3ds Max :: Re-size Mesh In Sub-object Mode?
Jun 21, 2011
I'm having a bit of trouble re-sizing a mesh in 'sub-object' mode, so I must be completely off base and not understand what 'sub-object mode' is at all.
My steps below re-size it, but ... also splits the Body object into (Body, arms, legs) and spread them apart.I was hoping to be able to re-size my Head and Body meshes, and have them smaller, but still together? To re-size, I
1. clicked on the 'edititable poly' modifier for my skinned Body mesh (after unchecking 'always deform' in skin)
2. clicked on the icon for poly selection.
3. ctrl-a to select all
4. right click and choose 'scale'.
5. in global put scaling of 50%
and the result was my broken apart mesh in the graphic.What's the correct way to re-scale a mesh in 'sub-object mode'?
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Feb 26, 2013
How to align (rotate) an oject (mesh) to a face of an other objetc
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Sep 25, 2013
I have surface (that appears to be watertight) that I created with meshlab. I would liek to import it to AutoCAD and create a solid where this surface is cut out of it (e.g. I'd be left with a imprint that looks like the surface).
What I've done so far:
- I've exported a dxf file from Meshlab.
- It's unopenable by AutoCAD, so I import into SketchUp and export as dwg, whcih can now be opened by AutoCAD.
- I've tried convtosolid to try to convert the mesh to a solid. Additionally, subtract doesn't quite work.
I suspect this is related to the type of object the imported dwg is (is it a mesh or a surface?). how to proceed with my goals.
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Feb 28, 2013
when i create my own 3D Lut what is the maximum mesh size Photoshop CS6 can read?
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Apr 10, 2013
I am using Inventor 2013, with the stl importer plugin also installed. I have had a objected scanned and the scan is been given to me in STL file.
As you may know that once something is scanned, it becomes a mesh object with many triangle faces. This is more evident on curved parts of the object.
Is there any way to smooth the surface so the curves do no look like very small step trying to form a curve? If the surface does not become smoothed out so its seen as one surface then I will have to adjust every small face at a time?
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Oct 24, 2011
If it is possible to replace objects in a scene with light objects. The normal replace function in the import menu will only replace normal mesh objects with other mesh objects. But if I try the same by replacing box objects in my scene with the light source object I saved in a separate max file, it says it doesn't find any objects in the max file with the same name despite it having the exact same name. (both objects in question have all lower case letters in the name)
I'm currently using Max 10 to render lightmaps for a first person shooter game and I use various scripts to get the game content into the scene. The game also provides object positions for glow objects which are in positions I intend to use for light sources. Normally I go through a long tedious process of cloning light objects and positioning roughly in the same area where the glow objects are. (objects I decide not to replace with the game's object meshes appear as standard box objects in max unless I convert them to mesh objects).
But I would like to create a set of light objects and do a batch replace on some objects already in the scene with my light objects. This would save me a lot of time. Is there a function max that can do this or is there a script that can do this?
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Apr 19, 2011
how can I export a 3dsmax mesh object to be opened in solidworks?
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Aug 3, 2011
I am trying to convert a mesh to solid in AutoCAD 2010 using the CONVTOSOLID command but I get this message . . .
'Mesh not converted because it is not closed or it self-intersects. Object cannot be converted.'
Is there another way of achieving this?
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Jul 10, 2012
I'm currently working on a model where I'm subjecting a vertical wire (5 micron radius, 20 micron height) to a transverse load. I made an assembly of a 18 micron length section and a 2 micron length section, so that I can apply my force to the 2 micron tip, while leaving the bottom face of the wire fixed. I am trying to find the minimal force needed to fracture the wire (i.e., altering the force until the max stress hits the material's ultimate tensile strength). However, I've realized that decreasing the mesh size drastically changes my results, Obviously, decreasing mesh size should increase the accuracy of the results. Instead, by decreasing the mesh size, I actually am diverging from my results.
