3ds Max :: How To Create A Map Of Same Size Independent Of Size Of Object
Jul 3, 2013
Say I have a plane, and I apply a material with a diffuse map to that plane. If I scale the plane, the material scales with it. How would I create a map that stays the same size independent of the size of the object?
I want the material to be 'anchored' to a single spot, or verticie, and a constant scale, so if I stretch the plane, the material won't scale to fit, but instead new tiles would be created where it is scaled.
Let's say, for example, that i create an object with a size, then i create other objects with other sizes.
When I try to see the size of the first object created it says that has the same size like the other objects which have other sizes (it's even obvius cause they r bigger on my screen:D).With all the other versions of Corel i didn't had those problems, but X5 does that.
I'm having a bit of trouble re-sizing a mesh in 'sub-object' mode, so I must be completely off base and not understand what 'sub-object mode' is at all.
My steps below re-size it, but ... also splits the Body object into (Body, arms, legs) and spread them apart.I was hoping to be able to re-size my Head and Body meshes, and have them smaller, but still together? To re-size, I
1. clicked on the 'edititable poly' modifier for my skinned Body mesh (after unchecking 'always deform' in skin)
2. clicked on the icon for poly selection.
3. ctrl-a to select all
4. right click and choose 'scale'.
5. in global put scaling of 50%
and the result was my broken apart mesh in the graphic.What's the correct way to re-scale a mesh in 'sub-object mode'?
I have more of a geometry question, rather than CAD question. I need to determine the size of a spar hole for an airplane wing. The wing will be cut out of foam with a hot wire. There is a round spar hole in the wing that runs from the root to the tip on each wing half. A carbon fiber rod goes through it. Seems easy, but the wing is swept back 35 degrees, so round hole will actually be an ellipse is when it exits the root and tip. The hole needs to be 5mm. The ellipse will be 5mm tall, but how do I figure out how wide?
how do i match on screen document size to view print size? when i create a new document and put in its dimensions when i press view print size it appears alot smaller on screen
When I have an PSD icon set and I want to size a layer to a size that looks good. How do I see the dimentions of that layer so that I can select another layer and make it the same size.
Our supplier sent us some wierd size pdfs that are not full size or half size. I am trying to resize them to full size pdfs (Arch D) but am unable to figure this out in Acrobat.
My work-around is to insert them in AutoCAD and scale them based on known dimensions, then print to pdf. Unfortunately the resulting file is collosal and the quality degraded.
Bristle brushes have an option near their size sliders named "restore to original size" ... but for some brushes, this option is resetting brushes to another size other than the original size appearing on the brush swacthes.
Modifying the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale,
I’m wondering how the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale can be modified.
For example, in the attached screenshot, the point size assigned at the annotation scale of 1/1000 is big and I wanted to make it a bit smaller at that scale.
I'm trying the trial version of Photoshop CS6, and I'm wondering whether or not it's possible to change the length of a shape with the amount of text entered into it, with the text still being editable? For example, if I had typed in 'hello', the size of the shape should be just big enough for the text to fit inside, without me having to change anything. On the other hand, if I typed in 'good morning', would I be able to make it so the size of the shape would change for the text to fit without having to use the transform tool?
I'm trying to make annotations for a video, and it would be annoying to have to transform to the correct measurements every single time.
is there a function in photoshop cs3 that will reduce the file size of a photo without affecting the physical size of it, i know macromedia fireworks can but thats no help to me unfortunately...
I have tried numerous times to make my paper size and actual plot size the same. My paper size is 24 x 36 but for some reason it rotates the paper and the output is 36 x 36, every time! When I look at it on the preview, it looks correct but then the paper comes out with a foot of paper at the top of the drawing. I've created new page sizes, etc.
I create a text box and paste in the info into it. Now I want to resize the box to fit the space available but the handles end up changing the font size. I need the software to change the auto line feeds as the box's size is changed.
can a watermark stay the same size even when an image size is altered? say if its text and it gets too big when i enlarge the image how do i shrink the watermark ? when it is already merged and flattened as one picture without a separate layer.
such as a php or java script to keep the watermark distinct in a way even in a flattened pic or to select the watermark to erase it and re-apply it in the right font size back onto the resized pic?
My picture’s original size was 108.2 MB in tiff. After I developed my photo in Lightroom and exported the new image, the file decrease to 50MB in tiff. Why did Lightroom decrease the file size to more than half the original size? Is there a way to increase the exportation file size to that I may develop a large size print?
I can no longer type in the size of an object. I draw a rectangle and then type in the correct size. Nothing happens. The size of the box does not change.
It's the same with text. If I type a name that needs to fit a certain area, I type in the size for the width and it doesn't change.
When importing .svg files into draw and illustrator the size of the objects is different. The svg files have been created with a dpi=72. Illustrator reads the file at that dpi so objects are the correct size. Draw appears to read the files with a dpi=96 which scales the objects down to 3/4 actual size.
Any SVG attribute that can set the dpi so that both programs import correctly Or is there a way to tell Draw to use a dpi=72?
I made the mistake that I came to measure my object as cm but inventor writes it's in as mm, is there a way where I can scale objectet up giving it the right size
I am creating flat patterns of sheet metal parts and i would like cad to do some calculations for me.
For example when i am creating an object , be it a rectangle or simply a line , i dont want to have to work out my sizes on the calculator then input the size to create the object. I would like cad to do the sum for me by inputting my sum straight into the dimension of the object i am creating. E.g CLick rectangle, select a start point and type 1200-375+37+37+10+10, Then tabbing to do a similar thing for the width
The way i draw flat patterns is to start with the overall size then chop into that shape to create a finished pattern. I also have used Inventor and a software for cnc punching called Cadman. Both of these programs you can do this and what with Inventor also being a creation of autodesk i would have thought this could be done in cad as well.
Is there an add on or a simple command that will let me do this.
I have a 100mm x 100mm grid set up with 10mm divisions. I draw a box 100mm x 100mm and snap to the grid. I then put a stroke of 1mm on the box and want to resize to 120mm x 120mm. The box will not snap to the grid accurately because the box is now 118.811mm and does not know whether to snap to the top or bottom of the box. This makes for horrendous mistakes in my artwork. I need to view the size of the box as 120mm x 120mm irrespective of the stroke width. I'm on CS5.5 but have CS6 here and will install it if it's the only way to solve it.
i have illustrator cs6. i can no longer increase size of object. i do not get a box when selecting object with pointer to stretch and when using the object/scale i get a reading that it would make the object too large
I am checking the size of a photo as it needs to be as near as dammit to 10MB. this is it in Photoshop So it's 9.92MB. But this is what is shown when I select the folder it's in and to go list view (its the picture at the very top of list) / 1.9MB! Which is correct?