On paste and then selecting smart object, the transform controls read 100%/100%. After hitting return to paste, the transform controls are disprorportionate, like 92.08%x x 102.07%h.
OK. I know how to make a Pen Outline scale with an object when I create the pen outline. But is there a way to give the scale with object attribute to all pen outlines in a compound object such as a vector clipart I purchase (or even some of the Corel clipart)? The most recent example is a state highway map I just downloaded. All the roads, lakes, rivers, county lines, etc. are created with pen outlines, but none of them scale when I scale the map larger or smaller. As you can guess there are literally tens of thousands of them on the map. Is there a way to make all of them scale without also making them all the same color and thickness?
I have been using Coreldraw for a few years now but I have never had a problem with scaling images. I created a circle and added some shapes to it. There is spacing between the shapes and the circle and they do not touch each other. When the image is at page size and it looks fine. But when I scaled it down using the shift key the shapes in my images touch the side of the circle and the spacing is gone. This is not what I want. There needs to be spacing between the shapes and the circle. I have included a sample of what I am talking about. How to make Coreldraw scale images properly?
I'm having problems on setting my scaling up in dwg1 that was sent to me. dwg1 did not have any viewports set up. dwg2 has a scale of 1''=20' I need to set up dwg1 to 1 to 1 first, this is my master drawing,
when my ruler is set 1:1 that the scale does not give an accurate reading when I place a ruler on screen and measure it. Can this be corrected or am I just being daft.
Is it possible in PShop 7 to scale a layer without the antialiasing blurring?
When I'm creating non-smooth icons pixel by pixel, sometimes by mistake I draw them bigger or smaller and then I try to resize them it blurrs the thing up!
It would be nice to have that antialias effect turned off at will when resizing. Does anybody know how?
This has been cropped and scaled, and when I insert it into a word document MSWord 2010 (Windows 7 Ult.) it is very blurry?? What do I need to do to create the bullets so they are .13 in word and not all distorted?
I'm pretty new to AutoCAD, I've been self-teaching myself for about a month so that I can do some floor plan drawings for a company I work for.I've been drawing in 1:1 scale in model space, but when I plot/print to check my work, I print on A4 paper.
My question is, on A4 paper my 1 drawing unit : 1 mm scale plots perfectly. But obviously if I were to compare that scale to real life, it would not be 1:1. How do I figure out the scaling on the viewport to compare to real life?