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Feb 6, 2011
I have a plane object which I want to bind to a displaced mesh but I'm unable to figure out how to do it.
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Feb 24, 2014
My mesher from particle system has trashed the material ID's from the particles. Is there a way to use mesher compound object while keeping the material ID's.
Also mesher object seem to crash Vray. It'll render in scanline, but again the ID's are gone.
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Dec 19, 2011
Whenever I export a mesh as an obj, the object appears flipped facing other directions on certain applications while on other's it appears fine. I use Maya 2011 (of course) Zbrush and 3d Coat. I have the problem in 3d coat and tried it in Blender and the problem occurred on both while on zbrush it appears fine.
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Feb 18, 2011
how to use a vertex of an animated morphed mesh to control position in some other object ?
as an example:
to be able to follow with (target of) the camera the nose of a morphed animated head.
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Sep 7, 2012
I have problem when i duplicate polygon another side of model. The object is not smooth, it look like different model. I try to "combine" and "mesh" vertex from middle of object. but it still same. The polygon will smooth if i use "smooth tool". But i need low polygon for transfer map from high polygon to low polygon. but it not work, because low polygon look like different model.
I need smooth low polygon, but not to much smooth. I need only when i duplicate polygon, it not look like different model is okay.
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Dec 14, 2011
Is there a way to select only visible edges on an Editable Mesh object?
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Sep 19, 2011
My scene has about 10,000 objects in it, so it's tough to find that unnamed object...
It doesn't seem to matter much, but it's annoying- every time i render a frame I get:
// Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
// Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
// Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
// Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
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Jan 20, 2013
I'm having problems getting what I want on Illustrator CS6. This is the shape that I'm working on: [URL]
I got two paths, one for the inner outline, one for the outer. I want this to be one object, looking just like that, where red is the fill, and black is the outline. Simple as that. [URL] - this is what i want.
So, the inner "circle" is not filled with anything, beacause my object is this "frame" outside. But since I have two seperate paths, I'm filling the outer path with colour, and I get:
[URL] the outer filling is red, the outside is transparent, which is good, but the inside is red because the inner path has no filling.
Right, so next I fill the inner path with white and it looks almost good: [URL]
But the inside is not transparent, it's an "illusion" and everything will be great on a white background, but that's not the case.
I want to convert these to paths into one object to behave exactly like I showed in the first image. Red is the fill, black is the outline. And I plan to use gradient mesh heavily on that shape, so that has to work to.
Bad quality, just doing some quick previews on Photoshop.
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Mar 19, 2014
I'm trying to create a distressed look on an object that has a gradient mesh appliet to it. i've done this with regular objects but never on one with a gradient mesh. one of the steps in this process is to expand the object, but i'm not able to do so because the expand option is grayed out in the drop down menu.
normally after expanding the object i would use one of the artistic charcoal brushes to create a texture over the object in a different color. then i would select the brush strokes and expand apperance. then, using the pathfinder, i would merge the expanded brush strokes with the expanded object and then delete the brush stokes. what remains is the object with little cut-outs where the texture of the brush strokes used to be.
however i can't do this because i can't expand the object with a gradient mesh.
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Jun 29, 2011
I am trying to animate an object in sub-object mode, using set key, but can't get the keys to animate. In the 3dsMax Help Documentation, it says the following:
Using Set Key with Sub-Object Animation
When using Set Key with sub-object animation, you must first assign a controller before creating a key. Sub-objects do not have a default controller assigned upon creation. The controller is assigned by animating at the sub-object level.
To animate a vertex using Set Key:
Create an editable spline.
Select a vertex.
Turn on Set Key mode.
Move the selected vertex.
Click the Set Keys button.
Now a controller has been assigned to the vertex. From this point forward, you can animate.
I tried the above process with a line converted to an editable spline, and still can't get the keys to stick.
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Jul 3, 2013
Say I have a plane, and I apply a material with a diffuse map to that plane. If I scale the plane, the material scales with it. How would I create a map that stays the same size independent of the size of the object?
I want the material to be 'anchored' to a single spot, or verticie, and a constant scale, so if I stretch the plane, the material won't scale to fit, but instead new tiles would be created where it is scaled.
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Aug 7, 2012
I have 3dsmax 2013 and would be forever grateful for a solution to a parameter wiring problem. In simple question form: How do you wire a slider helper to rotate an object in LOCAL coordinate mode? I've tried it a hundred times and it's not wiring the rotation parameter in LOCAL coordinate mode, it defaults to world or view coordinate mode. (Look at gif attachment)
To replicate this issue in 3dsmax 2013, simply create a cube in the viewport.
In perspective view(or any other), switch to local coordinate mode and rotate it off center any way you wish. Now create a helper of manipulator-->slider type. Right click on the slider, click wire parameter-->value and link to the Box rotation in Z. Make the connection through a one way (--> wiring from slider to box.
Now when you move the slider value, the box doesn't rotate in local coordinate mode, it rotates in world coordinates or view coordinates. Whatever it is, it's not local. What is the expression for LOCAL coordinate rotation? By default the expression in the slider box of wire parameter dialog is z_rotation(or something like that). Looking at the maxscript reference, I've tried Local_Euler_z_rotation and other stuff. I can't figure out how to just get a local coordinate mode rotation through a simple wire parameter link to a slider.
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Apr 9, 2012
I have an assembly that has somewhere a hole with a round bar that exactly fits in this hole. But when meshing the assembly, the mesh of the hole and the mesh of the bar are different.
The result is that the different parts do only seem to touch each other at the edges of the mesh, resulting in high stresses.
See picture.
I tried to made a derived part from the assembly, but that one does not finish meshing. After 48 hours, the progress bar is still half way. While the one above did finish in about 15 minutes. What can I do to make the meshes match?
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Oct 30, 2012
I am working on a new project in X5 and I want to change character size in Title mode. When I click on the box with 30 as default size I get only a white line under this box instead of a box with the different character sizes. IWhen I want to apply animation to the text than I got also a white line under the box where the different types of animation should be shown.
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Feb 26, 2014
Have just bought Elements 12. When editing image in raw mode I cannot change size of image using ALT in combination with the mouse scroll button like I could in Elements 8. Clicking plus and minus signs is clumsy and slower
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May 26, 2011
I used to use the option to display the "object color" in shaded mode from time to time instead of the "material color". However this does not seem to do anything in MAX 2012.
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Dec 4, 2011
I thought they were supposed to appear when the Polygon shelf is selected? I don't see them. In fact, when I select different shelves the menu items on the right half of the task bar don't change at all. Is this normal?
This is Maya 2011 on Mac OS X Lion.
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Apr 8, 2011
How do I change the dimension size in sketch mode?
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Oct 26, 2011
I'd like to be able to vastly increase the size of the triad in the 3D Sketch environment - when sketching the triad is tiny and does not increase in size when zooming, this makes snapping to its planes extremely difficult.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Oct 11, 2012
How do I change the size of my thumbnails when working in Library mode?
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Sep 3, 2013
In mesh edit mode, when you assign a material to the selection, it works as expected, it assigns the material only to what is selected, for example, a face.
In poly edit mode, it works differently, if you try the same approach it assigns the material to the entire object and you have to deal with multi-materials and material IDs to achieve that, what is very boring and totally unintuitive imho.
Is there an option to make the poly editing mode work like the mesh editing mode, or at least another way to achieve the same result in a intuitive or at least 'visual' fashion?
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Apr 19, 2011
In 3DS MAX 2011 my transform gizmo jumps to the origin every time I go into sub-object mode making it very difficult to edit. I have been through the help file looking for fixes without success. I have major deadlines to meet this week and this is severely hampering progress. How to reset the gizmo? When I pick an object the gizmo is in its proper location, it's only when I go to sub-object mode that it leaps away to the origin.
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